Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++ Reference Guide

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Chapter 2
Programming Interfaces

This chapter covers the programming interfaces provided by ISB for C++. It includes the classes and structures you can use to create a client application or object implementation.


class ActivationImplDef : public ImplementationDef
The ActivationImplDef class is used by object implementations that defer the instantiation of an object until the first client request arrives. This class embeds an interface and object name for a particular ORB object as well an object of class Activator. When an object of this class is passed to the BOA::obj_is_ready method, the activate and deactivate methods used by the BOA are overridden by the Activator object's methods. To use ActivationImplDef, you must provide an Activator class along with the implementation for its methods.

See also the BOA class and the ImplementationDef class.

Include File

The corba.h file should be included when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface ActivationImplDef: ImplementationDef
Attribute Activator activator_obj;


The constructor is used by an object implementation to create an ActivationImplDef for a particular C++ class that will implement an ORB object.




The object's interface name.


The object's instance name.


Reference data can be used to distinguish between several instances of objects that have the same name. It is chosen by the object implementation and remains constant throughout the object's lifetime.

Destructor for this object.

Activator_ptr activator_obj();
This method returns a pointer to the Activator object associated with this object.

void Activator_ptr activator_obj(Activator_ptr val);
This method sets the Activator object to be used by this object.




A pointer to an Activator object to be used by this object.

static ActivationImplDef_ptr _duplicate(ActivationImplDef_ptr obj);
Duplicates the ActivationImplDef object pointed to by the parameter.




Pointer to the object to be duplicated.

static ActivationImplDef_ptr _narrow(ImplementationDef_ptr ptr);
This method attempts to narrow the ImplementationDef_ptr that is passed in to an ActivationImplDef_ptr. If the supplied pointer does not point to an object of ActivationImplDef, a NULL value is returned. Otherwise, an ActivationImplDef pointer is returned.




A pointer to ImplementationDef object.

static ActivationImplDef_ptr _nil();
This method returns a NULL pointer cast to an ActivationImplDef_ptr.


class Any
This class is used to represent any IDL type so that any value can be passed in a type-safe manner. Objects of this class have a pointer to a TypeCode that defines the object's type and a pointer to the value associated with the object. Methods are provide to construct, copy, and destroy an object as well as initialize and query the object's type and value. In addition, streaming operators are provided to read and write the object to a stream.

Include File

Include any.h when you use this structure.


class BOA
The BOA class represents the Basic Object Adaptor and provides methods for creating and manipulating objects and object references. Object servers use the BOA to activate and deactivate object implementations.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.


This method returns a handle to the BOA and specifies optional networking parameters. The argc and argv parameters are usually the same parameters passed to the object implementation process when it is started.




The number of arguments passed.


An array of char pointers to the arguments. All but two of the arguments take the form of a keyword and a value and are shown below. This method will ignore any keywords that it does not recognize.

-OAipaddr ip_address

Specifies the IP address to be used for this BOA. Useful if the host has more than one network interface. If this option is not specified, the host's default IP address is used.

-OAport port_num

Specifies the port number to use for this BOA. If not specified, an unused port number is used.

-OAsendbufsize size

Specifies the size in bytes of the network transport's send buffer. If this option is not specified, an appropriate buffer size is used.

-OArcvbufsize size

Specifies the size in bytes of the network transport's receive buffer. If this option is not specified, an appropriate buffer size is used.


Disables the use of shared memory for transmitting messages when the client and object implementation processes are located on the same host.


Enables the use of shared memory for transmitting messages.

void change_implementation(Object_ptr obj, ImplementationDef_ptr impl)
This method changes the implementation definition associated with the specified object. You should use this method with caution. The implementation name should not be changed and you must ensure that the new implementation definition specifies the same type of object as the original definition. If the ImplementationDef_ptr does not point to a CreationImplDef pointer, this method will fail.




A pointer to the object whose implementation is to be changed.


A pointer to the new implementation definition for this object. This must actually be a CreationImplDef_ptr cast to an ImplementationDef_ptr.

Object_ptr create(const ReferenceData& ref_id,
InterfaceDef_ptr intf_def,
ImplementationDef_ptr impl_def)
This method creates an ORB object and returns a reference to the newly created object. Once the object reference is created, the client application can invoke methods on object reference.




This parameter is not used, but is provided for compliance with the CORBA specification.


This parameter is not used, but is provided for compliance with the CORBA specification.


This pointer's true type is CreationImplDef and provides the interface name, object name, path name of the executable and activation policy, along with other parameters.

void deactivate_impl(ImplementationDef_ptr impl_def)
This method deactivates the implementation specified by the ImplementationDef_ptr. After this method is called, no client requests will be delivered to the object within this implementation until the objects and implementation are activated using the obj_is_ready and impl_is_ready methods.




This pointer's true type is CreationImplDef and provides the interface name, object name, path name of the executable and activation policy, along with other parameters. See X for a complete discussion of the CreationImplDef class.

void deactivate_obj(Object_ptr obj)
This method notifies the BOA that the specified object is to be deactivated. After this method is invoked, the BOA will not deliver any requests to the object until obj_is_ready or impl_is_ready is invoked.




A pointer to the object to be deactivated.

void dispose(Object_ptr obj)
This method unregisters the implementation of the specified object from the Object Activation Daemon. After this method is invoked, all references to this object will be invalid and any connections to this object implementation will be broken. If the object is allocated, the application must delete the object.




Pointer to the object to be unregistered.

static BOA_ptr _duplicate(BOA_ptr ptr)
This static method duplicates the BOA pointer that is passed in as a parameter.




A BOA pointer.

ReferenceData get_id(Object_ptr obj)
This method returns the reference data for the specified object. The reference data is set by the object implementation at activation time and is guaranteed to remain constant throughout the life of the object. Reference data is often used to distinguish between object implementations that have the same name.




A pointer to the object whose reference data is to be returned.

Principal_ptr get_principal(Object_ptr obj, Environment_ptr env)
This method returns the Principal object associated with the specified object.




A pointer to the object whose implementation is to be changed.


A pointer to the Environment object associated with this Principal.

void impl_is_ready(ImplementationDef_ptr impl_def=NULL)
This method notifies the BOA that one or more objects in the server are ready to receive service requests.If all objects that the implementation is offering have been created through C++ instantiation and activated using the obj_is_ready method, the ImplementationDef_ptr should not be specified.

An object implementation may offer only one object and may want to defer the activation of that object until a client request is received. In these cases, the object implementation does not need to first invoke the obj_is_ready method. Instead, it may simply invoke this method, passing the ActivationImplDef pointer for its single object.




This pointer's true type is ActivationImplDef(const char *interface_name, const char *object_name, const ReferenceData& id, Activator_ptr act) and provides the interface name, object name, path name of the executable and activation policy, along with other parameters.

void obj_is_ready(CORBA::Object_ptr obj,
ImplementationDef_ptr impl_ptr = NULL)
This method notifies the BOA that the specified object is ready for use by clients.
There are two different ways to use this method:

This static method returns a NULL BOA pointer that can be used for initialization purposes.

static void CORBA::release(BOA_ptr boa)
This static method releases the specified BOA pointer. Once the object's reference count reaches zero, the object is automatically deleted.




