Complete Contents
About This Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction to iPlanet Web Server
Chapter 2 Administrating iPlanet Web Servers
Chapter 3 Setting Administration Preferences
Chapter 4 Managing Users and Groups
Chapter 5 Working with Server Security
Chapter 6 Managing Server Clusters
Chapter 7 Configuring Server Preferences
Chapter 8 Understanding Log Files
Chapter 9 Using SNMP to Monitor Servers
Chapter 10 Configuring the Server for Performance
Chapter 11 Extending Your Server with Programs
Chapter 12 Working with Configuration Styles
Chapter 13 Managing Server Content
Chapter 14 Controlling Access to Your Server
Chapter 15 Configuring Web Publishing
Chapter 16 Using Search
Appendix A HyperText Transfer Protocol
Appendix B ACL File Syntax
Appendix C Internationalized iPlanet Web Server
Appendix D Server Extensions for Microsoft FrontPage
Appendix E iPlanet Web Server User Interface
Administrator's Guide: Index
Contents Bookshelf

Note that if you are looking for a reference to a specific Administration Server or Server Manager page, see iPlanet Web Server User Interface.

- 444, 454
!= (not equal to) 472
" 445
$ 454
$$CM_TOC_NS 399
$$logo 449
$$NS-collection-list 457
$$NS-collection-list-dropdown 457
$$NS-collections-searched 457
$$NS-display-query 457
$$NS-doc-href 457
$$NS-doc-name 457
$$NS-doc-number 457
$$NS-doc-path 457
$$NS-doc-score 457
$$NS-doc-score-div10 457
$$NS-doc-score-div5 457
$$NS-docs-found 458
$$NS-doc-size 457
$$NS-docs-matched 458
$$NS-docs-searched 458
$$NS-doc-time 457
$$NS-get-highlighted-doc 458
$$NS-get-next 458
$$NS-get-prev 458
$$NS-host 458
$$NS-insert-doc 458
$$NS-max-records 448
$$NS-rel-doc-name 458
$$NS-search-offset 458
$$NS-server-url 450, 458
$$NS-sort-by 458
$$queryLabel 449
$$sitename 449
$, in wildcards 34, 55, 89, 93, 101, 141, 353
& 451
&copy 454
&gt 454
&lt 454
&nbsp 454
&quot 454
&reg 454
( ) 445
* 444
*, in wildcards 34, 55, 89, 93, 101, 141, 353
, 445
  converting from .nsconfig files 181
.acl 345
  encrypted file extension 118
  CGI, downloading 295
.htaccess 179
  example of 182
  supported directives 181
.htaccess files
  activating 179
.htm 480
.html 480
.js 480
.nsconfig 179
  example of 186
  to configure 184
  using 183
  writing 184
.nsconfig files
  converting to .htaccess files 181
.stp 408
.web 480
/ 450
/helpFiles 422
= 451
= (equals) 472
= greater than or equal to 473
? 444, 450
?, in wildcards 34, 55, 89, 93, 101, 141, 353
@ 445, 450
^ 444
^, in wildcards 34, 55, 89, 93, 101, 141, 353
\Q 445
{ 445
{} 444
|, in wildcards 34, 55
~, in wildcards 34, 55, 89, 93, 101, 141, 353

200 status code 464
302 status code 464
304 status code 464
401 status code 464
403 status code 464
404 status code 465
500 status code 465

accelerator cache, front-end 248
accented characters
  support in filenames 487
Accept 463
AcceptLanguage 478
accept language header
  using 477
Accept Language Header, parsing 330
AcceptTimeout 262, 340
access 197
  delete 358
  execute 357
  info 358
  list 358
  programs, controlling 358
  read 357
  server-side JavaScript applications, controlling 311
  to web site, restricting 348
  write 357
access, server
  restricting 82
access control
  "administrators" group 76
  databases and 356, 583
  date restrictions 360
  distributed administration and 76
  examples 362
  feature overview 41
  files 345
  hostnames 356
  hostnames and IP addresses 340
  IP addresses 356
  LDAP directories and 356, 583
  methods (Basic, SSL) 341
  Netshare 379
  Not Found message 361
  overview 340
  owner username 383
  programs 357
  redirection 361
  response when denied 361
  setting for Web Publisher owners 383
  time restrictions 360
  turning off 360
  users and groups 340, 354
  Web Publisher 372
  writing custom expressions 360
access control entries (ACEs) 340
access-control entries (ACEs) 82
access control files (ACL)
  location stored 345
access control list (ACL) 340
access-control list (ACL) 82
access-control lists
  FrontPage 491
access log files 192
  configuring 197
access log rotation 81
access rights
  setting 357
  actions, setting 353
  attribute expressions 471
  authentication statements 469
  authorization statements 470
  default file 473
  obj.conf, referencing 474
  specifying users and groups 354
  user/group cache 343
acl-bucket 245
ACL cache
  tuning 268
ACLCacheLifetime 268, 341
ACL files 467
  syntax 468
ACLGroupCacheSize 269
aclname 474
  distributed administration and 76
ACLUserCacheSize 268, 269
ACL verification 100
actions, ACL
  setting 353
activating SSL 76
ActiveThreads 231, 265, 270
Add Custom Properties, Web Publishing link 391
additional document directories 324
AddLog 242
Address 231
address, bind-to
  changing 178
AddrLookups 244
AddType 185
admaddr 502
administration, distributed
  enabling 75
Administration Server
  accessing 61
  instance of Web Server 42
  introduction 51
  main top-level page tabs 51
  stopping 72
  URL navigation to 51
administration server
  security and 149
  distributed administration 75
admpass 502
admpw 48, 74, 75
  configuration file, overview 47
admuser 502
Agent, Quality Feedback
  introduction 57
  SNMP 215
AIX 217
alias directory 47, 147
allow 380
analyzer, log
  running 199
AND 440, 486
and 472
ansi_x3.4-1968 337
ansi_x3.4-1986 337
Application Manager
  capabilities of 304
  default settings, configuring 313
  installing and managing server-side JavaScript programs 303
  modifying installation parameters with 311
  removing applications with 312
  running 304
  running applications with 313
  securing 306
  starting, stopping, and restarting applications with 312
application name
  changing 312
  maintaining unique 311
  client-side 279
  server-side 279, 280
applications, JavaScript
  how to install on server 281
applications, server-side
  how they are installed on Enterprise Server 281
  types that run on Enterprise Server 280
application services
  list of 44
application status, defined 306
application URLs
  overview 310
architecture, overview
  Web Server 42
  log files 80
  log files 195
  Search, required 451
ascii 337
ascii-string (full-width and half-width) 487
assign-name 266
asynchronous DNS Lookup (Unix) 242
  Distinguished Name (DN) 86
attribute, search options
  list of 92
attribute expressions
  operators 472
attribute expressions, ACL 471
attributeName 395
  adjusting the maximum number of 413
  filters 416
  for search collections 416-418
  JVM, cofiguring 290
  Web Publisher 395
  x509v3 certificates 143
attributes, global
  servlet, configuring 286
attributes, servlet, configuring 287
  client certificate 343
  dialog box for 342
  host-ip 344
  hostnames 344
  SSL 344
  username and password 342
  users and groups 341
authentication, client, server
  definition 120
authentication, User-Group 341
authentication statements, ACL syntax 469
AuthGroupFile 181
AuthName 181
Authorization 198, 463
authorization statements, ACL 470
AuthType 181
Auth-User 198
AuthUserFile 181
auto catalog 485
automatic restart utility (NT) 171

