Writing Web Applications With WAI: Netscape Enterprise Server/FastTrack Server, Version 3.0/3.01

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Chapter 5
Writing a WAI Application in C++

WAI provides a set C++ classes and methods that you can use to write a WAI application. Your C++ application should:

After you write and compile your application, see the section "Running Your Web Service" for instructions on setting up and running your web service.

Before continuing on, note the following points:

The rest of this chapter explains how to write a WAI application in C++.

Setting up Microsoft Visual C++ for use
with WAI (Windows NT only)

Follow these steps when setting up your C++ project in Microsoft Visual C++. These steps are specific to Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.0.

  1. Specify the type of application you want to write.
    Choose New from the File menu. Click the Projects tab and select the type of application you want to write from this list:
  2. Console application
  3. Windows application
  4. DLL application
  5. Fill in the Project Name field.
    Type the name of the project in the Project Name field and click OK.

  6. Add the project files.
    From the Project menu, choose Add to Project and then choose Files. Use the file browser to add the files you want to include in your project.

  7. Specify that the code be generated using the multi-threaded dll run-time library.
    From the Project menu, select Settings. Click the C/C++ tab and choose Code Generation from the pull-down menu next to the Category option (see Figure 5.1).
    Choose Multithreaded DLL from pull-down menu next to the "Use run-time library" option.
Figure 5.1    Project Settings, C/C++ Code Generation

  1. Specify XP_WIN32 as the macro definition.
    Click Settings from the Project menu. Click the C/C++ tab and choose Preprocessor from the Category option menu (see Figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2    Project Settings, C/C++ Preprocessor

Add XP_WIN32 to the Preprocessor Definitions field.

  1. In the field labeled "Additional include directories," type the names of any additional include directories.
    Add the include file directories (../../include,..\..\include)
    Alternatively, you can add the include file directories by choosing Options from the Tools menu and clicking the Directories tab. Choose "Include files" from the "Show directories for" field, then add the include directories to the list.

  2. Add any additional libraries to list of libraries.
    Choose Settings from the Project menu. Click the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box. Choose General from the pull-down menu next to the Category option. In the "Object/docs modules" field, type the names of additional libraries. See Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.3    Project Settings Dialog, Link Options

If you are using the Visual C++ Debug, do not use the ALLOC and FREE executables. They conflict with the WAI API functions and can cause unpredictable results.

Declaring a Class for Your Web Service

The first step in developing a WAI application in C++ is to declare a class that derives from the Netscape WAIWebApplicationService base class. (This class represents a web application service.)

For example, the WASP example provided with the web server declares a WebApplicationServicePrototype class, which is derived from the WAIWebApplicationService base class:

// Declare a WAS class deriving from Netscape base class 
class WebApplicationServicePrototype: public WAIWebApplicationService 
   WebApplicationServicePrototype(const char *object_name = (const char *)NULL) 
   long Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session); 
   char *getServiceInfo(); 
WebApplicationServicePrototype::WebApplicationServicePrototype(const char *object_name):WAIWebApplicationService(object_name) 
The class that you define represents your web service. You need to define the following methods for your class; these methods are virtual methods in the WAIWebApplicationService base class:

Defining a Method to Process Requests

The method that processes incoming HTTP requests (not all requests, just the requests directed specifically at your service) should use the following syntax:

long Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session);
session represents the HTTP request to be processed. You can call the methods of this object to get data from the request, set data in the response headers, and send the response back to the client.

The rest of this section explains how you can use these methods and objects to process the request. WAI functions enable you to do the following tasks:

Getting Data from the Request

Using an object of the WAIServerRequest class (see the section "netscape::WAI::HttpServerRequest" for details), you can get data from the client's HTTP request. You can call functions accomplish the following tasks:

Getting Headers from the HTTP Request

Given an object of the WAIServerRequest class, you can get headers from the corresponding HTTP request by calling the getRequestHeader method. For example, the following section of code gets the user-agent HTTP request header from the incoming request:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   char *var = 0;
   ostrstream outstr;
   if (session->getRequestHeader("user-agent", var) == WAISPISuccess){ 
      outstr << "User Agent: " << var; 
   outstr << endl;
In addition to HTTP headers, you can get other types of information (such as CGI 1.1 environment variables) from the HTTP request by calling the getRequestInfo method of the WAIServerRequest class.

