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iPlanet Application Server Java Foundation Class Reference


This chapter provides reference material on the interfaces in the iPlanet Application Server Foundation Class Library.

The following interfaces are described in this chapter:

HttpServletRequest2 Interface  

IOrder Interface (deprecated)  

HttpSession2 Interface  

IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)  

IAppEvent Interface (deprecated)  

IQuery Interface (deprecated)  

IAppEventMgr Interface  

IResultSet Interface (deprecated)  

IAppEvent Interface (deprecated)  

IRowSet2 Interface  

IBuffer Interface (deprecated)  

ISequence Interface (deprecated)  

ICallableStmt Interface (deprecated)  

ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)  

ICallerContext Interface  

IServerContext Interface  

IColumn Interface (deprecated)  

IServletErrorHandler Interface  

IContext Interface  

ISession2 Interface (deprecated)  

IDataConn Interface (deprecated)  

ISessionIDGen Interface (deprecated)  

IDataConnSet Interface (deprecated)  

IState2 Interface  

IEnumObject Interface  

IStreamBuffer Interface (deprecated)  

IError Interface (deprecated)  

ITable Interface (deprecated)  

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)  

ITemplateData Interface (deprecated)  

IHierResultSet Interface (deprecated)  

ITemplateMap Interface (deprecated)  

IListRowSet Interface  

ITile Interface (deprecated)  

ILock Interface  

ITrans Interface (deprecated)  

IMailbox Interface  

IValList Interface (deprecated)  

IContext Interface  


HttpServletRequest2 Interface

This interface extends the standard javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest interface.

Although anyone developing an application for iPlanet Application Server can use HttpServletRequest2, this interface is typically used in components generated by iplanet Application Builder. HttpServletRequest2 provides methods for handling servlet errors, as well as providing additional support for servlets.

One method in particular, the getAppLogic( ) method, is useful to developers outside the iAB environment. Through the getAppLogic( ) method, the HttpServletRequest2 interface supports servlet access to AppLogics, allowing applications to call methods on AppLogics.






convertITemplateDataToResultSet( )  

Creates a ResultSet wrapper for an ITemplateData object.  

dispatchAction( )  

Calls a method corresponding to a form-action in a servlet.  

formActionHandlerExists( )  

Determines whether the servlet has form-actions defined on it.  

getAppLogic( )  

Returns a handle to the AppLogic instance (ServletRunner) that served this request.  

getDefaultTemplate( )  

Retrieves the name of the file that handles output.  

getErrorCodes( )  

Retrieves a vector of error codes.  

getErrorMsgs( )  

Retrieves a vector of error messages.  

getErrorVars( )  

Retrieves a vector of error variables.  

getHttpSessionBean( )  

Retrieves an instance of a session object that is defined by the programmer.  

getServletErrorHandler( )  

Retrieves the object that handles validation errors.  

setDefaultTemplate( )  

Sets the default template to another file.  

setServletErrorHandler( )  

Sets the IServletErrorHandler that is used to process errors.  

validate( )  

Validates input parameters and session variables.  

Related Topics

IServletErrorHandler Interface

convertITemplateDataToResultSet( )

Creates a ResultSet wrapper for an ITemplateData object.

public static ResultSet convertITemplateDataToResultSet(
   String groupName,
   ITemplateData templateData)

groupName. The group name of the specified ITemplateData.

templateData. The ITemplateData to be wrapped.

The convertITemplateDataToResultSet( ) method takes an ITemplateData object and wraps it so that it conforms to the specifications of a JDBC ResultSet object.

Use this method only if you have HTML templates that were developed for a previous version of iAS, and you want to run them in the JSP engine.

Hierarchical ITemplateData objects are not supported, so do not specify one as a parameter.

Return Value
A ResultSet object.

dispatchAction( )

Calls a method corresponding to a form-action in a servlet.

public abstract int dispatchAction(
   HttpServletResponse response,
   HttpServlet servlet) throws ServletException, IOException

response. The HttpServletResponse object.

servlet. The HttpServlet object on which the actionHandler will be invoked.

Use this method to handle form actions. For example, if an application user presses a button in a web page form, the dispatchAction( ) method calls the button handler method that corresponds to the specific form and action.

The form, action, and corresponding handler are defined by the servlet developer in the servlet's NTV file.

It is useful to call formActionHandlerExists( ) before dispatchAction( ) to determine whether the servlet has form-actions defined on it.

Return Value
Returns NO_ERROR (a value of 0) if the method succeeds; otherwise, returns ERROR_NO_DISPATCH_HANDLER. (a value of 1), which means that dispatching cannot be done. If an event handler exists and is called, then dispatchAction( ) returns that handler's return value.

Related Topics
formActionHandlerExists( )

formActionHandlerExists( )

Determines whether the servlet has form-actions defined on it.

public abstract boolean formActionHandlerExists()

This method accesses the NTV list and, by doing so, determines whether the servlet has form-actions defined on it. This information is useful to the dispatchAction( ) method, so you typically call formActionHandlerExists( ) before dispatchAction( ).

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB, you typically will not need to call this method.

Return Value
Returns true if form-actions are defined on the servlet.

Related Topics
dispatchAction( )

getAppLogic( )

Returns a handle to the AppLogic instance (ServletRunner) that served this request.

public abstract AppLogic getAppLogic()

Use this method when you want to access the ServletRunner AppLogic. The getAppLogic( ) method lets developers call any AppLogic methods.

Deprecated AppLogic methods should not be called. For example, calling methods that stream data, such as streamResult( ), streamResultBinary( ), and streamResultHeader( ), may conflict with similar methods in HTTPResponse that also stream data.

Return Value
An AppLogic object.

Related Topics
AppLogic class

getDefaultTemplate( )

Retrieves the name of the file that handles output.

public abstract String getDefaultTemplate()

In some cases, a servlet's NTV file indicates a default servlet or JSP file that handles output. If so, calling getDefaultTemplate( ) retrieves this NTV setting.

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB, you typically will not need to call this method.

Return Value
A String value representing the name of the default template.

Related Topics
setDefaultTemplate( )

getErrorCodes( )

Retrieves a vector of error codes.

public abstract Vector getErrorCodes()

Return Value
A vector of error codes that correspond to the input variables that failed validation. A code is associated with each type of data validated, as summarized in the following table:

Data to Validate

Validation Rule




Data is numerical.  



Data is an integer.  

Positive integer  


Data is a positive integer.  



Data is alphabetic, a-z and/or A-Z.  

US phone number  


Data consists only of 10 digits and optionally the characters (, ), and -.  

International phone number  


Data consists only of numbers and the characters (, ), +, and -.  



Data is in the format a@b.c  

Social Security Number  


Data consists only of 9 digits and optionally the character -.  



Data is in the format "MM-DD-YY" or "MM-DD-YYYY". Month, day, and year are validated accordingly.  



Data is an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive.  



Data is an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive.  



Data is an integer between 1 and 99 inclusive, or between 1000 and 9999 inclusive.  

US zipcode  


Data consists of only 5 or 9 digits and optionally the character -.  

getErrorMsgs( )

Retrieves a vector of error messages.

public abstract Vector getErrorMsgs()

Return Value
A vector of error messages that correspond to the input variables that failed validation. A message is associated with each type of data validated, as summarized in the following table:

Validation Rule

Error Message


Wrong number format!  


Wrong integer format!  


Wrong positive integer format!  


Wrong alphabetic format!  


Wrong US phone format!  


Wrong international phone format!  


Wrong email format!  


Wrong social security format!  


Wrong date format!  


Wrong day format!  


Wrong month format!  


Wrong year format!  


Wrong zip code format!  

getErrorVars( )

Retrieves a vector of input variables.

public abstract Vector getErrorVars()

Return Value
A vector of the names of input variables that failed to validate.

getHttpSessionBean( )

Retrieves an instance of a session object that is defined by the programmer.

Syntax 1
Use this syntax in most situations.

public abstract HttpSession getHttpSessionBean()

Syntax 2
Use this syntax to explicitly indicate whether to create the session or not.

public abstract HttpSession getHttpSessionBean(
   boolean create)

create. Supply a value of true if the session is to be created; otherwise, specify false.

The getHttpSessionBean( ) method retrieves the HttpSession or HttpSession2 object that is an instance of the class designated by the httpSessionBeanClass setting. This setting is defined in the SessionInfo section of an application's appInfo.ntv file. This setting allows application developers to provide bean-like HttpSession implementations.

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB, you typically will not need to call this method.

Return Value
An HttpSession or HttpSession2 object representing an instance of the class designated by httpSessionBeanClass.

Related Topics
getSession( ) in the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest interface

getServletErrorHandler( )

Retrieves the object that handles validation errors.

public abstract IServletErrorHandler getServletErrorHandler()

This method is used to retrieve the IServletErrorHandler object that handles errors that occur during validation. You can retrieve the object elsewhere if you need to call the included functionality.

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB, you typically will not need to call this method.

Return Value
The IServletErrorHandler object.

Related Topics
IServletErrorHandler interface

setDefaultTemplate( )

Sets the default template to another file.

public abstract void setDefaultTemplate(
   String template)

template. The new name of the default template; the name applies only for this invocation of the servlet.

The default template is defined in a servlet's NTV file. However, in some cases it's useful to reset the default template to another file. To do so, call setDefaultTemplate( ). To retrieve the name of the current default template, call getDefaultTemplate( ).

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB6.0, you typically will not need to call this method.

Related Topics
getDefaultTemplate( )

setServletErrorHandler( )

Sets the IServletErrorHandler that is used to process errors.

public abstract void setServletErrorHandler(
   IServletErrorHandler handler)

handler. The error handler to be set.

A servlet error handler is always set on a request object by default. However, you may want to implement your own, so the setServletErrorHandler( ) method is provided to allow that.

This method sets the IServletErrorHandler that is used to process errors that happen during validation (and possibly elsewhere). To retrieve the IServletErrorHandler, call getServletErrorHandler( ).

This method appears in code generated by iPlanet Application Builder. If you are not using iAB, you typically will not need to call this method.

Related Topics
getServletErrorHandler( )

validate( )

Validates input parameters and session variables.

Syntax 1
Use this version to validate all input parameters and session variables listed in the servlet's NTV file. This version also streams out an error on failure.

public abstract boolean validate(
   HttpServletResponse response)
   throws ServletException, IOException

Syntax 2
Use this version to validate specific input parameters and session variables (or those listed in the servlet's NTV file). This version also streams out an error on failure.

public abstract boolean validate(
   String params[],
   String sessionVars[],
   HttpServletResponse response)
   throws ServletException, IOException

Syntax 3
Use this version to validate specific input parameters and session variables (or those listed in the servlet's NTV file). No error streaming occurs.

public abstract boolean validate(
   String params[],
   String sessionVars[])

Syntax 4
Use this version to validate all input parameters and session variables listed in the servlet's NTV file. No error streaming occurs.

public abstract boolean validate()

response. The HttpServletResponse object.

params. The array of parameters to validate. Specify NULL to validate all input parameters listed in the NTV file.

sessionVars. The array of session variables to validate. Specify NULL to validate all session variables listed in the NTV file.

Use this method whenever you want to validate parameters. There are four ways to invoke the validate( ) method. One version validates all input and session variables listed in a servlet's NTV file. Another version validates a specified array of input parameters or session variables. For each of these two versions, you can either ignore failure conditions or stream an error on failure.

When validate( ) is called and a validation error is detected, validate( ) then calls either of two IServletErrorHandler methods: handleInputValueError( ) or handleSessionVariableError( ). The previous two methods might return a positive number, meaning that a real error occurred and is queued into the error-specific vectors. If this happens, then streamError( ) is called once before validate( ) returns (assuming the validate( ) call is one of the two variants that streams errors).

The validate( ) method passes in one of the following error types as input to the two error handler methods, handleInputValueError( ) or handleSessionVariableError( ):

Error Type


Error because data must be ...



a number.  



an integer.  



a positive integer.  



alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z, or both).  



a phone number containing at most 10 digits and optional characters (, ), and -.  



a phone number containing only digits and optional characters, (, ), +, and -.  



an address of the form a@b.c.  



a Social Security Number containing 9 digits and an optional - character.  



a date of the form MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY.  



an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive.  



an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive.  



an integer between 1 and 99 inclusive or between 1000 and 9999 inclusive.  



a ZIP code containing either 5 digits or 9 digits, and an optional - character.  

Return Value
Returns true if the validation was successful; otherwise, returns false.

Related Topics
IServletErrorHandler interface

HttpSession2 Interface

The HttpSession2 interface is used within JSPs and servlets to share session state with AppLogics.

iPlanet Application Server already supports javax.servlet.http.HttpSession as a standard interface to iPlanet Application Server sessions. But the application server also provides HttpSession2, a iAS-specific interface. HttpSession2 gives servlets direct access to iPlanet Application Server sessions. Therefore, servlet programmers can use HttpSession2 to share sessions between AppLogics and servlets.

Sharing sessions is useful when you want to migrate an application from iPlanet Application Server 2.x to iPlanet Application Server 6.0. When migrating an application, one of the tasks is to rewrite AppLogics into servlets. Furthermore, when you rewrite AppLogics, you typically need to use iAS-specific servlet interfaces, such as HttpSession2 and HttpServletRequest2. The resulting servlet is nonstandard; however, the alternate approach—mixing AppLogics and standard servlets—is not recommended.

In servlets, a session is an instance of HttpSession. But in AppLogics, session data is an IValList object. An AppLogic stores integers, strings, and blobs (byte arrays) in a session, whereas a servlet stores serializable objects in a session. As a result, there is no immediate mapping between what an AppLogic stores and and what a servlet stores in a session (except for strings).

The HttpSession2 interface solves the issue of sharing session data. HttpSession2 provides methods for storing and retrieving integers, strings, blobs, and user login data—methods that parallel what an AppLogic developer uses. In this way, HttpSession2 enables sessions to work back and forth across AppLogics and servlets.

HttpSession2 provides loginSession( ) and logoutSession( ) for servlets to share the AppLogic session API. These two methods are typically used with isAuthorized( ), as is done for AppLogics. Servlets are also registered with an access control list, so that a secure session established in an AppLogic can be used in a servlet, and vice versa.






getBytes( )  

Returns the byte array defined by the specified name in the session.  

getInt( )  

Returns the integer defined by the specified name in the session.  

getString( )  

Returns the string defined by the specified name in the session.  

isAuthorized( )  

Checks whether the current user has a specified permission.  

loginSession( )  

Logs an authorized user into a session with a secured application.  

logoutSession( )  

Removes a user's association with a session.  

putBytes( )  

Defines a name in the session to have a specified byte array value.  

putInt( )  

Defines a name in the session to have a specified integer value.  

putString( )  

Defines a name in the session to have a specified String value.  

getBytes( )

Returns the byte array defined by the specified name in the session.

public abstract byte[] getBytes(
   String name)

name. The name whose value is to be returned.

Return Value
The byte array defined by name in the session, or null if name is not defined.

Related Topics
putBytes( )

getInt( )

Returns the integer defined by the specified name in the session.

public abstract int getInt(
   String name)

name. The name whose value is to be returned.

Return Value
The integer defined by name in the session, or -1 if name is not defined.

Related Topics
putInt( )

getString( )

Returns the string defined by the specified name in the session.

public abstract String getString(
   String name)

name. The name whose value is to be returned.

Return Value
The string defined by name in the session, or null if name is not defined.

Related Topics
putString( )

isAuthorized( )

Checks whether the current user has a specified permission.

public abstract boolean isAuthorized(
   String acl,
   String permission)

acl. The access control list in which to check for the permission.

permission. The permission to check for.

Use isAuthorized( ) in portions of the code where application security is enforced through Access Control Lists (ACLs). This method lets an application check a specified ACL to determine whether a user has permission to execute a servlet (or AppLogic) or to perform a particular action. The application can use the result of isAuthorized( ) as a condition in an If statement. It can, for example, return a message to users who are denied access to a servlet (or AppLogic).

Each ACL is defined in the registry and maps users to privileges such as read and write. Application developers should obtain the list of registered ACLs, users and groups from the server administrator who created these items. ACLs are created through the Enterprise Administrator tool or through the kreg tool.

Before calling isAuthorized( ), the application must create a session. The user must also be logged in with loginSession( ).

Return Value
Returns true if the authorization check succeeds; otherwise, returns false.

Related Topics
loginSession( )

loginSession( )

Logs an authorized user into a session with a secured application.

public abstract boolean loginSession(
   String user,
   String password)

user. The login user name.

password. The user password.

The loginSession( ) method logs the named user in the session, using the given password. Logging in associates the user with the session so that the application can control authorization of AppLogic and servlet access.

Call loginSession( ) after creating or retrieving a user session. loginSession( ) checks the passed in login name and password against the user names and passwords stored in the iPlanet Application Server (the administrator sets up and manages this information) and logs the user into the session if the login name and password are valid.

If login is successful, a security credential object is created and associated with the session. The server checks this security credential object each time it receives an AppLogic or servlet request, and verifies if the user has execute permission for the AppLogic or servlet.

Using loginSession( ) in conjunction with isAuthorized( ), an application can ensure that only authorized users can take certain actions, such as executing AppLogics or servlets.

The server administrator creates users and passwords and manages access to AppLogics, servlets, and specified resources, such as sales or forecast reports. During the development and debugging phases, application developers can use the ldapmodify tool to create users, groups, and ACLs in the LDIF file. These tasks cannot be done programmatically.

Return Value
Returns true if the login is successful.

Related Topics
isAuthorized( ), logoutSession( )

logoutSession( )

Removes a user's association with a session.

public abstract int logoutSession()

AppLogics or servlets call loginSession( ) to log into a session with a secured application. If loginSession( ) was called, you must call logoutSession( ) when the user exits the application or the secured portion of it.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
isAuthorized( ), loginSession( )

putBytes( )

Defines a name in the session to have a specified byte array value.

public abstract void putBytes(
   String name,
   byte[] value)

name. The name to be defined.

value. The byte array value to assign to name.

Related Topics
getBytes( )

putInt( )

Defines a name in the session to have a specified integer value.

public abstract void putInt(
   String name,
   int value)

name. The name to be defined.

value. The integer value to assign to name.

Related Topics
getInt( )

putString( )

Defines a name in the session to have a specified String value.

public abstract void putString(
   String name,
   String value)

name. The name to be defined.

value. The String value to assign to name.

Related Topics
getString( )

IAppEvent Interface (deprecated)

IAppEvent is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the iPlanet Application Server API's two replacement interfaces: IAppEventMgr and IAppEventObj.

The IAppEvent interface represents the defined events an application supports. An AppLogic can define events that are triggered at a specified time or times or when triggered explicitly.

Currently, an AppLogic can execute two actions when an event is triggered:

  • Run a specified AppLogic

  • Send an email

Events are stored persistently in the iPlanet Application Server, and are removed only when your application explicitly deletes them. They are typically used to schedule routine administrative tasks, such as making back-ups or getting statistics.

The IAppEvent interface defines methods for registering, triggering, enabling, disabling and deleting events. To create an instance of the IAppEvent interface, use the getAppEvent( ) method in the AppLogic class.






deleteEvent( )  

Removes a registered event from iPlanet Application Server.  

disableEvent( )  

Disables a registered event.  

enableEvent( )  

Enables a registered event.  

enumEvents( )  

Enumerates through the list of registered events.  

queryEvent( )  

Returns the properties of a registered event.  

registerEvent( )  

Registers a named event for use in applications.  

setEvent( )  

Triggers a registered event.  


The following example shows AppLogic code that registers two application events:

  • The first event runs the RepGenAgent AppLogic at 5 AM everyday

  • The second event emails a report generated by RepGenAgent at 6 AM everyday

    package GXApp.appevent;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.kivasoft.*;
    import com.kivasoft.applogic.*;
    import com.kivasoft.util.*;
    import com.kivasoft.types.*;
    import com.kivasoft.appevent.*;

    public class ReportAgent extends AppLogic
    static final java.lang.String eventName1 = "RepGenEvent";
    static final java.lang.String eventName2 = "ReportEvent";

    public int execute()
    // Create IValLists to pass information
    // for appevent registration of the events
    IValList eventOutput;
    IValList eventInput1 = GX.CreateValList();
    IValList eventInput2 = GX.CreateValList();

    if ((eventInput1 == null) || (eventInput2 == null))
    return streamResult("Cannot create ValList<br>");

    // Get the appevent manager
    IAppEvent appEvent = getAppEvent();

    if (appEvent == null)
    return streamResult("Cannot get AppEvent<br>");

    // Add the RepGenAgent appevent name to the vallist

    // Set the appevent state to be enabled

    // Set the appevent time to be 05:00:00 hrs everyday
           "5:0:0 */*/*");

    // Set the appevent action to run
    // the RepGenAgent applogic

    // Register the event
    if (appEvent.registerEvent(eventName1, eventInput1) !=
    return streamResult("Cannot register RepGenEvent<br>");

    // Add the ReportAgent appevent name to the vallist

    // Set the appevent state to be enabled

    // Set the appevent time to be 06:00:00 hrs everyday
           "6:0:0 */*/*");

    // Set the appevent action to send e-mail

    // The content of the e-mail is in /tmp/report-file
             MFILE, "/tmp/report-file");

    // The e-mail host running the SMTP server is mailsvr
             MHOST, "");

    // The sender's e-mail address is
             SADDR, "");

    // Register the event
    if (appEvent.registerEvent(eventName2, eventInput2) !=
    return streamResult("Can not register ReportEvent<br>");
              return streamResult("Successfully Registered RepGenEvent and

Related Topics

getAppEvent( ) method in the AppLogic class

IAppEventMgr Interface

IAppEvent Interface (deprecated)

IValList interface

deleteEvent( )

Removes a registered event from the iPlanet Application Server.

public int deleteEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to delete.

Use deleteEvent( ) to remove an event that is no longer required. To temporarily stop a event from being triggered, use disableEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
disableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

disableEvent( )

Disables a registered event.

public int disableEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to disable.

Use disableEvent( ) to temporarily stop an event from being triggered. The event is disabled until it is enabled with enableEvent( ). To remove an event from the iPlanet Application Server permanently, use deleteEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
deleteEvent( )

enableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

enableEvent( )

Enables a registered event.

public int enableEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to enable.

Use enableEvent( ) to prepare a specified event for activation. Call enableEvent( ) after you register an event with registerEvent( ), or to enable a trigger that was disabled with disableEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
disableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

enumEvents( )

Returns the list of registered events.

public IEnumObject enumEvent()

Use enumEvents( ) to get information on all the registered events. The IEnumObject object returned by enumEvents( ) contains a set of IValList objects, one per event. Each IValList contains the properties assigned to the event when it was registered with registerEvent( ).

Use the methods in the IEnumObject interface to iterate through the contents of the returned IEnumObject object.

The following AppLogic code shows how to use enumEvents( ) to get information on all the registered events and save it to a report:

// Open /tmp/report-file for writing the report
FileOutputStream outFile = null;
try {
outFile = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/report-file");
} catch (IOException e) {
if (outFile == null)
return streamResult("Can not open /tmp/report-file<br>");

ObjectOutputStream p = null;
try {
p = new ObjectOutputStream(outFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (p == null)
return streamResult("Cannot create ObjectOutputStream<br>");

// get appevent manager
IAppEvent appEvent = getAppEvent();

// Get the Enumeration object for all registered appevents
IEnumObject enumObj = appEvent.enumEvents();

// Retrieve the count of registered appevents
int count = enumObj.enumCount();
try {
p.writeObject("Number of Registered Events: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");


while (count > 0) {
IObject vListObj = enumObj.enumNext();
if (vListObj instanceof IValList) {
IValList vList = (IValList)vListObj;

String name =
try {
p.writeObject("\nDefinitions for AppEvent: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");

// Reset the next GXVAL to retrieve
// from ValList to be the first one

// Iterate through all the GXVALs in the vallist
// and print them

Return Value
IEnumObject that contains the list of events, or null for failure.

Related Topics
getAppEvent( ) method in the AppLogic class

IValList interface

queryEvent( )

Returns the properties of a registered event.

public IValList queryEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to enable.

When an AppLogic calls registerEvent( ), it can specify any of the following:

  • The initial state—enable or disabled—of the event

  • The time the event is to be triggered

  • The AppLogic to execute when the event is triggered

  • The email to send when the event is triggered

Use queryEvent( ) to get the properties that were specified for a specific event.

Return Value
IValList object that contains information about the event.

Related Topics
registerEvent( )

registerEvent( )

Registers a named event for use in applications.

public int registerEvent(
String pEventName,
IValList pValList)

pEventName. The name of the event to register.

pValList. The IValList object that specifies the properties of the event. The following table lists the keys and values you can specify:




A string representing the name of the event. If specified, the name must be the same one specified as the pEventName parameter.  


A variable that specifies the initial state of the event:





The time at which the event will be triggered. Use the following format:

hh:mm:ss W/DD/MM

hh: 0 -23

mm: 0 - 59

ss: 0 - 59

W (day of the week): 0 - 6 with 0 = Sunday.

DD (day of the month): 1 - 31

MM (month): 1 - 12

Each of these fields may be either an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a minus sign indicating an inclusive range. For example, 2, 5 - 7:0:0 5/*/* means the event is triggered at 2 AM, 5AM, 6 AM and 7 AM every Friday.

The specification of days can be made by two fields: day of the month (DD) and day of the week (W). If both are specified, both take effect. For example, 1:0:0 1/15/* means the event is triggered at 1 AM every Monday, as well as on the fifteenth of each month. To specify days by only one field, set the other field to *.  


The AppLogic to execute when the event is triggered. Use the following format:



The name of the file that contains the body of an email message.  


A comma separated list of users to send the email to.  


The name of the SMTP mail server.  


The sender's email address.  

* You must specify all of these items if sending email when the event is triggered.