banner.html 394
base_dn 101
binddn 342
bin directory 47
bind-to address, changing 178
bong-file 78
buckets, performance 244
  reports 246
buffer, log
  flushing 199
Busy functions 242
BusyThreads 231, 270

c 143
CA (Certificate Authority)
  definition 120
  for static files 248
  low hit rate with custom NSAPI functions 271
  user/group, ACL 343
cache, defined 673
cache, DNS 236
cache, static file 248
cache-bucket 245
CacheEntries 235, 236
CacheHashSize 249
CacheHits 235, 237
cache-init 248
CacheLookups 235, 237
CacheSize 235
Caching DNS Entries 243
caching files 151
  trusted list 121
  trusting 128
catalog, auto 485
  definition 119
certificate, client
  authentication 343
Certificate Authority
  definition 120
certificate chain
  definition 128
certificate request
  PKCS #10 123
certificate request, information needed 126
  certmap.conf and 141
  client 139
  client mapping
    examples 145
  how Web Server authenticates users 120
  installing and managing 127
  managing 129
  mapping to LDAP entries 139
  migrating Enterprise Server 3.x to Web Server 4.x 147
  trusting 128
  x509v3, attributes 143
certificates, client
  mapping to LDAP 139
certificates, clients
  using 139
certificate trust database
  creating 123
certmap.conf 141, 145, 343
  using 141
certSubjectDN 146
CGI 178, 189
  defined 280
  downloading executable files 295
  file extensions 293
  file type, specifying shell for Windows NT 301
  file types 295
  installing 291
  installing programs 292
  installing shell programs for Windows NT 299
  overview 292
  programs 280
  programs, how to install on server 281
  programs, how to store on server 293
  removing directories 294
  server extension, overview of 43
  shell 299
  specifying a directory 293
  specifying as a file type 295
  specifying a Windows NT directory 297
  specifying directories 293
  specifying shell directory, Windows NT 300
  specifying Windows NT file type 299
  Windows 296
  Windows NT programs 296
CGI.exe 497
cgi-bin 353
cgi-bucket 245
CGI Processor
  runtime environment 44
CGI programs
  FrontPage extensions 489
CGIStub 262, 292
CGIStubIdleTimeout 260, 263, 292
character entities
  HTML 454
character set
  changing 337
  iso_8859-1 337
  specifying for JavaScript applications 479
  us-ascii 337
  JavaScript compiler (jsac) option 479
  valid values 479
charset 337
check-acl 474
chroot feature 152
cipher 116
ciphers 133
  definition 77
  FORTEZZA option, installing 136
  specifying 133
ciphers, stronger
  setting 78
Ciphers directive (SSL) 138
ClassCache 290
ClassCache directory 48
client authentication
  definition 120
client certificate
  authentication 343
client certificate API
  creating custom properties 144
client certificates 139
  mapping to LDAP 139
  using 139
client-cookie 309
Client-Host 198
ClientLanguage 478
client object maintenance 313
  lists of accesses 197
client-side applications 279
client-url 309
clusters 155
  adding a server to 158
  configuring 158
  definition 155
  guidelines for using 156
  managing 161
  modifying information 160
  removing servers 160
  setting up 158
CM_ID 396
CM_LOCK_OWNER 395, 396
CM_SourceType 397
CM_URI 396
CmapLdapAttr 144, 146
cn 89, 143
  configuring 421
  displaying contents 435
  filters 416
  maintaining 424
  new, creating 418
  optimizing 425
  reindexing 425
  removing 425
  scheduling regular maintenance 425
  unscheduling maintenance 427
collection, Web Publishing
  removing access to 415
collection attributes 416-418
collection management tasks
  Web Publisher 389
  about 416
  attributes of 416-418
  conversion filters 416-418
  defined 415, 674
  maintaining 424
  optimizing 389
  removing scheduled maintenance 427
  repairing web publishing 389
  reporting on web publishing 388
  scheduling maintenance 425
  updating 423
collections of documents 415
collection-specific variables 455
command-line utilities
  set path to run on Enterprise Server 292
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
  overview 292
  server extension, overview of 43
Common Gateway Interface. 280
common-log 197
Common Logfile Format 197
  example 192
common logfile format 674
community string
  a text string that an SNMP agent uses for authorization 223
  jsac, valid options 480
component options
  available at Web Server installation 45
Compromised Key Lists (CKLs) 118
conditional variables
  Web Publisher 400
conf_bk directory 48
CONFIG 216, 219
  master agent, editing 219
config 172, 227
config directory 48
CONFIG file 219
configuration, multiple-server, installation 51
configuration, single-server
  files installed 47
configuration files
  admpw, overview 47
  dblist.ini 413
  definition 45
  for search 412-414
  hardware virtual server, migrating 335
  magnus.conf 35, 478
  magnus.conf, language settings 478
  magnus.conf, overview 46
  mime.types, overview 46
  netshare.conf 378
  ns-admin.conf 478
  ns-admin.conf, language settings 478
  obj.conf 35, 318
  obj.conf, overview 46
  search 412
  stored in server root 48
  userdefs.ini 413
  webpub.conf 413
configuration files, dynamic 179
configuration file variables 454
configuration styles 315
  assigning 319
  category, CGI file type 317
  category, Character Set 317
  category, Default Query Handler 317
  category, Document Footer 317
  category, Dynamic Configuration 317
  category, Error Responses 317
  category, Log preferences 317
  category, Restrict Access 317
  category, Server Parsed HTML 317
  category, Symbolic links (Unix) 317
  creating 316
  editing 318
  listing assignments 320
  removing 318
confirmation prompts, configuring 313
CONTAINS 440, 486
content_length 233
content engines
  software module, Web Server 43
Content-Length 198
Content-length 465
Content Management engine 43
Content-type 465
control, access
  overview 340
  directory naming, Netshare 378
conventions, used in this book 33
  logging, easy 198
cp367 337
cp819 337
cron.conf 48, 196
cron-based log rotation 81, 196
cron daemon
  using cron controls 81
CurrentCacheEntries 235, 236
CurrentCacheSize 235
customizing the search interface 458
custom properties 391-393

