Netscape Internet Service Broker for Java: Reference Guide, Version 1.0

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Chapter 4
Core Interfaces and Classes

This chapter describes the core interfaces and classes in the org.omg.CORBA package. It contains the following sections.


final public class ARG_IN
ARG_IN is used to designate parameters for dynamic invocation interface requests that are only used for input purposes and will not be modified by the server. See also: Request and NVList.


final public static int value = (int) 1;


final public class ARG_INOUT
ARG_INOUT is used to designate parameters for dynamic invocation interface requests that are used for input purposes, but may also be modified by the server upon return to the client. See also: Request and NVList.


final public static int value = (int) 3;


final public class ARG_OUT
ARG_OUT is used to designate parameters for dynamic invocation interface requests that are used for input purposes, but may also be modified by the server upon return to the client. See also: Request and NVList.


final public static int value = (int) 2;


public interface BOA
The Basic Object Adapter is used by object implementations to activate and deactivate the objects they offer to clients. An object implementation invokes the obj_is_ready method to make the implementation visible to clients on the network. The deactivate_obj method is used to makes an object implementation unavailable to clients.

The BOA also provides methods for obtaining the Principle associated with a client request and entering an event loop to wait for the receipt of client requests.

The BOA instance is obtained by using the method ORB.BOA_init(). For example:

try {
            org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = CORBA.ORB.init();
            org.omg.CORBA.BOA boa = orb.BOA_init();
            // create a new implementation object
            Bank bank = new Bank();
            // make the implementation Net visible
            // wait for incoming requests...
For multiple calls to BOA_init, you can create multiple orbs with one BOA per orb. See also the Object interface.

IDL Definition

interface BOA {
deactivate_obj(in CORBA::Object object);
        CORBA::Principal get_principal(in CORBA::Object object);
        void impl_is_ready();
        void obj_is_ready(in CORBA::Object object);


public void deactivate_obj(Object object)
This method makes a server's implementation object invisible to the network. After invoking this method, requests received for this object will cause a CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT exception to be raised.

Parameter Description

The server's implementation object to be deactivated.

public Principal get_principal(Object object)
This method returns the Principal object associated with the current operation request or null if the specified object is not the target of the current invocation.

Parameter Description

The server object on which the current operation request is being called. Normally, this object reference is to this object.

public void impl_is_ready()
This method is invoked by a server after all the objects that it implements have been activated using object_is_ready method. This method enters a loop waiting for client operation requests to arrive and does not return. Calling this method is not required if the server has some other non-daemon thread running. For example, if there is a GUI running, the GUI will control the lifetime of the program and this method need not be used.

public void obj_is_ready(Object object)
This method makes an object implementation provided by a server visible on the network. Servers that implement more than one object must make a separate call to this method for each object that they offer.

Parameter Description

The server's implementation object to be activated.


public final class CompletionStatus extends Object
This class works with SystemException and indicates whether the operation completed before the exception was raised.

IDL definition



For more information about these methods, see "Enum."

public final static int _COMPLETED_YES
public final static int _COMPLETED_NO
public final static int _COMPLETED_MAYBE
public final static CompletionStatus COMPLETED_YES
public final static CompletionStatus COMPLETED_NO
public final static CompletionStatus COMPLETED_MAYBE
public int value()
public static CompletionStatus from_int(int value)


public interface Context
The Context interface contains a property list for a client. This property list is propagated to the server when a client makes a request. Because the CORBA specification does not define the contents of a Context, the uses of these properties are left to the user and implementor to define. Context objects are organized as a tree with each containing a pointer to its parent context. The root context is the global default context, whose parent is null. The default context is obtained by using the ORB get_default_context method.

IDL Definition

interface Context {
      CORBA::Context create_child(in CORBA::Identifier context_name);
      void delete_values(in CORBA::Identifier prop_name);
      CORBA::NVList get_values(in CORBA::Identifier start_scope,
                               in boolean restrict_scope,
                               in CORBA::Identifier prop_name);
      CORBA::Context parent();
      void set_one_value(in CORBA::Identifier prop_name, in any value);
      void set_values(in CORBA::NVList values);


public String context_name()
This method returns the name of this Context.

public Context create_child(String context_name)
This method creates a child (leaf) Context with the specified parent Context. This method returns the newly created child context.