A valid BOA pointer.

static RegistrationScope scope()
This static method returns the registration scope of the BOA. The registration scope of an object can be local or global. Only objects with a global scope are registered with the osagent.

static void scope(RegistrationScope val)
This static method changes the registration scope of the BOA to the specified value.




The new registration scope for the BOA, either SCOPE_LOCAL or SCOPE_GLOBAL.


class ClientEventHandler
The ClientEventHandler class defines the interface for registering an event handler for client applications. Event handlers provide a set of methods that are invoked by the ORB when one of the following events occurs.

You derive your own event handling class from ClientEventHandler and provide the implementation just for the event handling methods in which you are interested. Your implementation will be invoked by the ORB when a particular event occurs and can be used to implement logging or security features that you design. If you are not interested in handling a particular event, do not declare its method in your derived class.

After creating an event handler, your client application must register it using the HandlerRegistry class. You can register an event handler for a particular object or a global event handler for all objects.

If both global and object-specific event handlers are registered and an event occurs on the object with its own event handler, the object-specific handler will take precedence over the global handler.

See ImplEventHandler in this guide for information on creating event handlers for servers.

Include File

Include the corba.h and pmcext.h files when you use this class.


You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the ORB when a bind fails. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a bind fails for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any bind issued by the client fails.




A reference to the object that could not be bound.

virtual void bind_succeeded(CORBA::Object_ptr, const ConnectionInfo&)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the ORB when a bind succeeds. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a bind succeeds for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any bind issued by the client succeeds.




A reference to the object that has been successfully bound.


This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.

virtual void rebind_failed(CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the ORB when a rebind fails. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a rebind fails for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any rebind issued on behalf of the client fails. The rebind option must be enabled.




A reference to the object that could not be rebound.

virtual void rebind_succeeded(CORBA::Object_ptr, const ConnectionInfo&)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the ORB when a rebind succeeds. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a rebind succeeds for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any bind issued by the client succeeds. The rebind option must be enabled.




A reference to the object that has been successfully rebound.


This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.

virtual void sever_aborted(CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the ORB whenever a connection to a server is lost. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when the connection is lost for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any of the client's connections are lost.




A reference to the object whose connection was lost.


class Contained : public IRObject
The Contained class is used to derive all Interface Repository (IR) objects that are themselves contained within another IR object. This class provides methods for:

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface Contained: IRObject {
attribute RepositoryId id;
attribute Identifier name;
attribute VersionSpec version;
readonly attribute Container defined_in;
readonly attribute ScopedName absolute_name;
readonly attribute Repository containing_Repository;
struct Description {
DefinitionKind kind;
any value;

Description describe();
void move(
in Container new_Container,
in Identifier new_name,
in VersionSpec new_version


This method returns the absolute name, which uniquely identifies this object within its containing Repository. If the object's defined_in attribute, set when the object is created, references a Repository, then the absolute name is simply the object's name preceded by the string "::".

CORBA::Repository_ptr containing_repository()
This method returns the Repository that is eventually reached by recursively following the defined_in attribute.

CORBA::Container_ptr defined_in()
This method returns the Container object in which this object resides.

CORBA::Contained::Description *describe()
This method returns a structure that describes the interface, such as the type returned and its associated value.

void move(CORBA_Container_ptr new_CORBA_container,
const char * new_name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version)
This method removes this object from its current container and adds it to the specified container. The new Container must be in the same repository as the original and capable of containing the object's type. Further, the new Container must not already contain an object with the same name.The object's defined_in and absolute_name attributes are updated to reflect the new container. If this object is itself a Container, all of it's contained object's are also updated.




The Container where the object is to be moved.


The object's name.


The container's version.

char *name()
This method returns the name of the object. The name uniquely identifies it within the scope of its container.

void name(const char * val)
This method sets the name of the contained object.




The object's name.

CORBA::VersionSpec version()
This method returns the object's version. The version distinguishes this object from other objects that have the same name.

void version(CORBA::VersionSpec& val)
This method sets this object's version.




The object's id.


class Container : public IRObject
The Container class is used to create a containment hierarchy in the Interface Repository. A Container object holds object definitions derived from the Contained class. All object definitions derived from the Container class, with the exception of the Repository class, also inherit from the Contained class.

The Container provides methods to create all types of IDL types defined in orbtypes.h, including InterfaceDef, ModuleDef and ConstantDef classes. Each definition that is created will have its defined_in attribute initialized to point to this object.

Include File

The corba.h file should be included when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface Container: IRObject {
ContainedSeq contents(
in DefinitionKind limit_type,
in boolean exclude_inherited
Contained lookup(in ScopedName search_name);
ContainedSeq lookup_name(
in Identifier search_name,
in long levels_to_search,
in CORBA::DefinitionKind limit_type,
in boolean exclude_inherited
struct Description {
Contained Contained_object;
DefinitionKind kind;
any value;
typedef sequence<Description> DescriptionSeq;
DescriptionSeq describe_contents(
in DefinitionKind limit_type,
in boolean exclude_inherited,
in long max_returned_objs


This method returns a list of contained object definitions directly contained or inherited into the container. You can use this method to navigate through the hierarchy of object definitions in the Repository. All object definitions contained by modules in the Repository are returned, followed by all object definitions contained within each of those modules.




The interface object types to be returned. Specifying dk_all will return objects of all types.


If set to true, inherited objects will not be returned.

AliasDef_ptr create_alias(const char* id,
const char* name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
IDLType_ptr original_type)
This method creates an AliasDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The alias id.


The alias name.


The alias version.


The type of the object for which this object is an alias.

ConstantDef_ptr create_constant(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
IDLType_ptr type,
const Any& value)
This method creates a ConstantDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The constant's id.


The constant's name.


The constant's version.


The type of the value specified below.


The constant's value.

EnumDef_ptr create_enum(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
const EnumMemberSeq& members)
This method creates an EnumDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The enumeration's id.


The enumeration's name.


The enumeration's version.


A list of the enumeration's fields.

ExceptionDef_ptr create_exception(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
const EnumMemberSeq& members)
This method creates an ExceptionDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The exception's id.


The exception's name.


The exception's version.


A list of the types of the members of the exception, if any.

InterfaceDef_ptr create_interface(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
const InterfaceDefSeq& base_interfaces)
This method creates a InterfaceDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The interface's id.


The interface's name.


The interface's version.


A list of all interfaces that this interface inherits from.

ModuleDef_ptr create_module(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version)
This method creates a ModuleDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The module's id.


The module's name.


The module's version.

StructDef_ptr create_struct(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
const StructMemberSeq& members)
This method creates a StructureDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The structure's id.