  native SNMP, reconfiguring 217
  native SNMP, restarting 217
    restarting 217
daemon, cron
  using cron controls 81
data, request 463
data, response 465
database, certificate trust
  creating 123
database, trust
  password, changing 147
databases, ACLs and 356, 583
Date 417, 465
date and time formats (Posix) 410
dayofweek 472
dbadmin 482
dblist.ini 395, 398, 433, 446, 449, 456
dblist.ini file 413
dbswitch.conf 100
dbswitch.conf file 356, 583
debugging dialog box
  disabling 172
  definition 116
default-bucket 245
DefaultLanguage 478
default settings
  Application Manager, configuring 313
delete access 358
deleting users 97
deployment server, updating files to 312
DES cipher 119
descriptions.pat 447
development server, updating files from 312
dialog box
    disabling 172
  Ciphers (SSL) 138
  international 478
  magnus.conf, performance 259
  Security (SSL) 137
  SSL2 (SSL) 137
  SSL3 (SSL) 137
  SSL3Ciphers (SSL) 138
  SSL3SessionTimeout (SSL) 138
  SSLCacheEntries (SSL) 138
  SSLClientAuth (SSL) 139
  SSLSessionTimeout (SSL) 139
  additional document 324
  document root 324
  moving the server 175
  primary document 324
Directory Server
  LDIF import/export function, required for 86
  must install to add users and groups to Web Server 40
  required for distributed administration 75
  user entries 88
directory services
  configuring 82
DirID 417
dirlink.pat 398
dirps.pat 398
dirtoc.pat 398
disable 249
displayName 395
Distinguished Name (DN) attribute
  definition 86
distinguished names
  mapping certificates to LDAP entries 140
distributed administration
  Directory Server, required for 75
  enabling 75
    ACLs and 76
DNComps 142
DNS cache 236
DNS entries
  caching 243
DNS Lookup (Unix), asynchronous 242
docs directory 47
document directories
  additional 324
  primary 324
document formats
  search, for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese 486
document preferences 328
  default MIME type, specifying a 330
  directory indexing 329
  index filenames 328
  parsing the Accept Language Header 330
  server home page 329
document root 324
  configuring 324
  JavaScript applications and 311
  indexing 415
  lists of those accessed 197
domain name, server 177
domain names
  FrontPage 491
Domain Name System
  alias, defined 674
  defined 674
Domain Name System (DNS)
  asynchronous lookup 242
drive space
  sizing issues 274
drop words 674
  for search 407
dsgw.conf 48
dsgwfilter.conf 48
dsgwlanguage.conf 48
dsgw-orgperson.conf 48
dsgwserarchprefs.conf 48
dynamic configuration files
  working with 179
dynamic control and monitoring
  NSFC file cache 254
Dynamic groups
  definition 97
dynamic groups
  creating 103
  guidelines for creating 101
  how they're implemented 100
dynamic libraries 58

e 143
eight-bit text 476
enabled 236, 243
encrypted file extension
  .enc 118
  definition 116
encryption, FORTEZZA
  definition 117
encryption preferences, SSL
  setting 77
ENDS 440, 486
end users
  distributed administration 75
engine, indexing
  enabling 387
Enterprise Administration Server Page
  figure of 63
Enterprise Server
  MIB 209
Enterprise-wide manageability feature overview
  delegated administration, clusters, and LDAP 40
equals (=) 440
error 80
error codes, HTTP 185
ErrorFile 185
error log
  example 80
  viewing 80
error log file 192, 193
  viewing 80
error logs 193
error responses, customizing 178
  customizing responses 178
euc 487
events, viewing (NT) 203
event variables
  traps 207
Event Viewer 203
  access control 362
  restricting access based on time of day 370
  restricting access to a directory (path) 364
  restricting access to a file type 368
  restricting access to a URI (path) 366
  restricting access to entire server 362
executable files
  CGI, downloading 295
executable files, downloading 295
execute access 357
Expires 465
Expires header, defined 675
expressions, ACL attribute 471
expressions, attribute
  operators 472
expressions, custom 360
external libraries, specifying 313
extranet, defined 675
extras directory 47