Parameter Description

The name of the child Context to be created.

public void delete_values(String prop_name)
This method removes all properties with the specified name from the current Context. You can use an asterisk as a wildcard character at the end of the prop_name.

Parameter Description

The name of the property to be removed.

public org.omg.CORBA.NVList get_values(String start_scope, boolean restrict_scope, String prop_name)
This method returns the properties associated with the current Context as an NVList of name-value pairs. Scope of the Context search may be limited using the start_scope and restrict_scope parameters. You can use an asterisk as a wildcard at the end of the prop_name. This method returns a name value list for the specified search. If the start_scope is not null and the corresponding context is not found, this method throws BAD_PARAM.

Parameter Description

The name of the Context where the search is to begin.


True indicates that the search is only for the current context or the scope matching start_scope, if not null. False indicates that the search includes the current context as well as its ancestors.


The name of the property to be returned.

public org.omg.CORBA.Context parent()
This method returns the parent Context for this object. If this object is the default global context, NULL is returned.

public void set_one_value(String prop_name, org.omg.CORBA.Any value)
This method adds a new property to the current Context. The value of the property is represented by the Any class.

Parameter Description

The name of the new property.


An Any object that contains the value of the new property.

public void set_values(org.omg.CORBA.NVList values)
This method sets the properties of the current Context using the supplied NVList, containing one or more name-value pairs.

Parameter Description

The list of properties for the Context.


public class org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName extends org.omg.CORBA.UserException
The exception is raised by the ORB resolve_initial_references method.

Helper and Holder versions of this class are also provided. See "Generated Classes" for more information on these classes and the methods they offer.


The Naming class uses URL's of the form http://host[:port]/path/object_name to resolve and register objects by name. This class is part of the file in the Netscape Enterprise Server and part of the iiop10.jar file in Netscape Communicator. The behaviors of the methods are slightly different, depending on which ORB is used; these differences are described below.


public static org.omg.CORBA.Object resolve(String url) throws SystemException
This method resolves a CORBA object from a URL of the form http://host[:port]/path/name.

Parameter Description

The URL to resolve.

Calling resolve using the Enterprise Server's ORB is different than calling resolve using the Communicator's ORB. With the Enterprise Server, this call automatically prepends NameService/ to the specified path/name. For example:

obj = resolve("http://mikelee:80/Howdy");
resolves a CORBA object using the following (automatically modified) URL:

With the Communicator, the URL is not automatically modified, so you need to specify the NameService/ prefix yourself. For example:

obj = resolve("http://mikelee:80/NameService/Howdy");
public static void register(String url, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj) throws SystemException
This method uses WebNaming to register an object with a URL of the form http://host[:port]/path/name. The caller's machine must be allowed to do an HTTP 'PUT' on the designated host.

Parameter Description

The URL at which to register.


The object to register.

Calling register using the Enterprise Server's ORB is different than calling register using the Communicator's ORB. With the Enterprise Server, this call automatically prepends NameService/ to the specified path/name. For example:

register("http://mikelee:80/Howdy", obj);
registers the object with the following (automatically modified) URL:

With the Communicator, the URL is not automatically modified, so you need to specify the NameService/ prefix yourself. For example:

register("http://mikelee:80/NameService/Howdy", obj);


public interface Object
The Object interface is the root of the CORBA inheritance hierarchy. All interfaces defined in IDL inherit from this interface. This interface provides platform independent run-time type information and object reference equivalence testing.

A Holder version of this class is also provided, as described in "Generated Classes."