The structure's name.


The structure's version.


The values for the structure's fields.

UnionDef_ptr create_union(const char * id,
const char * name,
const CORBA_VersionSpec& version,
IDLType_ptr discriminator_type,
const UnionMemberSeq& members)
This method creates a UnionDef object in this Container with the specified attributes and returns a pointer to the newly created object.




The union's id.


The union's name.


The union's version.


The type of the union's discriminant value.


A list of the types of each of the union's fields.

DescriptionSeq * describe_contents(DefinitionKind limit_type,
Boolean exclude_inherited,
Long max_returned_objs)
This method returns a description for all definitions directly contained by or inherited into this container.




The interface object types whose descriptions are to be returned. Specifying dk_all will return the descriptions for objects of all types.


If set to true, descriptions for inherited objects will not be returned.


The maximum number of descriptions to be returned. Setting this parameter to -1 will return all objects.

Contained_ptr lookup(const char * search_name)
This method locates a definition relative to this container, given a scoped name. An absolute scoped name, one beginning with "::", may be specified to locate a definition within the enclosing repository. If no object is found, a NULL value is returned.




The object's interface name.

ContainedSeq * lookup_name(const char *search_name,
Long levels_to_search,
DefinitionKind limit_type,
Boolean exclude_inherited)
This method locates an object by name within a particular object. The search can be constrained by the number of levels in the hierarchy to be searched, the type object, and whether inherited objects should be returned.




The contained object's name.


The number of levels in the hierarchy to search. Setting this parameter to a value of -1 will cause all levels to be searched. Setting this parameter to 1 will search only this object.


The interface object types to be returned. Specifying dk_all will return objects of all types.


If set to true, inherited objects will not be returned.


class Context
The Context class represents information about a client application's environment that is passed to a server as an implicit parameter during static or dynamic method invocations. It can be used to communicate special information that needs to be associated with a request, but is not part of the formal method signature, that is, argument list.

The Context class consists of a list of properties, stored as name/value pairs, and provides methods for setting and manipulating those properties. A Context contains an NVList and chains the name/value pairs together.

A Context_var class is also available that provides simpler memory management semantics.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.


This method returns the name used to identify this context. If no name was provided when this object was created, a NULL value is returned.

Status create_child(const char * name, Context_ptr& ctx)
This method creates a child Context for this object.




The name of the new Context object.


A reference to the newly created child Context.

Status delete_value(const char *name)
This method deletes one or more properties from this object. The name may contain a trailing "*" wildcard character to delete all matching properties. A single asterisk can be specified to delete all properties.




The name of the property, or properties, to be deleted.

static Context_ptr _duplicate(CORBA::Context_ptr ctx)
This method duplicates the specified object.




The object to be duplicated.

CORBA::Status get_default_context(CORBA::Context_ptr& ctx)
This method returns the default per-process Context maintained by ISB for C++. The default Context is often used in constructing DII requests. See Request for more information.




The context.

Status get_values(const char *start_scope,
Flags flags,
const char *name,
NVList_ptr& nvl) const
This method searches the Context object hierarchy and retrieves one or more of the name/value pairs specified by the name parameter. It then creates an NVList object, places the name/value pairs in the NVList and returns a reference to that object.

The start_scope parameter specifies the name of the context where the search is to begin. If the property is not found, the search continues up Context object hierarchy until a match is found or until there are no more Context objects to search.




The name of the Context object at which to start the search. If omitted, the search begins with this object. The search scope can be restricted to just this object by specifying CORBA::CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE.


An exception is raised if no matching context name is found.


The property name to search for. A trailing "*" wildcard character may be used to retrieve all properties that match name.


A reference to the list of properties found.

static Boolean CORBA::is_nil(CORBA::Context_ptr ctx)
This method checks the specified pointer and returns true if the pointer is NULL.




The object to be checked for a NULL value.

static Context_ptr _nil()
This method returns a NULL Context_ptr suitable for initialization purposes.

Context_ptr parent()
This method returns a pointer to the parent Context. If there is no parent Context, a NULL value is returned.

static void _release(CORBA::Context_ptr ctx)
This static method releases the specified Context object. Once the object's reference count reaches zero, the object is automatically deleted.




The object to be released.

static void CORBA::release(CORBA::Context_ptr ctx)
This method releases the specified object.




The object to be released.

Status set_one_value(const char *name, const Any& val)
This method adds a property to this object, using the specified name and value.




The property's name.


The property's value.

Status set_values(NVList_ptr nvl)
This method adds one or more properties to this object, using the name/value pairs specified in the NVList. When you create the NVList object to be used as an input parameter to this method, the Flags field must be set to zero and each Any object added to the NVList must set its TypeCode to TC_string.




A list of name/value pairs to be added to this object.


class CreationImplDef : public ImplementationDef
The CreationImplDef class holds the all the information required to create an ORB object. This information is stored in the implementation repository when the object is registered with the regobj command or created using the BOA::create method. This class can also be used with the BOA::change_implementation method to alter an implementation definition that is already registered with the OAD. For more information, see "oad"

CreationImplDef adds these data members to those of ImplementationDef class.

Data member



The Path of the object implementation's executable. This is the file the Object Activation Daemon will start when a client requests the object.


The activation policy for the object implementation. See regobj Server Activation Policies for more information.


Arguments to be passed to the server when it is activated.


Environment variables to be set when the server is activated.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.

IDL Definition

interface CreationImplDef: ImplementationDef
attribute string path_name;
attribute Policy activation_policy;
attribute StringSequence args;
attribute StringSequence env;


This method returns this object's activation policy.

void activation_policy(Policy p)
This method sets this object's activation policy.




The activation policy to be set.

StringSequence *args() const
This method returns a list of the arguments that will be passed to the server when it is started.

void args(const StringSequence& val)
This method sets the list of the arguments that will be passed to the server when it is started.




The list of arguments to be passed.

CreationImplDef(const char * interface_name,
const char * object_name,
const ReferenceData& id,
const char * path_name,
const StringSequence& args,
const StringSequence& env)
This method creates a CreationImplDef object.




The interface name for the object implementation.


The object name.


Opaque data passed to the server. Reference data is often used to distinguish between different servers that have the same name.


The server's executable file.


A list of arguments to be passed to the server when it is started.


A list of environment variables to be set for the server when it is started.

static void CreationImplDef_ptr _duplicate(CreationImplDef_ptr obj)
This method duplicates the specified object.




The object to be duplicated.

StringSequence *env() const
This method returns a list of the environment variables that will be set when the server is started.

void env(const StringSequence& val)
This method sets the list of environment variables that will be passed to the server when it is started.




The list of environment variables to be set.

static CreationImplDef_ptr _narrow(ImplementationDef_ptr ptr)
This method attempts to narrow the specified pointer to a CreationImplDef_ptr. If the method succeeds, a valid CreationImplDef_ptr is returned. Otherwise, a NULL pointer is returned.




