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iPlanet Web Server, FastTrack Edition NSAPI Programmer's Guide

Chapter 4   Creating Custom SAFs

This chapter describes how to write your own NSAPI plugins that define custom Server Application Functions (SAFs). Creating plugins allows you to modify or extend the iPlanet Web Server's built-in functionality. For example, you can modify the server to handle user authorization in a special way or generate dynamic HTML pages based on information in a database.

The sections in this chapter are:

Before writing custom SAFs, you should familiarize yourself with the request handling process, as described in Chapter 1 "Basics of Server Operation." Also, before writing a custom SAF, check if a built-in SAF already accomplishes the tasks you have in mind. See Chapter 3 "Predefined SAFs and the Request Handling Process," for a list of the pre-defined SAFs.

For a complete list of the NSAPI routines for implementing custom SAFs, see Chapter 5 "NSAPI Function Reference."

The SAF Interface

All SAFs (custom and built-in) have the same C interface regardless of the request-handling step for which they are written. They are small functions designed for a specific purpose within a specific request-response step. They receive parameters from the directive that invokes them in the obj.conf file, from the server, and from previous SAFs.

Here is the C interface for a SAF:

int function(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq);

The next section discusses the parameters in detail.

The SAF returns a result code which indicates whether and how it succeeded. The server uses the result code from each function to determine how to proceed with processing the request. See the section "Result Codes" for details of the result codes.

SAF Parameters

This section discusses the SAF parameters in detail. The parameters are:

  • pb (parameter block)-- contains the parameters from the directive that invokes the SAF in the obj.conf file.

  • sn (session)-- contains information relating to a single TCP/IP session.

  • rq (request)-- contains information relating to the current request.

pb (parameter block)

The pb parameter is a pointer to a pblock data structure that contains values specified by the directive that invokes the SAF. A pblock data structure contains a series of name/value pairs.

For example, a directive that invokes the basic-nsca function might look like:

AuthTrans fn=basic-ncsa auth-type=basic

In this case, the pb parameter passed to basic-ncsa contains name/value pairs that correspond to auth-type=basic and dbm=/netscape/server4/userdb/rs.

NSAPI provides a set of functions for working with pblock data structures. For example, pblock_findval() returns the value for a given name in a pblock. See "Parameter Block Manipulation Routines" for a summary of the most commonly used functions for working with parameter blocks.

sn (session)

The sn parameter is a pointer to a Session data structure. This parameter contains variables related to an entire session (that is, the time between the opening and closing of the TCP/IP connection between the client and the server). The same sn pointer is passed to each SAF called within each request for an entire session. The following list describes the most important fields in this data structure.

(See Chapter 5 "NSAPI Function Reference" for information about NSAPI routines for manipulating the Session data structure):

  • sn->client

    is a pointer to a pblock containing information about the client such as its IP address, DNS name, or certificate. If the client does not have a DNS name or if it cannot be found, it will be set to the client's IP number.

  • sn->csd

    is a platform-independent client socket descriptor. You will pass this to the routines for reading from and writing to the client.

rq (request)

The rq parameter is a pointer to a request data structure. This parameter contains variables related to the current request, such as the request headers, URI, and local file system path. The same request pointer is passed to each SAF called in the request-response process for an HTTP request.

The following list describes the most important fields in this data structure (See Chapter 5 "NSAPI Function Reference," for information about NSAPI routines for manipulating the Request data structure).

  • rq->vars

    is a pointer to a pblock containing the server's "working" variables. This includes anything not specifically found in the following three pblocks. The contents of this pblock vary depending on the specific request and the type of SAF. For example, an AuthTrans SAF may insert an auth-user parameter into rq->vars which can be used subsequently by a PathCheck SAF.

  • rq->reqpb

    is a pointer to a pblock containing elements of the HTTP request. This includes the HTTP method (GET, POST, ...), the URI, the protocol (normally HTTP/1.0), and the query string. This pblock does not normally change throughout the request-response process.

  • rq->headers

    is a pointer to a pblock containing all the request headers (such as User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, ...) received from the client in the HTTP request. See Appendix G "HyperText Transfer Protocol," for more information about request headers. This pblock does not normally change throughout the request-response process.