FAT file systems
  no restrict access to files 171
features, Web Server 40
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-140 119
file-bucket 245
file cache 248
  initializing 248
file cache, NSFC
  dynamic control and monitoring 254
FileCacheEnable 251
file cache module, NSFC
  overview 248
file extension, defined 675
file extensions
  CGI 293
file manipulation, remote
  enabling 327
FileName 417
  access control 345
  certmap.conf 141
  unlocking 390-391
Files directives 185
file types
  defined 675
file variables
  configuration 454
filter 102
  memberURL 97
FilterComps 142
find-pathinfo 266
find-pathinfo-forward 266
flex_anlg 199
flexanlg directory 47
flex-init 197
flex-log 197
fonts, used in this book 33
forms, restricting access to 357
FORTEZZA, encryption
  definition 117
fpdir 501
fpsrvadm.exe 497
fpsrvwin.exe 497
From 417
front-end accelerator cache 248
  domain names 491
  downloading extensions 492
  extensions, CGI programs 489
  getting ready for installation 493
  installation parameters 501
  security issues 491
  server extensions, installing 495
  webs, types of 490
FTS_Author 417
FTS_CreationDate 417
FTS_Creator 417
FTS_Keywords 418
FTS_ModificationDate 417
FTS_Producer 417
FTS_Subject 417
FTS_Title 417
Full-Request 198
func_insert 242

generated pattern variables 456
GET 357, 462
  SNMP message 209
GIF, defined 675
givenName 89
global attributes
  servlets, configuring 286
greater than 472
greater than (>) 440
greater than or equal to (>=) 440
group 501
groupOfURLs 99
  adding members to 105
  adding to group members list 107
  authentication 341
  authentication, users 341
  can be static and dynamic 100
  deleting entries 107
  editing 105
  finding 104
  managing 103
  renaming 109
  restricting access 340
groups, dynamic
  definition 97
  guidelines for creating 101
groups, static
  definition 97
  guidelines for creating 98
groups, users
  about 86
groups-with-users 182
  creating difficult passwords 150

Handler, Query
  using 302
hard links, definition 187
hardware virtual servers
  configuration files, migrating 335
  for ISPs 332
  introduction 64
  setting up 331
HashInitSize 251
HEAD 357, 462
header, response 465
headers, request
  list of 463
hierarchy, ACL authorization statements 470
hirakana 487
HitOrder 251
HitRatio 237
hit ratio 235
home.html 394
Host 463
host 502
host, MTA
  changing 178
  authentication 344
  authentication 344
  defined 676
  restricting access 340
  restricting superuser access with 73
host names and IP addresses
  specifying 356
HP OpenView network management software 205
HP-UX kernel
  hardware virtual servers, setting up for ISPs 332
HTML 486
  character entities 454
  defined 676
  pattern files 447
html_doc 418
HTML collections
  default attributes (Title, Sourcetype) 418
  compliance with 1.1 462
  defined 676
  monitoring the server using 194
  requests 462
  responses 463
  status codes 464
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
  overview 461
http_head 358
httpacl directory 48
httpdconfdir 501
HTTP engine 43
httpEntityAddress 211
httpEntityContact 211
httpEntityDescr 210
httpEntityId 210
httpEntityLocation 211
httpEntityMaxProcess 211
httpEntityMaxThread 211
httpEntityMethods 211
httpEntityMinProcess 211
httpEntityMinThread 211
httpEntityName 211
httpEntityOrganization 211
httpEntityPort 211
httpEntityProtocol 211
httpEntityType 211
httpEntityVersion 211
HTTP error codes 185
  defined 676
  SSL and 133
https-admserv directory 48
httpStatisticsAddress 211
httpStatisticsInBytes 212
httpStatisticsInUnknowns 212
httpStatisticsNum200 212
httpStatisticsNum2xx 212
httpStatisticsNum302 212
httpStatisticsNum304 213
httpStatisticsNum3xx 212
httpStatisticsNum401 213
httpStatisticsNum403 213
httpStatisticsNum4xx 212
httpStatisticsNum5xx 212
httpStatisticsNumBytes 212
httpStatisticsNumProcessDns 212
httpStatisticsNumProcessIdle 211
httpStatisticsNumProcessProc 212
httpStatisticsOutBytes 212
httpStatisticsPort 211
httpStatisticsProcessNum 212
httpStatisticsRequestError 212
httpStatisticsRequests 212
httpStatisticsStatus 211
httpStatisticsThreadNum 212
httpStatisticsTimeOut 212
httpStatisticsUptime 211
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  overview 461
Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1 spec
  URL reference 462

ibm367 337
ibm819 337
Idle 238
index file size 414
info access 358
INIT 222
Init (NSAPI) directives 188
init-cgi 262
init-clf 197
InitFn 144
inittab 72, 167, 168, 169
  defined 676
  editing 168
  starting the server with 167
  certificates 127
  CGI programs 291
  JavaScript applications 307
  multiple servers 65
InstanceID 417
intelligent agents. See agents
internal daemon log rotation 196
internal-daemon log rotation 81
international considerations
  general information 475
  LDAP users and groups 476
IP addresses
  defined 676
  restricting access 340
  restricting superuser access with 73
IP addresses and host names
  specifying 356
iPlanet web site
  URL (http
    // 35
ISAPI.dll 497
IsGlobal 249
  1991 337
iso_8859-1 337
  1987 337
iso-2022-jp 337
iso646-us 337
iso-8859-1 337
iso-ir-100 337
iso-ir-6 337

Java, using with the server 280
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 283
  defined 280
  problems, using local variables 273
  server-side, activating 304
  server-side, filename extensions 480
  Server-Side programs 303
  using with Oracle's Japanese database 481
JavaScript, server-side
  international considerations 479
  server extension, overview of 44
JavaScript applications 280
  default page, specifying 313
  deleting 312
  how to install on server 281
  initial page, specifying 313
  installing 307
  languages, specifying 479
  modifying installation parameters of 311
  removing 312
  running 313
  starting, stopping, and restarting 312
JavaScript Virtual Machine
  runtime environment 44
  overview, how to install 282
Java Servlets and JavaServer Pages
  server extensions, overview of 44
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  runtime environment 44
  configuring paths 289
  downloading 283
jis (7-bit) 487
  configuring paths 289
jsac 479
jsac compiler
  valid options 480
  server extension, overview of 44
  deleting version files 290
  enabling on the server 284
  overview, how to install 282
  attributes, configuring 290