Use registerEvent( ) to define each event your application will use. You can specify that a triggered event sends an email, or runs an AppLogic, or both.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

The following example shows how to define and register an application event:

static final java.lang.String eventName1 = "RepGenEvent";

// Get the appevent manager
IAppEvent appEvent = getAppEvent();

// Create IValList to pass information for
// registration of an event
IValList eventInput1 = GX.CreateValList();

// Add the RepGenAgent appevent name to the vallist
eventInput1.setValString(GX_AE_RE_KEY_NAME.GX_AE_RE_KEY_NAME, eventName1);

// Set the appevent state to be enabled

// Set the appevent time to be 05:00:00 hrs everyday
eventInput1.setValString(GX_AE_RE_KEY_TIME.GX_AE_RE_KEY_TIME, "5:0:0 */*/*");

// Set the appevent action to run an AppLogic
eventInput1.setValString(GX_AE_RE_KEY_NREQ.GX_AE_RE_KEY_NREQ, "GUIDGX-{620CB09B-1A1D-1315-AD23-0800207B918B}");

// Register the event
if (appEvent.registerEvent(eventName1, eventInput1) != GXE.SUCCESS)
return streamResult("Cannot register RepGenEvent<br>");

Related Topics
enableEvent( )

setEvent( )

getAppEvent( ) method in the AppLogic class

IValList interface

setEvent( )

Triggers a registered event.

public int setEvent(
String pEventName,
int dwOverrideFlag,
IValList pValList)

pEventName. The name of the event to trigger.

dwOverrideFlag. Specify 0 (zero) to trigger the event with the previously specified actions. To override the defined actions, you can specify the following:

  • GX_AE_SE_OR_FLAG.GX_AE_SE_ACTION_NOMAIL if you don't want to send email when the event is triggered.

  • GX_AE_SE_OR_FLAG.GX_AE_SE_ACTION_NOREQ if you don't want to run an AppLogic when the event is triggered.

pValList. The IValList object that specifies the event properties you want to override. Specify null to use the properties already defined for the event. The following table lists the keys and values you can specify:




A string representing the name of the event. If specified, the name must be the same one specified as the pEventName parameter.  


A variable that specifies the initial state of the event:




The time at which the event will be triggered. Use the following format:

hh:mm:ss W/DD/MM

hh: 0 -23

mm: 0 - 59

ss: 0 - 59

W (day of the week): 0 - 6 with 0 = Sunday.

DD (day of the month): 1 - 31

MM (month): 1 - 12

Each of these fields may be either an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a minus sign indicating an inclusive range. For example, 2, 5 - 7:0:0 5/*/* means the event is triggered at 2 AM, 5AM, 6 AM and 7 AM every Friday.

The specification of days can be made by two fields: day of the month (DD) and day of the week (W). If both are specified, both take effect. For example, 1:0:0 1/15/* means the event is triggered at 1 AM every Monday, as well as on the fifteenth of each month. To specify days by only one field, set the other field to *.  


The AppLogic to execute when the event is triggered. Use the following format:



The name of the file that contains the body of an email message.  


A comma separated list of users to send the email to.  


The name of the SMTP mail server.  


The sender's email address.  

* You must specify all of these items if sending email when the event is triggered.

Use setEvent( ) to trigger a registered event immediately. This is useful for testing purposes.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
registerEvent( )

getAppEvent( ) method in the AppLogic class

IValList interface

IAppEventMgr Interface

Application components can define events that are either triggered at a specified time or triggered explicitly. Events are stored persistently in the iPlanet Application Server, and are removed only when your application explicitly deletes them. Events are typically used to schedule routine administrative tasks, such as making back-ups or getting statistics.

iPlanet Application Server uses two new interfaces to support events:

  • The IAppEventMgr interface manages application events. This interface defines methods for creating, registering, triggering, enabling, disabling, enumerating, and deleting events.

  • The IAppEventObj interface represents the defined events an application supports. This interface defines methods not only for getting or setting attributes of an event, but also for adding, deleting, or enumerating actions of the event.

IAppEventMgr and IAppEventObj should be used in new or migrated applications. Existing iPlanet Application Server applications can continue using the deprecated IAppEvent interface, which supports the previous model for application events.

Attributes and Actions

For each event, you define associated attributes and actions. Attributes determine the following characteristics:

  • the event's state (enabled or disabled)

  • the execution mode (concurrent or serial) of the event's actions

  • the time at which to trigger the event

When an event is triggered, it performs one or more of the following types of actions:

    • executes a specified servlet.

    • executes a specified AppLogic.

    • sends an email message.

Features of Application Event Support

Support for application events includes the following:

  • Added functionality

    • Execution of multiple actions of any type. (IAppEvent supports only one action of each type.)

    • In addition to executing an AppLogic and sending email, a triggered event can now execute a servlet as one of the supported action types.

    • Synchronous or asynchronous triggering of events. (IAppEvent supports only synchronous triggering.)

    • Execution of actions in the same order they are registered.

    • Execution of actions either concurrently or serially.

    • Support for passing an input IValList object to triggered events.

  • Different interfaces

    Previously, application events were represented by an IValList object, and you used the IAppEvent interface to manage the events. Now an application event is represented by an IAppEventObj, and you use IAppEventMgr to manage and control the events.

  • Separate actions and attributes

    Previously, attributes and actions were not distinguished. They were all treated as event properties and specified within a single IValList object. Now attributes are described by entries in one IValList object, and each action is represented by its own additional IValList object.

    IAppEventObj has methods for getting or setting attributes and for adding, deleting, or enumerating actions.

Accessing and Creating Application Events

To access an IAppEventMgr object, use the GetAppEventMgr( ) method in the GXContext class:

IAppEventMgr com.kivasoft.dlm.GXContext.GetAppEventMgr(
   IContext context);

The context parameter is an IContext object, which provides access to iPlanet Application Server services. For information about obtaining this IContext object, see the GXContext class or the IContext Interface.

After creating the IAppEventMgr object, you can create an application event (an instance of IAppEventObj) by calling createEvent( ) on the IAppEventMgr object.

Registering Events

After creating an application event, you can set its attributes and add actions using methods on the IAppEventObj. Then, register the application event by calling registerEvent( ) on the manager object.






createEvent( )  

Creates an empty application event object.  

deleteEvent( )  

Removes a registered event from iPlanet Application Server.  

disableEvent( )  

Disables a registered event.  

enableEvent( )  

Enables a registered event.  

enumEvents( )  

Enumerates through the list of registered events.  

queryEvent( )  

Retrieves the IAppEventObj for a registered event.  

registerEvent( )  

Registers a named event for use in applications.  

setEvent( )  

Triggers a registered event.  

Related Topics

GetAppEventMgr( ) in the GXContext class,
IValList Interface (deprecated),
IAppEvent Interface (deprecated)

createEvent( )

Creates an empty application event object.

public IAppEventObj createEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the event to create.

Use createEvent( ) to create an empty IAppEventObj object. You can use methods of the IAppEventObj interface to set attributes and actions on the returned object.

Changes to the event object do not take effect until it is registered with the manager object, through a call to registerEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
queryEvent( )

registerEvent( )

deleteEvent( )

Removes a registered event from iPlanet Application Server.

public int deleteEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to delete.

Use deleteEvent( ) to remove an event that is no longer required. The specified event is removed from iAS.

To temporarily stop an event from being triggered, use disableEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
disableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

disableEvent( )

Disables a registered event.

public int disableEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to disable.

Use disableEvent( ) to temporarily stop an event from being triggered. The event is disabled until it is enabled with enableEvent( ). To permanently remove an event from the registry, use deleteEvent( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
deleteEvent( )

enableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

enableEvent( )

Enables a registered event.

public int enableEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event to enable.

Use enableEvent( ) to enable an event. A given event could have been disabled in either of two ways: by a previous call to disableEvent( ) or by initially registering the event using a disabled state attribute.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
disableEvent( )

registerEvent( )

enumEvents( )

Enumerates through the list of registered events.

public IEnumObject enumEvents()

Use enumEvents( ) to get information on all the registered events. The IEnumObject object returned by enumEvents( ) contains a set of IAppEventObj objects, one per event. Each IAppEventObj contains the attributes and actions that were assigned to the event when it was registered with registerEvent( ).

Use the methods in the IEnumObject interface to iterate through the contents of the returned IEnumObject object.

The following AppLogic code shows how to use enumEvents( ) to get information on all the registered events and save it to a report:

// Open /tmp/report-file for writing the report
FileOutputStream outFile = null;
try {
outFile = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/report-file");
} catch (IOException e) {
if (outFile == null)
return streamResult("Can not open /tmp/report-file<br>");

ObjectOutputStream p = null;
try {
p = new ObjectOutputStream(outFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (p == null)
return streamResult("Cannot create ObjectOutputStream<br>");

// get appevent manager
IAppEventMgr appEventMgr = GetAppEventMgr();

// Get the Enumeration object for all registered appevents
IEnumObject enumObj = appEventMgr.enumEvents();

// Retrieve the count of registered appevents
int count = enumObj.enumCount();
try {
p.writeObject("Number of Registered Events: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");


IObject eventObj = enumObj.enumNext();
while ((eventObj = enumObj.enumNext()) != null) {
if (eventObj instanceof IAppEventObj) {
IAppEventObj appEventObj = (IAppEventObj)eventObj;

// print each appEvent

// get the name of the appevent
String name = appEventObj.getName();
try {
p.writeObject("\nDefinitions for AppEvent: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");

// print the attributes..
IValList attrs = appEventObj.getAttributes();
// Iterate through all the GXVALs in the attr s valllist
// and print them

// enumerate through the actions
enumActions = appEventObj.enumActions();

// Retrieve the count of registered actions for this event
count = enumActions.enumCount();
try {
p.writeObject("Number of Actions: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write ActionCount to report file");

IObject obj ;
while ((obj = enumActions.enumNext()) != null) {
// print each action
if (obj instanceof IValList) {
IValList action = (IValList)obj;

// Iterate through all the GXVALs in the vallist
// and print them

Return Value
IEnumObject that contains the list of events, or null for failure.

Related Topics
IEnumObject interface

getEvent( )

Retrieves the IAppEventObj for a registered event.

public IAppEventObj getEvent(
String pEventName)

pEventName. The name of the registered event.

After calling getEvent( ), you can call methods on the returned IAppEventObj. For example, you can query the object by calling getAttributes( ) or enumActions( ), or you can modify the object by calling setAttributes( ).

Return Value
IAppEventObj for the specified event.

Related Topics
registerEvent( )

registerEvent( )

Registers a named event for use in applications.

public int registerEvent(
IAppEventObj appEventObj)

appEventObj. The event object whose attributes and actions have been set.

After an application event object is created with createEvent( ), you define its attributes and actions using methods of the IAppEventObj interface. Then you use registerEvent( ) to register the specified event object. Registration commits the changed attributes and actions to the server and to the registry. If an event object already exists for the given name, the existing object is deleted and replaced with the specified object.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

The following example shows how to define and register an application event:

static final java.lang.String eventName1 = "RepGenEvent";

// get the appevent manager
IAppEventMgr appEventMgr = GXContext.GetAppEventMgr(context);

// create a appevent object
IAppEventObj appEventObj = appEventMgr.createEvent(eventName1);

// create ValList for attributes.
IValList attrs = GX.CreateValList();

// set the Action Mode to Serial for serial-execution of actions.

// set the appevent time to be 05:00:00 hrs everyday
attrs.setValString(GXConstants.GX_AE2_RE_KEY_TIME, "5:0:0 */*/*");

// set the attributes

// create ValLists for actions (2 applogic newrequest and 2 servlet).
IValList action1 = GX.CreateValList();
IValList action2 = GX.CreateValList();
IValList action3 = GX.CreateValList();
IValList action4 = GX.CreateValList();

// set action1 to run an appLogic

// set action1 to run another appLogic

// set action2 to run a servlet

// set action3 to run another servlet

// add actions in the order we want them to be executed

// Register the event
if (appEventMgr.registerEvent(eventName1, appEventObj) != GXE.SUCCESS)
return streamResult("Cannot register RepGenEvent<br>");

Related Topics
enableEvent( )

setEvent( )

triggerEvent( )

Triggers a registered event.

public int triggerEvent(
String pEventName,
IValList pValList,
boolean syncFlag)

pEventName. The name of the event to trigger.

pValList. The IValList object that specifies the input that is passed to the triggered event and its actions.

syncFlag. The boolean flag that indicates whether the event is to be triggered synchronously (value is true) or asynchronously (value is false).

Use triggerEvent( ) to trigger a registered event. When you specify the pValList parameter, a copy of this IValList object is passed as input to all actions registered with the application event.

If the action is ...

Then pValList is ...

an AppLogic.  

passed as input to that AppLogic.  

an email message.  

simply ignored.  

a servlet.  

passed to the servlet as the valIn of the underlying AppLogic.  

Use the syncFlag parameter to determine synchronous or asynchrous execution. Typical usage is to set syncFlag to false, which provides asynchronous execution and better application performance. When syncFlag is false, the event is triggered, and the method call returns immediately, without waiting for the actions to finish executing.

If syncFlag is true, then the method call does not return immediately. Instead, the call blocks until the event is triggered and all actions have executed. In some cases, it may be desirable for actions to finish executing before returning control to the application.

Actions are triggered in the same order in which they were added to the application event object.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
registerEvent( )

IAppEventObj Interface

See the IAppEventMgr interface for details on IAppEventObj.






addAction( )  

Appends an action to an ordered list of actions.  

deleteActions( )  

Deletes all actions added to this IAppEventObj.  

enumActions( )  

Enumerates the actions added to this IAppEventObj.  

getAttributes( )  

Retrieves the list of attributes of an IAppEventObj.  

getName( )  

Retrieves the name of the IAppEventObj.  

setAttributes( )  

Sets a list of attribute values for the IAppEventObj.  

Related Topics

IAppEventMgr interface

addAction( )

Appends an action to an ordered list of actions.

public int addAction(
   IValList action)

action. The input IValList object that defines the action to add. When an event is triggered, actions are executed in the same order in which they were added. The entries in this IValList object vary from one action type to another.

The keys and values you can specify are as follows. Note that string constants are available in the class com.kivasoft.types.GXConstants.

For AppLogics:




The AppLogic to execute when the event is triggered. Use the following format:

GUIDGX-{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX?Param1=ABC&Param2=123. The parameters and their values are passed as input to the events.  

For email:

To send email when the event is triggered, all of the following items must be specified.



GXConstants. GX_AE2_RE_KEY_MFILE  

The name of the file that contains the body of an email message.  

GXConstants. GX_AE2_RE_KEY_MTO  

A comma separated list of users to send the email to.  

GXConstants. GX_AE2_RE_KEY_MHOST  

The name of the SMTP mail server.  

GXConstants. GX_AE2_RE_KEY_SADDR  

The sender's email address.  

For servlets:




The name of the servlet to be executed when the event is triggered. Use the following format:

appName/ServletName?Param1=ABC&Param2=123. Parameters and their values are passed as input to the events. The only required item is the servlet name. The application name and parameters are optional.  

Use the addAction( ) method after creating an application event object (by calling createEvent( ) on the IAppEventMgr object). After you change an event (for example, by adding or deleting actions or by setting attributes), you must register the event in order for the changes to take effect.

To list the added actions, use enumActions( ). To delete all actions, use deleteActions( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

deleteActions( )

Deletes all actions added to this IAppEventObj.

public int deleteActions()

Use this method to remove all actions associated with this IAppEventObj.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

enumActions( )

Enumerates the actions added to this IAppEventObj.

public IEnumObject enumActions()

Use this method to obtain a list of actions that have been added to this IAppEventObj. Each entry in the returned IEnumObject is an IValList object representing an action.

Return Value
IEnumObject that contains the list of actions, or null for failure.

getAttributes( )

Retrieves the list of attributes of an IAppEventObj.

public IValList getAttributes()

Call this method after calling setAttributes( ).

Return Value
IValList object that contains the list of attributes, or null for failure.

Related Topics
setAttributes( )

getName( )

Retrieves the name of the IAppEventObj.

public String getName()

pName. A pointer to an input buffer.

nName. The size of the input buffer.

The name of an IAppEventObj is set by calling createEvent( ) on the IAppEventMgr object. After creating an application event object, use the getName( ) method to retrieve the name.

Return Value
A string representing the name of the application event object, or null for failure.

setAttributes( )

Sets a list of attribute values for the IAppEventObj.

public int setAttributes(
   IValList attrList)

attrList. The input IValList object that specifies the attributes. The keys and values you can specify are as follows. Note that string constants are available in the class com.kivasoft.types.GXConstants.

  • GXConstants.GX_AE2_RE_KEY_STATE

    A variable that specifies the initial state of the event. This key is optional and has the following possible values:


    • GXConstants.GX_AE2_RE_EVENT_ENABLED (the default)

  • GXConstants.GX_AE2_RE_KEY_TIME

    An optional key that specifies the time at which the event will be triggered. Use the following format:

    • hh:mm:ss W/DD/MM

    • hh: 0 -23

    • mm: 0 - 59

    • ss: 0 - 59

    • W (day of the week): 0 - 6 with 0 = Sunday.

    • DD (day of the month): 1 - 31

    • MM (month): 1 - 12

    Each of these fields may be either an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a minus sign indicating an inclusive range. For example, 2, 5 - 7:0:0 5/*/* means the event is triggered at 2 AM, 5AM, 6 AM and 7 AM every Friday.

    The specification of days can be made by two fields: day of the month (DD) and day of the week (W). If both are specified, both take effect. For example, 1:0:0 1/15/* means the event is triggered at 1 AM every Monday, as well as on the fifteenth of each month. To specify days by only one field, set the other field to *.


    An optional key that specifies whether actions are to be executed concurrently (at the same time) or in series (one after another). In serial execution, each action finishes executing before the next one starts, and execution occurs in the same order in which the actions were added.

    This key has the following possible values:


    • GXConstants.GX_AE2_RE_ACTION_CONCURRENT (the default)

Use the setAttributes( ) method after creating an application event object (by calling createEvent( ) on the IAppEventMgr object). After you change an event (for example, by adding or deleting actions or by changing attributes), you must register the event in order for the changes to take effect.

None of the attributes are required to be set. The default state is enabled, and the default action mode is concurrent.

To retrieve the list of attributes that are set, use getAttributes( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
getAttributes( )

IBuffer Interface (deprecated)

The IBuffer interface is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications developed according to the servlet-JSP programming model do not need the functionality provided by IBuffer.

The IBuffer interface represents a block of memory. Input arguments and output value(s) of methods are sometimes stored in IBuffer objects. For example, the get**( ) methods in the IQuery interface return values in an IBuffer object.

IBuffer provides methods for specifying and obtaining the size of the memory block, obtaining its starting address, and copying data to it.

To create an instance of the IBuffer interface, use the GX.CreateBuffer( ) method. To create and initialize an IBuffer object with string contents, use GX.CreateBufferFromString( ).






alloc( )  

Specifies the size of the memory block, in bytes.  

getAddress( )  

Returns a copy of the buffer contents.  

getSize( )  

Returns the size of the memory block, in bytes.  

setData( )  

Copies data to a memory block.  

alloc( )

Specifies the size of the memory block, in bytes.

public int alloc(
   int nSize)

nSize. Size of the memory block, in bytes.

After creating a memory buffer with the GX.CreateBuffer( ) function, use alloc( ) to specify its size.

Subsequent calls to getSize( ) return the size that AppLogic specified when it called alloc( ).


  • If the AppLogic creates its own new IBuffer object, it must first specify the size of the memory block by calling alloc( ) before using other methods in the interface.

  • AppLogic can call alloc( ) only once.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


String str = "Hello World";
byte tmp[] = new byte[12];
str.getBytes(0, 11, tmp, 0);

IBuffer buff;

buff = GX.CreateBuffer();
buff.setData(tmp, 12);

// The following example is an alternate to the
// previous one. It uses GX.CreateBufferFromString()
// instead of GX.CreateBuffer().

IBuffer buff;
buff = GX.CreateBufferFromString("Hello World");

Related Topics
getAddress( )

getAddress( )

Returns a copy of the buffer contents.

public byte[] getAddress()

Use getAddress( ) to get a copy of the contents in a buffer.

Return Value
A copy of the buffer contents.

Related Topics
alloc( )

getSize( )

Returns the size of the memory block, in bytes.

public int getSize()

Use getSize( ) to determine the length of the memory buffer that the AppLogic specified when it called alloc( ).

Before calling getSize( ), AppLogic must first specify the size of the memory block by calling alloc( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
getAddress( )

setData( )

setData( )

Copies data to a memory block.

public int setData(
   byte[] pData,
   int nDataLen)

pData. The data to copy to the memory buffer.

nDataLen. The length, in bytes, of the data to copy to the memory buffer.

Use setData( ) to copy data to a memory buffer. The buffer can then be passed to a method, such as the setValPieceByOrd( ) method in the ITable interface, that accepts data values in a buffer object.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


String str = "Hello World";
byte tmp[] = new byte[12];
str.getBytes(0, 11, tmp, 0);

IBuffer buff;

buff = GX.CreateBuffer();
buff.setData(tmp, 12);

table.setValPieceByOrd(1, buff, 12);

Related Topics
getAddress( )

getSize( )

ICallableStmt Interface (deprecated)

ICallableStmt is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the java.sql.ICallableStatement interface from the JDBC Core API.

The ICallableStmt interface provides a standard way to call stored procedures in any database server. A stored procedure is a block of SQL statements stored in a database. Stored procedures provide centralized code for manipulating data and reduce the amount of data that needs to be sent to the client side of an application. They are typically used to execute database operations, for example, modify, insert, or delete records.

To call a stored procedure from an AppLogic, use the ICallableStmt object. The ICallableStmt interface defines methods for executing a stored procedure or function, and setting and getting parameter values to and from a stored procedure.

To create an instance of the ICallableStmt interface, use prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn interface.






close( )  

Releases the callable statement.  

execute( )  

Executes the stored procedure called by the ICallableStatement object.  

executeMultipleRS( )  

Executes a stored procedure, called by the ICallableStmt object, that can return multiple result sets.  

getMoreResults( )  

Checks if there is a result set to retrieve. This method is valid only if you used executeMultipleRS( ), not execute( ), to execute a stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object.  

getParams( )  

Returns the value of the stored procedure's output parameter or parameters.  

getResultSet( )  

Retrieves a result set. This method is valid only if you used executeMultipleRS( ) (instead of execute( )) to execute a stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object.  

setParams( )  

Specifies the parameter values to pass to the stored procedure.  

Related Topics

prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

close( )

Releases the callable statement.

public int close()

Use close( ) to release a callable statement object after the AppLogic has finished processing the results returned by the stored procedure. You must release the callable statement object so that the data connection is available to process other commands.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

execute( )

Executes the stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object.

public IResultSet execute(
   int flags,
   IValList params,
   ITrans trans,
   IValList props);

flags .

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify 0 (zero) or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

params . IValList object that contains parameters to pass to the callable statement. If you use setParams( ) instead to specify the parameters, specify null here.

trans . ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this callable statement, or null for no transaction.

props . IValList object that contains properties, or null for no properties. This parameter applies only if the callable statement returns a result set. Informix stored procedures, for example, return out parameter values only as a result set. Sybase, DB2, and MS SQL Server stored procedures also support the return of a result set. Multiple result sets, however, is not supported.

After instantiating an object of the IValList interface, set any of the following properties:

  • RS_BUFFERING turns on result set buffering when set to "TRUE" or "YES."

  • RS_INIT_ROWS specifies the initial size of the buffer, in number of rows. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_ROWS specifies the maximum number of rows for the buffer. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes for the buffer.

If RS_BUFFERING is enabled and if the optional parameters are not specified, the global values in the registry are used instead.

Use execute( ) to run a callable statement that has been created with prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn interface. If the stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object can return multiple result sets, use executeMultipleRS( ) instead.

If the stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object contains parameters, instantiate an IValList object and use setValString( ) or setValInt( ) in the IValList interface to specify the parameter values to pass to the stored procedure.

After creating and setting up the IValList object, pass it to execute( ) or setParams. If you use setParams( ) to pass parameters to the stored procedure, specify NULL for the params parameter in execute( ).

When accessing a stored procedure on Sybase or MS SQL Server, input parameter names specified in the call must be prefixed with the ampersand (&) character, for example, &param1. Other database drivers accept the ampersand, as well, as the colon (:) character. For all database drivers, input/output and output parameter names are prefixed with the colon (:) character, for example, :param2.

Return Value
IResultSet object, or null for failure (such as an invalid parameter).


//Write command to call stored procedure
String theProc = "{call myProc1(&p1, :p2)}";
IQuery myquery;
myquery = createQuery();

//Prepare the callable statement for execution
ICallableStmt myStmt;
myStmt = conn_rtest.prepareCall(0, myquery, null, null);

//Set the in parameter value
IValList inParams = GX.CreateValList();
//Set the out parameter value to any integer
inParams.setValInt(":p2", 0);

//Run the callable statement
myStmt.execute(0, inParams, null, null);

//Get the stored procedure's output value
outParams = myStmt.getParams(0);

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getParams( )

setParams( )

executeMultipleRS( )

Executes a stored procedure, called by the ICallableStmt object, that can return multiple result sets.

public int executeMultipleRS(
   int dwFlags,
   IValList pParams,
   ITrans pTrans,
   IValList pProps);


Specify 0.

pParams. IValList object that contains parameters to pass to the callable statement. If no parameters are required, pass in an empty IValList. If you use setParams( ) instead to specify the parameters, specify null here.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this callable statement, or null for no transaction.

pProps. IValList object that contains properties, or null for no properties.

After instantiating an object of the IValList interface, set any of the following properties:

  • RS_BUFFERING turns on result set buffering when set to "TRUE" or "YES."

  • RS_INIT_ROWS specifies the initial size of the buffer, in number of rows. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_ROWS specifies the maximum number of rows for the buffer. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes for the buffer.