  • rq->srvhdrs

    is a pointer to a pblock containing the response headers (such as Server, Date, Content-type, Content-length,...) to be sent to the client in the HTTP response. See Appendix G "HyperText Transfer Protocol" for more information about response headers.

  • rq->directive_is_cacheable

    is a flag which may be used by your SAF to tell the server that your SAF is cacheable.

    The server attempts to cache requests that generate the same response when requested by different clients at different times. That is, if a client requests /mfg/proc/item.txt, and then another client requests /mfg/proc/item.txt, the server's response is the same as long as /mfg/proc/item.txt doesn't change between the requests. When the server can avoid calling the SAFs for a request, it can return the response faster.

    The flag is set to 0 on entry to each SAF. If you do not set this flag to 1 before your SAF returns, the server does not try to cache the request, and each subsequent request calls your SAF again. If your SAF sets it to 1, and all other SAFs called for this request also set the flag, the server caches the request and does not call your SAF when another request is made for the same resource.

    If your SAF performs access control, logging, depends on the client IP address, the user-agent, or any headers the client sends, it should not set directive_is_cacheable. Otherwise you should set directive_is_cacheable to 1.

    During development, you may disable server caching by adding the following line at the top of the obj.conf file:

    Init fn=cache-init disable=true

    Don't forget to stop and start the server after saving the file. This disables server caching so that your SAF will always be called.

The rq parameter is the primary mechanism for passing along information throughout the request-response process. On input to a SAF, rq contains whatever values were inserted or modified by previously executed SAFs. On output, rq contains any modifications or additional information inserted by the SAF. Some SAFs depend on the existence of specific information provided at an earlier step in the process. For example, a PathCheck SAF retrieves values in rq->vars which were previously inserted by an AuthTrans SAF.

Result Codes

Upon completion, a SAF returns a result code. The result code indicates what the server should do next. The result codes are:


    indicates that the SAF achieved its objective. For some request-response steps (AuthTrans, NameTrans, Service, and Error), this tells the server to proceed to the next request-response step, skipping any other SAFs in the current step. For the other request-response steps (PathCheck, ObjectType, and AddLog), the server proceeds to the next SAF in the current step.


    indicates the SAF took no action. The server continues with the next SAF in the current server step.


    indicates that an error occurred and an HTTP response should be sent to the client to indicate the cause of the error. A SAF returning REQ_ABORTED should also set the HTTP response status code. If the server finds an Error directive matching the status code or reason phrase, it executes the SAF specified. If not, the server sends a default HTTP response with the status code and reason phrase plus a short HTML page reflecting the status code and reason phrase for the user. The server then goes to the first AddLog directive.


    indicates the connection to the client was lost. This should be returned when the SAF fails in reading or writing to the client. The server then goes to the first AddLog directive.

Creating and Using Custom SAFs

Custom SAFs are functions in shared libraries that are loaded and called by the server. Follow these steps to create a custom SAF:

  1. Write the Source Code

    using the NSAPI functions. Each SAF is written for a specific directive.

  2. Compile and Link

    the source code to create a shared library (.so, .sl, or .dll) file.

  3. Load and Initialize the SAF

    by editing the obj.conf file to:

    -- Load the shared library file containing your custom SAF(s).

    -- Initialize the SAF if necessary.

  4. Instruct the Server to Call the SAFs

    by editing obj.conf to call your custom SAF(s) at the appropriate time.

  5. Stop and Start the Server.

  6. Test the SAF

    by accessing your server from a browser with a URL that triggers your function.

The following sections describe these steps in greater detail.

Write the Source Code

Write your custom SAFs using NSAPI functions. For a summary of some of the most commonly used NSAPI functions, see the section "Overview of NSAPI C Functions." Chapter 5 "NSAPI Function Reference," provides information about all of the routines available.

For examples of custom SAFs, see nsapi/examples/ in the server root directory and also see Chapter 6 "Examples of Custom SAFs."

The signature for all SAFs is:

int function(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq);

For more details on the parameters, see the section "SAF Parameters."