IDL Definition

interface Object {
       attribute ::CORBA::BindOptions _bind_options;
       attribute ::CORBA::Principal _principal;
      CORBA::BOA _boa();
      CORBA::Object _clone();
      CORBA::Request _create_request(
        in CORBA::Context ctx,
        in CORBA::Identifier operation,
        in CORBA::NVList arg_list,
        in CORBA::NamedValue result
      CORBA::Request _create_request(
        in CORBA::Context ctx,
        in CORBA::Identifier operation,
        in CORBA::NVList arg_list,
        in CORBA::NamedValue result,
        in CORBA::ExceptionList exceptions,
        in CORBA::ContextList contexts
      CORBA::Object _duplicate();
      CORBA::InterfaceDef _get_interface();
      CORBA::ImplementationDef _get_implementation();
       unsigned long _hash(in unsigned long maximum);
       boolean _is_a(in CORBA::RepositoryId repId);
       boolean _is_bound();
       boolean _is_equivalent(in CORBA::Object other_object);
       boolean _is_local();
       boolean _is_persistent();
       boolean _is_remote();
       boolean _non_existent();
      CORBA::Identifier _object_name();
      CORBA::ORB _orb();
       void _release();
      CORBA::RepositoryId _repository_id();
      CORBA::Request _request(in CORBA::Identifier operation);


public org.omg.CORBA.BindOptions _bind_options()
This method returns the bind options associated with this object.

public void _bind_options(org.omg.CORBA.BindOptions _bind_options)
This method is used by client applications and sets the bind options associated with this object.

Bind options cannot be set on an implementation object. They can only be set on a client's proxy object.

Parameter Description

The bind options to be set for this object.

public org.omg.CORBA.BOA _boa()
This method returns the singleton Basic Object Adapter. If the BOA has not been initialized, a CORBA.INITIALIZE exception is raised.

public org.omg.CORBA.Object _clone()
This method creates a copy of this Object, which then has its own TCP connection to the server. If the object implementation is local, the pointer of the implementation object is returned.

public org.omg.CORBA.Request _create_request(org.omg.CORBA.Context ctx, nString operation, org.omg.CORBA.NVList arg_list, org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue result)
This method creates an dynamic invocation request initialized with the specified parameters. For information on obtaining the default context, see "get_default_context."

Parameter Description

The Context to use for the dynamic invocation request.


The name of the operation to be invoked.


A list of NamedValue items. There is one NamedValue for each argument that is to be passed to the operation.


The type of the return value.

public org.omg.CORBA.Request _create_request(org.omg.CORBA.Context ctx, String operation, org.omg.CORBA.NVList arg_list, org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue result, org.omg.CORBA.Typecode[] exceptions, String[] contexts)
This method creates an dynamic invocation request initialized with the specified parameters, including a list of exceptions that the request may raise. For information on obtaining the default context, see "get_default_context."

Parameter Description

The Context to use for the dynamic invocation request.


The name of the operation to be invoked.


A list of NamedValue items. There is one NamedValue for each argument that is to be passed to the operation.


A list of Typecode objects representing the exceptions that this request might raise.


A list of Context objects. The list of Context objects supports type checking on context names.

public org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef _get_interface()
This method returns the interface definition of this object. An interface repository must be available if this method is to be used. For information about starting an interface repository, see "Commands."

public int _hash(int maximum)
This method computes a hash value for this object in the range of [0 - maximum]. The value returned is always positive.

Parameter Description

The maximum hash value to return.

public boolean _is_a(String repid)
This method queries an object to see if it implements the specified interface. This method returns true if the implementation object supports the interface. Otherwise, false is returned.

Parameter Description

A String containing the repository identifier of the desired interface.

Invoking this method may result in a call to the implementation object, since it is possible for a given server to simultaneously implement multiple interfaces via multiple inheritance, as shown in the following IDL example.

Interface C inherits from both interface A and interface B.

module M {
    interface A {
        void opA();
    interface B {
        void opB();
    interface C : A, B {
Given an interface A in module M, (i.e., M::A) the corresponding repository identifier will generally be "IDL:M/A:1.0" (omitting the quotation marks). The repository identifier can also be set to an arbitrary string, using #pragmas in the IDL file.

public boolean _is_bound()
This method returns true if a TCP connection has been established with the implementation object. Otherwise, false is returned.

public boolean _is_equivalent(org.omg.CORBA.Object other_object)
This method compares this object with the specified object and returns true if they both refer to the same implementation object. Otherwise, false is returned.