The pointer to be narrowed to type CreationImplDef_ptr.

static CreationImplDef_ptr _nil()
This method returns a NULL CreationImplDef_ptr suitable for initialization purposes.

const char *path_name() const
This method returns this object's path name.

void path_name(const char *val)
This method set this object's path name.




The path name to be set.

static void _release(CreationImplDef_ptr obj)
This method releases the specified object. Once the object's reference count reaches zero, the object will be deleted.




The object to be released.


class Environment
The Environment class is used for reporting and accessing both system and user exceptions on platforms where C++ language exceptions are not supported. When an interface specifies that user exceptions may be raised by the object's methods, the Environment class becomes an explicit parameter of that method. If an interface does not raise any exceptions, the Environment class is an implicit parameter and is only used for reporting system exceptions. If an Environment object is not passed from the client to a stub, the default, per-object Environment is used.

Multithreaded applications have a global Environment object for each thread that is created. Applications that are not multithreaded have just one global Environment object.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.


This method will cause this Environment to delete any Exception object that it holds. If this object holds no exception, this method has no effect.

Status ORB::create_environment(Environment_ptr& ptr)
This method can be used to create a new Environment object.

NOTE: This method is provided for CORBA compliance. You may find it easier to use the constructor provided for this class or the C++ new operator.




The pointer will be set to point to the newly created object.

static Environment& CORBA::current_environment()
This static method returns a reference to the global Environment object for the application process. In multithreaded applications, it returns the global Environment object for this thread.

This method creates an Environment object. This is equivalent to calling the ORB::create_environment method.

This method deletes this Environment object. This is equivalent to calling the CORBA::release method, passing a pointer to the object to be deleted.

void exception(Exception *exp)
This method records the Exception object passed as an argument. The Exception object must be dynamically allocated because this object will assume ownership of the Exception object and will delete it when the Environment itself is deleted. Passing a NULL pointer to this method is equivalent to invoking the clear method on the Environment.




A pointer to a dynamically allocated Exception object to be recorded for this Environment.

Exception *exception() const
This method returns a pointer to the Exception currently recorded in this Environment. Do not invoke delete on the Exception pointer returned by this call. If no Exception has been recorded, a NULL pointer will be returned.

static void CORBA::release(Environment_ptr env)
This method deletes the specified object, along with any Exception object it holds.




The object to be released.


class Exception
The Exception class is the base class of the SystemException and user exception classes. For more information, see SystemException in this guide.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.


class HandlerRegistry
The HandlerRegistry class provides methods for registering both client and implementation-side event handlers with the ORB and the BOA. ISB for C++ provides two event handler classes, ClientEventHandler and ImplEventHandler, that define methods to be called by the ORB or BOA when certain events occur, such as a successful bind.

Event handlers can be registered with either a per-object scope or a global scope. If both a global event handler and an object event handler are registered, the per-object event handler will take precedence over the global handler for a particular object.

Event handlers are usually registered before any objects are bound or activated. If changes are made to a global event handler after an object is bound, the changes will not apply to event handling for that object.

To use the HandlerRegistry, you first obtain a reference using the static method instance.

Include File

Include the files pcmext.h and corba.h when using this class.


This method returns a pointer to the HandlerRegistry.

void reg_global_client_handler(PMC_EXT::ClientEventHandler_ptr handler)
This method registers a global client-side event handler. The event handler will apply to any object used by the client. If a global event handler has already been registered, a HandlerExists exception will be raised.




A pointer to the ClientEventHandler to be registered.

void reg_global_impl_handler(PMC_EXT::ImplEventHandler_ptr handler)
This method registers a global implementation-side event handler. The event handler will apply to any object used by the implementation. If a global event handler has already been registered, a HandlerExists exception will be raised.




A pointer to the ImplEventHandler to be registered.

void reg_obj_client_handler(CORBA::OBject_ptr obj,
PMC_EXT::ClientEventHandler_ptr handler)
This method registers a client-side event handler for a particular object. The event handler will apply to any object used by the client. If an event handler has already been registered for this object, a HandlerExists exception will be raised. An InvalidObject exception will be raised if the object pointer is not valid.




A pointer to the object for which this handler is being registered.


A pointer to the ClientEventHandler to be registered.

void reg_obj_impl_handler(CORBA::OBject_ptr obj,
PMC_EXT::ImplEventHandler_ptr handler)
This method registers a implementation-side event handler for a particular object. The event handler will apply to any object used by this implementation. If an event handler has already been registered for this object, a HandlerExists exception will be raised. An InvalidObject exception will be raised if the object pointer is not valid.




The object for which this event handler is to be registered.


A pointer to the ImplEventHandler to be registered.

void unreg_glob_client_handler()
This method unregisters a global event handler for a client. If there is no global event handler currently registered, a NoHandler exception will be raised.

void unreg_glob_impl_handler()
This method unregisters a global event handler for an object implementation. If there is no global event handler currently registered, a NoHandler exception will be raised.

void unreg_obj_client_handler(CORBA::Object_ptr obj)
This method unregisters an client event handler for a particular object. If no event handler is currently registered for the specified object, a NoHandler exception will be raised. An InvalidObject exception will be raised if the object pointer is not valid.




The object whose event handler is to be removed.

void unreg_obj_impl_handler(CORBA::Object_ptr obj)
This method unregisters an implementation event handler for a particular object. If no event handler is currently registered for the specified object, a NoHandler exception will be raised. An InvalidObject exception will be raised if the object pointer is not valid.




The object whose event handler is to be removed.


class IDLType : public IRObject
The IDLType class provides an abstract interface that is inherited by all interface repository definitions that represent IDL types. This class provides a method for returning an object's Typecode, which identifies the object's type. The IDLType is unique; the Typecode is not.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.

IDL Definition

interface IDLType:IRObject {
readonly attribute TypeCode type;


This method returns this object's typecode.


class ImplementationDef
The ImplementationDef is a class that contains most of the information needed to create or activate an object implementation.The ActivationImplDef class and the CreationImplDef class are both derived from this class.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.

IDL Definition

module CORBA {
typedef sequence<string> StringSequence;
typedef sequence<octet> OctetSequence;
typedef OctetSequence ReferenceData;
interface ImplementationDef {
attribute string interface_name;
attribute string object_name;
attribute ReferenceData id;
enum Policy {


This BOA method changes the implementation definition for the specified object.




The object whose definition is to be changed.


The new implementation definition.

Caution: Changing the implementation definition of an object after it has been created may make it inaccessible to existing client applications.

static ImplementationDef_ptr _duplicate(ImplementationDef_ptr obj)
This static method duplicates the specified pointer and returns the duplicated pointer.




A pointer to the object to be duplicated.

ReferenceData_ptr *id() const
This method returns the ReferenceData associated with this object.

void id(const ReferenceData& *data)
This method sets the reference data for this object.