The iPlanet Web Server runs as a multi-threaded single process. On Unix platforms there are actually two processes (a parent and a child) for historical reasons. The parent process performs some initialization and forks the child process. The child process performs further initialization and handles all the HTTP requests.

Keep these things in mind when writing your SAF. Write thread-safe code. Blocking may affect performance. Write small functions with parameters and configure them in obj.conf. Carefully check and handle all errors. Also log them so that you can determine the source of problems and fix them.

You can use only five threads at a time in the FastTrack edition of iPlanet Web Server.

If necessary, write an initialization function that performs initialization tasks required by your new SAFs. The initialization function has the same signature as other SAFs:

int function(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq);

SAFs expect to be able to obtain certain types of information from their parameters. In most cases, parameter block (pblock) data structures provide the fundamental storage mechanism for these parameters A pblock maintains its data as a collection of name-value pairs. For a summary of the most commonly used functions for working with pblock structures, see "Parameter Block Manipulation Routines."

When defining a SAF, you do not specifically state which directive it is written for. However, each SAF must be written for a specific directive (such as Init, AuthTrans, Service and so on). Each directive expects its SAFs to do particular things, and your SAF must conform to the expectations of the directive for which it was written. For details of what each directive expects of its SAFs, see the section "Required Behavior of SAFs for Each Directive."

Compile and Link

Compile and link your code with the native compiler for the target platform. For Windows NT, use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or newer when compiling for iPlanet Web Server 4.x. You must have an import list that specifies all global variables and functions to access from the server binary. Use the correct compiler and linker flags for your platform. Refer to the example Makefile in the nsapi/examples directory. On Windows NT link to nshttpd3x.lib or nshttpd40.lib as appropriate in the plugins/lib directory.

The include directory in the server-root directory in Enterprise Server 3.x or in server-root/plugins in iPlanet Web Server 4.x contains the NSAPI header file. All the NSAPI header information is now contained in one file called nsapi.h.

New in iPlanet Web Server 4.0: For AIX only, plugins built for 3.x versions of the server must be relinked to work with 4.x versions. The files you need, which are in the server_root/plugins/nsapi/examples/ directory, are as follows:

  • The Makefile file has the -G option instead of the old -bM:SRE -berok -brtl -bnoentry options.

  • A script, relink_36plugin, modifies a plugin built for 3.x versions of the server to work with 4.x versions. The script's comments explain its use.

iPlanet Web Server 4.x versions are built on AIX 4.2, which natively supports runtime-linking. Because of this, NSAPI plugins, which reference symbols in the ns-httpd main executable, must be built with the -G option, which specifies that symbols must be resolved at runtime.

Previous versions of Netscape Enterprise Server, however, were built on AIX 4.1, which did not support native runtime-linking. Enterprise Server had specific additional software (provided by IBM AIX development to Netscape) to enable plugins. No special runtime-linking directives were required to build plugins. Because of this, plugins that have been built for previous server versions on AIX will not work with iPlanet Web Server 4.x versions as they are.

However, they can easily be relinked to work with iPlanet Web Server 4.x versions. The relink_36plugin script relinks existing plugins. Only the existing plugin itself is required for the script; original source and .o files are not needed. More specific comments are in the script itself. Since all AIX versions from 4.2 onward natively support runtime-linking, no plugins for iPlanet Web Server versions 4.x and later will need to be relinked.

Load and Initialize the SAF

For each shared library (plugin) containing custom SAFs to be loaded into the iPlanet Web Server, add an Init directive that invokes the load-modules SAF to obj.conf.

The syntax for a directive that calls load-modules is:

Init fn=load-modules shlib=[path]sharedlibname funcs="SAF1,...,SAFn"

  • shlib is the local file system path to the shared library (plugin).

  • funcs is a comma-separated list of function names to be loaded from the shared library. Function names are case-sensitive. You may use dash (-) in place of underscore (_) in function names. There should be no spaces in the function name list.

    If the new SAFs require initialization, be sure that the initialization function is included in the funcs list.