If RS_BUFFERING is enabled and if the optional parameters are not specified, the global values in the registry are used instead.

Use executeMultipleRS( ) to run a callable statement that returns multiple result sets. The callable statement should already have been created with prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn interface.

If the stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object contains parameters, instantiate an IValList object and use setValString( ) or setValInt( ) in the IValList interface to specify the parameter values to pass to the stored procedure.

After creating and setting up the IValList object, pass it to executeMultipleRS( ) or setParams. If you use setParams( ) to pass parameters to the stored procedure, specify NULL for the pParams parameter in executeMultipleRS( ).

When accessing a stored procedure on Sybase or MS SQL Server, input parameter names specified in the call must be prefixed with the ampersand (&) character, for example, &param1. Other database drivers accept the ampersand, as well, as the colon (:) character. For all database drivers, input/output and output parameter names are prefixed with the colon (:) character, for example, :param2.

The difference between execute( ) and executeMultipleRS( ) is that execute( ) can return only a single result set. If you're not sure how many results sets, if any, a stored procedure returns, use executeMultipleRS( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


//Write command to call stored procedure
String proccall = "{call multiRSproc()}";
IQuery qryobj = GX.createQuery();

//Prepare the callable statement for execution
ICallableStmt stmt = connobj.PrepareCall(0, qryobj, null, null);

//Create the IValList to pass to the stored procedure
IValList inparms = GX.CreateValList();

//Run the callable statement
stmt.executeMultipleRS(0, inparms, null, null);

//Check if there is a result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults())
//Get the result set
IResultSet rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueInt(1) == 100) {
System.out.println("Found record 100");
//Check if there is another result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults()) {
rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueString(2) == 'George') {
System.out.println("Found record George");

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getMoreResults( )

getResultSet( )

getMoreResults( )

Checks if there is a result set to retrieve. This method is valid only if you used executeMultipleRS( ) (instead of execute( )) to execute a stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object.

public boolean getMoreResults()

If you used executeMultipleRS( ) to execute a stored procedure that returns multiple results sets, use getMoreResults( ) in conjunction with getResultSet( ) to check if there is a result set before retrieving it.

If there is a current result set with unretrieved rows, getMoreResults( ) discards the current result set and makes the next result set available.

Return Value
True if there is a result set.


//Run the callable statement
stmt.executeMultipleRS(0, inparms, null, null);

//Check if there is a result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults())
//Get the result set
IResultSet rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueInt(1) == 100) {
System.out.println("Found record 100");
//Check if there is another result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults()) {
rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueString(2) == 'George') {
System.out.println("Found record George");

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

executeMultipleRS( )

getResultSet( )

getParams( )

Returns the value of the stored procedure's output parameter or parameters.

public IValList getParams(
   int dwFlags);

dwFlags. Specify 0 (zero).

Some stored procedures return output parameters. If the stored procedure your callable statement executes returns output parameters, use getParams( ) to get the values.

The getParams( ) method returns the values in an IValList object. The key names associated with the values are the parameter names as specified in the query that was passed to the prepareCall( ) method

Informix stored procedures return output parameters in a result set. This result set is returned by execute( ) or executeMultipleRS( ). The getParams( ) method, therefore, does not apply to Informix stored procedures.

Return Value
IValList object, or null for failure.

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( )

setParams( )

getResultSet( )

Retrieves a result set. This method is valid only if you used executeMultipleRS( ) (instead of execute( )) to execute a stored procedure called by the ICallableStmt object.

public IResultSet getResultSet()

If you used executeMultipleRS( ) to execute a stored procedure that returns multiple results sets, use getResultSet( ) in conjunction with getMoreResults( ) to retrieve the results sets.

Return Value
IResultSet object, or null if there is no result set.


//Run the callable statement
stmt.executeMultipleRS(0, inparms, null, null);

//Check if there is a result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults())
//Get the result set
IResultSet rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueInt(1) == 100) {
System.out.println("Found record 100");
//Check if there is another result set
if (stmt.getMoreResults()) {
rsobj = stmt.getResultSet();
while (rsobj.fetchNext()) {
if (rsobj.getValueString(2) == 'George') {
System.out.println("Found record George");

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

executeMultipleRS( )

getMoreResults( )

setParams( )

Specifies the parameter values to pass to the stored procedure.

public int setParams(
   int dwFlags,
   IValList pParams);

dwFlags. Specify 0 (zero). For internal use only.

pParams. IValList object that contains the parameters to pass to the stored procedure. You must set all parameters required by the stored procedure. If you don't, a runtime error will occur when execute( ) is called. If you use setParams( ), specify NULL for the pParams parameter in execute( ).

If the stored procedure the callable statement executes accepts input parameters, use setParams( ) to pass the parameter or parameter values. The alternative is to pass the parameter values with the execute( ) method. Parameters passed to execute( ) supersede parameters specified with setParams( ).

For both setParams( ) and execute( ), you pass the parameter values in an IValList object.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
prepareCall( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( )

getParams( )

ICallerContext Interface

The ICallerContext interface manages programmatic security from within a servlet. ICallerContext provides two methods that override equivalent methods in the standard javax.ejb.EJBContext interface.

From within EJBs, do not use ICallerContext. Use javax.ejb.EJBContext instead, to maintain the portability of the bean.

Typically ICallerContext is used together with the IServerContext interface.




The ICallerContext interface is described as follows:

public interface ICallerContext


   public getCallerIdentity();

   public boolean isCallerInRole( role);


getCallerIdentity( ) returns the Identity object that identifies the caller.

The isCallerInRole( ) method returns true if the caller has the given role, where the role parameter describes the of the role to be tested.

Neither of the specifications for servlets and EJBs describe a standard way of creating an instance of To create an instance within a iPlanet Application Server 6.0 application, use the following method from the IServerContext interface:

public createIdentityByString(
   String identity)


Example 1
The following sample code demonstrates the use of programmatic security from a servlet:

// from within a servlet
com.netscape.server.IServerContext iplanetCtx;
ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
iplanetCtx = (com.netscape.server.IServerContext) ctx;

com.netscape.server.ICallerContext callerCtx;
callerCtx = iplanetCtx.getCallerContext();

Identity id = callerCtx.getCallerIdentity();

if(id == null)
System.out.println("Servlet invoked by anonymous user");
System.out.println("Servlet invoked by user " + id.getName());

Example 2
The following sample code demonstrates the use of programmatic security from a servlet:

// from within a servlet
com.netscape.server.IServerContext iplanetCtx;
ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();
iplanetCtx = (com.netscape.server.IServerContxt) ctx;

com.netscape.server.ICallerContext callerCtx;
Identity managers = iplanetCtx.createIdentityByString("managers");

// caller is a member of the group managers
// caller is not a manager

Example 3
The following sample code demonstrates the use of programmatic security from a bean.

Both SessionContext and EntityContext inherit from javax.ejb.EJBContext. The container will invoke setSessionContext( ) or setEntityContext( ) on your bean and provide you with an instance before any business methods are executed.

// within a bean

javax.ejb.SessionContext m_ctx;

// method on javax.ejb.EJBContext
Identity id = m_ctx.getCallerIdentity();

In addition, the isCallerInRole() method, available from ICallerContext and EJBContext, can be used to test for membership.

Related Topics

com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic class (deprecated),
com.kivasoft.dlm.GXContext class,
com.kivasoft.IContext Interface,
com.netscape.server.IServerContext Interface

javax.ejb.EJBContext interface

IColumn Interface (deprecated)

IColumn is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the interfaces java.sql.DatabaseMetaData or java.sql.ResultSetMetaData from the JDBC Core API.

The IColumn interface represents a column definition in a table. IColumn provides methods for obtaining descriptive information about a table column from the database catalog, which contains the column definition. Column attributes include the column name, precision, scale, size, table, and data type.

IColumn is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

To create an instance of this interface, use one of the following methods:

The following example shows creating an IColumn object:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

IColumn col = tbl.getColumnByOrd(1);






getName( )  

Returns the name of the column or alias.  

getNullsAllowed( )  

Returns true if null values are allowed in the column.  

getPrecision( )  

Returns the precision, which is the maximum length or maximum number of digits, of the column.  

getScale( )  

Returns the scale, which is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, of the column of type double.  

getSize( )  

Returns the maximum length, in number of bytes, allowed for a value in this column.  

getTable( )  

Returns the table object in which this column exists.  

getType( )  

Returns the data type of the column.  

Example 1

The following example shows how to iterate through a table to get the names and types of the columns:

String htmlString;
IColumn col;
ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table</h2>";

while ((col = tbl.enumColumns()) != null) {
htmlString += "Column Name = ";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += ", Column Type = ";
htmlString += col.getType();
htmlString += "<br>";
return result(htmlString)

Example 2

The following example goes through all columns in a Products table and constructs an HTML string showing catalog information about each column:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");
htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";

IColumn col = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt = 1;

while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Table Name = ";
htmlString += col.getTable().getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += ", Column Type=";
htmlString += col.getType();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Nulls Allowed (T/F) = ";
htmlString += col.getNullsAllowed();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Max Size = ";
htmlString += col.getSize();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Precision = ";
htmlString += col.getPrecision();
htmlString += "<br>";

if (col.getType() == GX_DA_DATA_TYPES.GX_DA_TYPE_DOUBLE){
htmlString += "Scale = ";
htmlString += col.getScale();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "<br>";

col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

Related Topics

getColumn( ) or getColumnByOrd( ) in the IHierResultSet Interface (deprecated)

getColumn( ), getColumnByOrd( ), or enumColumns( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

getColumn( ), getColumnByOrd( ), or enumColumns( ) in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

getName( )

Returns the name of the column or alias.

public String getName()

Use getName( ) when the name of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.


  • For computed columns in a query, specify aliases so that using getName( ) returns the alias name. Otherwise, the column can be identified only by ordinal position.

  • Do not rely on the case of the returned name. It might be all uppercase or mixed case, depending on the database.

Return Value
String representing the name of the column, or null for failure (such as insufficient memory).

The following example shows how to iterate through a table to get the names of columns:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";
IColumn = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt;
loopcnt = 1;

while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

getNullsAllowed( )

Determines whether null values are allowed in the column.

public boolean getNullsAllowed()

A column may require data values. Use getNullsAllowed( ) if this information is unknown to determine, for subsequent operations, whether nulls are allowed or not.

For numeric columns that allow NULLs, the value is usually zero (0) in the column if a NULL is inserted. For more information, see your database vendor's documentation.

Return Value
True if the column allows nulls, or false if the column is defined as NOT NULL (requiring data values).

The following example shows how to iterate through a table and return the column names, as well as whether null values are allowed in each column:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";

IColumn col = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt;
loopcnt = 1;

while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Nulls Allowed (T/F) = ";
htmlString += col.getNullsAllowed();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "<br>";
col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

getPrecision( )

Returns the precision, which is the maximum length or maximum number of digits, of the column.

public int getPrecision()

Use getPrecision( ) when the precision of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.

Return Value
An int value representing the maximum length or maximum number of digits of the column, or zero for failure (such as the precision is unknown).

The following example shows how to iterate through a table and return the column names, as well as the precision value of each column:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";

IColumn col = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt;
loopcnt = 1;

while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Precision = ";
htmlString += col.getPrecision();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "<br>";
col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

getScale( )

Returns the scale, which is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, of a column of type double.

public int getScale()

Use getScale( ) when the scale of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.


  • Use getScale( ) with numeric columns, including SQL DECIMAL, NUMERIC, and FLOAT data types.

  • The value returned from getScale( ) depends on the data type of the column. For example, it returns zero (0) for integers. For more information, see your database server documentation.

  • For computed columns in a result set, the value returned from getScale( ) depends on the data type of the evaluated expression.

Return Value
An int value representing the fixed number of digits to the right of the decimal point, or zero if unknown or not applicable.

getSize( )

Returns the maximum length, in number of bytes, allowed for a value in this column.

public int getSize()

Use getSize( ) when the maximum allowable length of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. Note that getSize( ) does not return the actual size of data in the column.


  • The value returned from getSize( ) depends on the data type of the column. For more information, see your database server documentation.

  • For computed columns in a result set, the value returned from getSize( ) depends on the data type of the evaluated expression.

Return Value
An int value representing the maximum length of the column, or zero for failure.

The following example shows how to iterate through a table and return the column names, as well as the maximum allowable length of each column:

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";

IColumn col = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt;
loopcnt = 1;

while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Max Size = ";
htmlString += col.getSize();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "<br>";
col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

getTable( )

Returns the table object in which this column exists.

public ITable getTable()

Use getTable( ) when the table definition of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. For result set columns, this method returns a table object, which is a description of the columns in the result set.

Return Value
ITable object representing the table, or null for failure.


// Walk through all columns in Products table and construct
// an HTML string showing the table name for each column
ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");
htmlString += "<h2>Products Table:</h2>";
IColumn col = tbl.enumColumns();
int loopcnt;
loopcnt = 1;
while (col != null) {
htmlString += "Table Name = ";
htmlString += col.getTable().getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "Column Name=";
htmlString += col.getName();
htmlString += "<br>";
htmlString += "<br>";
col = tbl.enumColumns();
return result(htmlString + stdResFooter());

Related Topics
ITable Interface (deprecated)

getType( )

Returns the data type of the column.

public int getType()

Use getType( ) when the data type of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.

Return Value
An int value corresponding to one of the static variables, listed next, in the GX_DA_DATA_TYPES class.










private static String getColumnString(IResultSet res, String colName) {

// Input parameter error checking
if((rs==null)||(rs.getRowNumber()==0)||(colName==null)) return null;

int colOrd=rs.getColumnOrdinal(colName);
IColumn col;

if((col=rs.getColumnByOrd(colOrd))==null) return null;
String valStr=null;

// Switch type
switch(col.getType()) {
valStr = rs.getValueString(colOrd);
valStr = rs.getValueDateString(colOrd);
valStr = String.valueOf(rs.getValueDouble(colOrd));
default: // Unknown type, so error out
// Fall thru to the return. Note that valStr is null;
return valStr;

IContext Interface

In iPlanet Application Server applications, some public methods require an IContext object as a parameter. The IContext interface itself has no public methods. You do not create or destroy IContext objects, but you can obtain them in several ways.




The following examples describe different ways to obtain a context.

Example 1
From an AppLogic, an instance of this context is available as a member variable context within the superclass com.kivasoft.applogic.Applogic. The following code is used from within an AppLogic method:

com.kivasoft.IContext kivaContext;

kivaContext = this.context;

Example 2
From a servlet, the standard servlet context can be cast to IServerContext, and from there, a com.kivasoft.IContext instance can be obtained. The servlet code would look like this:

ServletContext ctx = getServletContext();

com.netscape.server.IServerContext sc;

// legal cast within iAS

sc = (com.netscape.server.IServerContext) ctx;

com.kivasoft.IContext kivaContext = sc.getContext();

Example 3
As an alternative to Example 2, a caller can access the underlying AppLogic instance from a servlet and obtain the context there, as described in Example 1 for AppLogics. The servlet code would look like this:

HttpServletRequest req;

HttpServletRequest2 req2;

req2 = (HttpServletRequest2) req; // legal cast within iPlanet Application Server

AppLogic al = req2.getAppLogic();

com.kivasoft.IContext kivaContext;

kivaContext = al.context;

Example 4
From a bean, the standard javax.ejb.SessionContext or javax.ejb.EntityContext can be cast to an IServerContext, and from there, a com.kivasoft.IContext instance can be obtained. In a bean, the code would look like this:

javax.ejb.SessionContext m_ctx;




com.netscape.server.IServerContext sc;

// legal cast within iPlanet Application Server

sc = (com.netscape.server.IServerContext) m_ctx;

com.kivasoft.IContext kivaContext;

kivaContext = sc.getContext();

Example 5
From a Java extension, an instance of the context is supplied to the init( ) method of your extension, as shown by the following code:

public int init(IObject obj) {

com.kivasoft.IContext kivaContext = (com.kivasoft.IContext) obj;




Related Topics

com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic class (deprecated),
com.kivasoft.dlm.GXContext class,
com.netscape.server.ICallerContext Interface,
com.netscape.server.IServerContext Interface

IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

IDataConn is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the java.sql.Connection interface from the JDBC Core API.

The IDataConn interface represents a connection to a relational data source. IDataConn provides methods for preparing a query, executing a query, identifying table(s) to work with, and closing the connection explicitly. In addition, the data connection object is used in other operations for interacting with a data source.

IDataConn is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service. To create an instance of the IDataConn interface, use createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated), as shown in the following example:.

IDataConn conn;

if((conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_ODBC, "CATALOG", "CATALOG", "steve", "pass7878")) == null)

. . .






closeConn( )  

Explicitly closes a database connection.  

createTrigger( )  

Creates a new trigger object in the specified table.


disableTrigger( )  

Disables a trigger associated with a specified table. This feature is supported by Oracle databases only.  

dropTrigger( )  

Removes a trigger from a specified table.


enableTrigger( )  

Enables a trigger for a specified table. This feature is supported by Oracle databases only.  

executeQuery( )  

Executes a flat query on the data connection.  

getConnInfo( )  

Returns database and user information about the current database connection.  

getConnProps( )  

Returns registry information about the current database connection.  

getDriver( )  

Returns the identifier of the data source driver that the current database connection is using.  

getTable( )  

Returns the table definition object for the specified table.  

getTables( )  

Returns an IValList of database tables or views that are available to the specified user.  

prepareCall( )  

Creates an ICallableStmt object that contains a call to a stored procedure.  

prepareQuery( )  

Prepares a flat query object for subsequent execution.  

setConnProps( )  

Specifies registry values for the current database connection.  

Related Topics

createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getDataConn( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

addRow( ), deleteRow( ), and updateRow( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

closeConn( )

Explicitly closes the database connection.

public int closeConn(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0, or GX_DA_CLOSECONN_FLAGS.GX_DA_UNBIND_TRANS, which explicitly unbinds a physical connection from a transaction.

The Data Access Engine performs certain housekeeping tasks, such as shutdown and cleanup, automatically and intermittently. Use closeConn( ) to explicitly close a database connection and release system resources, such as when memory is low. Calling closeConn( ) breaks the virtual connection to the database and puts the physical connection back into the database connection cache.


  • Closing the database connection changes the state of the IDataConn object to closed.

  • Close a database connection only after the AppLogic no longer needs it. A run-time error will occur if subsequent operations attempt to use a data connection object that has already been closed.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


IDataConn conn;
if((conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_ODBC, "CATALOG", "CATALOG", "steve", "pass7878")) == null)
// Cannot connect - return error message
result("Failed to connect to Catalog db");
return null;
// Connected - return the data connection object
// used for subsequent operations on the database
return conn;
. . . perform database operations . . .
// Explicitly close the connection
int closeResult;

Related Topics
createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

createTrigger( )

Creates a new trigger object in the specified table.

int createTrigger(
   String pTable,
   String pName,
   String pCondition,
   String pOptions,
   String pSQLBlock);

pTable. The table on which the trigger is defined. You can specify the name of the owner as a prefix to the table name, for example, "jim.myTable".

pName. The name of the trigger object to create.

pCondition. The condition that determines whether or not the SQL procedure (defined in the pSQLBlock parameter) executes. For example, you can specify that the SQL procedure executes only if a column contains a specific value:

"FOR EACH ROW WHEN(city = 'San Francisco')"

pOptions. The row operations that determine when the trigger executes. For example, you can specify that the trigger be activated BEFORE or AFTER an INSERT, UPDATE, and/or DELETE operation:


pSQLBlock. The definition of the SQL block to execute when the trigger goes into effect. Refer to your database documentation for information on the SQL block format.

A trigger is a SQL procedure associated with a table. It is automatically activated when a specified row operation, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, is issued against the table. Use createTrigger( ) to specify the table and the data modification command that should activate the trigger, and the action or actions the trigger is to take.


  • For specific information on supported trigger options and conditions, refer to the description of triggers in your database documentation.

  • After creating a trigger, enable it by calling enableTrigger( ). The following are exceptions to the rule:

    • Sybase does not support the enabling or disabling of triggers.

    • Oracle automatically enables a trigger when the trigger is created; you can optionally call enableTrigger( ), but it will have no effect.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


IDataConn conn;
conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_ODBC,
"personnelDB", "personnelDB", "sandra", "pass7878");
conn.createTrigger("employees", "ProcessNew",
"FOR EACH ROW WHEN(title='Director')",
"AFTER INSERT", "[SQL instruction here]";
conn.enableTrigger("employees", "ProcessNew");

Related Topics
disableTrigger( )

dropTrigger( )

enableTrigger( )

disableTrigger( )

Disables a trigger associated with a specified table. This feature is supported by Oracle databases only.

public int disableTrigger(
   String pTable,
   String pName);

pTable. The table in which the trigger is located.

pName. The name of the trigger to disable.

Use disableTrigger( ) to temporarily stop a trigger from being activated. The trigger is disabled until it is enabled with enableTrigger( ). To remove a trigger from a table permanently, use dropTrigger( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
createTrigger( )

dropTrigger( )

enableTrigger( )

dropTrigger( )

Removes a trigger from a specified table.

public int dropTrigger(
   String pTable,
   String pName);

pTable. The table on which the trigger is defined.

pName. The name of the trigger to remove.

Use dropTrigger( ) to delete a trigger that is no longer required. To temporarily stop a trigger from being activated, use disableTrigger( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
createTrigger( )

disableTrigger( )

enableTrigger( )

enableTrigger( )

Enables a trigger for a specified table. This feature is supported by Oracle databases only.

public int enableTrigger(
   String pTable,
   String pName);

pTable. The table on which the trigger is defined.

pName. The name of the trigger to enable.

Use enableTrigger( ) to prepare a specified trigger for activation. Call enableTrigger( ) after you create a trigger with createTrigger( ), or to enable a trigger that was disabled with disableTrigger( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
createTrigger( ); disableTrigger( )

dropTrigger( )

executeQuery( )

Executes a flat query on the data connection.

public IResultSet executeQuery(
   int dwFlags,
   IQuery pQuery,
   ITrans pTrans,
   IValList pProps)

dwFlags. Specifies flags used to execute this query.

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify zero or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

  • To activate result set buffering, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_RS_BUFFERING.

The AppLogic can pass both result set buffering and either synchronous or asynchronous queries as the flags parameter, as shown in the following example:


pQuery. IQuery object that contains the flat query object to execute.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction to which this query applies, or null.

pProps. IValList object that contains query properties, or null for no properties. After instantiating an object of the IValList interface, set any of the following properties:

  • RS_BUFFERING turns on result set buffering when set to "TRUE".

  • RS_INIT_ROWS specifies the initial size of the buffer, in number of rows. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED.

  • RS_MAX_ROWS specifies the maximum number of rows for the buffer. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED.

  • RS_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes for the buffer.

If RS_BUFFERING is enabled and if the optional parameters are not specified, the global values in the registry are used instead.


Return Value
IResultSet object containing the result of the query, or null for failure (such as invalid tables or columns, or an invalid data comparison). If the result set is empty, calling getRowNumber( ) from the IResultSet Interface (deprecated) returns zero.

Example 1

// Create the flat query object
IQuery qry=createQuery();

// Set up the query
qry.setFields("CustomerID, Customer");

// Execute the query
IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);
// Check for a non empty result
   return result("Sorry, this user ("+
   firstName+" "+lastName+") already exists");
// Otherwise, process the result set

Example 2

// Set up result set buffering for query
IValList props;
props = GX.CreateValList();
// Turn on result set buffering
props.setValString("RS_BUFFERING", "TRUE");
// Specify the maximum number of rows to buffer
props.setValInt("RS_MAX_ROWS", 50);
IQuery qry = createQuery();
. . . define query properties . . .
// Attempt to execute query with result set buffering
IResultSet rs = conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, props);

Related Topics
createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IQuery Interface (deprecated)

IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

ITrans Interface (deprecated)

IValList interface

getConnInfo( )

Returns database and user information about the current database connection.

public IValList getConnInfo()

When the client code calls the createDataConn( ) method in the AppLogic class to create a connection between the client and the specified database, it passes the following parameters: flags, driver, datasource, database, username, and password. Once a data connection has been established, you can call getConnInfo( ) to return the datasource, database, user, and password values.

To return the driver value, use getDriver( ).

Return Value
IValList object, or null for failure.

getConnProps( )

Returns registry information about the current database connection.

public IValList getConnProps()

Use getConnProps( ) to get database connection information that the iPlanet Application Server administrator set through the Enterprise Administrator. The information is returned in an IValList object that contains the following keys and values:




An integer indicating the number of slots set for free connections.  


An integer indicating the initial number of slots in the connection cache.  


A string that identifies the database vendor, for example, "Oracle" or "Sybase."  

The getConnProps( ) method might return other information depending on the database being used.

Applications typically use the database vendor information in conditional code that executes differently depending on the type of database.

Return Value
IValList object, or null for failure.

Related Topics
setConnProps( )

getDriver( )

Returns the identifier of the data source driver that the current database connection is using.


When the client code calls the createDataConn( ) method in the AppLogic class to create a connection between the client and the specified database, it passes the following parameters: flags, driver, datasource, database, username, and password. Once a data connection has been established, you can call various methods in the IDataConn interface to return the values that were passed to createDataConn( ).

Call getDriver( ) to return the driver information.

To return the datasource, database, user, and password values, use getConnInfo( ).

Return Value
An int value corresponding to one of the static variables in the GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS class.











getTable( )

Returns the table definition object for the specified table.

public ITable getTable(
   String szTable)

szTable. Name of the table to request. This can include the schema name, for example, "jim.myTable." Do not use patterns or wildcards.

Use getTable( ) for the following reasons:

  • To change data in the table using methods in the ITable Interface (deprecated) to insert, update, and delete rows.

  • When the schema of a table is unknown, to obtain information about the table definition from the database catalog, such as table name, table columns, data connection, and so on.