The reference data for this object.

const char *interface_name() const
This method returns the interface name associated with this object.

void interface_name(const char *val)
This method sets the interface name for this object.




The interface name for this object.

static ImplementationDef_ptr _nil()
This static method returns a NULL ImplementationDef pointer that can be used for initialization purposes.

const char *object_name() const
This method returns the object name associated with this object.

void object_name(const char *val)
This method sets the object name for this object.




The interface name for this object.

static void release(ImplementationDef_ptr obj)
This static method releases the specified pointer.




The pointer to be released.


class ImplEventHandler
The ImplEventHandler class defines the interface for registering an event handler for object implementations. Event handlers provide a set of methods that are invoked by the BOA when one of the following events occurs.

You can derive your own event handling class from ImplEventHandler and provide the implementation just for the event handling methods in which you are interested. Your implementation will be invoked by the BOA when a particular event occurs and can be used to implement logging or security features that you design. If you are not interested in handling a particular event, do not declare its method in your derived class.

After creating an event handler, your object implementation must register it using the HandlerRegistry class. You can register an event handler for a particular object or a global event handler for all objects.

If both global and object-specific event handlers are registered and an event occurs on the object with its own event handler, the object-specific handler will take precedence over the global handler. If a global event handler is modified, the modifications will not apply to those object that were bound before the handler was modified.

For information on creating event handlers for client applications, see ClientEventHandler in this guide.

Include File

Include corba.h and pmcext.h when you use this class.


You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the BOA when a client wants to bind to an object. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a bind is requested for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any bind request is received.




This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.


A pointer to Principal data associated with the client.


A pointer to the object the client has requested to be bound.

virtual void client_aborted(const ConnectionInfo&, CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the BOA when client aborts. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a client that was bound to that object aborts. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any aborts.




This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor.


A pointer to the object the client has requested to be bound.

virtual void pre_method(const ConnectionInfo&, CORBA::Principal_ptr,
const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the BOA before a client request for a method on an object is processed. After this method returns, the client's request is processed. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when a method is requested for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when an method is requested on any object.




This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.


A pointer to Principal object associated with the client.

char *

A pointer to the name of the operation.


A pointer to the object that implements the requested method.

virtual void pre_method(const ConnectionInfo&, CORBA::Principal_ptr,
const char *, CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the BOA after an object method has been invoked but before the results are returned to the client. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked after a method requested for that object has been processed. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called after any method is invoked on any object.




This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.


A pointer to Principal object associated with the client.

char *

A pointer to the name of the operation.


A pointer to the object that implements the requested method.

virtual void unbind(const ConnectionInfo&, CORBA::Object_ptr)
You can choose to implement this method, which will be invoked by the BOA when client requests to be unbound from an object. If the event handler was registered for a particular object, it will only be invoked when an unbind is requested for that object. If the event handler is registered with a global scope, it will be called when any unbind request is received.




This structure contains the host name, port, and file descriptor. You can use this information to adjust the characteristics of the connection.


A pointer to the object the client has requested to be unbound.


class InterfaceDef : public Container, public Contained, public IDLType
The InterfaceDef class is used to define an ORB object's interface that is stored in the interface repository.

For more information, see Container, Contained and IDLType in this guide.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface InterfaceDef: Container, Contained, IDLType {
typedef sequence<RepositoryId> RepositoryIdSeq;
typedef sequence<OperationDescription> OpDescriptionSeq;
typedef sequence<AttributeDescription> AttrDescriptionSeq;
attribute InterfaceDefSeq base_interfaces;
boolean is_a(in RepositoryId interface_id);
struct FullInterfaceDescription {
Identifier name;
RepositoryId id;
RepositoryId defined_in;
VersionSpec version;
OpDescriptionSeq operations;
AttrDescriptionSeq attributes;
RepositoryIdSeq base_interfaces;
TypeCode type;
FullInterfaceDescription describe_interface();
AttributeDef create_attribute(
in RepositoryId id,
in Identifier name,
in VersionSpec version,
in IDLType type,
in CORBA::AttributeMode mode
OperationDef create_operation(
in RepositoryId id,
in Identifier name,
in VersionSpec version,
in IDLType result,
in OperationMode mode,
in ParDescriptionSeq params,
in ExceptionDefSeq exceptions,
in ContextIdSeq contexts
struct InterfaceDescription {
Identifier name;
RepositoryId id;
RepositoryId defined_in;
VersionSpec version;
RepositoryIdSeq base_interfaces;


This method returns a list of the interfaces from which this class inherits.

void base_interfaces(const InterfaceDefSeq& val)
This method sets the list of the interfaces from which this class inherits. An error is returned if the name attribute of any object contained by this interface conflicts with the name attribute of any object contained by any of the interfaces specified in the sequence.




The list of interfaces from which this interface inherits.

AttributeDef_ptr create_attribute(const char * id,
const char * name,
const VersionSpec& version,
IDLType_ptr type,
AttributeMode mode)
This method returns a pointer to a newly created AttributeDef that is contained this object. The id, name, version, type and mode are set to the specified values. An error is returned if an object with the specified id already exists within the object repository or if an object with the specified name already exists within this InterfaceDef.




The interface id to use.


The interface name to use.


The interface version to use.


The interface mode: readonly or normal.

OperationDef_ptr create_operation(const char *id,
const char *name,
IDLType_ptr result,
OperationMode mode,
const ParDescriptionSeq& params,
const ExceptionDefSeq& exceptions,
const ContextIdSeq& contexts)
This method creates an OperationDef that is contained by this object, using the specified parameters. The defined_in attribute of the OperationDef is set to identify this InterfaceDef.




The interface id for this operation.


The name of this operation.


The result type returned by this operation.


The mode of this operation--oneway or normal.


The list of parameters to pass to this operation.


The list of exceptions raised by this operation.


Context lists are names of values expected in context and passed along with the request.

InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *describe_interface()
This method returns a FullInterfaceDescription that describes this object's interface.

Boolean is_a(const char * interface_id)
This method returns true if this interface is identical to or inherits from, directly or indirectly, from the specified interface.




The id of the interface to be checked against this interface.


class IRObject
The IRObject class offers the most generic interface for Interface Repository (IR) objects. The Container class, IDLType, Contained, and others are derived from this class.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface IRObject {
readonly attribute DefinitionKind def_kind;
void destroy();


This method returns the type of an Interface Repository object as one of the following DefinitionKind enumeration values: dk_Attribute, dk_Constant, dk_Exception, dk_Interface, dk_Module, dk_Operation, dk_Typedef, dk_Alias, dk_Struct, dk_Union, dk_Enum, dk_Primitive, dk_String, dk_Sequence, dk_Array, or dk_Repository.

void IRObject::destroy()
This method deletes this object. If this object is a Container, all of its contents will also be deleted. If the object is currently contained by another object, it will be removed. The destroy method cannot be invoked on a Repository object or on a PrimitiveDef object.


class NamedValue
The NamedValue class is used to represent a name-value pair used as a parameter or return value in a Dynamic Invocation Interface request. Objects of this class are grouped into an NVList. The Any class is used to represent the value associated with this object. See also the Request class.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.