For example, if you created a shared library that defines two SAFs do_small_anim() and do_big_anim() and also defines the initialization function init_my_animations, you would add the following directive to load the plugin:

Init fn=load-modules shlib=[path] funcs="do_small_anim,do_big_anim,init_my_animations"

If necessary, also add an Init directive that calls the initialization function for the newly loaded plugin. For example, if you defined the function init_my_new_SAF() to perform an operation on the maxAnimLoop parameter, you would a directive such as the following to obj.conf:

Init fn=init_my_animations maxAnimLoop=5

Instruct the Server to Call the SAFs

Next, add directives to obj.conf to instruct the server to call each custom SAF at the appropriate time. The syntax for directives is:

Directive fn=function-name [name1="value1"]...[nameN="valueN"]

  • Directive is one of the server directives, such as Init, AuthTrans, and so on.

  • function-name is the name of the SAF to execute.

  • nameN="valueN" are the names and values of parameters which are passed to the SAF.

Depending on what your new SAF does, you might need to add just one directive to obj.conf or you might need to add more than one directive to provide complete instructions for invoking the new SAF.

For example, if you define a new AuthTrans or PathCheck SAF you could just add an appropriate directive in the default object. However, if you define a new Service SAF to be invoked only when the requested resource is in a particular directory or has a new kind of file extension, you would need to take extra steps.

If your new Service SAF is to be invoked only when the requested resource has a new kind of file extension, you might need to add an entry to the MIME types file so that the type value gets set properly during the ObjectType stage. Then you could add a Service directive to the default object that specifies the desired type value.

If your new Service SAF is to be invoked only when the requested resource is in a particular directory, you might need to define a NameTrans directive that generates a name or ppath value that matches another object, and then in the new object you could invoke the new Service function.

For example, suppose your plugin defines two new SAFs, do_small_anim() and do_big_anim() which both take speed parameters. These functions run animations. All files to be treated as small animations reside in the directory D:/Netscape/server4/docs/animations/small, while all files to be treated as full screen animations reside in the directory D:/Netscape/server4/docs/animations/fullscreen.

To ensure that the new animation functions are invoked whenever a client sends a request for either a small or fullscreen animation, you would add NameTrans directives to the default object to translate the appropriate URLs to the corresponding pathnames and also assign a name to the request.

NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from="/animations/small"
dir="D:/Netscape/server4/docs/animations/small" name="small_anim"

NameTrans fn=pfx2dir from="/animations/fullscreen"

You also need to define objects that contain the Service directives that run the animations and specify the speed parameter.

<Object name="small_anim">
Service fn=do_small_anim speed=40
<Object name="fullscreen_anim">
Service fn=do_big_anim speed=20

Stop and Start the Server

After modifying obj.conf, you need to start and stop the server. On Unix you may execute the shell scripts stop and start in the servers home directory. Do not use restart on Unix since the server will not reload your shared library after it has been loaded once.

On Windows NT you may use the Services Control Panel to stop and start the server. Once you have started the server with your shared library, you'll have to stop it before you can build your shared library again.

You can also use the Server Manager interface to re-load obj.conf and to start and stop the server.

If there are problems during startup, check the error log.

Test the SAF

Test your SAF by accessing your server from a browser with a URL that triggers your function. For example, if your new SAF is triggered by requests to resources in http://server-name/animations/small, try requesting a valid resource that starts with that URI.

You should disable caching in your browser so that the server is sure to be accessed. In Navigator you may hold the shift key while clicking the Reload button to ensure that the cache is not used. (Note that the shift-reload trick does not always force the client to fetch images from source if the images are already in the cache.)

You may also wish to disable the server cache using the cache-init SAF.

Examine the access log and error log to help with debugging.

Overview of NSAPI C Functions

NSAPI provides a set of C functions that are used to implement SAFs. They serve several purposes. They provide platform-independence across Netscape Server operating system and hardware platforms. They provide improved performance. They are thread-safe which is a requirement for SAFs. They prevent memory leaks. And they provide functionality necessary for implementing SAFs. You should always use these NSAPI routines when defining new SAFs.

This section provides an overview of the function categories available and some of the more commonly used routines. All the public routines are detailed in Chapter 5 "NSAPI Function Reference."