Kanji 487
katakana (full-width and half-width) 487
  flushed problem 271
KeepAlive connections
  about 232
KeepAliveCount 233, 272
KeepAliveFlushes 234, 272
KeepAliveHits 233, 272
KeepAliveMaxCount 233, 272
KeepAliveTimeout 233
keepOldValueWhenRenaming 97
  definition 116
key pair file
  changing password 147
key-pair file 123
  securing 150
Keywords 417

l 143
  default, user entries 89
language.conf 488, 651
language header, accept
  using 477
language list, preferred
  managing 113
  supported for Search 484
language settings
  magnus.conf 478
  ns-admin.conf 478
Last-modified 465
latin1 337
LDAP 91, 97, 179
  certificates and 139
  configuring directory services 82
  mapping client certificates 139
  search results, table of 140
  username and password authentication 342
LDAP directories, and access control 356, 583
ldapmodify 105
  Directory Server utility 95
LDAP search filter 104
LDIF import/export function
  need Directory Server 86
less than ( 440
less than or equal to ( 441
lib directory 49
Library 144
  managing 96
Limit 181, 238, 239
link_mgr 391
Link Management
  attribute, is obsolete 430
link management
  link status database 387
  turning off 387
links.pat 398
link status database 387
list access 358
ListenQ 230
listen queue 229
listen socket 229
literal wildcards 445
load-modules 175, 238
LocalSystem 176
log_anly 199
log_anly directory 47
log analyzer
  running 199
  running from command line 199
log buffer
  flushing 199
logbufInit 199
log file, error
  viewing 80
log file modes
  problems 272
log files
  access 192
  archiving 195
  common format for 197
  configuring 197
  error 192, 193
  flexible format 197
  setting preferences for 197
  specifying options 79
  cookie, easy 198
  indexing engine, enabling 387
  relaxed 198
log preferences
  setting 197
log rotation
  archiving log files 80
logs 189
  access 197
logs, error
  viewing 193
logs directory 48, 49
LogVerbose 241, 242, 269
LookupsInProgress 244
Look Within directory 92
low-memory problems 270

macros 456
macros, search 458
magnus.conf 48, 59, 60, 118, 137, 153, 166, 168, 188, 230, 239, 268, 341
  configuration file, overview 46
  directives, multi-process mode 260
  directives, performance 259
  directives, using 268
  language settings 478
magnus.conf.clfilter 48
magnus.conf file 35, 478
MAIL 486
mail 89, 143
main.pat 398
maintaining web publishing data 388-390
Maintain Web Publishing Data, Web Publishing link 388
managed objects 209
Management Information Base (MIB)
  location, Netscape/iPlanet 208
management information base (MIB) 207
management information base. See MIB
management information bases (MIB) 205
Manage Servers
  Server Manager, list of options 52
  certificates 129
manual directory 49
master.ini 59
master agent (SNMP) 206
master agent, CONFIG file
  editing 219
master agent, SNMP
  installing 215, 217, 219
  manually configuring 219
  starting 222
master agent SNMP
  enabling and starting 219
MATCHES 441, 486
max_thread_proc 332
MaxAcceptThreadPerSocket 260
MaxAcceptThreadsPerSocket 262
MaxAge 251
MaxCacheEntries 235, 236
MaxCacheSize 235
MaxCGIStub 292
MaxCGIStubs 260, 263
MaxFiles 251, 252
MaxFilesToReap 249
MaxKeepAlive 233
MaxKeepAliveConnections 233, 272
MaxNumberOfCachedFiles 249
MaxNumberOfOpenCachedFiles 249
MaxProcs 260, 265, 270
MaxProcs (Unix) 261
MaxThreads 174
MD5, defined 677
MediumFileSizeLimit (Unix) 252
MediumFileSpace 252
memberCertDescription 98
memberCertDescriptions 97
memberURL filter 97
memberURLs 97
  sizing issues 274
menu.html 394
metadata 385
META-tagged attributes
  adding as custom properties 393
  redefining 393
META tags 418
Method 198
MIB 201
  Enterprise Server 209
    graphic 208
MIB, Management Information Base
  location, Netscape, iPlanet 208
MIB tree, figure 208
  certificates, from Enterprise Server 3.x to Web Server 4.x 147
MIME, defined 677
mime.types 48, 246
  configuration file, overview 46
MIME types 173
  specifying a default 330
MinAcceptThreadPerSocket 260
MinAcceptThreadsPerSocket 262
MinCGIStubs 260, 263, 292
MinThreads 174
MMappedSessionManager 290, 291
MMapSessionManager 49
  PKCS#11, adding 134
modules, software
  Web Server 42
Modutil 119
Monitor, Performance (NT)
  using 201
MortalityTimeSecs 172
MOVE 357
  defined 678
  host, changing 178
Multiple Thread Serialization
  enable asynchronous DNS to avoid 243
multiple server instances
  introduction 65
multi-process mode
  magnus.conf directives 260
multi-thread mode 260

n 395
  server, changing 177
NameLookups 244
NameTrans 238, 254, 266, 335
nametrans 271
NativePoolMaxThreads 238, 240
NativePoolMinThreads 241
NativePoolQueueSize 239, 240
NativePoolStackSize 240
native SNMP daemon
  reconfiguring 217
  restarting 217
NativeThread 238
native threads pool 237
  access to Administration Server via URL 51
NEAR 441, 486
NEAR/N 441, 486
Netscape Console 40
  introduction 56
netscape-http.mib 210
  managed objects and descriptions 210
netscape-http.mib, MIB file 210
Netscape MIBs 201
Netscape Server Application Programming Interface (NSAPI)
  server extension, overview of 44
  access control 379
  create page 380
  creating a home directory 381
  creating multiple home directories simultaneously 382
  default home page 376
  directory naming conventions 378
  home page, customizing 394
  mandatory server features 377
  marking users as licensed 379
  setting up the server and creating home directories 377
  set up page 380
  using 376
  about 378
netshare.html 394
  sizing issues 274
network management station (NMS) 206
Network settings
  changing 72
network settings
  configuring 175
NEWS 486 120
nfsc.conf 248
NIS, defined 678
NMS-initiated communication 209
  defined 678
nobody user account 176
nocache parameter 254
non-alphanumeric characters
  Search 445
NoOverflow 249
nostat 267
NOT 441, 486
not 472
Not Found message, access control and 361
  language settings 478
ns-admin.conf file 478
  Init directives 188
  multi-thread design, magnus.conf 260
  server extension, overview of 44
nsapi directory 49
NSAPI Engine
  runtime environment 44
NS-collection=$$NS-collection 450
NS-collection-acl-check 433
NS-collection-alias 456
  writing 184
ns-cron.conf 48, 81
NS-date-input-format 455
NS-date-time 455
NS-default-html-title 455
NS-display-select 456
NS-doc-root 456
  file cache, overview 248
nsfc.conf 250
NSFC file cache
  dynamic control and monitoring 254
NS-highlight-end 456
NS-highlight-start 456
NS-HTML-descriptions-pat 455
ns-httpd 187
NS-idxattr 398
NS-language 456
NS-largest-set 455
NS-max-records 448, 455
NS-ms-tocend 455
NS-ms-tocstart 455
  underlying portability layer that provides access to the host OS services 237
NS-query 449
NS-query.pat 448
NS-query-pat 455
NS-record-pat 456
NS-search-type 455
NS-tocend-pat 456
NS-tocrec-pat 456
NS-tocstart-pat 456
NS-url-base 456
ntrans-base 266
number, port
  changing 73
NumPages 417