This method does not simply compare pointers. Two object references may be locally distinct yet still refer to the same object implementation.

Parameter Description

A reference to the object to be compared with this object.

public boolean _is_local()
This method returns true if this object refers to an object implemented in the local address space. Otherwise, false is returned.

public boolean _is_persistent()
This method returns true if this object reference is valid beyond the lifetime of the process that implements the object. Otherwise, false is returned.

public boolean _is_remote()
This method returns true if this object refers to an object implemented in a remote address space. Otherwise, false is returned.

public boolean _non_existent()
This method attempts to ping the implementation object to determine if it is active. This method returns false if the implementation object is currently active (possibly after causing the server to be activated). Otherwise, true is returned. This method does not cause a client's proxy object to rebind to another server. In other words, it does force a bind, but it does not force a rebind.

public String _object_name()
This method returns name of the object implementation. If the object is not named, NULL is returned. Transient objects and foreign objects are not named.

public org.omg.CORBA.BOA _orb()
This method returns a handle to an Object Request Broker. If the ORB has not been initialized, a CORBA.INITIALIZE exception is raised.

public Principal _principal()
This method is used by object implementations to obtain the principal associated with a request on this object. The principal can be associated with a client's proxy object or with the target of an active operation request. A NULL value is returned if this object is not currently processing an operation request.

Client applications and object implementations may set the principal using the _principal method, shown below.

public void _principal(org.omg.CORBA.Princpal principal)
This method sets the principal associated with this object. A principal can either be associated with a proxy object or with the target of an active invocation. Attempting to obtain the principal of an implementation while not in an invocation results in a NULL. The principal is stored by reference, so be careful when modifying the value.

Parameter Description

A principal to set for this object.

public String _repository_id()
This method returns the repository identifier of the object implementation's most derived interface.

public org.omg.CORBA.Request _request(String operation)
This method creates an empty dynamic invocation request. Both in and inout parameters must be initialized prior to sending the request. The types must also be initialized for out parameters and return values. See "Request" for more information initializing and sending dynamic invocation requests.

Parameter Description

The name of the operation to be invoked.


abstract public class ORB
This class provides a method for initializing the CORBA infrastructure, as shown in the following code example. The Object Request Broker, along with the Basic Object Adaptor, provides a variety of methods used by both clients and servers.

Example client usage of the ORB class.

public class SimpleClientProgram {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init();
            org.omg.CORBA.Object object = orb.string_to_object(args[0]);
            System.out.println("Contacted object: " + object);
        catch(org.omg.CORBA.SystemException se) {
            System.out.println("Failure: " + se);
Following is the IDL definition of the ORB interface.

pseudo interface ORB {
   void connect(Object obj);
create_alias_tc (in RepositoryId id,
     in Identifier name,
     in TypeCode original_type);
   Any create_any();
   TypeCode create_array_tc (in unsigned long length,
     in TypeCode element_type);
   ContextList create_context_list();
   Environment create_environment();
   TypeCode create_enum_tc (in RepositoryId id,
     in Identifier name,
     in EnumMemberSeq members);
   ExceptionList create_exception_list();
   TypeCode create_exception_tc (in RepositoryId id,   
     in Identifier name,
     in StructMemberSeq members);
   TypeCode create_interface_tc (in RepositoryId id,
     in Identifier name);
   NVList create_list(in long count);
   NamedValue create_named_value(in String name, in Any value, in Flags flags);
   NVList create_operation_list(in OperationDef oper);
   OutputStream create_output_stream();
   TypeCode create_recursive_sequence_tc(in unsigned long bound,
     in unsigned long offset);
   TypeCode create_sequence_tc (in unsigned long bound,
     in TypeCode element_type);
   TypeCode create_string_tc (in unsigned long bound);
   TypeCode create_struct_tc (in RepositoryId id,
     in Identifier name,
     in StructMemberSeq members);
   TypeCode create_union_tc (in RepositoryId id,
     in Identifier name,
     in TypeCode discriminator_type,
     in UnionMemberSeq members);
   void disconnect(Object obj);
   Current get_current();
   Context get_default_context();
   Request get_next_response();
   TypeCode get_primitive_tc(in TCKind tcKind);
  exception InvalidName {}; 
  typedef string ObjectId;
   typedef sequence<ObjectId> ObjectIdList;
   ObjectIdList list_initial_services();
   string object_to_string(in Object obj);
   boolean poll_next_response();
   Object resolve_initial_references(in ObjectId object_name)
   void send_multiple_requests_deferred(in RequestSeq req);
   void send_multiple_requests_oneway(in RequestSeq req);
   Object string_to_object(in string str);


