Release Notes for iPlanet ECXpert

Version 3.6

Updated December 2001

These release notes contain important information that was unavailable when the regular documentation was being prepared.

In addition, new features and known problems are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using ECXpert Version 3.6.

An electronic version of these release notes is posted on the iPlanet documentation web site: Check the web site after installing your software and then periodically thereafter to view the most up-to-date release notes and manuals.

These release notes contain the following sections:

What's New in ECXpert Version 3.6

iPlanet ECXpert Version 3.6 is a Solaris-only release, and contains:

XSLT Translator

In previous releases of ECXpert you could only use Mercator maps to transform XML documents. ECXpert now supports the use of XSL stylesheets for transforming XML input into virtually any output format. As described in the iPlanet ECXpert Administrator's Guide, users create two XSL stylesheets: one to transform input XML into the desired output format, and another, intermediate, stylesheet to retrieve key data from the input document. The rest of the process is the same as when you use Mercator maps: create memberships, create a partnership, create a service list, and submit the document.

JMS Interface Connector

ECXpert supports JMS messaging: it lets ECXpert receive or send data using messages that conform to the Java Message Service (JMS) specification. This support is provided through two communications agents—JMSReceive (commjms-receive) and JMSSend (commjms-send). The JMSReceive communication agent retrieves JMS messages from preconfigured queue destinations on a JMS message service. Similarly, the JMSSend communication agent sends JMS messages to specified queue destinations on a JMS message service.

Downloading ECXpert Documentation

You can download the latest version of ECXpert documentation from:

Configuring Partner Agent Server

To configure the Partner Agent Server:

  1. Set the environment variable NSBASE to the top level directory of your ECXpert installation. For example:

    If you are using a C shell:

    % setenv NSBASE NS-apps

    If you are using a Bourne shell:

    % set NSBASE NS-apps
    % export NSBASE

  2. Execute the script pascfg_exe:

    % $NSBASE/pascfg_exe

Known Problems and Limitations

Table 1 lists known problems in ECXpert 3.6.

Table 1    Bug Descriptions 

Bug Number



The "Configuring Shared Memory and Semaphores" section in Chapter 1 of the iPlanet ECXpert Installation Guide provides recommended values for a number of operating system parameters. You should make sure these parameters are set as recommended, even if your Oracle server is installed on another machine. ECXpert processes may encounter system resource problems if these parameters are not set to proper values. 


When using either the ECXpert GUI or the ecxstop utility, if you click the JMSReceive button JMSReceive appears to shut down, but its process is actually still running. If you then invoke JMSReceive from the ECXpert GUI a second JMSReceive process is spawned. At this point ECXpert will no longer be able to shut down. 


In the AIAG Obtain Schedule screen if a password longer than 5 characters is entered the AIAGSend comm agent appends random characters to the password, and authentication fails.  


AIAGObtain does not work when using a transactionID. A workaround is to use matching Obtain parameters. 

How to Report Problems

If you have problems with ECXpert, contact iPlanet customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

For More Information

You can find useful iPlanet information at the following Internet locations:

Use of iPlanet ECXpert is subject to the terms described in the license agreement accompanying it. Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions are covered by Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated December 19, 2001