The section "getRequestInfo" lists the types of information you can retrieve from the request. Note that the CGI 1.1 environment variables that describe the server are accessible through the getInfo method. See "Getting Information about the Server" for details.

The following section of code gets and prints the value of the REMOTE_ADDR CGI 1.1 environment variable for the incoming request:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   char *var = 0;
   ostrstream outstr;
   if (session->getRequestInfo("REMOTE_ADDR", var) == WAISPISuccess){ 
      outstr << "Client IP Address: " << var; 
   outstr << endl;

Getting Information about the Server

WAI also provides methods for getting information about the server, such as the server identifier or CGI 1.1 environment variables that describe the server (for example, SERVER_NAME or SERVER_PORT).

These methods are available as part of the WAIServerContext class (for more information, see the section "netscape::WAI::HttpServerContext"). You can get an object of this class by using the getContext method of the WAIServerRequest class.

For example, the following section of code gets an WAIServerContext object:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   WAIServerContext_ptr context = session->getContext(); 
To get information about the server, you can call the getInfo method of the WAIServerContext object and specify the type of information that you want to retrieve. For example, the following section of code gets the value of the SERVER_PORT CGI 1.1 environment variable:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   int port_num;
   ostrstream outstr;
   WAIServerContext_ptr context = session->getContext(); 
   if (context->getInfo("SERVER_PORT", port_num) == WAISPISuccess){ 
      outstr << "Port Number: " << var; 
   outstr << endl;
For a list of the types of information you can retrieve from this method, see the section "getInfo".

You can also use methods that specifically retrieve a certain type of information. For example, to get the port number that the server listens to, you can call the getPort method:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   int port_num = 0;
   ostrstream outstr;
   WAIServerContext_ptr context = session->getContext(); 
   if ((port_num = context->getPort()) != 0){ 
      outstr << "Port Number: " << var; 
   outstr << endl;
For details on getting server information, see the section "netscape::WAI::HttpServerContext".

Getting and Setting Cookies in the Client

Before a client accesses a URL, the client checks the domain name in the URL against the cookies that it has. If any cookies are from the same domain as the URL, the client includes a header in the HTTP request that contains the name/value pairs from the matching cookies.

The Cookie header has the following format:

Cookie: name=value; [name1=value1; name2=value2 ... ]
To get these name/value pairs from the HTTP request, call the getCookie method. To set your own name/value pairs in a client, call the setCookie method.

The following example illustrates how you can use these methods to get and set cookies in the client.

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   char *cookiebuff = NULL; 
   /* If no cookie has been set in the client, set a cookie. */
   if (session->getCookie(cookiebuff)== WAISPIFailure) 
      session->setCookie("MY_NAME", "My Value", "", "", "/", WAI_FALSE); 

Sending the Response Back to the Client

Methods of the HttpServerRequest class also allow you to control the response sent back to the client. You can call these functions to accomplish the following tasks:

Setting Headers in the Response

WAI includes functions that you can use to set headers in the response that you want sent back to the client. You can call the addResponseHeader method to set any header in the response. For example, the following section of code adds the Pragma header to the response:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   session->addResponseHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
You can also call functions that set specific types of headers. For example, you can call:

Setting the Status of the Response

To set the status of the response sent back to the client, call the setResponseStatus method. For example, the following section of code sets the response code to a 404 status code ("File Not Found"):

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   session->setResponseStatus(404, "");

Sending the Response

After you have specified the length of the content you want sent back to the client, you can start sending the response to the client. Call the StartResponse method to start sending the response.

To send the rest of the data to the client, call the WriteClient method.