The main categories of NSAPI functions are:

Parameter Block Manipulation Routines

The parameter block manipulation functions provide routines for locating, adding, and removing entries in a pblock data structure include:

  • pblock_findval returns the value for a given name in a pblock.

  • pblock_nvinsert adds a new name-value entry to a pblock.

  • pblock_remove removes a pblock entry by name from a pblock. The entry is not disposed. Use param_free to free the memory used by the entry.

  • param_free frees the memory for the given pblock entry.

  • pblock_pblock2str creates a new string containing all the name-value pairs from a pblock in the form "name=value name=value." This can be a useful function for debugging.

Protocol Utilities for Service SAFs

Protocol utilities provide functionality necessary to implement Service SAFs:

  • request_header returns the value for a given request header name, reading the headers if necessary. This function must be used when requesting entries from the browser header pblock (rq->headers).

  • protocol_status sets the HTTP response status code and reason phrase

  • protocol_start_response sends the HTTP response and all HTTP headers to the browser.

Memory Management

Memory management routines provide fast, platform-independent versions of the standard memory management routines. They also prevent memory leaks by allocating from a temporary memory (called "pooled" memory) for each request and then disposing the entire pool after each request. There are wrappers for standard memory routines for using permanent memory. To disable pooled memory for debugging, see the built-in SAF pool-init in Chapter 3 "Predefined SAFs and the Request Handling Process."

File I/O

The file I/O functions provides platform-independent, thread-safe file I/O routines.

Network I/O

Network I/O functions provide platform-independent, thread-safe network I/O routines. These routines work with SSL when it's enabled.


Thread functions include functions for creating your own threads which are compatible with the server's threads. There are also routines for critical sections and condition variables.

You can use only five threads at a time in the FastTrack edition of iPlanet Web Server.


Utility functions include platform-independent, thread-safe versions of many standard library functions (such as string manipulation) as well as new utilities useful for NSAPI.

  • daemon_atrestart (Unix only) registers a user function to be called when the server is sent a restart signal (HUP) or at shutdown.

  • util_getline gets the next line (up to a LF or CRLF) from a buffer.

  • util_hostname gets the local hostname as a fully qualified domain name.

  • util_later_than compares two dates.

  • util_sprintf same as standard library routine sprintf().

  • util_strftime same as standard library routine strftime().

  • util_uri_escape converts the special characters in a string into URI escaped format.

  • util_uri_unescape converts the URI escaped characters in a string back into special characters.

Required Behavior of SAFs for Each Directive

When writing a new SAF, you should define it to do certain things, depending on which stage of the request handling process will invoke it. For example, SAFs to be invoked during the Init stage must conform to different requirements than SAFs to be invoked during the Service stage.

The rq parameter is the primary mechanism for passing along information throughout the request-response process. On input to a SAF, rq contains whatever values were inserted or modified by previously executed SAFs. On output, rq contains any modifications or additional information inserted by the SAF. Some SAFs depend on the existence of specific information provided at an earlier step in the process. For example, a PathCheck SAF retrieves values in rq->vars which were previously inserted by an AuthTrans SAF.

This section outlines the expected behavior of SAFs used at each stage in the request handling process.

Init SAFs

  • Purpose: Initialize at startup.

  • Called at server startup and restart.

  • rq and sn are NULL.

  • Initialize any shared resources such as files and global variables.

  • Can register callback function with daemon_atrestart() to clean up.

  • On error, insert error parameter into pb describing the error and return REQ_ABORTED.

  • If successful, return REQ_PROCEED.

AuthTrans SAFs

  • Purpose: Verify any authorization information. Only basic authorization is currently defined in the HTTP/1.0 specification.

  • Check for Authorization header in rq->headers which contains the authorization type and uu-encoded user and password information. If header was not sent return REQ_NOACTION.

  • If header exists, check authenticity of user and password.

  • If authentic, create auth-type, plus auth-user and/or auth-group parameter in rq->vars to be used later by PathCheck SAFs.

  • Return REQ_PROCEED if the user was successfully authenticated, REQ_NOACTION otherwise.