The AppLogic usually calls getTable( ) only once to obtain a table definition. Subsequent calls return a separate ITable object that represents the same table. Each AppLogic can call getTable( ) and operate on its own copy of the table definition.


  • If the table name is unknown, use getTables( ) to retrieve an IValList of tables in the data source, then use methods in the IValList interface and the Val class to iterate through the table names obtained and determine which table to retrieve.

  • To obtain additional information about individual columns, use the IColumn Interface (deprecated).

Return Value
ITable object, or null for failure (such as an invalid table name).


ITable table = dbConn.getTable("CTLcust");
if(table==null) return result("Can't find the table: "+"CTLcust");
// Otherwise, process the table columns
int cCustId = table.getColumnOrdinal("CustomerID");
int cFirst = table.getColumnOrdinal("FirstName");
. . .

Related Topics
ITable Interface (deprecated)

createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

Val class

IValList interface

getTables( )

Returns an IValList of database tables or views that are available to the specified user.

public IValList getTables(
   String szQualifier,
   String szOwner,
   String szTable)

szQualifier. Specify null. Driver-dependent.

szOwner. Specify null, or a schema name, which returns tables for that schema.

szTable. Table or view name with wildcards, or null for all tables. Wildcards must be in the format supported by the data source. For example, you can use search patterns using the following characters:

  • underscore (_) for single characters

  • percent sign (%) for any sequence of zero or more characters

Use getTables( ) when the list of available tables on the data source is unknown. The AppLogic can obtain a subset of available tables by specifying wildcards in the table name.


  • The AppLogic must be logged in with sufficient privileges to obtain a list of tables from the database. For more information, see your database server documentation.

  • The AppLogic must specify a valid table name, view name, or name pattern. Aliases and synonyms are not supported for security reasons.

Use methods in the IValList interface and the Val class to iterate through the table names obtained and determine which table(s) to work with. Thereafter, use to access each table.

Return Value
IValList object containing a list of table names, or null for failure (such as if none are found to match the search expression).

Related Topics
ITable Interface (deprecated)

createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IValList interface

prepareCall( )

Creates an ICallableStmt object that contains a call to a stored procedure.

public ICallableStmt prepareCall(
   int dwFlags,
   IQuery pQuery,
   ITrans pTrans,
   IValList pProps);

dwFlags. Specify 0.

pQuery. The IQuery object that contains the call to a stored procedure. The stored procedure call should have been specified with the setSQL( ) method in the IQuery interface.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this callable statement, or null for no transaction. This same ITrans object must then be passed to the execute( ) method of the ICallableStmt interface.

pProps. Specify null.

Use prepareCall( ) to create a ICallableStmt object that contains a call to a stored procedure. After creating the callable statement, run it by calling execute( ) in the ICallableStmt interface.


  • Before calling prepareCall( ), the AppLogic must create a query by first calling createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated) to create the IQuery object, then using the setSQL( ) method in the IQuery Interface (deprecated) to define the call to a stored procedure.

  • When accessing a stored procedure on Sybase or MS SQL Server, input parameter names must be prefixed with the ampersand (&) character, for example, &param1. Other database drivers accept the ampersand, as well as, the colon (:) character. For all database drivers, input/output and output parameter names are prefixed with the colon (:) character, for example, :param2.


// Create the database connection.
IDataConn conn_rtest = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_DEFAULT,
/* Datasource name */ "ksample",
/* Database name */ "",
/* userName */ "kdemo",
/* password */ "kdemo");

//Write command to call stored procedure
String theProc = "{call myProc1(&p1, :p2)}";
IQuery myquery;
myquery = createQuery();

//Prepare the callable statement for execution
ICallableStmt myStmt;
myStmt = conn_rtest.prepareCall(0, myquery, null, null);

// Set parameters and run the callable statement

Return Value
ICallableStmt object, or null for failure.

Related Topics
ICallableStmt Interface (deprecated)

prepareQuery( )

Prepares a flat query object for subsequent execution.

public IPreparedQuery prepareQuery(
   int dwFlags,
   IQuery pQuery,
   ITrans pTrans,
   IValList pProps)

dwFlags. Specify 0.

pQuery. IQuery object that contains the query or statement to execute.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction to which this query applies, or null. This same object must then be passed to the execute( ) method of the IPreparedQuery interface.

pProps. Specify null.

Use prepareQuery( ) to prepare the query, then execute the prepared query using execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated). An application can also use prepareQuery( ) with result set buffering to pre-fetch result set data efficiently from a back-end database.

Before calling prepareQuery( ), AppLogic must create a query by first calling createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated) to create the IQuery object, then using methods in the IQuery Interface (deprecated) to define the query.

Return Value
IPreparedQuery object, or null for failure.


// Create the data connection
IDataConn conn;
conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_DEFAULT, "Orders", "Orders", "user", "password");

// Create the flat query and prepared query objects
IQuery qry = createQuery();
IPreparedQuery pqry;
IValList params;
params = GX.CreateValList();

// Set up the INSERT statement
qry.setSQL("INSERT INTO TABLE Products (ProductName, QuantityPerUnit) VALUES (:name, :quant)");

// Prepare the flat query
pqry = conn.prepareQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Specify a set of query parameters, then execute
params.setValString(":name","Chicken Dumplings");
params.setValString(":quant", "48 packages");
IResultSet rs1 = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);
. . . process rs1. . .

// Specify different set of query parameters, then execute
params.setValString(":name", "Rice Noodles");
params.setValString(":quant", "96 packages");
IResultSet rs2 = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);
. . . process rs2. . .

Related Topics
IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

IQuery Interface (deprecated)

ITrans Interface (deprecated)

IValList interface

createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setConnProps( )

Specifies registry values for the current database connection.

public int setConnProps(
   IValList pProps)

pProps. A pointer to the IValList object that contains the connection properties to set in the registry. Use the following defined key names for the connection properties:




An integer indicating the number of slots set for free connections.  


An integer indicating the initial number of slots in the connection cache.  

Use setConnProps( ) to override database connection properties that the iPlanet Application Server administrator set through the Enterprise Administrator. To get the current connection properties programmatically, call getConnProps( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
getConnProps( )

IDataConnSet Interface (deprecated)

IDataConnSet is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the JDBC API to provide similar functionality.

The IDataConnSet interface represents a collection of data connections and associated query names. It is used in conjunction with loading a query file.

Use IDataConnSet when loading a hierarchical query from a file. The AppLogic first establishes a data connection with each database on which any queries will be run. Next, the AppLogic calls createDataConnSet( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated) to create an empty IDataConnSet object, then populates this object with query name / data connection pairs.

In this way, the AppLogic can use parameterized queries and select and assign data connections dynamically at runtime. Finally, the AppLogic calls loadHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated) to create the hierarchical query object.

IDataConnSet is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

To create an instance of the IDataConnSet interface, use createDataConnSet( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated), as shown in the following example:.

IDataConnSet connSet;

connSet = createDataConnSet();




addConn( )  

Associates a query name with a data connection object and adds it to the IDataConnSet object.  

Related Topics

createDataConnSet( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addConn( )

Associates a query name with a data connection object and adds it to the IDataConnSet object.

public int addConn(
   String pQueryName,
   IDataConn pConn)

pQueryName. Name of a query in the query file.

pConn. Name of the data connection object representing an active connection with the data source on which the query will be run.


  • Every named query in the qulery file must have a corresponding named query in the IDataConnSet object.

  • The AppLogic must first create the data connection object using createDataConn( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

  • Duplicate query names are not permitted.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


IDataConnSet connSet;
connSet = createDataConnSet();
// Specify query / db connection pairs
connSet.addconn("employee", conn_empDB);
connSet.addconn("sales", conn_salesDB);
IHierQuery hqry;
// Load the GXQ file with the db connection set
hqry = loadHierQuery("employeeReport.gxq",connSet, 0, null);
// Run the report
evalTemplate("employeeReport.html", hqry);

Related Topics
createDataConnSet( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IEnumObject Interface

The IEnumObject interface represents an enumeration object that contains IObject instances. Some methods that return a list of objects, such as enumEvents( ) in the IAppEventMgr interface, return an IEnumObject object.

The IEnumObject interface defines methods for counting and accessing the IObject instances in an IEnumObject.






enumCount( )  

Returns the number of IObject instances in an IEnumObject.  

enumNext( )  

Returns the next IObject instance in an IEnumObject.  

enumReset( )  

Resets to the first IObject instance in an IEnumObject.  

Related Topics

enumEvents( ) in the IAppEventMgr Interface

enumCount( )

Returns the number of IObject instances in an IEnumObject.

public int enumCount()

Use enumCount( ) to determine the number of objects to process before iterating through the IObject instances in the IEnumObject.

Return Value
The number of objects in an IEnumObject.

In the following example, enumEvents( ) returns all the application events registered with the iPlanet Application Server in an IEnumObject. The enumCount( ) method is used in conjunction with enumNext( ) and enumReset( ) to access objects in the IEnumObject.

// suppose appEventMgr holds a valid reference to
// an IAppEventMgr instance

// Get the Enumeration object for all registered appevents
IEnumObject enumObj = appEventMgr.enumEvents();

// Retrieve the count of registered appevents
int count = enumObj.enumCount();
try {
p.writeObject("Number of Registered Events: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");

// Reset to the first object in the enumeration object

// Iterate through all the enumeration instances
while (count > 0) {

// Process the objects.

Related Topics
enumEvents( ) in the IAppEventMgr Interface

enumNext( )

enumReset( )

enumNext( )

Returns the next IObject instance in an IEnumObject.

public IObject enumNext()

Use enumNext( ) in conjunction with enumCount( ) and enumReset( ) to iterate through an IEnumObject.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

In the following example, enumEvents( ) returns all the application events registered with the iPlanet Application Server in an IEnumObject. The enumNext( ) method is used in conjunction with enumCount( ) and enumReset( ) to access objects in the IEnumObject.

// Suppose appEventMgr holds a valid reference to AppEvent Manager

// Get the Enumeration object for all registered appevents
IEnumObject enumObj = appEventMgr.enumEvents();

// Retrieve the count of registered appevents
int count = enumObj.enumCount();
try {
p.writeObject("Number of Registered Events: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
return streamResult("Failed to write to report file<br>");

// Reset to the first object in the enumeration object

// Iterate through all the enumeration instances
while (count > 0) {
IObject vListObj = enumObj.enumNext();
if (vListObj instanceof IAppEventObj) {
IAppEventObj vAppEventObj = (IAppEventObj)vListObj;

// process the appevent

Related Topics
enumEvents( ) in the IAppEventMgr Interface

enumCount( )

enumReset( )

enumReset( )

Resets to the first IObject instance in an IEnumObject.

public int enumReset(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0.

Use enumReset( ) before iterating through an IEnumObject. Doing so ensures that iteration begins at the first IObject instance in the IEnumObject.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


// Retrieve the count of objects in the IEnumObject
int count = enumObj.enumCount();

// Reset to the first object in the enumeration object

// Iterate through all the enumeration instances
while (count > 0) {
IObject vListObj = enumObj.enumNext();
// Process the objects

Related Topics
enumEvents( ) in the IAppEventMgr Interface

enumCount( )

enumNext( )

IError Interface (deprecated)

IError is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use JDBC exceptions instead. For example, the java.sql package provides exceptions such as BatchUpdateException, DataTruncation, SQLException, and SQLWarning.

The IError interface represents an error code object that consists of a code and a corresponding error message that originates from a facility, such as an operating system or a database. In this release, IError handles database errors only.

Use the methods in the IError interface to get error codes and messages returned by a database.

The IErrorinterface is implemented by the IDataConn object. To use it, cast IDataConn to the IError interface, as shown in the following example:

IDataConn conn;

conn = createDataConn(...);

IError error;

error = (IError) conn;






getErrorCode( )  

Returns the current error code as a string.  

getErrorCodeNum( )  

Returns the current error code as a number.  

getErrorMessage( )  

Returns the message associated with the current error code.  

getErrorFacility( )  

Returns a description of the facility that generated an error code.  

getErrorCode( )

Returns the current error code as a string.

public String getErrorCode()

Use getErrorCode( ) after a database operation, such as running a stored procedure or executing a query, to retrieve the error code for debugging or error-handling purposes. The following is an example of a returned error code: "ORA-03130".

For ODBC, the error codes usually consist of the ODBC error code and the database error code separated by a space, for example, "S1000 1017". Sometimes just the ODBC error code, such as "S1000", is returned.

Return Value
The current error code as a string.

Related Topics
getErrorCodeNum( )

getErrorMessage( )

getErrorFacility( )

getErrorCodeNum( )

Returns the current error code as a number.

public int getErrorCodeNum()

Use getErrorCodeNum( ) after a database operation, such as running a stored procedure or executing a query, to retrieve the error code for debugging or error-handling purposes.

Return Value
The current error code as a number. If the error code cannot be converted to a number, getErrorCodeNum( ) returns null. For example, an error code that contains letters, such as "S1000", cannot be converted to a number.

Related Topics
getErrorCode( )

getErrorMessage( )

getErrorFacility( )

getErrorMessage( )

Returns the message associated with the current error code.

public String getErrorMessage(
   String pCode)

pCode. Specify any string.

Use getErrorMessage( ) after a database operation, such as running a stored procedure or executing a query, to retrieve the message associated with the current error code. The AppLogic can then display the message to users. The following is an example of a returned error message: "[ODBC][Visigenic driver][S1000]Connection attempt failed".

Return Value
The message associated with the current error code.

Related Topics
getErrorCode( )

getErrorCodeNum( )

getErrorFacility( )

getErrorFacility( )

Returns a description of the facility that generated an error code.

public String getErrorFacility()

Use getErrorFacility( ) after a database operation, such as running a stored procedure or executing a query, to get information on which driver generated the current error code. The following is an example of a description returned by getErrorFacility( ): "ODBC DAD".

Return Value
The description of the facility that generated the current error code.

Related Topics
getErrorCode( )

getErrorCodeNum( )

getErrorMessage( )

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

IHierQuery is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model.

For information about replacing IHierQuery functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

The IHierQuery interface represents a hierarchical query. IHierQuery provides methods for retrieving hierarchical information organized in nested levels of detail, as in the following example:

Asia 170

China 110

Japan 60

Europe 80

France 70

Portugal 10

A hierarchical query combines multiple flat queries organized in cascading, parent-child relationships. Each query is an IQuery object containing data selection criteria. The IHierQuery object contains the definition of the hierarchical structure of parent-child relationships among IQuery objects.

To use a hierarchical query, the AppLogic first creates each individual query and defines its selection criteria. Next, it creates theIHierQueryobject and calls addQuery( ) repeatedly to add a child query to a parent query for each level of detail in the hierarchical query.

After the hierarchical query is constructed, the AppLogic calls its execute( ) method to run the hierarchical query on the target data source and retrieve a hierarchical result set in an IHierResultSet object.

Alternatively, the AppLogic can load a hierarchical query stored in a file. For more information, see loadHierQuery( ) and createDataConnSet( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

To create an instance of the IHierQuery interface, use createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IHierQuery hqry;

hqry = createHierQuery();






addQuery( )  

Adds a child query to a parent query, defining an additional level of detail in the hierarchical query.  

delQuery( )  

Removes a child query from its parent query.  

execute( )  

Executes a hierarchical query and returns a hierarchical result set.  

Example 1

// Create the flat query
IQuery qry = createQuery();
qry.setFields("loginName, Password, AccessLevel")

// Create the hierarchical query used for template processing
IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();

// Add the flat query object and data connection to hqry
hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");

// Pass hierarchical query to evalTemplate() for reporting
if(evalTemplate("apps/template/userinfo.html", hqry)==0)
return result("");
return result("Failed to Generate HTML");

Example 2

Related Topics

createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addQuery( )

Adds a child query to a parent query, defining an additional level of detail in the hierarchical query.

public int addQuery(
   IQuery pQuery,
   IDataConn pConn,
   String szAlias,
   String szParent,
   String szJoin)

pQuery. IQuery object that contains the flat query object to append as a child to the parent query.

pConn. IDataConn object that contains the data connection where the child query will be executed. Each flat query in the hierarchical query can retrieve data from a different data source.

szAlias. Name used to uniquely identify this child query in the query hierarchy. AppLogic must specify a child name that is unique within the hierarchical query.

szParent. Name of the parent query to contain this child query. Use an empty string ("") for the highest level in the hierarchical query. When adding a child query to an existing parent query, the specified parent name must have already been specified in a previous addQuery( ) call.

szJoin. Join clause used to specify a join for this query, defining the relationship between a field in the child query and a field in the parent query. Use an empty string for the highest level in the hierarchical query. Use the following Netscape-compliant syntax for the join clause:


Optionally, you can specify the schema:


Note The only difference between the Netscape Application Server and SQL join syntax is that, with Netscape, you prepend the clause with the query name.

To refer to a field name in the parent query, include the parent query name before the field name, as shown in the following example, in which CITY is the name of the parent query:

hqr.addQuery(qryEMP, conn, "EMP", "CITY", " = ''");

Use the AND and OR operators to specify additional join conditions. Use parentheses to specify the order of precedence in complex join criteria.

Use addQuery( ) when constructing the hierarchical query to define the hierarchical relationships among child and parent queries. The number of nested levels, and thus the number of addQuery( ) calls, is limited only by system resources.


Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Example 1

// Create the flat query
IQuery qry = createQuery();
qry.setFields("loginName, Password, AccessLevel")

// Create the hierarchical query used for template processing
IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();

// Add the flat query object and data connection to hqry
hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");

// Pass hierarchical query to evalTemplate() for reporting
if(evalTemplate("apps/template/userinfo.html", hqry)==0)
return result("");
return result("Failed to Generate HTML");

Example 2

// Create the City flat query
IQuery qryCTY;
qryCTY = createQuery();
qryCTY.setFields("city, Sum(salary) as sumsalary");

// Create the Employee flat query
IQuery qryEMP;
qryEMP = createQuery();
qryEMP.setFields("name, salary, city");

IHierQuery hqry;
hqry = createHierQuery();
// Add both queries to the hierarchical query object
hqry.addQuery(qryCTY, conn, "CTY", "", "");
hqry.addQuery(qryEMP, conn, "EMP", "CTY", " = ''");
// Run the report
evalTemplate("GXApp/EmpTrack/Templates/report.html", hqry);
return result(null);

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IQuery Interface (deprecated)

IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

delQuery( )

Removes a child query from its parent query.

public int delQuery(
   String szName)

szName. Name of the child query to remove.

Use delQuery( ) to remove a child query that is no longer needed. Any children of the deleted child query are also removed.

The specified child query must exist in the hierarchical query.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.


// Create the City flat query
IQuery qryCTY;
qryCTY = createQuery();
qryCTY.setFields("city, Sum(salary) as sumsalary");

// Create the Employee flat query
IQuery qryEMP;
qryEMP = createQuery();
qryEMP.setFields("name, salary, city");

IHierQuery hqry;
hqry = createHierQuery();
// Add both queries to the hierarchical query object
hqry.addQuery(qryCTY, conn, "CTY", "", "");
hqry.addQuery(qryEMP, conn, "EMP", "CTY", " = ''");

// Execute the hierarchical query
IHierResultSet hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);
// Process rows in result set . . .

// Remove child query from hierarchical query

// Pass parent query to evalTemplate() for reporting
if(evalTemplate("apps/template/ctySumm.html", hqry)==0)
return result("");
return result("Failed to Generate HTML");

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

loadHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( )

Executes a hierarchical query and returns a hierarchical result set.

public IHierResultSet execute(
   int dwFlags,
   int dwTimeout,
   IValList pProps)

dwFlags. Specifies flags used to execute this hierarchical query.

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify zero or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

  • To activate result set buffering, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_RS_BUFFERING.

The AppLogic can pass both result set buffering and either synchronous or asynchronous queries as the flags parameter, as shown in the following example:


dwTimeout. Specify 0 (zero).

pProps. IValList object that contains query properties, or null for no properties. After instantiating an object of the IValList interface, set any of the following properties:

  • RS_BUFFERING turns on result set buffering when set to "TRUE".

  • RS_INIT_ROWS specifies the initial size of the buffer, in number of rows. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED.

  • RS_MAX_ROWS specifies the maximum number of rows for the buffer. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED.

  • RS_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes for the buffer.

If RS_BUFFERING is enabled and if the optional parameters are not specified, the global values in the registry are used instead..

After constructing a hierarchical query using addQuery( ), the AppLogic uses execute( ) to execute the query on the database server. Results are returned in a hierarchical result set.

AppLogic must first construct the hierarchical query using addQuery( ).

Return Value
IHierResultSet object that contains the result set of the hierarchical query, or null for failure (such as invalid parameters).


// Create the flat query
IQuery qry = createQuery();
qry.setFields("loginName, Password, AccessLevel")

// Create the hierarchical query
IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();
hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");

// Execute the hierarchical query
IHierResultSet hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);

// Process rows in result set
. . .

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

loadHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierResultSet Interface (deprecated)

IValList interface

IHierResultSet Interface (deprecated)

IHierResultSet is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model.

For information about replacing IHierResultSet functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

The IHierResultSet interface represents a hierarchical result set retrieved by a hierarchical query. IHierResultSet provides methods to iterate through rows in the hierarchical result set and retrieve information about each row. Alternatively, an AppLogic can process hierarchical result sets by passing them directly to the Template Engine using evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

IHierResultSet is part of the Data Processing Engine (DPE) service. To create an instance of IHierResultSet, use execute( ) in the IHierQuery Interface (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IHierResultSet hrs

hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);






count( )  

Returns the total number of rows retrieved so far from the data source for the specified child query.  

getColumn( )  

Returns the column definition for the column with the specified name in the specified child query.  

getColumnByOrd( )  

Returns the column definition for the column in the specified ordinal position for the specified child query.  

getResultSet( )  

Returns the result set for a specified child query.  

getRowNumber( )  

Returns the number of the current row for the specified child query in the hierarchical result set.  

getValueDateString( )  

Returns the value of a Date type column, as a string, from the specified child query in the result set.  

getValueDouble( )  

Returns the value of a double type column from the specified child query in the result set.  

getValueInt( )  

Returns the value of an int type column from the specified child query in the result set.  

getValueString( )  

Returns the value of a string type column from the specified child query in the result set.  

moveNext( )  

Moves to the next row for the specified child query in the result set.  

moveTo( )  

Moves to the specified row for the specified child query in the result set.  


The following code runs a hierarchical query and with the returned hierarchical result set, checks a user's access level to determine which listbox options to display:

// Create the hierarchical query
IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();
hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");

// Execute the query
IHierResultSet hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);

TemplateMapBasic map = new TemplateMapBasic();

// Determine whether result returned match
return result("No user matches loginname: "+wantedUser);
String access=hrs.getValueString("USERS", "AccessLevel");
String selAdmin, selNormal;
selAdmin="<option selected>"+"AccessAdmin"+"</option>\n";
selNormal="<option selected>Normal</option>\n";
String select="<select name=accessControlLevel>\n"+selNormal+selAdmin+"</select>";

TemplateMapBasic tMap=new TemplateMapBasic();
tMap.put("ACCESS", select);

int ers = evalTemplate(template, (ITemplateData) hrs, tMap);
if (ers==0)
return result("");
return result("Failed to Generate HTML");

Related Topics

createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

count( )

Returns the total number of rows retrieved so far from the data source for the specified child query.

public int count(
   String qryName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

Use count( ) to return the current number of rows processed so far in the result set. If iterating through rows in a result set that has been completely returned, use count( ) to determine the current maximum number of rows to process.

If result set buffering is enabled, the AppLogic can use count( ) to find the current number of rows in the buffer.

The specified child query must exist in the result set.

Return Value
An int value representing the number of rows in the result set retrieved so far, or zero for failure (such as an invalid child query name).


// Create the hierarchical query
IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();
hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");
// Execute the query
IHierResultSet hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);
// Determine whether result returned match
   return result("No user matches loginname: "+wantedUser);
String access=hrs.getValueString("USERS", "AccessLevel");

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

getColumn( )

Returns the column definition for the column with the specified name in the specified child query.

public IColumn getColumn(
   String qryName,
   String colName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colName. Name of the column. Must not be qualified with the schema name or table name (if necessary, use column alias to ensure that the colName is unambiguous).

Use getColumn( ) when the data definition of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. The AppLogic can then use methods in the IColumn Interface (deprecated) to obtain descriptive information about a table column from the database catalog, such as the column name, precision, scale, size, table, and data type.


  • The specified child query must exist in the result set.

  • The specified column name must exist in the result set.

  • Use getColumnByOrd( ) instead when the column position is known but its name is unknown.

  • Columns that are the result of query expressions or formulas, such as invoice.count * product.price, should have a column alias in the result set. AppLogic can call setFields( ) in the IQuery Interface (deprecated) to specify field aliases using the "as" keyword.

Return Value
IColumn object containing information from the retrieved column, or null for failure (such as an invalid child query name or column name).


// Obtain column information for UserID field
IColumn col;
col = hrs.getColumn("USERS", "UserID")
. . . process column info using IColumn methods . . .

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getColumnByOrd( )

Returns the column definition for the column in the specified ordinal position for the specified child query.

public IColumn getColumnByOrd(
   String qryName,
   int colIndex)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column in the result set. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getColumnByOrd( ) when the data definition of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. AppLogic can then use methods in the IColumn Interface (deprecated) to obtain descriptive information about a table column from the database catalog, such as the column name, precision, scale, size, table, and data type.


  • The specified child query must exist in the result set.

  • The specified column position must exist in the result set.

Use getColumn( ) instead when the column name is known but its ordinal position is unknown.

Return Value
IColumn object containing information from the retrieved column, or null for failure (such as an invalid child query name or column name).