The following example sends the string Hello World back to the client:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session) 
   /* Specify the string that you want to send back to the client. */
   char *buffer = "Hello World\n"; 
   size_t bufflen = strlen(buffer); 
   /* Specify the length of the data that you are about to send back. */
   /* Start sending the response back to the client. */
   /* Write the string to the client. */
   session->WriteClient((const unsigned char *)buffer, bufflen); 

Redirecting Users to Another Page

In your WAI application, you can also redirect users to a different page than the requested page. You can either automatically redirect the user to a new page, or you can present the user with a link to click on manually.

To automatically redirect the user to a different page, you can do the following:

  1. Call the addResponseHeader method to add a Location header, which points to the new location.

  2. Call the setResponseStatus method to set the response status to 301 (if the page has permanently moved) or 302 (if the page has temporarily moved).

  3. Call the StartResponse method to send the response back to the client.
For example:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session)
   session->addResponseHeader("Location", "http://www.newsite.com/");
   session->setResponseStatus(301, "Moved permanently to newsite!");
   return 0;
To give the user the choice of going to the new location (rather than automatically redirecting the URL), you can call the RespondRedirect method:

WebApplicationServicePrototype::Run(WAIServerRequest_ptr session)
   return 0;
Calling this method will send the following page back to the client:

Moved Temporarily
This document has moved to a new location. Please update your documents and hotlists accordingly.
The word "location" on this page is a link pointing to the new location of the page.

Providing Information About the Service

Part of the WAIWebApplicationService base class is the virtual getServiceInfo method. When you write your web application class (which is derived from the base class), you need to include a definition of this method.

The getServiceInfo method should provide information about the web service, such as the name of the author, the version of the service, and so on.

The following section of code defines the getServiceInfo method for a web service class WebApplicationServicePrototype. The example uses the StringDup method to allocate memory for the returned string.

char * 
   return StringDup("My Test Web Service. Version 1.0\nCopyright Netscape Communications Corporation\nAuthor: Mozilla\n"); 

Registering Your Web Application Service

Next, you need to create an instance of your class and assign an instance name to the object. You need to register your web service to the web server under this instance name. The instance name that you select for your web service can be an arbitrary name; it does not need to be the same name as your application. (For example, if your application is named MyApp or MyApp.exe, your instance name can be MyWebService. They do not need to have the same name.)

Note, however, that your instance name must be unique. No other registered WAI application can have the same name.

Registering With a Web Server

To register your application with the web server's built-in name service, call the RegisterService method. Pass the name of the web server's hostname and port number as an argument (in the form hostname:portnumber) to this method.

Note that if your web server is running with SSL enabled, you need to specify a different value for this argument. For details, see "Registering With a Web Server".

The following section of code creates the web service ExeFoo from the web service class WebApplicationServicePrototype. The example registers this object to the web server under the instance name MyService.

WAIBool rv;
char *host = "myhost.mydomain.com:81";
char *instanceName = "MyService";
/* Create the web service. */
WebApplicationServicePrototype ExeFoo(instanceName); 
/* Register the web service. */
rv = ExeFoo.RegisterService(host); 
/* Provide feedback on the result of the registration attempt. */
if (rv == WAI_FALSE) { 
   printf("Failed to register with %s\n", host); 
} else { 
   printf("Successfully registered with %s\n", host); 

Registering With an SSL-Enabled Server

Typically, when you call the RegisterService or the WAIregisterService function to register your web service, you pass the host name and port number of your web server as an argument.

The function constructs a URL to the web server's built-in naming service and gets the object reference for this naming service. This object reference is used to register your application.

If your web server has SSL enabled, the RegisterService or WAIregisterService function cannot get the naming service object reference in the manner described above. Instead, it needs to use the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) file to get the object reference for the naming service.

To find the IOR file, the RegisterService function assembles a path to the file using the following information:

If your web server does not use the default values for either of these, you must set environment variables to identify the correct values before running your WAI application:

Running Your Web Service

After you write and compile your application, you can run your application to make your web service available. The web server should recognize your application, if you've registered it (see "Registering Your Web Application Service").

End users can access your service by going to the URL:

For example, you can access the C++ WASP example by going to the URL:


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Last Updated: 12/04/97 16:12:20

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation

Any sample code included above is provided for your use on an "AS IS" basis, under the Netscape License Agreement - Terms of Use