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iPlanet Directory Server Resource Kit 5.1 Tools Reference

Chapter 26   dbscan

The dbscan tool analyzes and extracts information from an iPlanet Directory Server database file. Database files use the .db2 and .db3 extensions in their filename, depending on the version of the iPlanet Directory Server.

This chapter contains the following section:

Command Usage

The dbscan tool analyzes "raw" database files and extracts information about the entries stored in the directory. One format of the output generates the LDIF representation of directory contents. You can also use this tool to create index files of the database.


The dbscan tool has the following command-line syntax:

dbscan [ options ] -f filename


  • options are the command line options described in Table 26-1.

  • filename specifies the database filename and path. The tool accepts database files with either .db2 or .db3 extensions.

You will need redirect to redirect the standard output to a file (> outputFile ) to save the output of the dbscan tool.


The dbscan options and parameters are described in the following table.

Table 26-1    Command-Line Options for the dbscan Tool 






Specify the database file to analyze.  



Analyze the database file to generate its index file in the output.  



Analyze the database file to generate a corresponding entry file. The output is in the id2entry format.  



Specify the maximum length of ID lists to display. Longer lists will be truncated at the maxLength number of IDs. When this option is not specified, the default maximum length is 4096.  



Specify that only ID list lengths be displayed, not their contents.  



Specify that only index entries with more than minSize IDs should be displayed in the output. This option is only effective when used with the -n option.  



Show libdb record numbers in the output.  



Look for and output only the specified key in the database.  

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 15, 2002