// Obtain column information for UserID field

IColumn col1, col2, col3, col4;

col1 = hrs.getColumnByOrd("USERS", 1)

col2 = hrs.getColumnByOrd("USERS", 2)

col3 = hrs.getColumnByOrd("USERS", 3)

col4 = hrs.getColumnByOrd("USERS", 4)

. . . process column info using IColumn methods . . .

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getResultSet( )

Returns the result set for a specified child query.

public IResultSet getResultSet(
   String qryName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set to retrieve.

Use getResultSet( ) to retrieve and manipulate a particular child result set in the hierarchical result set. The AppLogic can then use methods in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated) to get data from the result set columns.

The specified child query must exist in the result set.

Return Value
IResultSet object , or null for failure (such as an invalid child query name).

// Look up list of customers matching criteria from database

IHierResultSet hrs = lookupCustomer(ssn, lastName, firstName, acctNum);

if (hrs == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not retrieve database results");


// Check the result set to see if any customers are found

IResultSet rs = hrs.getResultSet("SelCusts");

getRowNumber( )

Returns the number of the current row for the specified child query in the hierarchical result set.

public int getRowNumber(
   String qryName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

When iterating through rows in a child set, use getRowNumber( ) to keep track of the number of rows processed.

The specified child query must exist in the result set.

Return Value
An int value representing the current row number in the child result set, or zero if the result set is empty or for failure (such as an invalid row or query name). The number of the first row in the result set is 1, the second row is 2, and so on. If zero is returned the first time AppLogic calls getRowNumber( ), that means the result set is empty for the specified child query.

// Create the hierarchical query

IHierQuery hqry = createHierQuery();

hqry.addQuery(qry, conn, "USERS", "", "");

// Execute the query

IHierResultSet hrs = hqry.execute(0, 0, null);

TemplateMapBasic map = new TemplateMapBasic();

// Determine whether result returned match


return result("No user matches loginname: "+wantedUser);

String access=rs.getValueString("USERS", "AccessLevel");

String selAdmin, selNormal;



selAdmin="<option selected>"+"AccessAdmin"+"</option>\n";






selNormal="<option selected>Normal</option>\n";


String select="<select name=accessControlLevel>\n"+selNormal+selAdmin+"</select>";

TemplateMapBasic tMap=new TemplateMapBasic();

tMap.put("ACCESS", select);

int ers = evalTemplate(template, (ITemplateData) rs, tMap);

if (ers==0)

return result("");


return result("Failed to Generate HTML");


Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

getValueDateString( )

Returns the value of a Date type column, as a string, from the specified child query in the result set.

public String getValueDateString(
   String qryName,
   String colIName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colName. Name of the column from which to retrieve the date.

Use getValueDateString( ) to retrieve date values from the result set for subsequent processing. The following is an example of the format in which getValueDateString( ) returns a date:

Jan 26 1998 12:35:00

The specified column must be a Date, Date Time, or Time data type.

Return Value
The date value as a string, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Related Topics
getValueDouble( )

getValueInt( )

getValueString( )

getValueDouble( )

Returns the value of a double type column from the specified child query in the result set.

public double getValueDouble(
   String qryName,
   String colName)

qryname. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colName. Name of the column from which to retrieve the double value.

Use getValueDouble( ) to retrieve decimal, floats, real, numeric, and double values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be a double data type.

Return Value
A double value, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Related Topics
getValueDateString( )

getValueInt( )

getValueString( )

getValueInt( )

Returns the value of an int type column from the specified child query in the result set.

public int getValueInt(
   String qryName,
   String colName)

qryname. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colName. Name of the column from which to retrieve the value.

Use getValueInt( ) to retrieve int or long values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be an int or long data type.

Return Value
An int value, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Related Topics
getValueDateString( )

getValueDouble( )

getValueString( )

getValueString( )

Returns the value of a string type column from the specified child query in the result set.

public String getValueString(
   String qryName,
   String colName)

qryname. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

colName. Name of the column from which to retrieve the value.

Use getValueString( ) to retrieve string values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be a String data type.

Return Value
A String value, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Related Topics
getValueDateString( )

getValueDouble( )

getValueInt( )

moveNext( )

Moves to the next row for the specified child query in the result set.

public int moveNext(
   String qryName)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

Use moveNext( ) when iterating through rows in the result set to retrieve the contents of the next sequential row.

The specified child query must exist in the result set.

Return Value
An int value for success (zero) or failure (non-zero, such as reaching the end of the result set). If the current row is the last row in the result set, calling moveNext( ) returns a non-zero int.

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

moveTo( )

Moves to the specified row for the specified child query in the result set.

public moveTo(
   String qryName,
   int nRow)

qryName. Name of the child query that generated the result set.

nRow. Number of the row in the result set to move to. The number of the first row in the result set is 1, the second row is 2, and so on.

Use moveTo( ) to move the internal cursor to a specific row in the result set, skipping over rows to be excluded from processing.


  • The specified child query must exist in the result set.

  • The specified row number must exist in the result set.

  • If RS_BUFFERING is turned on, AppLogic can move forward and backwards in the result set. However, if RS_BUFFERING is not turned on, AppLogic can move forward to subsequent rows only. AppLogic cannot return to rows that have been processed previously.

For certain database drivers, this operation may be very slow and should be avoided if possible.

Return Value
An int value for success (zero), or failure (non-zero, such as an invalid row number).

Related Topics
createHierQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IHierQuery Interface (deprecated)

IListRowSet Interface

IListRowSet is an extension to the javax.sql.RowSet interface that provides the methods necessary to populate a listbox in a JSP. Although anyone developing a iPlanet Application Server application can use IListRowSet, this interface is typically used in components generated by Netscape Application Builder.

IListRowSet replaces the IListDataSet interface from iAB 3.0.






addListItem( )  

Adds an item to a list.  

setListSelection( )  

Sets the item that appears as the default selection in a list.  

Related Topics

com.netscape.server.servlet.extension.IRowSet2 interface,
javax.sql.RowSet interface

addListItem( )

Adds an item to a list.

public abstract void addListItem(String label, String value)

label. The label for the list entry; this is not necessarily the name of the item as it appears in the list.

value. The value assigned to the label.

Use addListItem( ) with setListSelection( ) when working with an IListRowSet to create a selection list or a group of radio buttons.

The following code fragment creates a data set as a list:

IListRowSet ds = BaseUtils.createListRowSet(request,response,"myList");

ds.addListItem("Star Trek", "1");

ds.addListItem("Babylon 5", "2");

ds.addListItem("Red Dwarf", "3");

ds.addListItem("Crusade", "4");

ds.setListSelection("2"); // Babylon 5 is the default selection

To display this list on a web page, you might create a JSP containing the following code:


%gx type=tile id=myList%

<OPTION VALUE="%gx type=cell id=myList.value% %/gx%"







%gx type=cell id=myList.label%%/gx%



setListSelection( )

Sets the item that appears as the default selection in a list.

public abstract void setListSelection(String value)

value. The value (not the label) in the list that appears as the default selection.

Use setListSelection( ) with addListItem( ) when working with data sets to create a selection list or a group of radio buttons.

ILock Interface

The ILock interface provides concurrency control for objects operating in a multithreaded environment (for example, in applications that use distributed state).

AppLogics use locks to protect objects during concurrent operations. For example, state and session nodes implement this interface. Applications that access state or session data concurrently must synchronize using the methods in this interface.

A lock has the following attributes:

  • A lock mode. You can specify an exclusive or shared lock. An exclusive lock prevents other threads from accessing a locked object. You can also use the lock mode to specify that an operation may continue even if the desired locking mode is not available.

  • A caller ID. This setting provides a unique identifer for the caller that places or removes a lock. The identifier is an array of bytes.

The ILock interface defines methods for locking and unlocking objects. It also defines a method for changing the lock mode.






changeMode( )  

Changes the lock mode of a currently locked object. This method is not available for the lock interface implemented by state and session objects.  

lock( )  

Locks an object.  

unlock( )  

Unlocks a previously locked object.  

changeMode( )

Changes the lock on an object.

Note This method is not supported for locks on state and session nodes. State and session support only one lock mode, GXLOCK_EXCL, which cannot be changed.

public int changeMode(
   int dwOldMode,
   int dwNewMode,
   byte[] pID,
   int nSize);

dwOldMode. Current lock mode applied to an object. The mode is one of GXLOCK_EXCL (exclusive lock) or GXLOCK_SHARE (shared lock).

dwNewMode. New locking mode, one of GXLOCK_EXCL (exclusive lock) or GXLOCK_SHARE (shared lock). Optionally, the mode may also include GXLOCK_NOBLOCK if the operation should be allowed to continue if the desired locking mode is not available. If GXLOCK_NOBLOCK is not specified, then a thread is blocked if the desired locking mode is not available.

pID. ID of the caller requesting the change to the lock. This value is read only.

nSize. Size of the identifier.

Use changeMode( ) to change a lock on an object.

Return Value
An integer indicating success or failure of the lock mode change operation.

lock( )

Locks an object.

public int lock(
   int dwFlags,
   byte[] pID,
   int nSize);

dwFlags. Locking mode, one of GXLOCK_EXCL (exclusive lock) or GXLOCK_SHARE (shared lock). Optionally, the mode may also include GXLOCK_NOBLOCK if the operation should be allowed to continue if the desired locking mode is not available. If GXLOCK_NOBLOCK is not specified, then a thread is blocked if the desired locking mode is not available.

GXLOCK_EXCL is the only mode currently supported for locking a state or session node. You cannot specify GXLOCK_NOBLOCK for state and session nodes.

pID. ID of the caller requesting the lock. This value is a byte array. For state and session objects that implement the locking interface, you can pass in a null value for pID because these implementations automatically use the ID of the calling thread for pID.

nSize. Size of the identifier.

Use lock( ) to lock an object.

When you lock certain kinds of nodes, the following rules apply:

  • After locking a parent state node, do not create or delete a child node under it.

  • After locking a state or session node, do not delete the node.

Return Value
An integer indicating success or failure of the lock operation.

The following code shows how to lock and unlock a state node:

IState2 marketnews = cacheroot.getStateChild("mktnews");
if (marketnews == null)

// we expect marketnews state node to be accessed concurrently
// let's lock it

ILock l = null;
int ret;
if (marketnews instanceof ILock)
   l = (ILock)marketnews;
   ret = l.lock(GXLOCK.GXLOCK_EXCL, null, 0);
   if (ret != GXE.SUCCESS)
      log("lock error");
   log("IState2 object doesn't implement the ILock interface");
if (l == null)

// we now have the node locked in exclusive mode
// ..... do work ..........
// and unlock the node

ret = l.unlock(GXLOCK.GXLOCK_EXCL, null, 0);
if (ret != GXE.SUCCESS)
   log("unlock error");

Related Topics
AppLogic or ISession2 classes

unlock( )

Unlocks a previously locked object.

public int unlock(
   int dwFlags,
   byte[] pID,
   int nSize);

dwFlags. The locking mode previously used to lock the object, either GXLOCK_EXCL (exclusive lock), or GXLOCK_SHARE (shared lock).

GXLOCK_EXCL is the only mode currently supported for unlocking a state or session node.

pID. The ID of the caller that requests lock removal. This value is a byte array. The ID must match the ID with which you set the lock.

Usually you pass in the ID of the executing thread that requests the lock. For state and session objects that implement the locking interface, you can pass in a null value for pID because these implementations automatically use the ID of the calling thread for pID.

nSize. Size of the identifier.

Use unlock( ) to remove a lock on an object.

Return Value
An integer indicating success or failure of the unlock operation.

The following code shows how to lock and unlock a state node:

IState2 marketnews = cacheroot.getStateChild("mktnews");
if (marketnews == null)

// we expect marketnews state node to be accessed concurrently
// let's lock it

ILock l = null;
int ret;
if (marketnews instanceof ILock)
   l = (ILock)marketnews;
   ret = l.lock(GXLOCK.GXLOCK_EXCL, null, 0);
   if (ret != GXE.SUCCESS)
      log("lock error");
   log("IState2 doesn't implement the ILock interface");
if (l == null)

// we now have the node locked in exclusive mode
// ..... do work ..........
// and unlock the node

ret = l.unlock(GXLOCK.GXLOCK_EXCL, null, 0);
if (ret != GXE.SUCCESS)
   log("unlock error");

Related Topics
AppLogic or ISession2 classes

IMailbox Interface

The IMailbox interface represents an electronic mailbox used for communicating with incoming and outgoing electronic mail. IMailbox provides methods for opening and closing a mailbox, as well as for receiving and sending mail messages. You must have access to either an SMTP or POP mail server.

To create an instance of the IMailbox interface, use createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IMailbox mb = createMailbox("SMTPHostName", "myUserName",

"pass7878", "");






close( )  

Closes an open electronic mailbox session.  

open( )  

Opens a session with the mail server.  

retrieve( )  

Retrieves unread electronic mail messages from the inbox.  

retrieveCount( )  

Counts the number of available unread electronic mail messages in the inbox.  

retrieveReset( )  

Resets the status of retrieved messages in the mailbox from read to unread and abandons (rolls back) any message deletions.  

send( )  

Sends an electronic mail message to one or more mail addresses.  

Related Topics

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

close( )

Closes an open electronic mailbox session.

public int close()

Use close( ) to close a mailbox session and commit changes on the mail server, if applicable. If sessions are open on both the POP and SMTP server, close( ) terminates both sessions.

Closing a session does not terminate the IMailbox object. The AppLogic can later reopen a session using open( ).

The AppLogic can only close a mailbox session that is open.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Define the string parameters that will be passed

// to IMailbox methods

String sendhost = "";

String recvhost = "";

String user = "eugene";

String pswd = "eugenesSecretPassword";

String useraddr = "";

String sendTo[] = {"", null};

String mesg = "Hi Friend, How are you?";

public void sendMail()


// Create an IMailbox instance

IMailbox sendMB;

sendMB = createMailbox(sendhost, user, pswd, useraddr);

if (sendMB != null) // sendMB successfully created


// Open a session with the mail server



// Send a mail message


// Close the mailbox session





Related Topics
open( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

open( )

Opens a session with the mail server.

public int open(
   int dwFlag)

dwFlag. Access level used to open the mailbox. Specify one of the following options:

  • GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV to receive emails. Sets up a session with the POP server only.

  • GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND to send emails. Sets up a session with the SMTP server only.

  • GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND |GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV to send and receive emails.

Use open( ) to explicitly open a session with the mail server after instantiating the IMailbox object. Alternatively, the AppLogic can open a session after having closed a previous session using close( ).

Depending on the setting of the dwFlag parameter, open( ) starts a session on the SMTP server only, on the POP server only, or on both servers at once (two separate sessions).

The AppLogic must call open( ) before calling other methods.

To conserve system resources, use only the access level you need. For example, if the AppLogic will only be sending electronic mail messages, specify GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND, not GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND |GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Define the string parameters that will be passed

// to IMailbox methods

String sendhost = "";

String recvhost = "";

String user = "eugene";

String pswd = "eugenesSecretPassword";

String useraddr = "";

String sendTo[] = {"", null};

String mesg = "Hi Friend, How are you?";

public void sendMail()


// Create an IMailbox instance

IMailbox sendMB;

sendMB = createMailbox(sendhost, user, pswd, useraddr);

if (sendMB != null) // sendMB successfully created


// Open a session with the mail server

if (


// Send a mail message


// Close the mailbox session





Related Topics
send( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

retrieve( )

Retrieves electronic mail messages from the inbox.

public IValList retrieve(
   boolean bLatest,
   boolean bDelete)

bLatest. Specify true to retrieve the latest unread messages. Specify false to retrieve all messages in the inbox.

bDelete. Specify true to delete retrieved messages when the mailbox session is closed. Specify false to leave the retrieved messages on the mail server.

Use retrieve( ) to get unread messages from the inbox. Once retrieved, messages are marked as READ.

To use retrieve( ), the AppLogic must have first opened the mailbox session using open( ) and have specified either GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV or GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND |GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV as the dwFlag parameter.

AppLogic can use retrieveReset( ) to undo changes (deletes, read flags) to messages in the inbox.

Return Value
IValList that contains the retrieved messages, or null for failure.

// Create mailbox object to connect to a POP mail server

IMailbox recvMB;

public void recvMail()


// Only check messages received after the last open

BOOL Latest = true;

// Remove retrieved messages from the mail server

BOOL Delete = true;

// Create an IMailbox instance

IMailbox recvMB;

recvMB = createMailbox(recvhost, user, pswd, useraddr);

if (recvMB != null)


if (


// Count the number of new messages

int numMsgs = recvMB.retrieveCount();

if(numMsgs > 0)


IValList mesgList;

// Retrieve the new messages

mesgList = recvMB.retrieve(Latest,Delete);

// Use IValList methods to iterate through

// the returned IValList. The keys in the

// IValList are the message numbers. The

// values are the email messages as strings






Related Topics
open( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

retrieveCount( )

Counts the number of unread electronic mail messages in the inbox.

public int retrieveCount()

Before calling retrieve( ), use retrieveCount( ) to count the number of retrievable messages in the inbox. The AppLogic might do this to avoid retrieving an empty inbox. If the AppLogic iterates through the messages after they have been retrieved, the AppLogic can call retrieveCount( ) to determine the maximum number of iterations required to process all available inbox messages.

To use retrieveCount( ), the AppLogic must have first opened the mailbox session using open( ) and have specified either GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV or GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND|GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV as the dwFlag parameter.

Return Value
The number of available unread electronic mail messages in the inbox. The retrieveCount( ) method returns 0 for no messages and a negative number if an error ocurred.

// Create mailbox object to connect to a POP mail server

IMailbox recvMB;

public void recvMail()


// Only check messages received after the last open

BOOL Latest = true;

// Remove retrieved messages from the mail server

BOOL Delete = true;

// Create an IMailbox instance

IMailbox recvMB;

recvMB = createMailbox(recvhost, user, pswd, useraddr);

if (recvMB != null)


if (


// Count the number of new messages

int numMsgs = recvMB.retrieveCount();

if(numMsgs > 0)


IValList mesgList;

// Retrieve the new messages

mesgList = recvMB.retrieve(Latest,Delete);

// Use IValList methods to iterate through

// the returned IValList. The keys in the

// IValList are the message numbers. The

// values are the email messages as strings






Related Topics
open( )

retrieve( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

retrieveReset( )

Resets the status of retrieved messages in the mailbox from read to unread and abandons (rolls back) any message deletions.

public int retrieveReset()

Use retrieveReset( ) to undo any changes made as a result of retrieving inbox messages with retrieve( ).


  • To use retrieveReset( ), the AppLogic must have first opened the mailbox session using open( ) and have specified either GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV or GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND|GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV as the dwFlag parameter.

  • Before calling retrieveReset( ), the AppLogic must first call retrieve( ).

  • To abandon changes made with retrieve( ), AppLogic must call retrieveReset( ) before calling close( ) or terminating the session.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
open( )

retrieve( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

send( )

Sends an electronic mail message to one or more mail addresses.

public int send(
   String[] ppTo,
   String pMesg)

ppTo. A list of email addresses, to which you want to send e-mail. The address or addresses must be supplied in a null-terminated array.

pMesg. Text of the electronic mail message. Use Internet mail formatting conventions for specifying advanced features in the message text, such as CC: or BCC: addresses, the Subject header, uuencode, MIME attachments, receipt notification, and so on. For syntax specifications, see your POP and SMTP protocol documentation.


  • To use send( ), the AppLogic must have first opened the mailbox session using open( ) and have specified either GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND or GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_SEND|GX_MBOX_OPEN_FLAG.OPEN_RECV as the dwFlag parameter.

  • The specified addresses must be valid Internet mail addresses.

  • The specified message text must follow POP and SMTP protocol conventions.

The send( ) method automatically includes the FROM: address that the AppLogic specified in the pUserAddr parameter of createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Define the string parameters that will be passed

// to IMailbox methods

String sendhost = "";

String recvhost = "";

String user = "eugene";

String pswd = "eugenesSecretPassword";

String useraddr = "";

String sendTo[] = {"", null};

String mesg = "Hi Friend, How are you?";

public void sendMail()


// Create an IMailbox instance

IMailbox sendMB;

sendMB = createMailbox(sendhost, user, pswd, useraddr);

if (sendMB != null) // sendMB successfully created


// Open a session with the mail server

if (


// Send a mail message


// Close the mailbox session





Related Topics
open( ),
retrieve( )

createMailbox( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IObject Interface (deprecated)

The IObject interface is not necessary in the new application model. This interface is deprecated and is provided for backward compatiblity only.

The IObject interface is the base interface for all Netscape Application Server Java interfaces. Generally, iPlanet Application Server applications do not use this interface directly; they use the specialized derived interfaces instead.



IOrder Interface (deprecated)

IOrder is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications developed according to the servlet-JSP programming model do not need the functionality provided by IOrder.

The IOrder interface represents the current processing status of an asynchronous operation. IOrder provides methods for obtaining the status and return code of an asynchronous operation.

To run an asynchronous database operation, the AppLogic must specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC as the flags parameter in any of the following methods:

To create an instance of the IOrder interface for an asynchronous query, use getOrder( ) in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated), as shown in the following example:.

IResultSet rs;

IOrder ord





getState( )  

Returns the processing status of the asynchronous operation on the database server: active, done, canceled, or unknown.  

Related Topics

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getOrder( ) in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

GX.WaitForOrder( )

getState( )

Returns the processing status of the asynchronous operation.

public getStateIOrder getState()

Use getState( ) to return status information to use in error-handling code.

Return Value
A getStateIOrder object with three variables, each containing status and result code values. The three variables are described in the following table:




Contains one of the following status codes:







Contains the result code of an asynchronous database operation when the operation is done or canceled.  


Contains the estimate about the current completion percentage of the operation.  

Orders[] = new IOrder[1];

int nOrder;

Orders[0] = newRequestAsync(asyncGUIDStr, valIn, valOut);

if (Orders[0] != null)


log("Successfully invoked async AppLogic\n");

// wait for async applogic to finish (max 100 seconds)

nOrder = GX.WaitForOrder(Orders, context, 100);

if (nOrder >= 0)


return result("Error in executing async request:

          order wait returned an error");




getStateIOrder state = Orders[0].getState();

if (state == null || state.pdwResult != GXE.SUCCESS)

return result("Error in executing async






log("Failed to invoke async AppLogic\n");


Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getOrder( ) in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

GX.WaitForOrder( )

IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

IPreparedQuery is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the java.sql.PreparedStatement interface from the JDBC Core API.

The IPreparedQuery interface represents a prepared flat query. An IPreparedQuery object contains a SQL statement that has been compiled. This is what makes a statement "prepared." An AppLogic uses a prepared query when it needs to execute a SQL statement multiple time with different parameters.

For example, if an AppLogic runs an INSERT statement several times, each time with a different set of values to insert into the table, using a prepared query involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare (compile) the INSERT statement with placeholder parameters whose values will be specified later.

  2. Specify a set of parameter values.

  3. Execute the prepared query.

  4. Specify another set of parameter values.

  5. Execute the prepared query.

By preparing the SQL statement, the database needs to compile the statement only once. Without prepared statements, the database must recompile each statement every time it is executed, which is less efficient.

To create an instance of the IPreparedQuery interface, use prepareQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IPreparedQuery pqry;

pqry = conn.prepareQuery(0, qry, null, null);






execute( )  

Executes a prepared query.  

setParams( )  

Specifies the parameters and flags for a prepared query.  


// Create the data connection

IDataConn conn;

conn = createDataConn(0,GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_DEFAULT, "Orders", "Orders", "user", "password");

// Create the flat query and prepared query objects

IQuery qry = createQuery();

IPreparedQuery pqry;

IResultSet rs1, rs2;

// Set up the INSERT statement

qry.setSQL("INSERT INTO TABLE Products (ProductName, QuantityPerUnit) VALUES (:name, :quant)");

// Prepare the flat query

pqry = conn.prepareQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Specify a set of query parameters, then execute

IValList params = GX.CreateValList()

params.setValString(":name","Chicken Dumplings");

params.setValString(":quant", "48 packages");

rs1 = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);

. . . process rs1 . . .

// Specify different set of query parameters, then execute

params.setValString(":name", "Rice Noodles");

params.setValString(":quant", "96 packages");

rs2 = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);

. . . process rs2 . . .

Related Topics

prepareQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( )

Executes a prepared query.

public IResultSet execute(   
   int dwFlags,
   IValList pParams,
   ITrans pTrans,
   IValList pProps)

dwFlags. Specifies flags used to execute this prepared query. To activate result set buffering, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_RS_BUFFERING. Otherwise, specify zero.

pParams. IValList object that contains parameters to pass to the prepared query. Parameters are used to execute the query.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this query, or null for no transaction.

pProps. IValList object that contains query properties, or null for no properties. After instantiating an object of the IValList interface, set any of the following properties:

  • RS_BUFFERING turns on result set buffering when set to "TRUE".

  • RS_INIT_ROWS specifies the initial size of the buffer, in number of rows. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_ROWS specifies the maximum number of rows for the buffer. If the result set size exceeds this setting, a fetchNext( ) call will return the error GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED and result set buffering will be turned off.

  • RS_MAX_SIZE specifies the maximum number of bytes for the buffer.

If RS_BUFFERING is enabled and if the optional parameters are not specified, the global values in the registry are used instead.

Use execute( ) to run a prepared query. If the command contains parameters, instantiate an IValList object and use setValString( ) or setValInt( ) in the IValList interface to specify the parameter values to pass to the command.

Return Value
IResultSet object, or null for failure (such as an invalid parameter).

Example 1
// Create the data connection

IDataConn conn;

conn = createDataConn(0,GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_DEFAULT, "Orders", "Orders", "user", "password");

// Create the flat query and prepared query objects

IQuery qry = createQuery();

IPreparedQuery pqry;

IResultSet rs;

// Set up the INSERT statement

qry.setSQL("INSERT INTO TABLE Products (ProductName, QuantityPerUnit) VALUES (:name, :quant)");

// Prepare the flat query

pqry = conn.prepareQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Specify a set of query parameters, then execute

IValList params = GX.CreateValList();

params.setValString(":name","Chicken Dumplings");

params.setValString(":quant", "48 packages");

rs = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);

. . . process result set . . .