public static org.omg.CORBA.BOA BOA_init()
This method initializes the BOA singleton and returns a reference to the BOA singleton. Like the init method, BOA_init can be called repeatedly and at anytime to obtain a reference to the BOA. Returns the BOA singleton.

public static org.omg.CORBA.BOA BOA_init(java.applet.Applet applet)
This method initializes the BOA singleton from an applet and returns a reference to the BOA. This method can be called repeatedly and at anytime to obtain a reference to the BOA.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_alias_tc(String repository_id,
                                                       String type_name,
                                                       org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode original_type)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL alias.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


The aliased type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Any create_any()
This method creates an empty Any object with a NULL type code.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_array_tc(int length,
                org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode element_type)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL array.

Parameter Description

The length of the array.


The type of the elements contained in the array.

public abstract ContextList create_context_list()
This method creates and returns an empty ContextList.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_enum_tc(String repository_id,
                                                      String type_name,
                                                      String members[])
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL enumeration.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


An array of strings defining the members of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Environment create_environment()
This method creates and returns an empty Environment.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_estruct_tc(String repository_id, String type_name, org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode base org.omg.CORBA.StructMember members[])
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL estruct.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


The estruct from which the current estruct inherits. Use NULL to indicate that this is the root structure.


An array of structures defining the members of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_exception_tc(String repository_id,
                                                           String type_name,
                                                           org.omg.CORBA.StructMember members[])
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL exception.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


An array of structures defining the members of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.InputStream create_input_stream(org.omg.CORBA.OutputStream ostream)
This method creates an IIOP input stream from an IIOP output stream. All bytes written to the output stream will be available to be read from the input stream.

Parameter Description

The output stream from which the input stream is created.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_interface_tc(
String repository_id, String type_name)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL interface.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.NVList create_list(int length)
This method creates and returns an NVList of the specified length.

Parameter Description

The length of the list to be created.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue create_named_value(String name
org.omg.CORBA.Any value, int flags)
This method creates and returns a new NamedValue for the Dynamic Invocation Interface.

Parameter Description

The name for the NamedValue.


The value for the NamedValue.


The flags for the NamedValue: IN, OUT, or INOUT.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.NVList create_operation_list(
org.omg.CORBA.OperationDef operationDef)
This method creates and returns a new NVList for use with a Dynamic Invocation Interface request.

Parameter Description

The operation description that must be specified.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.OutputStream create_output_stream()
This method creates an IIOP output stream. An array of bytes constituting an IIOP buffer can be extracted from the stream.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_recursive_sequence_tc(int length, int offset)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL sequence.

Parameter Description

The length of the sequence to be created. A length of zero indicates an unbounded sequence is desired.


The offset into the type code's (recursive) definition.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_sequence_tc(int length,
org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode element_type)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL sequence.

Parameter Description

The length of the sequence to be created. A length of zero indicates an unbounded sequence is desired.


The type of the elements contained by the sequence.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_string_tc(int length)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL String.

Parameter Description

The length of the String to be created. A length of zero indicates an unbounded string is desired.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_wstring_tc(int length)
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL wString, or Unicode string.