This method returns the flag defining how this name-value pair is to be used. One of the following is returned.

This method returns the name portion of this object's name-value pair.

Any *value() const
This method returns the value portion of this object's name-value pair.


class NVList
The NVList class is used to contain a list of NamedValue objects, and is used to pass parameters associated with a Dynamic Invocation Interface request. See also the Request class.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.


This method adds a NamedValue object to this list, initializing only the flags. Neither the name or value attribute of the added object are initialized. A pointer is returned which can be used to initialize the name and value attributes of the NamedValue.




The flag indicating the intended use of the NamedValue object. It can be one of ARG_IN, ARG_OUT, or ARG_INOUT.

NamedValue_ptr add_item(const char *name, Flags flags)
This method adds a NamedValue object to this list, initializing both the flags and name attribute. A pointer is returned which can be used to initialize the value attribute of the NamedValue.




The name.


The flag indicating the intended use of the NamedValue object. It can be one of ARG_IN, ARG_OUT, or ARG_INOUT.

NamedValue_ptr add_value(const char *name, const Any& val, Flags flags)
This method adds a NamedValue object to this list, initializing the name, value and flags. A pointer to the NamedValue object is returned.




The name.


The value.


The flag indicating the intended use of the NamedValue object. It can be one of ARG_IN, ARG_OUT, or ARG_INOUT.

Long count() const
This method returns the number of NamedValue objects in this list.

static NVList_ptr _duplicate(NVlist_ptr ptr)
This static method duplicates the specified NVList_ptr.




The object to be duplicated.

Status free_out_memory()
This method releases all the memory associated with all output parameters.

static boolean CORBA::is_nil(NVList_ptr obj)
This method returns true if the specified NamedValue pointer is NULL.




The object pointer to be checked.

NamedValue_ptr item(Long idx)
This method returns the NamedValue in the list with the specified index.




The index of the desired NamedValue object. The index is zero-based.

static NamedValue_ptr _nil()
This static method returns a NULL NamedValue pointer that can be used for initialization purposes.

void _release()
This method releases this object.

static void CORBA::release(NVList_ptr obj)
This static method releases the specified object.




The object to be released.

Status remove(Long idx)
This method deletes the NamedValue object from this list, located at the specified index.




The index of the NamedValue object. The index is zero-based.


class Object
All ORB objects are derived from the Object class, which provides methods for binding clients to objects and manipulating object references as well as querying and setting an object's state. The methods offered by the Object class are implemented by the ORB.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.


This static method duplicates the specified Object_ptr and returns an pointer to the object. The object's reference count is increased by one.




The object pointer to be duplicated.

Boolean _is_a(const char *repository_id)
This method returns true if this object implements the interface associated with the repository id. Otherwise, false is returned.




The repository identifier to check.

Boolean _is_equivalent(Object_ptr other_object)
This method returns true if the specified object pointer points to this object. Otherwise, false is returned.




Pointer to an object that is to be compared to this object.

void CORBA::is_nil() const
This method returns true if this object's reference value is NULL. If it is not NULL, false is returned.

NOTE: This method should not be used to check the return value from the _narrow method. Instead, compare it to NULL.
Boolean _is_persistent() const
This method returns true if this object is a persistent object. If this object is transient, false is returned.

static Object_ptr _nil()
This static method returns a NULL pointer suitable for initialization purposes.

Boolean _non_existent()
This method returns true if the object represented by this object reference no longer exists.

ULong _ref_count() const
This method returns the current reference count for this object. This is a local operation.

void _release()
This method releases this object and decrements its reference count. When an object's reference count reaches zero, the ORB will automatically delete the object.

static void CORBA::release()
This method releases this object and decrements its reference count. When an object's reference count reaches zero, the ORB will automatically delete the object.

Object State Methods

This method returns a pointer to the Basic Object Adaptor.

Status _create_request(Context_ptr ctx,
const char *operation,
NVList_ptr arg_list,
NamedValue_ptr result,
Request_ptr& request,
Flags req_flags)
This method creates a Request for an object implementation that is suitable for invocation with the Dynamic Invocation Interface.




The Context associated with this request. For more information, see Context.


The name of the operation to be performed on the object implementation.


A list of arguments to pass to the object implementation. See NVList for more information.


The result of the operation. See NamedValue for more information.


A pointer to the Request that is created. See Request for more information.


This flag must be set to OUT_LIST_MEMORY if one or more of the NamedValue items in arg_list is an output argument.

static const Principal_ptr _default_principal()
This method returns a pointer to the default Principal for this object.

static void _default_principal(const Principal& principal) static const
This static method sets the global, default Principal for this object. For more information, see Principal.




The default, global Principal to use for this object.

ImplementationDef_ptr _get_implementation()
This method returns a pointer to this object's implementation definition. See ImplementationDef for more information.

InterfaceDef_ptr _get_interface()
This method returns a pointer to this object's interface definition. See InterfaceDef for more information.

ULong _hash(ULong maximum)
This method returns a hash value for this object. This value will not change for the lifetime of this object, however the value is not necessarily unique. If two objects return the different hash values, then they are not identical. The upper bound of the hash value may be specified. The lower bound is zero.




The upper bound of the hash value returned.

const char *_interface_name() const
This method returns this object's interface name.

Boolean _is_local() const
This method returns true if the object implementation resides on the same host as the client application.

Boolean _is_remote() const
This method returns true if the object implementation resides on a different host than the client application.

const char *_object_name() const
This method returns the object name associated with this object.

const Principal_ptr _principal() const
This method returns a pointer to the Principal associated with this object. For more information, see Principal.

void _principal(const Principal& principal)
This method sets the Principal for this object. For more information, see Principal.




The Principal to use for this object. If the Principal is passed by reference, a new copy is created and used. If the Principal is passed as a pointer, that object will be used.

Request_ptr _request(Identifier operation)
This method creates a Request suitable for invoking methods on this objects. A pointer to the Request object is returned. See Request for more information.




The name of the object method to be invoked.


class OperationDef : public Contained
The OperationDef class contains information about an interface operation that is stored in the Interface Repository. This class is derived from the Principal class. The inherited describe method returns a OperationDescription structure that provides complete information on the operation.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.

IDL Definition

interface OperationDef: Contained {
typedef sequence<ParameterDescription> ParDescriptionSeq;
typedef Identifier ContextIdentifier;
typedef sequence<ContextIdentifier> ContextIdSeq;
typedef sequence<ExceptionDef> ExceptionDefSeq;
typedef sequence<ExceptionDescription> ExcDescriptionSeq;
readonly attribute TypeCode result;
attribute IDLType result_def;
attribute ParDescriptionSeq params;
attribute CORBA::OperationMode mode;
attribute ContextIdSeq contexts;
attribute ExceptionDefSeq exceptions;
struct OperationDescription {
Identifier name;
RepositoryId id;
RepositoryId defined_in;
VersionSpec version;
TypeCode result;
OperationMode mode;
ContextIdSeq contexts;
ParDescriptionSeq parameters;
ExcDescriptionSeq exceptions;


This method returns a list of context identifiers that apply to the operation.

void context(const ContextIdSeq& val)
This method sets the list of the context identifiers that apply to this operation.