// Specify different set of query parameters, then execute

params.setValString(":name", "Rice Noodles");

params.setValString(":quant", "96 packages");

rs = pqry.execute(0, params, null, null);

. . . process result set . . .

Example 2
// Set up result set buffering for prepared query

// . . . data connection and flat query already set up . . .

IPreparedQuery pqry;

IValList props;

props = GX.CreateValList();

// Turn on result set buffering

props.setValString("RS_BUFFERING", "TRUE");

// Specify the maximum number of rows to buffer

props.setValInt("RS_MAX_ROWS", 50);

pqry = conn.prepareQuery(0, qry, null, props);

params.setValString(":name","Chicken Dumplings");

params.setValString(":quant", "48 packages");

IResultSet rs

rs = pqry.execute(GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_RS_BUFFERING, params, null, null);

. . . process result set . . .

Related Topics
IValList Interface (deprecated)

ITrans Interface (deprecated)

prepareQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

setParams( )

Specifies the parameters for a prepared query.

public int setParams(
   int dwFlags
   IValList pParams)

dwFlags. Specify zero (0).

pParams. Pointer to an IValList object that contains parameters to pass to the prepared query.

To pass parameters to the prepared query using setParams( ), you must pass NULL for the pParams parameter in execute( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
IValList Interface (deprecated)

ITrans Interface (deprecated)

prepareQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

IQuery Interface (deprecated)

IQuery is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the java.sql.Statement interface from the JDBC Core API. Note that IQuery is independent of a database connection, whereas JDBC's Statement interface is derived from a connection.

The IQuery interface represents a flat query. IQuery provides methods for specifying and obtaining the criteria used to select data from a data source. The AppLogic uses IQuery member methods to specify all parts of the SQL SELECT statement, including the SELECT, FROM, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, and WHERE clauses.

To run a flat query, the AppLogic performs the following steps:

  1. Creates an IQuery object using createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

  2. Specifies query criteria using methods in the IQueryinterface.

  3. Executes the query, passing the loaded IQuery object to executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated).

  4. Processes the result set using methods in the IResultSet Interface (deprecated).

The AppLogic can also use IQuery methods to obtain information about query criteria when the criteria are unknown. Before executing the query on the data source, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the query criteria.

To create an instance of the IQuery interface, use the createQuery( ) method in the AppLogic class, as shown in the following example:.

IQuery qry;

qry = createQuery();






getFields( )  

Returns a comma-separated list of arbitrary SQL expressions or columns to be included in the result set of the query.  

getGroupBy( )  

Returns the GROUP BY clause of the query.  

getHaving( )  

Returns the HAVING clause of the query.  

getOrderBy( )  

Returns the ORDER BY clause of the query.  

getSQL( )  

Returns the SQL pass-through statement associated with the query.  

getTables( )  

Returns a comma-separated list of tables in the FROM clause of the query.  

getWhere( )  

Returns the WHERE clause of the query.  

setFields( )  

Specifies the list of columns and computed fields to be included in the result set of the query. Required method when writing a query.  

setGroupBy( )  

Specifies the GROUP BY clause of the query, determining how rows are grouped and calculated.  

setHaving( )  

Specifies the HAVING clause of the query, determining which aggregate rows qualify for inclusion in the result set.  

setOrderBy( )  

Specifies the ORDER BY clause of the query, determining how rows are sorted in the result set.  

setSQL( )  

Specifies the SQL statement to be passed directly to the data source.  

setTables( )  

Specifies the FROM clause of the query, identifying one or more tables to be queried. Required method when writing a query.  

setWhere( )  

Specifies the WHERE clause of the query, determining which rows qualify for inclusion in the result set.  

Example 1

// Create the flat query object

IQuery qry=createQuery();

// Set up the query


qry.setFields("CustomerID, Customer");


// Execute the query

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Check for a non empty result


return result("Sorry, this user ("+

firstName+" "+lastName+") already exists");

. . . process the result set . . .

Example 2

// Create a database connection

IDataConn conn;

if((conn = openBugDB())==null) return 0;

// Pull all the parms we need from the valIn

if((wantedUser = valIn.getValString("WantedUser"))==null)

   return result("Missing information from form.");

// Create the flat query object

IQuery qry = createQuery();

// Set up query conditions


qry.setFields("Name, Password, UserType, AccessLevel, Email, ExtID");


. . . execute the query . . .

Related Topics

createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

getFields( )

Returns a comma-separated list of arbitrary SQL expressions or columns to be included in the result set of the query.

public IBuffer getFields()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the first clause specifies the SELECT keyword as well as the list of columns to be retrieved in the result set.

Use getFields( ) when the requested columns in a query are unknown, such as when using a query from another source. The AppLogic can analyze this list to determine the names of the columns as well as the order in which they will appear in the result set. Before executing or re-executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change columns and column order in the query by calling setFields( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getFields( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains a comma-separated list of columns that the query defines for the result set, starting with the first column and proceeding sequentially, left to right.

// Get the columns specified in the query's SELECT clause

String qryFields;

qryFields = Util.toString(qry.getFields());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getGroupBy( )

Returns the GROUP BY clause of the query.

public IBuffer getGroupBy()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the GROUP BY clause specifies rows to summarize into aggregate rows using column functions (such as SUM or MAX) or column names.

Use getGroupBy( ) when the GROUP BY clause of the query is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the GROUP BY clause by calling setGroupBy( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getGroupBy( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the GROUP BY clause of the query, or null for failure.

// Obtain the GROUP BY clause specified in the query

String qryGroup;

qryGroup = Util.toString(qry.getGroupBy());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getHaving( )

Returns the HAVING clause of the query.

public IBuffer getHaving()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the HAVING clause specifies which of the aggregate rows returned by the GROUP BY clause are selected for the result set.

Use getHaving( ) when the HAVING clause of the query is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the HAVING clause by calling setHaving( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getHaving( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the HAVING clause of the query, or null for failure.

// Obtain the HAVING clause specified in the query

String qryHaving;

qryHaving = Util.toString(qry.getHaving());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getOrderBy( )

Returns the ORDER BY clause of the query.

public IBuffer getOrderBy()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the ORDER BY clause specifies one or more columns by which rows in the result set are sorted, as well as whether they appear in ascending or descending ASCII order.

Use getOrderBy( ) when the ORDER BY clause of the query is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the ORDER BY clause by calling setOrderBy( ).

Some database vendors have restrictions on the ordering and usage of ORDER BY clauses. Read your database vendor's documentation carefully and test queries to ensure that they return the desired results.


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getOrderBy( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the ORDER BY clause of the query, or null for failure.

// Obtain the ORDER BY clause specified in the query

String qryOrder;

qryOrder = Util.toString(qry.getOrderBy());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getSQL( )

Returns the SQL pass-through statement associated with the query.

public IBuffer getSQL()

Use getSQL( ) when the query string is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can dynamically change the SQL statement by calling setSQL( ).

If a query is set using setSQL( ) as well as the setXXXX( ) methods, the setSQL( ) string will be executed, not the string specified by setXXXX( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getSQL( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the SQL pass-through statement of the query (as a single concatenated string), or null for failure.

// Obtain the SELECT statement specified in the query

String qrySelect;

qrySelect = Util.toString(qry.getSQL());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getTables( )

Returns a comma-separated list of tables in the FROM clause of the query.

public IBuffer getTables()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the FROM clause specifies one or more source tables, views, or table aliases to search in the query. In iPlanet Application Builder, the AppLogic can obtain table names only.

Use getTables( ) when the FROM clause of the query is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the FROM clause by calling setTables( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getTables( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the FROM clause of the query, or null for failure.

// Obtain the FROM clause specified in the query

String qryFrom;

qryFrom = Util.toString(qry.getTables());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getWhere( )

Returns the WHERE clause of the query.

public IBuffer getWhere()

In a SQL SELECT statement, the WHERE clause specifies the search condition and determines which rows in the table are selected for the result set.

Use getWhere( ) when the WHERE clause of the query is unknown, such as when using a query from another source. Before executing the query, the AppLogic can evaluate and, if necessary, dynamically change the WHERE clause by calling setWhere( ).


  • To use a query obtained from another source such as a file, the AppLogic can call getWhere( ) and other getXXXX( ) member methods to test the query statement before submitting it to the server for processing. The AppLogic can then use the setXXXX( ) member methods to change the statement and avoid lengthy queries or syntax errors.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the WHERE clause of the query, or null for failure.

// Obtains the WHERE clause specified in the query

String qryWhere;

qryWhere = Util.toString(qry.getWhere());

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setFields( )

Specifies the list of columns and computed fields to be included in the result set of the query. Required method when writing a query.

public int setFields(
   String szFields)

szFields. List of field names, separated by commas, or an asterisk (*) to include all fields. Extra whitespace characters are ignored. Use the AS keyword to specify field aliases. Defaults to all fields (*).

In a SQL SELECT statement, the first clause specifies the SELECT keyword as well as the list of columns and computed fields to be retrieved in the result set. The AppLogic can specify field aliases using the AS keyword in the setFields( ) parameter list.

A computed field is the result of an expression using either of the following kinds of expressions:

  • Mathematical functions, including SQL string, numeric, time, date, system, and data type conversion functions and mathematical operators

  • Aggregate functions, including SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, AVG, to summarize values per column across a group of rows. These functions are commonly used in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause, which the AppLogic can specify using setGroupBy( ).

  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the field list.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

  • Any specified column names must appear in one of the tables specified in setTables( ). Table qualified names are permitted, such as ",".

For computed fields, use the AS keyword so that the AppLogic can process the column in the result set by alias name.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Example 1
// Create the flat query object

IQuery qry = createQuery();

// Set up query conditions


// Specify list of fields to retrieve in the result set

qry.setFields("Name, Password, UserType, AccessLevel, Email, ExtID as ID");



. . . execute the query . . .

Example 2
// Specify result set fields, specifying alias for calculation

qry.setFields("ProdID, ProdPrice * ProdQty AS ExtPrice");

Example 3
// Parentheses specify mathematical operator precedence

qry1.setFields("(product.price * invoice.quantity) / 100 as total,");

qry2.setFields(", product.price * 0.06 as tax");

Example 4
// COUNT and SUM aggregate functions and alias name for result

qry1.setFields("COUNT( as totalSold");

qry2.setFields("SUM(city.population) as urbanPopulation");

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setGroupBy( )

Specifies the GROUP BY clause of the query, determining how rows are grouped and calculated.

public int setGroupBy(
   String szGroupBy)

szGroupBy. GROUP BY clause of the query, using standard SQL syntax.

In a SQL SELECT statement, the GROUP BY clause specifies rows to combine using column functions (such as SUM or MAX) or column names. Such groupings are called aggregate rows, which are single rows in a result set that combine data from a group of database rows with one or more column values in common.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the GROUP BY clause.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

IQuery query=createQuery();


qry.setFields("FirstName, LastName, BillAddr1, BillAddr2,

BillCity, BillState, BillZip,

count(*) as Visits",

sum(Quantity) as ProductsBought,

sum(quantity*price) as AmountSpent,

quantity/count(*) as ProdsPerVisit,

sum(quantity*price/count(*) as spentPerVisit")

qry.setWhere("Customer=CustomerId and Invoice=InvoiceId and

Product=ProductId and

datePlaced >= start and datePlaced"<=end");

// Group customers by first name


qry.setOrderBy("Visits desc");

. . . run query . . .

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setHaving( )

Specifies the HAVING clause of the query, determining which aggregate rows qualify for inclusion in the result set.

public int setHaving(
   String szGroupBy)

szGroupBy. HAVING clause of the query, using standard SQL syntax.

The HAVING clause is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions (SUM, AVG, and so on) and the GROUP BY clause. In a SQL SELECT statement, the HAVING clause specifies a condition that determines which aggregate rows are selected for the result set. The HAVING clause restricts the number of aggregate rows retrieved in the result set. If unspecified, all aggregate rows will be retrieved.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the HAVING clause.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

  • The order in which you specify a HAVING clause, in relation to other query clauses, may affect which records are retrieved in the result set. See your RDBMS server documentation for more information.

  • To improve the AppLogic performance, be sure to specify a HAVING or WHERE clause to avoid retrieving rows unnecessarily, especially for large tables.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Set condition on aggregate rows to an

// average amount > 1000

qry.setHaving("AverageAmt > 1000");

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setOrderBy( )

Specifies the ORDER BY clause of the query, determining how rows are sorted in the result set.

public int setOrderBy(
   String szOrderBy)

szOrderBy. ORDER BY clause of the query, using standard SQL syntax. Supports the ASC and DESC keywords for sorting.

In a SQL SELECT statement, the ORDER BY clause specifies one or more columns by which rows in the result set are sorted. The AppLogic can also specify whether records appear in ascending (the default) or descending ASCII order using the ASC and DESC keywords, respectively.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the ORDER BY clause.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

  • Any specified column names must appear in one of the columns specified in setFields( ).

  • Some database vendors have restrictions on the ordering and usage of ORDER BY clauses. Read your database vendor's documentation carefully and test queries to ensure that they return the desired results.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

IQuery qry=createQuery();


qry.setFields("FirstName, LastName, BillAddr1, BillAddr2,

BillCity, BillState, BillZip,

count(*) as Visits",

sum(Quantity) as ProductsBought,

sum(quantity*price) as AmountSpent,

quantity/count(*) as ProdsPerVisit,

sum(quantity*price/count(*) as spentPerVisit")

qry.setWhere("Customer=CustomerId and Invoice=InvoiceId and

Product=ProductId and

datePlaced >= start and datePlaced <= end");


// Sorts rows in result set by number of visits

// in descending order

qry.setOrderBy("Visits desc");

. . . run query . . .

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setSQL( )

Specifies the SQL statement to be passed directly to the data source.

public int setSQL(
   String szSQL)

szSQL. SQL statement, using standard SQL syntax, to execute on the target data source. Specify a single, concatenated string. Do not use semicolon (;) characters or other vendor-specific statement delimiters.

The AppLogic can use setSQL( ) as an alternative to using other iPlanet Application Builder methods, such as constructing queries, inserting, updating, and deleting rows, and managing transactions. The AppLogic can also use setSQL( ) to run specialized SQL statements, such Data Definition Language (DDL) commands, Data Control Language (DCL) commands, and so on.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the SQL statement.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

  • The AppLogic must be logged in with sufficient privileges to permit any operations requested in the passed-through SQL statement.

  • If inserting or updating rows in a table, the AppLogic must specify values that are valid. For example, the AppLogic cannot omit specifying a value for any column defined as NOT NULL and without a DEFAULT value, such as keys.

  • Using setSQL( ) overrides all previous calls to setXXXX( ) member methods for this query object. If a query is set using setSQL( ) as well as the setXXXX( ) methods, the setSQL( ) string will be executed, not the string specified by setXXXX( ).

  • If the statement is part of a transaction, the AppLogic must first create an instance of the ITrans Interface (deprecated) using createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated). The AppLogic must then call begin( ) before executing the statement and, after executing the statement, call commit( ) or rollback( ) as appropriate.

To determine whether a column is defined as NOT NULL, use getNullsAllowed( ) in the IColumn Interface (deprecated).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Example 1
// Pass SELECT statement to setSQL()

IQuery qry = createQuery();

qry.setSQL("SELECT empName, empSalary FROM employees WHERE empSalary > 10000");

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

if(rs!=null) rs.flush();

System.out.println("Writing to database");

Example 2
// Pass INSERT command to setSQL()

qry.setSQL("INSERT into employees (empSalary) values (29)");

Example 3

// Pass UPDATE command to setSQL()

qry.setSQL("UPDATE employees SET empSalary = 12000 WHERE empSalary = 10000");

Example 3
// Pass DELETE command to setSQL()

qry.setSQL("DELETE FROM employees WHERE empSalary < 10000");

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

Vendor documentation regarding SQL programming for the specific data source that is the target of the SQL statement.

setTables( )

Specifies the FROM clause of the query, identifying one or more tables to be queried. Required method when writing a query.

public int setTables(
   String szTables)

szTables. List of table names separated by commas. Whitespace characters are ignored.

In a SQL SELECT statement, the FROM clause specifies one or more source tables, views, or table aliases to search in the query. In iPlanet Application Builder, the AppLogic can specify table names only.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the FROM clause.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

  • The AppLogic can specify table names but not table aliases or view names.

  • The AppLogic can use the same table several times in a query. To do so, specify a different alias name each time the table is used.

Example 1
// Specify invoice, customer, invoice, and catalog tables

IQuery qry=createQuery();


qry.setFields("FirstName, LastName, BillAddr1, BillAddr2,

BillCity, BillState, BillZip,

count(*) as Visits",

sum(Quantity) as ProductsBought,

sum(quantity*price) as AmountSpent,

quantity/count(*) as ProdsPerVisit,

sum(quantity*price/count(*) as spentPerVisit")

qry.setWhere("Customer=CustomerId and Invoice=InvoiceId and

Product=ProductId and

datePlaced >= start and datePlaced <= end");


Example 2
// Specify same table, using as keyword, for different users

qry.setTables("customer, customer as cust2")

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setWhere( )

Specifies the WHERE clause of the query, determining which rows qualify for inclusion in the result set.

public int setWhere(
   String szWhere)

szWhere. WHERE clause of the query, using standard SQL syntax.

In a SQL SELECT statement, the WHERE clause specifies the search condition and determines which rows in the table are selected for the result set. The WHERE clause restricts the number of rows retrieved in the result set. If unspecified, all rows in the source table will be retrieved.


  • Use ANSI 92 SQL-compliant syntax for the WHERE clause.

  • Use implementation-specific SQL syntax extensions only on data sources that support them. Using extensions may compromise portability across platforms.

To improve AppLogic performance, be sure to specify a HAVING or WHERE clause to avoid retrieving rows unnecessarily, especially for large tables.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Example 1
// Obtain user info from the user database

IQuery query=createQuery();


qry.setFields("FirstName, LastName, BillAddr1, BillAddr2,

BillCity, BillState, BillZip");

qry.setWhere("CustomerId"+"="+cusId+" and

"+ "Password"+"='"+password+"'");

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);


. . . process result set . . .

Example 2
// Specify WHERE clause for two different queries

qry1.setWhere("urbanPopulation >= 1000000");

qry2.setWhere("region = 'West' or region = 'East'");

Related Topics
createQuery( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

IResultSet Interface (deprecated)

IResultSet is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the ResultSet interface from the JDBC Core API.

The IResultSet interface represents the results of a flat query. IResultSet provides methods to iterate through rows in the result set and retrieve data from each row. To retrieve data from the result set, the AppLogic uses methods tailored for specific column types. For example, if retrieving data from a string column, use getValueString( ). If retrieving binary data, use getValueBinary( ).

To process hierarchical result sets, use methods in the IHierResultSet Interface (deprecated) or evalTemplate( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated) instead.

IResultSet is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

To create an instance of the IResultSet interface, use executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated) or execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IResultSet rs;

rs = conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);






close( )  

Releases the connection used by the result set.  

enumColumnReset( )  

Resets the column enumeration to the first column in the result set.  

enumColumns( )  

Returns the definition of the next column in the result set.  

fetchNext( )  

Retrieves the next row in the result set.  

getColumn( )  

Returns the column definition of the column with the specified name.  

getColumnByOrd( )  

Returns the column definition for the column in the specified ordinal position.  

getColumnOrdinal( )  

Returns the ordinal position of the column with the specified name.  

getNumColumns( )  

Returns the number of columns in the result set.  

getOrder( )  

For asynchronous queries, returns an IOrder object used for obtaining the current status of the query.  

getRowNumber( )  

Returns the number of the current row in the result set.  

getStatus( )  

Returns the processing status of the asynchronous database operation on the database server.  

getValueBinary( )  

Returns the value of a BINARY column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueBinaryPiece( )  

Returns the value of a LONGBINARY column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueDateString( )  

Returns the value of a Date type column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueDouble( )  

Returns the value of a double type column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueInt( )  

Returns the value of an int type column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueSize( )  

Returns the cumulutive number of bytes that have been fetched from a column in the current row of the result set.  

getValueString( )  

Returns the value of a String type column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueText( )  

Returns the value of a TEXT column from the current row in the result set.  

getValueTextPiece( )  

Returns the value of a LONGTEXT column from the current row in the result set.  

moveTo( )  

Moves to the specified row in the result set.  

rowCount( )  

Returns the total number of rows retrieved thus far from the data source.  

wasNull( )  

Checks if the value of a column is null or not.  


The following code copies the data from all the rows in a result set into a log file:

do {

int invID

double invTotal;

String invCustomer;

Date invDate

invID = rs.getValueInt(1);

invDate = rs.getValueDate(2);

invTotal = rs.getValueDouble(3);

invCustomer = rs.getValueString(4);

Log("Invoice : " + String.valueOf(invID));

Log(" Date : " + String.valueOf(invDate));

Log(" Total : " + String.valueOf(invTotal));

Log(" Customer : " + invCustomer);

} while (rs.fetchNext() == 0);

Related Topics

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

close( )

Releases the connection used by the result set.

public int close(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0 (zero). Internal use only.

Call close( ) to release a connection used by a result set object when the connection is no longer required. An AppLogic should release unused connections to prevent bottlenecks, especially for applications that support many concurrent users, or that access heavily-used databases.

After calling close( ), release the result set object by calling the GX.Release( ) method.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

enumColumnReset( )

Resets the column enumeration to the first column in the result set.

public int enumColumnReset()

Use enumColumnReset( ) before iterating through and retrieving columns in a result set. The enumColumnReset( ) method ensures that column retrieval starts from the first column.

Thereafter, use enumColumns( ) to retrieve each column sequentially. Each enumColumns( ) call returns an IColumn object for the next column.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

The following code enumerates columns in a result set and creates an HTML page that displays the name and type of the columns:

String htmlString;

IColumn col;

IResultSet rs = conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table</h2>";


while ((col = rs.enumColumns()) != null) {

htmlString += "Column Name = ";

htmlString += col.getName();

htmlString += ", Column Type = ";

htmlString += col.getType();

htmlString += "<br>";


return result(htmlString)

Related Topics

enumColumns( )

Returns the definition of the next column in the result set.

public IColumn enumColumns()

Use enumColumns( ) when the column definition is unknown and required for subsequent operations. The AppLogic can use the returned IColumn object to determine characteristics of the column, such as its name, data type, size, whether nulls are allowed, and so on.

Before iterating through columns, the AppLogic should call enumColumnReset( ) to ensure that enumColumns( ) starts with the first column in the table. Each subsequent enumColumns( ) call moves to the next sequential column in the result set and retrieves its column definition in an IColumn object.


  • The columns might not be returned in the order in which they are defined in the database catalog.

  • Test for null to determine when the last column has been retrieved.

Return Value
IColumn object containing the next column of data, or null for failure (such as no more columns in the table).

The following code enumerates columns in a result set and creates an HTML page that displays the name and type of the columns:

String htmlString;

IColumn col;

IResultSet rs = conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table</h2>";


while ((col = rs.enumColumns()) != null) {

htmlString += "Column Name = ";

htmlString += col.getName();

htmlString += ", Column Type = ";

htmlString += col.getType();

htmlString += "<br>";


return result(htmlString)

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

fetchNext( )

Retrieves the next row in the result set.

public int fetchNext()

Use fetchNext( ) when iterating through rows in the result set to retrieve the contents of the next sequential row and put them in the row buffer for subsequent processing (if RS_BUFFERING has been turned ON).

If result set buffering was activated, fetchNext( ) checks the buffer first before fetching the result set from the actual data source. For more information about result set buffering, see the description of the props parameter of executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated).


  • If the AppLogic needs to iterate through the result set more than once, be sure to start with the first row again by calling moveTo( ) and specifying row number 1. This works only when buffering is enabled.

  • If result set buffering is enabled, the AppLogic can use moveTo( ) to go to any row in the buffer.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds. The AppLogic can test for the following return values:

  • GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_END_OF_FETCH indicates that the end of the result set has been reached.

  • GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED indicates that the buffer size has been exceeded. When the buffer is exceeded, subsequent rows are still fetched and still buffered, but GX_DA_FETCHNEXT_RESULTS.GX_DA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED is returned for each overflow row.

The following code copies the data from all the rows in a result set into a log file:

do {

int invID

double invTotal;

String invCustomer;

Date invDate

invID = rs.getValueInt(1);

invDate = rs.getValueDate(2);

invTotal = rs.getValueDouble(3);

invCustomer = rs.getValueString(4);

Log("Invoice : " + String.valueOf(invID));

Log(" Date : " + String.valueOf(invDate));

Log(" Total : " + String.valueOf(invTotal));

Log(" Customer : " + invCustomer);

} while (rs.fetchNext() == 0);

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

getColumn( )

Returns the column definition of the column with the specified name.

public IColumn getColumn(
   String colName)

colName. Name of a column or column alias (such as computed columns) in the result set, or an empty string if no alias is specified for the computed column.

Use getColumn( ) when the data definition of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. The AppLogic can then use methods in the IColumn Interface (deprecated) to obtain descriptive information about a table column from the database catalog, such as the column name, precision, scale, size, table, and data type.


  • Use getColumnByOrd( ) instead when the column position is known but its name is unknown.

  • Columns that are the result of query expressions or formulas, such as invoice.count * product.price, should have a field alias for the column in the result set. Otherwise, the AppLogic can refer to the column only by its ordinal position. The AppLogic calls setFields( ) in the IQuery Interface (deprecated) to specify field aliases.

Return Value
IColumn object, or null for failure (such as an invalid column name).