NameTrans SAFs

  • Purpose: Convert logical URI to physical path

  • Perform operations on logical path (ppath in rq->vars) to convert it into a full local file system path.

  • Return REQ_PROCEED if ppath in rq->vars contains the full local file system path, or REQ_NOACTION if not.

  • To redirect the client to another site, change ppath in rq->vars to /URL. Add url to rq->vars with full URL (for example., Return REQ_PROCEED.

PathCheck SAFs

  • Purpose: Check path validity and user's access rights.

  • Check auth-type, auth-user and/or auth-group in rq->vars.

  • Return REQ_PROCEED if user (and group) is authorized for this area (ppath in rq->vars).

  • If not authorized, insert WWW-Authenticate to rq->srvhdrs with a value such as: Basic; Realm=\"Our private area\". Call protocol_status() to set HTTP response status to PROTOCOL_UNAUTHORIZED. Return REQ_ABORTED.

ObjectType SAFs

  • Purpose: Determine content-type of data.

  • If content-type in rq->srvhdrs already exists, return REQ_NOACTION.

  • Determine the MIME type and create content-type in rq->srvhdrs

  • Return REQ_PROCEED if content-type is created, REQ_NOACTION otherwise

Service SAFs

  • Purpose: Generate and send the response to the client.

  • A Service SAF is only called if each of the optional parameters type, method, and query specified in the directive in obj.conf match the request.

  • Remove existing content-type from rq->srvhdrs. Insert correct content-type in rq->srvhdrs.

  • Create any other headers in rq->srvhdrs.

  • Call protocol_status to set HTTP response status.

  • Call protocol_start_response to send HTTP response and headers.

  • Generate and send data to the client using net_write.

  • Return REQ_PROCEED if successful, REQ_EXIT on write error, REQ_ABORTED on other failures.

Error SAFs

  • Purpose: Respond to an HTTP status error condition.

  • The Error SAF is only called if each of the optional parameters code and reason specified in the directive in obj.conf match the current error.

  • Error SAFs do the same as Service SAFs, but only in response to an HTTP status error condition.

AddLog SAFs

  • Purpose: Log the transaction to a log file.

  • AddLog SAFs can use any data available in pb, sn, or rq to log this transaction.

  • Return REQ_PROCEED.

CGI to NSAPI Conversion

You may have a need to convert a CGI variable into a SAF using NSAPI. Since the CGI environment variables are not available to NSAPI, you'll retrieve them from the NSAPI parameter blocks. The table below indicates how each CGI environment variable can be obtained in NSAPI.

Keep in mind that your code must be thread-safe under NSAPI. You should use NSAPI functions which are thread-safe. Also, you should use the NSAPI memory management and other routines for speed and platform independence.

Table 4-1   

CGI getenv()



pblock_findval("auth-type", rq->vars);  


pblock_findval("auth-user", rq->vars);  


pblock_findval("content-length", rq->headers);  


pblock_findval("content-type", rq->headers);  




pblock_findval( "*", rq->headers);
(* is lower-case, dash replaces underscore)


pblock_findval("path-info", rq->vars);  


pblock_findval( path-translated", rq->vars);  


pblock_findval( query", rq->reqpb);
ET only, POST puts query string in body data)


pblock_findval("ip", sn->client);  


session_dns(sn) ? session_dns(sn) : pblock_findval("ip", sn->client);  


pblock_findval( "from", rq->headers);
(not usually available)


pblock_findval("auth-user", rq->vars);  


pblock_findval("method", req->reqpb);  


pblock_findval("uri", rq->reqpb);  


char *util_hostname();  


(as a string)


pblock_findval("protocol", rq->reqpb);  



Netscape specific:


pblock_findval("auth-cert", rq->vars);  


char *session_maxdns(sn);
(may be null)


security_active ? "ON" : "OFF";  


pblock_findval("keysize", sn->client);  


pblock_findval("secret-keysize", sn->client);  


pblock_findval( query", rq->reqpb);
ET only, POST puts query string in entity-body data)


http_uri2url_dynamic("","", sn, rq);  

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated July 13, 2000