The list of context identifiers.

ExceptionDefSeq * exceptions()
This method returns a list of the exception types that can be raised by this operation.

void exceptions(const ExceptionDefSeq& val)
This method sets the list of exception types that may be raised by this operation.




The list of exceptions that this operation may raise.

OperationMode mode()
This method returns the mode of the operation represented by this OperationDef. The mode may be normal or oneway. Operations that have a normal mode are synchronous and return a value to the client application. Oneway operations do not block and no response is sent from the object implementation to the client.

void mode(OperationMode val)
This method sets the mode of the operation.




The desired mode of this operation, either OP_ONEWAY or OP_NORMAL.

ParDescriptionSeq * params()
This method returns a pointer to a list of ParameterDescription structures that describe the parameters to this OperationDef.

void params(const ParDescriptionSeq& val)
This method sets the list of the ParameterDescription structures for this OperationDef. The order of the structures is significant and should correspond to the order defined in the IDL definition for the operation.




The list of ParameterDescription structures.

TypeCode_ptr result()
This method returns a pointer to a TypeCode representing the type of the value returned by this Operation. The TypeCode is a read-only attribute.

IDLType_ptr result_def()
This method returns a pointer to the definition of the type returned by this OperationDef.

void result_def(IDLType_ptr val)
This method sets definition of the type returned by this OperationDef.




A pointer to the type definition to use.


class ORB
The ORB class provides an interface to the Object Request Broker. It offers methods to both the client object that are independent of the particular Object or Object Adaptor.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.


This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for the alias with the specified type and name.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the alias type.


The type of the original for which this alias is being created.

static TypeCode_ptr create_array_tc(Ulong bound, TypeCode_ptr element_type)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for an array.




The maximum number of array elements.


The type of elements stored in this array.

static TypeCode_ptr create_enum_tc(const char *repository_id,
const char *type_name,
const EnumemberSeq& members)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for an enumeration with the specified type and members.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the enumeration's type.


A list of values for the enumeration's members.

Status create_environment(Enviranment_ptr& env)
This method creates an Environment object and returns a reference to the created object.




The reference that will be set to point to the newly created Environment.

static TypeCode_ptr create_exception_tc(const char *repository_id,
const char *type_name,
const StructMemberSeq& members)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for an exception with the specified type and members.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the structure's type.


A list of values for the structure members.

static TypeCode_ptr create_interface_tc(const char *repository_id,
const char *type_name)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for the interface with the specified type.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the interface's type.

Status create_list(Long num, NVList_ptr& nvlist)
This method creates an NVList with the specified number of elements and returns a reference to the list.




The number of elements in the list.


Initialized to point to the newly created list.

Status create_operation_list(OperationDef_ptr op, NVList& nvlist)
This method creates an argument list for the specified operation




Pointer to the operation definition whose argument list is to be created.


A reference to the newly created argument list.

static TypeCode_ptr create_recursive_sequence_tc(Ulong bound,
Ulong offset)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for a recursive sequence. The result of this method can be used to create other types.




The maximum number of sequence elements.


The offset parameter determines which enclosing TypeCode describes the elements of this sequence.

static TypeCode_ptr create_sequence_tc(Ulong bound,
TypeCode_ptr element_type)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for a sequence.




The maximum number of sequence elements.


The type of elements stored in this sequence.

static TypeCode_ptr create_struct_tc(const char *repository_id,
const char *type_name,
const StructMemberSeq& members)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for the structure with the specified type and members.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the structure's type.


A list of values for the structure members.

static TypeCode_ptr create_union_tc(const char *repository_id,
const char *type_name,
TypeCode_ptr discriminator_type,
const UnionMemberSeq& members)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for a union with the specified type, discriminator and members.




The identifier generated by the IDL compiler or constructed dynamically.


The name of the union's type.


The discriminating type for the union.


A list of values for the union members.

static TypeCode_ptr create_string_tc(Ulong bound)
This static method dynamically creates a TypeCode for a string.




The maximum length of the string.

static ORB_ptr _duplicate(ORB_ptr ptr)
This static method duplicates the specified ORB pointer and returns a pointer to the duplicated ORB.




The ORB pointer to be duplicated.

Status get_default_context(Context_ptr& ctx)
This method returns a reference to the default Context for this process..




Initialized to the default Context for this process.

Status get_next_response(RequestSeq*& req)
This method blocks waiting for the response associated with a deferred request. You can use the ORB::poll_next_response method to determine if there is a response waiting to be received before calling this method.




Set to point to the request that has been received.

static ORB_ptr _nil()
This static method returns a NULL ORB pointer suitable for initialization purposes.

char *object_to_string(Object_ptr obj)
This method converts the specified object reference to a string, a process referred to as "stringification" in the CORBA specification. Object references that have been converted to strings can be stored in files etc. This is an ORB method because different ORB implementations may have different conventions for representing object references as strings.

NOTE: The reference can be made persistent by saving it to a file; the object itself is not made persistent.




Pointer to an object that is to be converted to a string.

static ORB_ptr ORB_init(int& argc,
char *const *argv,
const char *orb_id = "Internet ORB")
This method initializes the ORB and is used by both clients and object implementations. It returns a pointer to the ORB that can be used to invoke ORB methods. The argc and argv parameters passed to the application's main function can be passed directly to this method. The arguments accepted by this method take the form of name-value pairs which allows them to be distinguished from other command line arguments.




The number of arguments passed.


The list of arguments passed.


Identifies the type of ORB. Currently "Internet ORB" is the only supported value.

Name-Value pair


-ORBagentaddr <ip_address>

Specifies the IP address of the osagent to be used. If this is not specified, an osagent will be located through the use of a broadcast message.

-ORBagentport <port_number>

Used, in conjunction with the above parameter, to specify the port number of the osagent to be used.

-ORBsendbufsize <size>

Specifies the size of the send buffer to be used by the network transport mechanism. If not specified, an appropriate default size will be used.

-ORBrcvbufsize <size>

Specifies the size of the receive buffer to be used by the network transport mechanism. If not specified, an appropriate default size will be used.

-ORBmbufsize <size>

Specifies the size of the intermediate buffer used by the ORB. If not specified, the ORB will maintain a pointer to the argument and will not make an intermediate copy. Using this parameter incorrectly can seriously affect performance.


Disables the use of shared memory for sending and receiving messages when the client and object implementation are located on the same host.


Enables the use of shared memory.