// Determine whether the column name is valid

IColumn col;


return null;

// otherwise, process column using IColumn methods ...

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

getColumnByOrd( )

Returns the column definition for the column in the specified ordinal position.

public IColumn getColumnByOrd(
   int colIndex)

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column in the result set. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on. The ODBC maximum is 255 columns.

Use getColumnByOrd( ) when the name of the column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. The AppLogic can then use methods in the IColumn Interface (deprecated) to obtain descriptive information about a table column from the database catalog, such as the column name, precision, scale, size, table, and data type.

Use getColumn( ) instead when the column name is known but its ordinal position is unknown.

Return Value
IColumn object, or null for failure (such as an invalid column position).

// Determine whether the column position is valid

IColumn col;


return null;

// otherwise, process column using IColumn methods . . .

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

getColumnOrdinal( )

Returns the ordinal position of the column with the specified name.

public int getColumnOrdinal(
   String szColumn)

szColumn. Name of a column in the result set.

Use getColumnOrdinal( ) when the ordinal position of the column is unknown but is required for subsequent operations. For example, the ordinal position of a column is a required parameter value for the getValue**( ) methods, such as getValueString( ) and getValueInt( ).

Return Value
An int value representing the ordinal position of the specified column, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column name). The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

// Execute the query

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

// Check for a non empty result


return result("Sorry, this user already exists");

// Get the ordinal positions of named columns

int cCustId = rs.getColumnOrdinal("CustomerId");

int cFirst = rs.getColumnOrdinal("FirstName");

int cLast = rs.getColumnOrdinal("LastName");

int cPassword = rs.getColumnOrdinal("Password");

int cAddr1 = rs.getColumnOrdinal("BillAddr1");

int cAddr2 = rs.getColumnOrdinal("BillAddr2");

int cCity = rs.getColumnOrdinal("BillCity");

int cState = rs.getColumnOrdinal("BillState");

int cZip = rs.getColumnOrdinal("BillZip");

int cEmail = rs.getColumnOrdinal("Email");

int cPhone = rs.getColumnOrdinal("Phone");

if((cCustId*cFirst*cLast*cPassword*cAddr1*cAddr2*cCity*cState*cZip* cEmail*cPhone)==0)

return result("Can't map columns");

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

getNumColumns( )

Returns the number of columns in the result set.

public int getNumColumns()

Use getNumColumns( ) if the number of columns in the result set is unknown and required for subsequent operations. For example, when iterating through columns in the result set, the AppLogic can use this information to specify the maximum number of iterations.

Return Value
An int value representing the number of columns, or zero for failure.

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getOrder( )

For asynchronous queries, returns an IOrder object used for obtaining the current status and return value of the query.

public IOrder getOrder()

Use getOrder( ) to create an IOrder object that the AppLogic can use to return status information about an asynchronous query.

The query must be run asynchronously. To run an asynchronous query, the AppLogic must specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC as the dwFlags parameter in executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated).


Return Value
IOrder object representing the status and return value of the asynchronous query, or null for failure (such as when the query is synchronous).

Related Topics
IOrder Interface (deprecated)

executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getRowNumber( )

Returns the number of the current row in the result set.

public int getRowNumber()

When iterating through rows in the result set, use getRowNumber( ) to keep track of the number of rows processed.

Return Value
An int value representing the number of the current row, or zero for an empty result set or failure (such as an invalid row). The number of the first row in the result set is 1, the second row is 2, and so on. If zero is returned the first time the AppLogic calls getRowNumber( ), that means the result set is empty.

// Execute the query

IResultSet rs = conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Test for an empty result set


return result("Customer does not exist");

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

getStatus( )

Returns the processing status of the asynchronous database operation on the database server.

public int getStatus()

Use getStatus( ) to return status information to use in error-handling code.

Return Value
One of the following:




The asynchronous database operation is still being processed.  


The asynchronous database operation has been cancelled.  


The asynchronous database operation has been completely processed.  


The status of the asynchronous database operation is unknown.  

getValueBinary( )

Returns the value of a BINARY column in the current row of the result set.

public byte[] getValueBinary(
   int Ordinal)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueBinary( ) to retrieve binary data of which the total size is equal to or smaller than 64Kb. If the value of the data is larger than 64Kb, use getValueBinaryPiece( ).

The data type of the column must be BINARY, VARBINARY, or equivalent database type.

If the value of the data is of type LONGBINARY, use getValueBinaryPiece( ).

Return Value
A byte array for success, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

getValueBinaryPiece( )

Returns the value of a LONGBINARY column in the current row from the result set.

public byte[] getValueBinaryPiece(
   int Ordinal,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

nLength. The requested length of the data, in bytes. Up to 64Kb.

Use getValueBinaryPiece( ) to retrieve binary data of which the total size is larger than 64K. Such binary data must be retrieved in 64K increments. Therefore, you might use getValueBinaryPiece( ) several times to retrieve large amounts of data.


  • The data type of the column must be longvarbinary or equivalent database vendor binary type.

  • You cannot call getValueBinaryPiece( ) for a row after you call fetchNext( ).

  • To determine the total size of the binary data that has been retrieved, use getValueSize( ).

  • To retrieve binary data of which the total size is less than 64Kb, use getValueBinary( ).

Return Value
A byte array for success, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

The following example shows how to retrieve BLOBs from a database:

IQuery query = null;

IResultSet rs = null;

query = createQuery();



rs = conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

if (rs != null && rs.getRowNumber() > 0)


byte BlobChunk[];

int expectSize, gotSize;

expectSize = 65535;

BlobChunk = rs.getValueBinaryPiece(1, expectSize);

gotSize = rs.getValueSize(1);

if (gotSize == expectSize)

System.out.println("got a full chunk," +

"size = "+gotSize);


System.out.println("got a partial chunk," +

"size = "+gotSize);



getValueDateString( )

Returns the value of a Date type column, as a string, from the current row in the result set.

public String getValueDateString(
   int colIndex)

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column in the result set. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueDateString( ) to retrieve date values from the result set for subsequent processing. The following is an example of the format in which getValueDateString( ) returns a date:

Jan 26 1998 12:35:00

The specified column must be a Date, Date Time, or Time data type.

Return Value
The date value as a string, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, qry, null, null);

// Check input parameters


return null;

int colOrd=rs.getColumnOrdinal(colName);

IColumn col;


return null;

String valStr=null;

// Switch type

switch(col.getType()) {


valStr = rs.getValueString(colOrd);













return valStr;

getValueDouble( )

Returns the value of a double type column from the current row in the result set.

public double getValueDouble(
   int colIndex)

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column in the result set. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueDouble( ) to retrieve decimal, floats, real, numeric, and double values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be a double data type.

Return Value
A double value, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Example 1
The following code retrieves data from a result set:

// Execute the query

rs = conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);



// It does not exist, so remove it from the basket

session.removeProduct(product, this);



// Retrieve values from the result set

String prodName=


double price;

price = rs.getValueDouble(rs.getColumnOrdinal("Price"));

Example 2
The following code copies the data from all the rows in a result set into a log file:

do {

int invID

double invTotal;

String invCustomer;

Date invDate

invID = rs.getValueInt(1);

invDate = rs.getValueDate(2);

invTotal = rs.getValueDouble(3);

invCustomer = rs.getValueString(4);

Log("Invoice : " + String.valueOf(invID));

Log(" Date : " + String.valueOf(invDate));

Log(" Total : " + String.valueOf(invTotal));

Log(" Customer : " + invCustomer);

} while (rs.fetchNext() == 0);

getValueInt( )

Returns the value of an int type column from the current row in the result set.

public int getValueInt(
   int colIndex)

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueInt( ) to retrieve int or long values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be an int or long data type.

Return Value
An int value, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Example 1
The following code retrieves data from a result set:

// Execute the query

IResultSet rs=conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);

// Check the results



// Pull the current inventory and name for the product

int prodInv=


String prodName=


Example 2
The following code copies the data from all the rows in a result set into a log file:

do {

int invID

double invTotal;

String invCustomer;

Date invDate

invID = rs.getValueInt(1);

invDate = rs.getValueDate(2);

invTotal = rs.getValueDouble(3);

invCustomer = rs.getValueString(4);

Log("Invoice : " + String.valueOf(invID));

Log(" Date : " + String.valueOf(invDate));

Log(" Total : " + String.valueOf(invTotal));

Log(" Customer : " + invCustomer);

} while (rs.fetchNext() == 0);

getValueSize( )

Returns the cumulutive number of bytes that have been fetched from a column in the current row of the result set.

public int getValueSize(
   int colIndex);

colIndex. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueSize( ) during data retrieval to check the size of the BLOB column that has been retrieved. When the AppLogic first calls getValueSize( ) before calling getValueBinaryPiece( ) to retrieve the value of a LONGBINARY column, getValueSize( ) returns 0.

Each subsequent getValueSize( ) call during data retrieval returns the cumulative size of the data that has been retrieved.

Return Value
An integer value representing the number of bytes retrieved from a column, or a negative number for failure.

Related Topics
getValueBinaryPiece( )

getValueString( )

Returns the value of a String type column from the current row in the result set.

public String getValueString(
   int colIndex)

colIndex. Ordinal position of a column in the result set. The ordinal position of the first column in the result set is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueString( ) to retrieve String values from the result set for subsequent processing.

The specified column must be a String data type.

Return Value
A String value, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

Example 1
The following code retrieves data from a result set:

// Execute the query

rs = conn.executeQuery(0, query, null, null);



// It does not exist, so remove it from the basket

session.removeProduct(product, this);



// Retrieve values from the result set

String prodName=


double price=


Example 2
The following code copies the data from all the rows in a result set into a log file:

do {

int invID

double invTotal;

String invCustomer;

Date invDate

invID = rs.getValueInt(1);

invDate = rs.getValueDate(2);

invTotal = rs.getValueDouble(3);

invCustomer = rs.getValueString(4);

Log("Invoice : " + String.valueOf(invID));

Log(" Date : " + String.valueOf(invDate));

Log(" Total : " + String.valueOf(invTotal));

Log(" Customer : " + invCustomer);

} while (rs.fetchNext() == 0);

getValueText( )

Returns the value of a TEXT column in the current row from the result set.

public String getValueText(
   int Ordinal)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getValueText( ) to retrieve TEXT data of which the total size is equal to or smaller than 64K.

The data type of the column must be TEXT or database equivalent.


Return Value
A String object, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

getValueTextPiece( )

Returns the value of a LONGTEXT column in the current row from the result set.

public String getValueTextPiece(
   int Ordinal,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

nLength. The requested length of the data, in bytes. Up to 64Kb.

Use getValueTextPiece( ) to retrieve LONGTEXT data. LONGTEXT values must be retrieved in 64K increments, therefore, you must use getValueTextPiece( ) repeatedly to retrieve the data.


  • The data type of the column must be LONGTEXT or database equivalent.

  • Call getValueTextPiece( ) until you get all the data before calling fetchNext( ) again.

  • To determine the actual size of the LONGTEXT data, use getValueSize( ). The actual size of the data determines the number of times you need to call getValueTextPiece( ).

  • For data of type TEXT, use getValueText( ).

Return Value
A String object, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number or data type mismatch).

moveTo( )

Moves to the specified row in the result set.

public int moveTo(
   int nRow)

nRow. Number of the row in the result set to move to. The number of the first row in the result set is 1, the second row is 2, and so on.

Use moveTo( ) to move the internal cursor to a specific row in the result set, skipping over rows to be excluded from processing. In addition, if RS_BUFFERING is ON, after iterating through all rows in a result set, the AppLogic can return to the first row in the result set in preparation for the next iteration.


  • The specified row number must exist in the result set.

  • If row buffering is not enabled for the result set, the AppLogic can move forward to subsequent rows only. The AppLogic cannot return to rows that have been processed previously.

Use rowCount( ), if the database driver supports it, to obtain the maximum number of rows in the result set.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

rowCount( )

Returns the total number of rows retrieved thus far from the data source.

public int rowCount()

Use rowCount( ) to return the current number of rows processed so far in the result set. This method is useful for checking that data exists in the result set before processing the result set.

If iterating through rows in a result set that has been completely returned, use rowCount( ) to determine the current maximum number of rows to process.

If result set buffering is enabled, the AppLogic can use rowCount( ) to find the current number of rows in the buffer.

Return Value
An int value representing the total number of rows in the result set, or zero for failure (such as an empty result set or unable to retrieve any rows).

do {

htmlString += rs.getValueString(DESCRIPTION_COL);

// Truncate the report after 10 rows.

if (rs.rowCount() > 10)


} while (rs.fetchNext() == GXE_SUCCESS);

Related Topics
executeQuery( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

execute( ) in the IPreparedQuery Interface (deprecated)

wasNull( )

Checks if the value of a column is null or not.

public boolean wasNull(
   int Ordinal)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use wasNull( ) to check if a column value is null or not. This method is useful for determining if a null return value is an error condition or if the column contained no value.

Return Value
True if the column value is null, false if the value is not.

IRowSet2 Interface

IRowSet2 is an extension to the javax.sql.RowSet interface. IRowSet2 includes a set of methods that are needed for some of the server's backend. In particular, this interface includes initialization methods and some "set" methods that associate a RowSet to a particular servlet request or servlet response.

Although anyone developing a iPlanet Application Server application can use IRowSet2, this interface is intended for use in components generated by Netscape Application Builder.

IRowSet2 replaces the IDataSet interface from iAB 3.0.






getName( )  

Retrieves the name under which the RowSet is stored in the HttpServletRequest object.  

init( )  

Initializes the RowSet for execution.  

initMetaInfo( )  

Initializes the RowSet to match specific metadata.  

setName( )  

Sets the name of the RowSet.  

setRequest( )  

Sets the request for this RowSet.  

setResponse( )  

Sets the response for this RowSet.  

Related Topics

javax.sql.RowSet interface

getName( )

Retrieves the name under which the RowSet is stored in the HttpServletRequest object.

public abstract String getName()

Use getName( ) to retrieve the name of a RowSet. If the RowSet is built over the ITemplateData interface, then the retrieved name is also the group name.

Related Topics
setName( ),
setAttribute( ) in class javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,
ITemplateData interface

init( )

Initializes the RowSet for execution.

public abstract void init()

Use init( ) to initialize the RowSet. For example, you can call init( ) to load a query from a file.

Related Topics
initMetaInfo( ),
DBRowSet class

initMetaInfo( )

Initializes the RowSet to match specific metadata.

public boolean initMetaInfo(
   OrderedHash metaData) throws SQLException

metaData. An OrderedHash of NTV properties. The RowSet will be initialized with these properties.

Use initMetaInfo( ) to initialize a RowSet. This method is called by BaseUtils.initRowSets( ) when the RowSet is created.

The metaData parameter specifies the properties stored in a method in the NTV list. The properties specify the query file name, the query name, the connection name, and the input bindings for the query parameters. In this way, the RowSet is initialized so as to match the properties stored in the NTV-list method.

The initMetaInfo( ) method must be called when the RowSet is constructed; that is, before init( ). For example, you can call initMetaInfo( ) to set the filename and query for a subsequent query-load.

Return Value
Returns false if initialization fails.

setName( )

Sets the name of the RowSet.

public abstract void setName(
   String newName)

newName. The name you want to call this RowSet.

Use setName( ) to set the name of the RowSet. This method must be called when the RowSet is constructed. You can also use getName( ) to retrieve the name of the RowSet.

Note that the setName( ) method does not store the RowSet into the request under the name specified in this call.

Related Topics
getName( )

setRequest( )

Sets the request for this RowSet.

public abstract void setRequest(
   HttpServletRequest request)

request. The HttpServletRequest object.

Use setRequest( ) and setResponse( ) to set the request and response objects for this RowSet. These methods must be called when the RowSet is constructed. Calling these methods will associate the RowSet with a particular servlet request or servlet response.

Related Topics
setResponse( )

setResponse( )

Sets the response for this RowSet.

public abstract void setResponse(
   HttpServletResponse response)

response. The HttpServletResponse object.

Use setRequest( ) and setResponse( ) to set the request and response objects for this RowSet. These methods must be called when the RowSet is constructed. Calling these methods will associate the RowSet with a particular servlet request or servlet response.

Related Topics
setRequest( )

ISequence Interface (deprecated)

ISequence is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only.

The ISequence interface represents a sequence in an underlying database. Sequences are implemented in the database server to provide unique, incremental numbers assigned to records in a database. For example, the AppLogic can create a customer ID sequence to generate customer IDs, or create a purchase order sequence to generate purchase order numbers.

The ISequence interface provides methods to determine the current sequence value or to increment to the next sequence value. Sequences are useful for many types of applications, such as order entry applications.

The ISequence interface is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

To create an instance of the ISequence interface , use createSequence( ) in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated), as shown in the following example:

IDataConn dc;

dc = createDataConn(...);

ISequenceMgr sm;

sm = (ISequenceMgr) dc;

ISequence seq;

seq = sm.createSequence(...);






drop( )  

Deletes the sequence from the database.  

getCurrent( )  

Returns the current value in the sequence.  

getNext( )  

Increments the sequence and returns its incremented value.  

Related Topics

createSequence( ) in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)

drop( )

Deletes the sequence from the database.

public int drop();

Use drop( )to remove a sequence from the database. Be careful when using this method. If the database implements the sequence as a field in a table, drop( ) will delete the entire table, not just the sequence field. If the database implements the sequence as an object, as does Oracle for example, drop( ) deletes only the sequence object.

Typically, once you start a sequence there is no reason to delete it. The sequence is normally used to create a permanent, unique numbering system for data in a database. However, you might use drop( ) if you are using the sequence mechanism to generate unique sequential numbers for a temporary programmatic purpose.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds

Related Topics
createSequence( ) in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)

getCurrent( )

Returns the current value in the sequence.

public int getCurrent();

Use getCurrent( ) to obtain the current value of the sequence without actually incrementing the sequence value.

Alternatively, use getNext( ) to increment the sequence and obtain its incremented value.

For Oracle databases, the session must first call getNext( ) before it can call getCurrent( ).

UnlikegetNext( ) , calling getCurrent( ) does not change the value of the sequence.

Return Value
An int value representing the current value of the sequence, or -1 for failure.

Related Topics
createSequence( ) in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)

getNext( )

Increments the sequence and returns its incremented value.

public int getNext();

Use getNext( ) to increment and return the value of the sequence by the amount specified in the increment parameter in the createSequence( ) method in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated). The incrementation value is always a positive integer.

Alternatively, use getCurrent( ) to obtain the current value of the sequence without incrementing the sequence.

Return Value
An int value representing the next (incremente)d value of the sequence, or -1 for failure.


Successive calls to getNext( ) return successive integers.

IDataConn conn;

conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_ODBC,

"salesDB", "salesDB", "steve", "pass7878");

// Cast the connection to an ISequenceMgr interface

// and set up the sequence

ISequence seq;

seq = ((ISequenceMgr) conn).createSequence("mySeq", "orders.ID", 100, 1, null)

// To start the sequence, call getNext().

int seqVal;

seqVal = seq.getNext();

// Use the sequence number to perform the task for

// which you created it.

IQuery qry = createQuery();

qry.setSQL("INSERT into orders (ID) values ("+ seqVal +")," +

"(cust) values ("+ custname +")");

Related Topics
createSequence( ) in the ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)

ISequenceMgr Interface (deprecated)

ISequenceMgr is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only.

The ISequenceMgr interface provides methods for creating and retrieving an ISequence object, which represents a sequence in an underlying database. Sequences provide unique, incremental numbers assigned to records in a database. After creating a sequence by calling createSequence( ), the AppLogic can use methods in the ISequence Interface (deprecated) to retrieve sequence values.

The ISequenceMgr interface is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

The ISequenceMgr interface is implemented by the IDataConn object. To use it, cast IDataConn to the ISequenceMgr interface, as shown in the following example:

IDataConn dc;

dc = createDataConn(...);

ISequenceMgr sm;

sm = (ISequenceMgr) dc;






createSequence( )  

Creates a new sequence object in the underlying database.  

getSequence( )  

Returns an existing sequence object for the specified sequence name in the underlying database.  

Related Topics

ISequence Interface (deprecated)

createSequence( )

Creates a new sequence object in the underlying database.

public ISequence createSequence(
   String szName,
   String szCol,
   int dwStart,
   int dwIncrement,
   String szOptions);

szName. Name of the sequence. The name can be simple (such as "mySeq") or qualified with the name of the database owner (such as "mary.mySeq").

szCol. Name of the column in the database table to use if the database supports sequence column types. For more information, see your database vendor's documentation. If null, defaults to "SEQVAL".

dwStart. Starting value of the sequence. Must be a positive integer.

dwIncrement. Value by which to increment the sequence with each call to getNext( ). Must be a positive integer. Defaults to one (1). Not all databases support this feature. For more information, see your database vendor's documentation.

szOptions. Additional sequence creation options that are database vendor-specific:

  • For Oracle, these are options to the "CREATE Sequence"command.

  • For SQL Server (Sybase and Microsoft) databases, these are column options for the "CREATE Table"command.

  • For Informix, no options exist.

For more information, see your database vendor's documentation.

Use createSequence( ) to create a new ISequence object, representing an incremental number generator, with the specified starting value. The AppLogic can then use methods in the ISequence Interface (deprecated) to obtain the current or next value of this sequence object.

Sequences provide unique, incremental numbers assigned to records in a database. For example, you can create a customer ID sequence to generate customer IDs, or create a purchase order sequence to generate purchase order numbers.

For Oracle databases, createSequence( ) creates a sequence object. For Sybase, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server databases, createSequence( ) creates a table object with a sequence column.

Return Value
ISequence object, or null for failure (such as an invalid database connection).

IDataConn conn;

conn = createDataConn(0, GX_DA_DAD_DRIVERS.GX_DA_DRIVER_ODBC,

"salesDB", "salesDB", "steve", "pass7878");

// Cast the connection to an ISequenceMgr interface

// and set up the sequence

ISequence seq;

seq = ((ISequenceMgr) conn).createSequence("mySeq", "orders.ID", 100, 1, null)

// To start the sequence, call getNext().

int seqVal;

seqVal = seq.getNext();

// Use the sequence number to perform the task for

// which you created it.

IQuery qry = createQuery();

qry.setSQL("INSERT into orders (ID) values ("+ seqVal +")," +

"(cust) values ("+ custname +")");

Related Topics
ISequence Interface (deprecated)

getSequence( )

Returns an existing sequence object, for the specified sequence name, from the underlying database.


szName. Name of the sequence. The name can be simple (such as "mySeq") or qualified with the name of the database owner (such as "mary.mySeq").

szCol. Name of the column in the database table to use if the database supports sequence column types. For more information, see your database vendor's documentation. If null, defaults to "SEQVAL".

Use getSequence( ) to obtain the ISequence object with the specified name in the underlying database. The AppLogic can then use methods in the ISequence Interface (deprecated) to obtain the current or next value of this sequence object.

Sequences provide unique, incremental numbers assigned to records in a database. For example, you can create a customer ID sequence to generate customer IDs, or create a purchase order sequence to generate purchase order numbers.


  • Use createSequence( ) to create the ISequence object.

  • The specified sequence name must be valid.

  • For Informix and Sybase databases, the session that creates the sequence must call getNext( ) at least once before any other session can call getSequence( ).

Return Value
ISequence object, or null for failure (such as an invalid sequence name).

Related Topics
ISequence Interface (deprecated)iAS

IServerContext Interface

The IServerContext interface provides a way to access iAS-specific server interfaces from within servlets or EJBs. From servlets, the standard servlet context can be cast to an IServerContext object. From EJBs, a javax.ejb.EJBContext object can be cast to an IServerContext.

IServerContext is often used together with the ICallerContext interface.






createIdentityByString( )  

Creates an instance of  

getCallerContext( )  

Retrieves the com.netscape.server.ICallerContext object.  

getContext( )  

Retrieves the com.kivasoft.IContext object.  

Related Topics

com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic class (deprecated),
com.kivasoft.dlm.GXContext class,
com.kivasoft.IContext Interface,
com.netscape.server.ICallerContext Interface,

javax.ejb.EJBContext interface

createIdentityByString( )

Creates an instance of

public createIdentityByString(
   String identity)

identity. The name to associate with the Identity object.

Neither of the specifications for servlets and EJBs describe a standard way of creating an instance of The createIdentityByString( ) method overcomes this limitation. Use this method to create an Identity instance within a iPlanet Application Server 6.0 application.

Once you create the Identity, you can then (for example) pass it to a subsequent test for equality or use it as the role parameter of the isCallerInRole( ) method. The isCallerInRole( ) method is available in both javax.ejb.EJBContext and com.netscape.server.ICallerContext.

Return Value
A object with the given name.

getCallerContext( )

Retrieves the com.netscape.server.ICallerContext object.

public ICallerContext getCallerContext()

Use this method within servlets to identify the caller context.

Currently, the Servlet API specification provides no way to obtain the caller's principal from within a servlet. By contrast, the EJB specification defines the javax.ejb.EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal( ) method.

The getCallerContext( ) method is provided to add support for programmatic security from servlets. However, after this support is added to the Servlet API specification, the getCallerContext( ) method will be deprecated.

Return Value
The ICallerContext object that identifies the caller context within the servlet.

getContext( )

Retrieves the com.kivasoft.IContext object.

public com.kivasoft.IContext getContext()

Use this method within servlets or EJBs. The getContext( ) method lets you access iAS-specific application modules or extensions that run in a pre-iAS-6.0 environment.

The retrieved IContext object is the old iPlanet Application Server 2.x style context. The getContext( ) method is especially useful when combined with the functions from the com.kivasoft.dlm.GXContext class.