o 143
obj.conf 48, 82, 118, 136, 172, 188, 197, 199, 227, 230, 245, 254, 264, 335, 468
  configuration file, overview 46
  referencing ACL files 474
obj.conf.clfilter 48
obj.conf file 35, 318
objectclass 99
object request broker (ORB)
  enabling WAI services 314
octet-stream 296
OpenView, HP network management software 205
  attribute expressions 472
  query, combining 438
operators, query
  for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 485
  modifying 438
  which to use 439
optimizing collections 389
  components available at installation 45
OR 442, 486
or 472
  enabling WAI services 314
organizational units
  creating 110
  deleting 113
  editing 112
  finding 111
  renaming 112
OS version 58
ou 143
owner, as a username 383
  managing 108

PageMap 418
  search, configuring 409
  authentication 342
  system user account, changing 73
password, system user account
  changing 73
password, user
  managing 95
password.txt 170
password file 678
  guidelines for creating 150
passwords, authentication 342
PathCheck 78, 180, 238, 242, 266, 474
pathcheck 271
  configuring, JRE and JDK 289
Path variable 292
pattern files
  HTML 447
  Web Publisher 398
pattern variables
  configuration files 456
  generated 458
  pointer 399
  search 458
  user defined 454
  user-defined 452
  using 452
  Web Publisher 398
pattern variables, generated 456
pblock 198
PC (Program Counter) 57
Peak 238
perfdump utility
  using statistics to tune the server 229
  web server service function 227
  buckets 244
  common problems 269
performance, server 226
  about 226
  dynamic groups, impact of 101
  Unix platform 256
Performance Monitor 201
Performance Monitor (NT)
  using 201
PermanentID 417
Persistent Connections 232
pfx2dir 266
PHRASE 442, 486
PidLog 188
PKCS #10 certificate
  request 123
PKCS #11
  module, adding 134
  guidelines for installing 134
PKCS #11 APIs 117
PKCS#11 module
  importing 135
plugins directory 49
pool, native threads 237
pool parameter 175
port number
  changing 73
port number, server
  changing 177
  80 (HTTP) 177
  changing 177
  clients and 177
  recommended 177
  security and 152
  server 177
Posix date and time formats 410
POST 357, 462
PostThreadsEarly 240, 259
PR_GetFileInfo 256
PR_TransmitFile 253
pragma no-cache 151
preferences, log
  setting 197
preferred language list
  managing 113
primary document directory, setting 324
  cache not utilized 271
  JavaScript 273
  KeepALive connections flushed 271
  log file modes 272
  low-memory 270
  performance, common 269
  under-throttled server 270
  sizing issues 273
processor type 58
Product Support Page
  URL (http
    // 36
  access control 357
  CGI 280
    how to store on server 293
  controlling access to 358
  JavaScript 280
  Java servlets 280
  custom, creating 144
  indexing and updating, Web Publisher 384
  managing, Web Publisher 393
Protocol 198
protocol data units (PDUs) 209
proxy agent, SNMP 215
  installing 216
  starting 216
proxy SNMP agent 215
  installing 216
  starting 216
public directories
  configuring 325
public directories (Unix)
  customizing 325
public key 125
Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #11
  module, adding 134
PUT 357, 462

Quality Feedback Agent
  data collected, table of 57
  how to enable 59
  introduction 57
  using automatic proxy configuration 59
queries, search
  building custom 91
query 437
  non-alphanumeric characters 445
  operators, combining 438
  operators, using 436
  operators, which to use? 439
  operators. modifying 438
  operators as search words 438
  operators for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 485
  Search 429
  wildcards, using 443
query.pat 447
Query Handler
  using 302
query language
  Search, default assumptions 436
Query-String 198
queue, peak work 239
queue, rejections work 239
queue, work 239
QueueSize 174
QuickStart tutorial 383

  defined 679
ratio, hit 235
rc.2.d 679
  starting the server with 167
RcvBufSize 260, 263
read access 357
Reaper 249
ReaperInterval 249
record.pat 447
redirected URLs
  preventing escape 286
redirection 679
redirection (access control) 361
Referer 198, 463
refresh 256
registers 57
relaxed logging 198
Release Notes
  URL (http
    // 36
remote file manipulation
  enabling 327
remote servers
  adding to a cluster 159
repairing the web publishing collection 389
reporting on the web publishing collection 388
request data 463
request headers
  list of 463
  HTTP 462
RequireAuth 183, 186
  configuring 54
  defined 679
Resource Picker
  figure of 54
  overview 54
  wildcards 55
respawn 72
response data 465
response header 465
responses, HTTP 463
restart 188, 256
restart utility, automatic (NT) 171
RestrictAccess 183, 186
restricting 414
restricting symbolic links 187
rights, access
  setting 357
rlim_fd_max 257
  defined 679
  server and 175
root web 490
rotation, access log 81
RqThrottle 241, 259, 264, 270, 332
RqThrottleMinPerSocket 231, 265
runtime environments
  Java 283
  software module, Web Server 44