-ORBshmsize <size>

Specifies the size of the shared memory buffer used by the ORB. If this is not specified, an appropriate size will be used.

Boolean poll_next_response()
This method returns true if a response to a deferred request has been received, otherwise false is returned. This call does not block.

static void CORBA::release(ORB_ptr ptr)
This static method releases the specified ORB pointer. Once the object's reference count reaches zero, the object is automatically deleted.




A pointer to the object to be released.

Status send_multiple_requests_deferred(const RequestSeq& req)
This method sends all the client request in the specified sequence as deferred requests. The ORB will not wait for any responses from the object implementation. The client application is responsible for retrieving the responses to each request using the ORB::get_next_response method.




A sequence of deferred requests to be sent.

Status send_multiple_requests_oneway(const RequestSeq& req)
This method sends all the client requests in the specified sequence as oneway requests. The ORB does not wait for a response from any of the requests because oneway requests do not generate responses from the object implementation.




A sequence of oneway requests to be sent.

Object_ptr string_to_object(const char *str)
This method converts a string representing an object into an object pointer. The string must have been created using the ORB::object_to_string method.




A pointer to a string representing an object.


typedef OctetSequence Principal
The Principal is used to represent the client application on whose behalf a request is being made. An object implementation can accept or reject a bind request, based on the client's Principal.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this typedef.


The BOA class provides the get_principal method which returns a pointer to the Principal associated with an object. The Object class provides also provides methods for getting and setting the Principal.


class Repository : public Container
The Repository class provides access to the interface repository and is derived from the Container class.

Include File

Include corba.h when using this class.

IDL Definition

interface CORBA_Repository: CORBA_Container {
Contained lookup_id(in RepositoryId search_id);
PrimitiveDef get_primitive(in CORBA::PrimitiveKind kind);
StringDef create_string(in unsigned long bound);
SequenceDef create_sequence(
in unsigned long bound,
in IDLType element_type
ArrayDef create_array(
in unsigned long length,
in IDLType element_type


This method creates a new ArrayDef and returns a pointer to that object.




The maximum number of elements in the array. This value must be greater than zero.


The IDLType of the elements stored in the array.

SequenceDef_ptr create_sequence(CORBA::ULong bound,
IDLType_ptr element_type)
This method creates a new SequenceDef object and returns a pointer to that object.




The maximum number of items in the sequence. This value must be greater than zero.


A pointer to the IDLType of the items stored in the sequence.

StringDef_ptr create_string(Ulong bound)
This method creates a new StringDef object and returns a pointer to that object.




The maximum length of the string. This value must be greater than zero.

PrimitiveDef_ptr get_primitive(PrimitiveKind kind)
This method returns a reference to a PrimitiveKind.




The reference returned to the

Contained_ptr lookup_id(const char * search_id)
This method searches for an object in the interface repository that matches the specified search id. If no match is found, a NULL value is returned.




The identifier to use for the search.


class Request
The Request class is used by client applications to invoke an operation on an ORB object using the Dynamic Invocation Interface. A single ORB object is associated with a given Request object. The Request specifies an operation to be performed on the ORB object, the arguments to be passed, the Context and an Environment object, if any. Methods are provided for invoking the request, receiving the response from the object implementation and retrieving the result of the operation.

The Object class provides the methods _create_request and _request for creating a Request object.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.


This method returns a pointer to an NVList object containing the arguments for this request. The pointer can be used to set or retrieve the argument values.

void ctx(CORBA::Context_ptr ctx)
This method sets the Context to be used with this request.




The Context object to be associated with this request.

CORBA::Context_ptr ctx() const
This method returns a pointer to the Context associated with this request.

CORBA::Environment_ptr env()
This method returns a pointer to the Environment associated with this request.

CORBA::Status get_response()
This method is used after the send_deferred method has been invoked to retrieve a response from the object implementation. If there is no response available, this method blocks the client application until a response is received.

CORBA::Status invoke()
This method invokes this Request on the ORB object associated with this request. This method will block the client until a response is received from the object implementation. This Request should be initialized with the target object, operation name, and arguments before this method is invoked.

const char* operation() const
This method returns the name of the operation that this request will represent.

CORBA::Boolean poll_response()
This nonblocking method is invoked after the send_deferred method to determine if a response has been received. This method returns true if a response has been received, otherwise false is returned.

CORBA::NamedValue_ptr result()
This method returns a pointer to a NamedValue object where the return value for the operation will be stored. The pointer can be used to retrieve the result value after the request has been processed by the object implementation.

CORBA::Status send_deferred()
Like the invoke method, this method sends this Request to the object implementation. Unlike the invoke method, this method does not block waiting for a response. The client application can retrieve the response using the get_response method.

CORBA::Status send_oneway()
This method invokes this Request as oneway operation. Oneway operations do not block and do not result in a response being sent from the object implementation to the client application.

CORBA::Object_ptr target() const
This method returns a reference to the target object on which this request will operate.


class SystemException : public Exception
The SystemException class is used to report standard system errors encountered by the ORB or by the object implementation. This class is derived from the Exception class, which provides methods for printing the name and details of the exception to an output stream.

SystemException object include a completion status, that indicates if the operation that caused the exception was completed. SystemException objects also have a minor code that can be set and retrieved.

Include File

Include corba.h when you use this class.


This method returns true if this object's completion status is set to COMPLETED_YES; otherwise, it returns false.

void completed(CompletionStatus status)
This method sets the completion status for this object.




The completion status, one of COMPLETED_YES, COMPLETED_NO, or COMPLETED_MAYBE.

ULong minor() const
This method returns this object's minor code.

void minor(ULong val)
This method sets the minor code for this object.




The minor code.

static SystemException *_narrow(Exception *exc)
This method attempts to narrow the specified Exception pointer to a SystemException pointer. If the supplied pointer points to a SystemException object, or an object derived from SystemException, a pointer to the object is returned. If the supplied pointer does not point to a SystemException object, a NULL pointer is returned.




An Exception pointer to be narrowed.

Exception Name



Unknown exception.


An invalid parameter was passed.


Dynamic memory allocation failure.


Implementation limit violated.


Communication failure.


Invalid object reference specified.


No permission for attempted operation.


ORB internal error.


Error marshalling parameter or result.


ORB initialization failure.


Operation implementation not available.


Invalid typecode.


Invalid operation.


Insufficient resources to process request.


Response to request not yet available.


Persistent storage failure.


Routine invocations out of order.


Transient failure.


Unable to free memory.


Invalid identifier syntax.


Invalid flag was specified.


Error accessing interface repository.


Error processing context object.


Failure detected by object adaptor.


Data conversion error.


Object is not available.

SystemException(ULong minor = 0, completion_status status = COMPLETED_NO)

This method creates a SystemException object with the specified properties.




The minor code.


The completion status, one of COMPLETED_YES, COMPLETED_NO, or COMPLETED_MAYBE.

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Last Updated: 02/03/98 17:19:17

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation

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