Parameter Description

The length of the String to be created. A length of zero indicates an unbounded string is desired.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_struct_tc(String repository_id, String type_name, org.omg.CORBA.StructMember members[])
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL struct.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


An array of structures defining the members of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode create_union_tc(String repository_id,
                                                       String type_name,
                                                       org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode discriminator_type,
                                                       org.omg.CORBA.UnionMembers members[])
This method creates and returns a TypeCode describing an IDL union.

Parameter Description

The repository identifier that specifies the type in IDL.


The unscoped type name of the type.


The type of the discriminator. The discriminator is the type used in the switch statement.


An array of structures defining the members of the type.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.BindOptions default_bind_options()
This method returns the global default bind options, if one has been set; otherwise, NULL is returned. The bind options are stored by reference, so be careful when modifying the value.

abstract public void default_bind_options(org.omg.CORBA.BindOptions options)
This method sets the global, default bind options. The global default bind options are stored by reference. Use care when modifying the value.

Parameter Description

The new bind options that are being specified.

abstract public Principal default_principal()
This method returns the global, default Principal, if one has been set; otherwise, NULL is returned.

abstract public Principal default_principal(byte principal[])
This method sets the global default principal. The bind options are stored by reference, so be careful when modifying the value. The global, default Principal is stored by reference. Use care when modifying the value.

Parameter Description

The new principal that is being specified.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Context get_default_context()
This method returns the global default Context. Because the default context is a shared resource, any updates to it should be synchronized.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Request get_next_response()
This blocking method waits until a response to a deferred operation request in available. The completed Request is returned. See also: send_multiple_requests_deferred.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode get_primitive_tc(TCKind kind)
This method returns the primitive type code associated with the kind. An org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM exception is raised if kind is out of range or is not for a primitive data type.

Parameter Description

The type code kind, as defined in TCKind.

abstract public String[] list_initial_services()
This method returns a list of names of any object services, such as a Name Service or Event Service, initially available to the process.

abstract public String object_to_string(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
This method converts an object reference to a String, which is returned. The String is valid for the lifetime of the server or, if the implementation is registered with the activation daemon, for the lifetime of the registration and activation daemons. This method returns a stringified Internet Object Reference.

Parameter Description

The object reference to be converted.

abstract public boolean poll_next_response()
This method returns true if a response to a deferred operation request is available. Otherwise, false is returned. See also: send_multiple_requests_deferred.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Object resolve_initial_references(String identifier) throws org.omg.CORBA._ORB.InvalidName
This method resolves one of the names returned by the list_initial_services method to its corresponding implementation object. If specified name is not found, an org.omg.CORBA.InvalidName exception is raised.

Parameter Description

The resolved object, which can be narrowed to the appropriate server type.

abstract public void send_multiple_requests_deferred(org.omg.CORBA.Request reqs[])
This nonblocking method sends a number of operation requests. Return values may then be obtained using the poll_next_response and get_next_response methods.

Parameter Description

The operation requests.

abstract public void send_multiple_requests_oneway(org.omg.CORBA.Request reqs[])
This method sends a number of oneway operation requests. Return values are not provided for oneway requests.

Parameter Description

The server's implementation object to be activated.

abstract public org.omg.CORBA.Object string_to_object(String ior)
This method converts a String to an object reference. The Object that is returned can be narrowed to a specific interface. If the ior parameter refers to an implementation object in the local address space, the resulting object will be a direct pointer reference to the implementation object. An org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF exception will be raised if the ior parameter is invalid.

Parameter Description

An Internet Object Reference that was previously created with the object_to_string method.


abstract public class Principal
The Principal contains a sequence of bytes that a client application may associate with an operation request. Client applications can set a default principal for a proxy object by using the orb.default_principal method. The principal may also be retrieved using the boa.get_principal method.

IDL Definition

interface Principal {
   attribute ::CORBA::OctetSequence name;


abstract public void name(byte[] newName)
This method sets the name of the Principal.

Parameter Description

The name to be set.

abstract public byte[] name()
This method returns the name of the Principal.

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Last Updated: 02/04/98 14:19:26

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