sagt 216
sagt, command for starting Proxy SNMP agent 216
sam 257
samples/js directory 49
scope 102
  advanced 432
  arguments, required 451
  collection-specific variables 455
  customizing the interface 446
  displaying a highlighted document 435
  document formats, for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese 486
  generated pattern variables 456
  guided 430
  home page 429
  in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 485
  indexing your documents 415
  in Japanese 487
  listing matched documents 433
  list of languages supported 484
  macros 456
  modifying query operators 438
  non-alphanumeric characters 445
  overview 403
  pattern variables, user-defined 452
  pattern variables, using 452
  performing, basic guidelines 428
  query 429
  query language, default assumptions 436
  query operators, combining 438
  query operators, using 436
  query operators, which to use? 439
  query operators for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean 485
  query rules 437
  results 433
  sorting the results 434
  stemming, cancelling 438
  syntax, basic 449
  turning on or off 409
  URL encodings 450
  using query operators as search words 438
  wildcards, using 443
  wildcards as literals 445
  adjusting the number of attributes 413
  collections 415
  configuration files 412
  configuration file variables 456
  configuring 409
  configuring pattern files 411
  controlling access to 405
  customizing the interface 458
  generated pattern variables 458
  indexing documents 415
  languages available 484
  macros 458
  modifying configuration files 412-414
  operators reference 443
  pattern variables 458
  restricting memory for 414
  stop words 407
  turning on and off 409
  URL mapping 406
  user-defined pattern variables 454
  using 403
  wildcard operators 444
search attribute options
  list of 92
search directory 49
Search engine 43
search filter 91
  LDAP 104
search queries
  custom, building 91
Search rules 437
search type options
  list of 93
secmod.db 118, 119
secret-keysize 78
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  configuring 76
  feature overview 40
  FrontPage 491
  increasing 148
Security directive (SSL) 137
See alsos
  managing 108
  nocache parameter 254
Server 465
  general capabilities, international considerations 475
  LDAP users and groups, international considerations 476
server access
  restricting 82
server authentication
  definition 120
Server Conn/sec 202
server-cookie 309
server daemon, defined 679
server extensions
  software module, Web Server 43
Server-initiated communication 210
server instances
  configuring SSL 122
server-ip 309
Server Manager
  accessing 52
  figure of 53
  introduction 52
  list of additional tabs 54
  Manager Servers, list of options 52
server name
  changing 177
server performance
  dynamic groups, impact of 101
Server Port Number
  changing 177
server root, defined 679
  bind-to address 178
  changing the name 177
  installing multiple 65
  location, changing 175
  location, changing (Unix) 175
  performance, about 226
  performance, problems 269
  ports under 1024 175
  removing 67
  removing from a cluster 160
  restarting (NT) 169
  restarting (Unix) 167
  restarting manually (Unix) 168
  restart time interval, changing 171
  root user 175
  starting 167, 169
  starting and stopping 166
  stopping 169
  stopping manually (Unix) 169
  trusted CAs and 121
  user account (NT)
    changing 176
  user account (Unix)
    changing 175
  user account for starting 175
  user accounts, changing 175, 176
  using Control Panel to start 169
  virtual hardware, for ISPs 332
  virtual hardware, migrating 335
  virtual hardware, setting up 331
servers, multiple instances
  introduction 65
servers, remote
  adding to a cluster 159
servers, virtual hardware
  introduction 64
servers, virtual software
  introduction 65
servers.lst 48
server settings
  viewing 172
server-side applications 279
  how they are installed on Enterprise Server 281
  types that run on Enterprise Server 280
server-side JavaScript
  activating 304
server-side JavaScript applications
  controlling 311
Server-Side JavaScript programs 303
Server Throughput (Kb/sec) 202
Server Total Bytes 202
Server Total Errors 202
Server Total Requests 202
server-url 310
Service 238, 242
service-dump 246
  attributes, configuring 287
  configuring virtual path translations 288
  deleting version files 290
  enabling on the server 284
  installed on server, how 281
  making available to clients 285
  overview, how to install 282
  registering directories 286
  server extension, overview of 44
  specifying directories 285
SessionData 290
SessionData directory 49
  SNMP message 209
setting, superuser
  changing 73
settings, network
  changing 72
setup directory 50
shell CGI 299
shell programs
  installing CGI, Windows NT 299
SHTML and Server-side JavaScript
  server extension, overview of 44
shutting down the Administration Server 72
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 205
size 395
sizing issues 273
sjis 487
SmallFileSizeLimit 252
SmallFileSpace 253
smit 257
SMUX 213, 217
sn 89
SndBufSize 260, 263
  AIX daemon configuration 217
  basics 206
  community string 223
  community strings, configuring 223
    restarting 217
  GET and Set messages 209
  how it works 207
  master agent 206
    installing 215, 217, 219
    manually configuring 219
    starting 222
  master agent, installing 217
  master agent, starting 222
  native daemon
    reconfiguring 217
    restarting 217
  proxy agent 215
    installing 216
    starting 216
  proxy agent, installing 216
  proxy agent, starting 216
  setting up on a server 213
  subagent 206
  trap 224
  trap destinations, configuring 224
snmpd, command for restarting native SNMP daemon 217
snmpd.conf 217
SNMP master agent
  enabling and starting 219
SOCKS, defined 680
soft (symbolic) links
  definition 187
software modules
  Web Server 42
software virtual servers
  introduction 65
  setting up 335
SourceType 417, 418
SSL 122
  activating 133
  authentication 344
  ciphers, specifying 133
  configuration file directives
    using (magnus.conf) 137
  configuring 76
  configuring Web Server for 121
  defined 680
  information needed to enable 126
  preparation for 148
SSL2 directive (SSL) 137
SSL 2 protocol 78, 133
SSL3Ciphers directive (SSL) 138
SSL3 directive (SSL) 137
SSL 3 protocol 78, 133
SSL3SessionTimeout (SSL)
  directive 138
  directive (SSL) 138
SSLClientAuth directive (SSL) 139
SSL encryption preferences
  setting 77
SSL protocol 117
SSLSessionTimeout (SSL)
  directives 139
st 143
stack data 58
StackSize 174
Stack Trace 57
stack trace 57
  web software, support for 41
start 256
start command
  Unix platforms 62
startconsole 50
starting the server 167, 169
  user account needed 175
STARTS 442, 486
startsvr.bat 48, 49
static file cache 248
Static groups
  definition 97
static groups
  guidelines for creating 98
Status 198
  200-500 level 202
status codes
  HTTP 464
stderr 189
STEM 442, 486
  Search, cancelling 438
stop 72, 188, 256
stopping the server 169
stopsvr.bat 48, 49
stop words 680
  deciding which words not to search 408
  for search 407
StrictHttpHeaders 264
style.lex 445
  configuration 315
styles, configuration
  creating 316
  SNMP 206
  SNMP, enabling 224
Subject 417
SUBSTRING 442, 486
sub-webs 491
  access control 73
  administrator's userid 51
  distributed administration 75
  settings 73
superuser, defined 680
superuser settings
  changing 73
symbolic (soft) links
  definition 187
symbolic links
  restricting (Unix) 187
symbolic links, restricting 187
  ACL files 468
  Search function, basic 449
sysContact 219, 220
sysLocation 219, 220
sys-prop.pat 398
system RC scripts
  restarting the server 168
system user account and password
  changing 73

  specifying the character set 481
tags, META 418
TalkbackInterval 60
TalkbackMaxIncidents 60
Technical Support
  URL (http
    // 36
telephoneNumber 89
telnet 680
termination timeout
  setting 166
test1.html 394
test2.html 395
Text Search
  configuring 404
thread, multi, mode
  approaches 260
thread limit, tuning 265
Thread limits 232
thread POOLS, native 237
threads 58
time interval, server restarts
  changing 171
timeofday 472
timeout, termination
  setting 166
Title 397, 417, 418
title 89
To 417
toc.pat 398
tocend.pat 447
tocrec.pat 447
tocstart.pat 447
top-level domain authority 680
trace facility 313
TransmitFile 253
  SNMP 224
  messages containing event variables 207
Triple DES cipher 119
trust database 122
  password, changing 147
trust database, certificate
  creating 123
trusting certificates 128
  QuickStart 383
TYPE 395
type, search options
  list of 93

uid 89, 143
  defined 680
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) 406
uniqueMembers 97
unit, organizational
  creating 110
units, organizational
  deleting 113
  editing 112
  finding 111
  renaming 112
Unix platform
  performance issues 256
Unix platforms
  accessing Administration Server 62
Unlock File, Web Publishing link 390
URI 198
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 406
URI, defined 681
  access to Administration Server 51
  encodings 450
  defined 681
  mapping, defined 681
  redirected, preventing escape 286
  SSL-enabled servers and 133
  to start and stop applications 312
URLs, application
  overview 310
us 337
us-ascii 337
user 501
user/group cache
  ACL 343
user account (NT)
  changing 176
user account (Unix)
  changing 175
user account, system
  changing 73
user accounts
  changing 175, 176
  nobody 176
User-Agent 198
User-agent 463
userdb directory 50
userdefs.ini 446, 452
userdefs.ini file 413
user directories
  configuring 325
user directories (Unix)
  customizing 325
user entries
  default language 89
  deleting 97
  Directory Server 88
  finding 90
  guidelines for creating 87
  renaming 96
user entry
  creating new 88
User-Group authentication 341
user interface
  Web Publisher, customizing 395
user interfaces
  Administration Server, Server Manager, and Netscape Console 41
user licenses
  managing 96
User Manager program
  changing password 73
  authentication 342
userPassword 89
user password
  managing 95
  authentication 341
  managing 90
  restricting access 340
users and groups
  about 86
  ACL, specifying 354
usrps.pat 398
utilities, command-line
  set path to run on Enterprise Server 292
utility, automatic restart (NT) 171
  using 187

  collection-specific 455
  conditional, Web Publisher 400
  file, configuration 454
  pattern, pointer 399
  pattern, using 452
variables, event
  traps 207
variables, pattern
  user-defined 452
  Web Publisher 398
variables, pattern, generated 456
verifycert 143
version.pat 398
Version Control
  attribute, is obsolete 430
version files
  deleting, JSPs and servlets 290
videoapp sample application
  verifying the language setup 483
Viewer, Event 203
viewing 193
viewing events 203
virtual.conf 230, 334
virtual path
  translations, configuring servlet 288
virtual servers
  hardware, setting up 331
  software, setting up 335
virtual servers, hardware
  for ISPs 332
  introduction 64
virtual servers, software
  introduction 65
Visibroker 314

  defined 681
  enabling 314
WaitingThreads 231, 265, 270
watchdog process (uxwdog)
  using 187
wdnotify 189
web 501
web, root 490
web_htm 391, 422
Web Application Interface (WAI)
  enabling 314
WebBot functions 489
web files
  moving 312
  specifying path 313
webpub.conf 387, 392, 446, 454
webpub.conf file 413
Web Publisher
  access control 372
  access control, setting for owners 383
  accessing the home page 382
  attributes 395
  collection management tasks 389
  conditional variables 400
  customizing the user interface 395
  indexing and updating properties 384
  managing properties 393
  ownership of files and folders 373
  pattern files 398
  pattern variables 398
Web Publishing
    removing access to 415
Web publishing
  feature overview 40
web publishing
  adding custom properties for 391-393
  changing state of 387
  configuring 394
  defined 681
  editing properties 393
  indexing properties 384-387
  maintaining data 388-390
  managing properties for 393-394
  optimizing the collection 389
  owner and ACLs 383
  removing properties 393
  repairing the collection 389
  reporting on the collection 388
  setting access control 383
  unlocking files in 390-391
Web Publishing State, Web Publishing link 387
Web Server
  architecture, overview 42
  component options 45
  software modules 42
  starting and stopping 166
web site
  restricting access 348
web software
  standards support 41
We Server
  features 40
WILDCARD 443, 486
  as literals 445
  in search queries 444
  Resource Picker 55
  table of patterns and descriptions 34, 55
wildcards, using 443
Windows CGI 296
Windows NT
  programs, CGI 296
Windows NT platforms
  accessing Administration Server 62
WORD 443, 486
words, stop
  deciding which words not to search 408
working with 179
Work Queue
  Length, limit 239
work queue
  peak length, limit 239
  rejections 239
write access 357
writing 360
WWW-authenticate 465
WXEVersion 417

x509v3 certificates
  attributes 143
x-euc-jp 337
x-mac-roman 337
x-sjis 337, 481

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