Assume you have declared the following bean member variable containing SessionContext:

public transient javax.ejb.SessionContext m_ctx = null;

The following sample code shows a bean implementation method that needs to invoke some iPlanet Application Server 2.x functionality:

public invokeKivaMethod()


// obtain 2.x style KIVA context from standard bean context

com.netscape.server.IServerContext sc;

// cast the standard servlet context or bean context

// to IServerContext

sc = (com.netscape.server.IServerContext) m_ctx;

// acquire 2.x style context

com.kivasoft.IContext gxContext = sc.getContext();

// Use the context with GXContext class to access 2.x functionality.

// In this case, choose a logging operation





"Send this informational message to server log");


Return Value
The IContext object that identifies the context within the servlet or EJB.

IServletErrorHandler Interface

The interface com.netscape.server.servlet.extension.HttpServletRequest2 uses IServletErrorHandler to inform the user of validation errors or other types of errors.

Although anyone developing an application for iPlanet Application Server can use IServletErrorHandler, this interface is typically used in components generated by Netscape Application Builder.






getBytes( )  

Performs error handling for input parameter validation.  

handleSessionVariableError( )  

Performs error handling for session validation.  

streamError( )  

Sends a standard error as a data stream.  

handleInputValueError( )

Performs error handling for input parameter validation.

public abstract int handleInputValueError(
   HttpServletRequest request,
   String name,
   int errorType)

request. The HttpServletRequest containing the invalid input.

name. The parameter name that failed validation.

errorType. An integer value identifying the error type. The error type is passed in by the HttpServletRequest2.validate( ) method. Values for possible error types are listed under the validate( ) method.

Typically, the handleInputValueError( ) method is never called directly by the application programmer. Instead, this method is called by HttpServletRequest2.validate( ) for each error that is found during input parameter validation.

handleInputValueError( ) is called if a parameter fails its metadata-driven validation. You can use this method in one of several ways:

  • Use the default handling. As an option, you can call getServletErrorHandler( ) on the request and delegate to the retrieved error handler instead.

  • Use the default handling, but change the template to be streamed. This case is presented in Examples.

  • Handle the error completely by yourself. This case is presented in Examples.

The default behavior of handleInputValueError( ) is to add values into three validation vectors. These vectors are listed in three methods of HttpServletRequest2: getErrorCodes( ), getErrorMsgs( ), and getErrorVars( ).

To override the default behavior, implement IServletErrorHandler and implement handleInputValueError( ) to handle errors related to input parameter validation. Before calling validate( ), call setServletErrorHandler( ) on the HttpServletRequest2 object.

It is recommended that you standardize error handling, so you may want to place error handling functionality in the default BaseServlet.

Return Value
This method returns any of the following integer values:


When Is This Returned


When everything works.  

FAIL_STREAM_ERROR or any positive integer  

When an error has occurred but no error has yet been streamed to the user; the caller of the method must stream an error. For example, the default implementation returns ERROR_INPUT (a value of 3).  

FAIL_DONT_STREAM_ERROR or any negative integer  

When an error has occurred and an error has been streamed to the user; the caller of the method should not stream anymore information.  

The following code fragment uses the default handling but changes the template that is streamed. Typically, you would create this code in an inner class of the servlet that uses the error handler.

public class foo implements IServletErrorHandler


// The old error handler

   IServletErrorHandler m_old

// Store the old servlet error handler somewhere

   public foo (HttpServletRequest2 request)


      m_old = request.getServletErrorHandler();


// Handle the error as before, but set additional information

   public int handleInputValueError(

         HttpServletRequest request,

         String name,

         int errorType)


      m_old.handleInputValueError(request, name, errorType);

      request.setAttribute("AddlInfo", "name failed");

      return FAIL_STREAM_ERROR;


// Not interested in session variables,

// so just delegate to the old handler

   public int handleSessionVariableError(

         HttpServletRequest request,

         String name,

         int errorType)


      return m_old.handleSessionVariableError(request, name, errorType);


// Handle the validation error appropriately

   public int streamError(

         HttpServletRequest request,

         HttpServletResponse response,

         Object errorSrc,

         int errorType)




BaseUtils.includeJSP(request, response, "MyErrorTemplate.jsp");





// handle the other errors by delegation

return m_old.streamError(request,response,errorSrc,errorType)



In your servlet, you call the validate( ) method after setting the error handler that validate( ) will use when it reports errors:


IServletErrorHandler handler = new foo((HttpServletRequest2)request);




Related Topics
handleSessionVariableError( ),
HttpServletRequest2 interface

handleSessionVariableError( )

Performs error handling for session validation.

public abstract int handleSessionVariableError(
   HttpServletRequest request,
   String name,
   int errorType)

request. The HttpServletRequest containing the invalid session.

name. The parameter name that failed validation.

errorType. Unused.

Typically, the handleSessionVariableError( ) method is never called directly by the application programmer. Instead, this method is called by HttpServletRequest2.validate( ) for each error that is found during session validation.

handleSessionVariableError( ) is called if a session variable fails its metadata-driven validation. You can use this method in one of several ways:

  • Use the default handling. As an option, you can call getServletErrorHandler( ) on the request and delegate to the retrieved error handler instead.

  • Use the default handling, but change the template to be streamed.

  • Handle the error completely by yourself.

The default behavior of handleSessionVariableError( ) is to add values into three validation vectors. These vectors are listed in three methods of HttpServletRequest2: getErrorCodes( ), getErrorMsgs( ), and getErrorVars( ).

To override the default behavior, implement IServletErrorHandler and implement handleSessionVariableError( ) to handle errors related to session validation. Before calling validate( ), call setServletErrorHandler( ) on the HttpServletRequest2 object.

It is recommended that you standardize error handling, so you may want to place error handling functionality in the default BaseServlet.

Return Value
This method returns any of the following integer values:


When Is This Returned


When everything works.  

FAIL_STREAM_ERROR or any positive integer  

When an error has occurred but no error has yet been streamed to the user; the caller of the method must stream an error. For example, the default implementation returns ERROR_SESSION (a value of 2).  

FAIL_DONT_STREAM_ERROR or any negative integer  

When an error has occurred and an error has been streamed to the user; the caller of the method should not stream anymore information.  

See handleInputValueError( ) for examples.

Related Topics
handleInputValueError( ),
HttpServletRequest2 interface

streamError( )

Sends a standard error as a data stream.

public abstract int streamError(
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response,
   Object errorSource,
   int errorType) throws IOException, ServletException

request. The HttpServletRequest object.

response. The HttpServletResponse object.

errorSource. The object containing information about the source of the error.

errorType. An integer value identifying the error type to report. Specify one of the following values:

Error Code





For this errorType, set errorSource to the name of the template that could not be found.  



For this errorType, set errorSource to the exception that was thrown.  



For this errorType, the errorSource is unspecified.  



For this errorType, set errorSource to the name of the template that failed.  

Typically, the streamError( ) method is called directly by the application programmer as well as by HttpServletRequest2.validate( ) for validation errors. In particular, only the variants of validate( ) that stream an error will call the streamError( ) method. This applies to the two variants of validate( ) that take an HttpServletResponse object.

In addition, streamError( ) may be called by BaseUtils.initRowSets( ) when an exception occurs, or streamError( ) may be called by programmer-defined code.

To override the default behavior, implement IServletErrorHandler and implement streamError( ) to define the template or exception to stream when a validation error (or other type of error) occurs. Before calling validate( ), call setServletErrorHandler( ) on the HttpServletRequest2 object.

Return Value
This method returns any of the following integer values. By default, FAIL_DONT_STREAM_ERROR is returned.


When Is This Returned


When everything works.  


When an error has occurred but no error has yet been streamed to the user; the caller of the method must stream an error.  


When an error has occurred and an error has been streamed to the user; the caller of the method should not stream anymore information.  

Related Topics
HttpServletRequest2 interface

ISession2 Interface (deprecated)

The ISession2 interface is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the methods provided by the standard javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface. In addition, iPlanet Application Server provides the HttpSession2 interface, an extension to HttpSession that supports applications that must call AppLogics.

For more information, see the Programmer's Guide (Java) or the Migration Guide.

The ISession2 interface represents a session between a user and an application. AppLogics use sessions to store information about each user's interaction with the application. For example, a login AppLogic might create a session object to store the user's login name and password. This session data is then available to other AppLogics in the application.

Session data is stored in a distributed state layer in the iPlanet Application Server, so that the data is available even when the server destroys the AppLogic when it has finished executing. Storing the session data in the distributed state layer also enables AppLogics running in different clusters or servers to access the data.

A session has the following attributes, which are set when the AppLogic creates a session:

  • A unique ID. You can specify an ID, or use the default ID the system generates.

  • An association with an application. This setting enables the iPlanet Application Server to determine which AppLogics have access to the session data.

  • A timeout value. You can specify if the session is automatically destroyed after a specified time. If you don't specify a timeout value (timeout = 0), the session is destroyed when you call the destroySession( ) method in the AppLogic class.

  • Scope. You can specify if the session data is available at the local, cluster, or enterprise-wide level.

  • Persistence. You can specify if the session persists in the event of a server crash.[Commented out for 2.11; this feature will probably be implemented properly in a future release.]

The ISession2 interface defines methods for setting and retrieving data in a session. It also defines methods for retrieving the attributes—ID, associated application, timeout value, and scope—of a session.

To create an instance of the ISession2 interface, use the createSession( ) method in the AppLogic class.

If your application requires a custom session object, for example, to support additional methods, you can subclass the Session2 class (deprecated) and define your own methods.






getSessionApp( )  

Returns the name of the application associated with the session.  

getSessionData( )  

Returns session data.  

getSessionFlags( )  

Returns the flags associated with the session when it was created.  

getSessionID( )  

Returns the session ID.  

getSessionTimeout( )  

Returns the session's timeout value in seconds.  

saveSession( )  

Saves changes to a session.  

setSessionData( )  

Sets session data.  

getSessionApp( )

Returns the name of the application associated with the session.

public String getSessionApp()

Use getSessionApp( ) to retrieve the name of the application associated with the session. All AppLogics in an application have access to the same session data.

Return Value
A string representing the application name, or null for failure.

The following code shows how to create a session and get the name of the application associated with the session:

ISession2 sess;

//Create a session and associate it with myApp application


0, "myApp", null, null);

//Get the application name associated with the session

//getSessionApp() should return "myApp"

String appname;

appname = sess.getSessionApp();

if (appname == null)

return result("getSessionApp returned error");

log("Session application name:" + appname);

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

getSessionData( )

Returns session data.

public IValList getSessionData()

Use getSessionData( ) to retrieve session data for processing. Data is returned in an IValList object. This method retrieves the contents that were last saved in the distributed store with saveSession( ). Use methods in the IValList interface to iterate through and access items in the IValList object.

Return Value
IValList object containing the session information, or null for failure.

public class OBSession extends Object


protected ISession2 systemSession;

public IValList sessionValList = null;

public OBSession(ISession2 app_session)


systemSession = app_session;

// Retrieve session data

sessionValList = systemSession.getSessionData();


// Method for retrieving the user name from session data

public String getUserName()


// Return the userName value

return sessionValList.getValString("userName");

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

getSessionFlags( )

Returns the flags associated with the session when it was created.

public int getSessionFlags()

Use getSessionFlags( ) to retrieve the flags that were specified when the session was created with createSession( ). The following table describes the valid session flags, which are static variables in the GXSESSION class:




The session is visible to the local process only.  


The session is visible to all AppLogics within the cluster.  


The session is visible to all AppLogics in the enterprise environment.  


The session persists in the event of a server crash.  


The session expires at a specific date and time.  


The session expires n seconds from the time the node was created.  

Return Value
The flags listed in the previous table.

The following code shows how to create a session and get the associated flags:

ISession2 sess;

//Create a session with distributed scope


0, "myApp", null, null);

//Get the flag assigned to the session

//getSessionFlag() should return GXSESSION_DISTRIB

int flag;

flag = sess.getSessionFlags();

log("Session flag:" + flag);

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

getSessionID( )

Returns the session ID.

public String getSessionID()

Use getSessionID( ) to retrieve the unique ID associated with a session.

Return Value
A string representing the session ID, or null for failure.

The following code shows how to create a session and get the session ID:

ISession2 sess;

//Create a session using the default ID generator


0, "myApp", null, null);

//Get the session ID

String sessid;

sessid = sess.getSessionID();

if (sessid == null)

return result("getSessionID returned error");

log("Session ID:" + sessid);

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

getSessionTimeout( )

Returns the session's timeout value in seconds.

public int getSessionTimeout()

Use getSessionTimeout( ) to find out if a session is terminated after a specified time, or if it needs to be terminated explicitly. A timeout value of 0 means the session ends when it is explicitly terminated with the destroySession( ) method.

Return Value
Integer representing the timeout value in seconds.

The following code shows how to create a session and get session's timeout value:

ISession2 sess;

//Create a session with no timeout value


0, "myApp", null, null);

//Get the timeout value

//getSessionTimeout() should return 0

int timeout;

timeout = sess.getSessionTimeout();

log("Session timeout value:" + timeout);

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

saveSession( )

Saves changes to a session.

public int saveSession(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0 (zero).

Use saveSession( ) to ensure changes are saved in the distributed state storage area, which stores the session information for subsequent use if any other AppLogic objects are invoked within the same session.


  • The AppLogic needs to call the saveSession( ) method in the AppLogic class at least once to set a cookie, which passes the session ID between the Web browser and iPlanet Application Server. The saveSession( ) method in the ISession2 interface only saves data to the distributed state store, whereas saveSession( ) in the AppLogic class saves data to the distributed state store and sets a cookie.

  • The AppLogic should call saveSession( ) to save changes after updating session data with setSessionData( ) or after modifying the IValList returned by getSessionData( ).

  • To improve performance, keep smaller amounts of information in the session.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
createSession( ) and saveSession( ) in the AppLogic class

setSessionData( )

Updates session with specified data.

public int setSessionData(
   IValList pSessionData)

pSessionData. The IValList object containing the session data to set.

Use setSessionData( ) to write or update session data. Session data is stored in a distributed state layer in the iPlanet Application Server, making session data accessible to distributed server processes.


  • The AppLogic should call saveSession( ) to save changes after updating session data with setSessionData( ).

  • To improve performance, keep smaller amounts of information in the session.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
createSession( ) in the AppLogic class

ISessionIDGen Interface (deprecated)

The ISessionIDGen interface is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession and the servlet programming model.

The ISessionIDGen interface represents a session ID generator. The session-related methods in the AppLogic class take an ISessionIDGen object as a parameter. By default, iPlanet Application Server uses the ISessionIDGen object to generate a session ID when an AppLogic creates a new session with the createSession( ) method in the AppLogic class.

The session ID—based on a 64-bit number—uniquely identifies a session between a user and an application. In a Web-based application, session IDs are passed between the Web browser and iPlanet Application Server to verify user sessions as users traverse the application. For non-browser clients, session IDs are tracked on the server.



Related Topics

createSession( ) and getSession( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

ISession2 Interface (deprecated)

IState2 Interface

The IState2 interface represents a node, or state object, in the State tree. A state tree is a hierarchical data storage mechanism. It is used primarily for storing application data that needs to be distributed across server processes and clusters. For example, the session data your application creates and maintains is stored in nodes of a state tree.

Use a state tree in your application if it needs to maintain and share data in a multi-server environment running load-balanced application components. A node has the following attributes:

  • A name. Nodes on the same level of the state tree must have unique names, but not otherwise.

  • Contents in the form of an IValList.

  • A timeout value. You can specify if the content of the node automatically expires after a specified time. If you don't specify a timeout value (timeout = 0), the content is saved until the node is deleted explicitly.

  • Scope. You can specify if the node data is available at the local, cluster, or enterprise-wide level.

The IState2 interface defines methods for creating and deleting nodes, setting and retrieving node contents, and retrieving the attributes of a node.

To create a state tree, use the following methods:






createStateChild( )  

Creates a child node under the node on which this method is called.  

deleteStateChild( )  

Deletes a child node.  

getStateChild( )  

Gets a specified child node.  

getStateChildCount( )  

Gets the count of children nodes.  

getStateContents( )  

Gets the contents of the node.  

getStateFlags( )  

Gets the flags assigned to the node when it was created.  

getStateName( )  

Returns the name of the node.  

getStateTimeout( )  

Returns the node's timeout value in seconds.  

saveState( )  

Saves updates to the node contents.  

setStateContents( )  

Sets node contents.  

createStateChild( )

Creates a child node under the node on which this method is called.

public IState2 createStateChild(
   String pName,
   int Timeout,
   int dwFlags)

pName. The name of the child node. If a child node with the given name already exists, this method returns an error.

Timeout. The unit of timeout is seconds. The meaning of timeout depends on the timeout flag specified in dwFlags. A value of 0 means the contents of the node is saved until deleted explicitly. You can assign a non-zero timeout value only to child nodes that are leaf nodes. Parent nodes can only have a timeout value of 0.

dwFlags. Specify one of the following flags, or 0 to use the default system settings:

  • GXSTATE.GXSTATE_LOCAL to make the node visible to the local process only.

  • GXSTATE.GXSTATE_CLUSTER to make the node visible to all application components within the cluster.

  • GXSTATE.GXSTATE_DISTRIB to make the node visible to all application components in the enterprise environment.

  • GXSTATE.GXSTATE_TIMEOUT_CREATE to specify that the contents of the node expires n seconds from the time the node was created.

The default scope is distributed and the default timeout is 60 seconds from the time the node was last accessed.

Use createStateChild( ) to add a child node to a state tree. The application component should already have created the root node of the tree with getStateTreeRoot( ) in the AppLogic class.

To create a new child node in a particular position of the tree, traverse the tree until you reach the node that will be the parent of the new child node. Then call createStateChild( ).


  • The scope of a parent node must be the same as or greater than the scope of its child nodes. For example, if the scope of a child node is set to the cluster level, its parent node must be set to either the cluster or distributed level.

  • Parent nodes can only have a timeout value of 0.

  • To traverse the state tree to find the desired location in which to create a new child node, use getStateChild( ). Each successive call to getStateChild( ) descends one level in the tree.

Return Value
An IState2 object, or null for failure.

The following code shows how to create a child node if it doesn't already exist:

IState2 tree = getStateTreeRoot(GXSTATE.GXSTATE_DISTRIB, "Grammy");

if (tree!=null)


IState2 child = tree.getStateChild("Best Female Vocal");

if (child == null)


child = tree.createStateChild("Best Female Vocal", 0,


deleteStateChild( )

Deletes a child node from a state tree.

public int deleteStateChild(
   String pName)

pName. The name of the child node to delete.

Use deleteStateChild( ) to delete a child node from a state tree when your application no longer needs it. A child node can be deleted only from its parent node. For example, if the state tree has three levels and you want to delete a node at the third level, traverse the tree until you find its parent node at the second level. Then call deleteStateChild( ) to delete a specific node

You can delete a parent node only after deleting its child nodes.

To traverse the state tree to find the parent node of the child node to delete, use getStateChild( ). Each successive call to getStateChild( ) descends one level in the tree.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

getStateChild( )

Gets a specified child node.

public IState2 getStateChild(
   String pName)

pName. The name of the child node to get.

Use getStateChild( ) to retrieve a node whose content you want to get or update. Your application component can also use getStateChild( ) to traverse a state tree to find the parent node of child nodes to add or delete.

Return Value
An IState2 object, or null for failure.

getStateChildCount( )

Gets the count of children nodes.

public int getStateChildCount(
   int dwFlags) // parameter is currently unused.

Use this method to return the number of children at any given state node.

Return Value
An integer representing the number of children.

getStateContents( )

Gets the contents of the node.

public IValList getStateContents()

Use getStateContents( ) to retrieve the contents of the node, or to check if the node contains contents before setting values in the node. This method retrieves the contents that were last saved in the distributed store with saveState( ).


  • To traverse the state tree to find a specific node, use getStateChild( ). Each successive call to getStateChild( ) descends one level in the tree.

  • If you update the contents of a node with setStateContents( ) but do not save the contents in the distributed store with saveState( ), getStateContents( ) will not return the content set with setStateContents( ). It will return the contents that were last saved.

Return Value
An IValList object that contains the contents, or null for failure.

getStateFlags( )

Gets the flags assigned to the node when it was created.

public int getStateFlags()

Use getStateFlags( ) to retrieve the flag that represents the node's scope, lifetime, and timeout criteria. This flag is specified when the state node is created. The following table describes the valid session flags, which are static variables in the GXSTATE class:




The node is visible to the local process only.  


The node is visible to all application components within the cluster.  


The node is visible to all application components in the enterprise environment.  


The contents of the node expires n seconds from the time the node was created.  

Return Value
One of the flags listed in the previous table.

getStateName( )

Returns the name of the node.

public String getStateName()

Use getStateName( ) when the name of the node is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.

Return Value
A string value representing the name of the current node.

getStateTimeout( )

Returns the node's timeout value in seconds.

public int getStateTimeout()

Use getStateTimeout( ) in conjunction with getStateFlags( ) to determine if and when the contents of the node expires. A timeout value of 0 means the node contents are saved until the node is deleted explicitly.

Return Value
Integer representing the timeout value in seconds.

saveState( )

Saves updates to the node contents.

public int saveState(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0 (zero). Internal use only.

Use saveState( ) after you set or change the contents of a node. This method flushes the node contents into the distributed store.

The getStateContents( ) method retrieves the contents that were last saved in the distributed store with saveState( ). Therefore, if you update the contents of a node with setStateContents( ), but do not call saveState( ), getStateContents( ) will not return the content set with setStateContents( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

setStateContents( )

Sets node contents.

public int setStateContents(
   IValList pContents)

pContents. IValList of values to set in the current node.

Use setStateContents( ) to update the contents of a node.


  • To traverse the state tree to find the child node to update, use getStateChild( ). Each successive call to getStateChild( ) descends one level in the tree.

  • Call saveState( ) after you set or change the contents of a node. This method flushes the node contents into the distributed store. If you call setStateContents( ) several times before calling saveState( ), only the value from the last setStateContents( ) call is saved.

  • The getStateContents( ) method retrieves the contents that were last saved in the distributed store with saveState( ). Therefore, if you update the contents of a node with setStateContents( ), but do not call saveState( ), getStateContents( ) will not return the content set with setStateContents( ).

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

The following code shows how to create a child node and set its contents:

IStreamBuffer Interface (deprecated)

The IStreamBuffer interface is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications developed according to the servlet-JSP programming model do not need the functionality provided by the IStreamBuffer interface.

The IStreamBuffer interface represents a buffer for capturing streamed output during template processing. Use a stream buffer if your AppLogic needs to manipulate the data before sending it to another AppLogic. For example, the AppLogic can collect the data in a stream buffer, then parse it or save it to a file.

To capture the data in a stream buffer, use the evalOutput( ) method in the AppLogic class and pass in an IStream object. To manipulate the data in the stream buffer, use the getStreamData( ) method in this interface.

To create an instance of the IStreamBuffer interface, use the GX.CreateStreamBuffer( ) method.




getStreamData( )  

Returns an array of byte values from the stream buffer.  

getStreamData( )

Returns an array of byte values from the stream buffer.

public byte[] getStreamData(
   int flags)

flags. Specify 0 (zero).

Use getStreamData( ) to retrieve the contents of the stream buffer that was captured during streamed template processing. The AppLogic can then manipulate the data as needed.

Call getStreamData( ) after evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class. The evalOutput( ) method captures output in the stream buffer if the AppLogic passes in an IStream object.

Return Value
Array of byte values, or null for failure.

Related Topics
evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

ITable Interface (deprecated)

ITable is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New applications should use the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface from the JDBC Core API.

The ITable interface represents the definition of a table that is part of a relational data source. ITable provides methods to perform the following types of operations:

  • Add, update, and delete rows in the table.

  • Obtain information about table attributes as they are defined in the database catalog. Table attributes include the table name, table columns, data connection, and so on. To obtain additional information about individual columns, use the methods in the IColumn Interface (deprecated).

The ITable interface is part of the Data Access Engine (DAE) service.

To create an instance of the ITable interface, use getTable( ) in the IDataConn Interface (deprecated) or getTable( ) in the IColumn Interface (deprecated).

Each call to getTable( ) returns a new ITable object rather than returning an existing table object.






addRow( )  

Inserts a new row in the table.  

allocRow( )  

Allocates a new, empty row buffer, replacing the previous row buffer if one exists.  

deleteRow( )  

Deletes one or more rows in the table.  

enumColumnReset( )  

Resets the column enumeration to the first column in the table.  

enumColumns( )  

Returns the definition of the next column in the table.  

getColumn( )  

Returns the definition of a column with the specified name.  

getColumnByOrd( )  

Returns the definition of the column in the specified ordinal position.  

getColumnOrdinal( )  

Returns the ordinal position of the column specified by name.  

getDataConn( )  

Returns the data connection object associated with the data source in which the table is defined.  

getName( )  

Returns the name of the table.  

getNumColumns( )  

Returns the number of columns in the table object.  

setValueBinary( )  

Specifies a BINARY value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueBinaryPiece( )  

Specifies a LONG BINARY value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueDateString( )  

Specifies the Date value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueDouble( )  

Specifies the double value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueInt( )  

Specifies the int value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueString( )  

Specifies the String value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueText( )  

Specifies a TEXT value of a column in the row buffer.  

setValueTextPiece( )  

Specifies a LONGTEXT value of a column in the row buffer.  

updateRow( )  

Modifies one or more rows in the table with the contents of the row buffer.  


// Add a new user to the User table

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("CTLuser");


tbl.setValueInt(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("UserID"), nameParm.hashCode());

tbl.setValueString(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("AccessLevel"), aclStr);

tbl.setValueString(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("LoginName"), nameParm);

tbl.setValueString(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("Password"), passwordParm);

tbl.setValueDate(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("AddDate"), addDateParm);

tbl.setValueDouble(tbl.getColumnOrdinal("LoginTime"), TimeParm);

if(tbl.addRow(0, null) == 0)

return result(valOut, "User added");


return result(valOut, "Failed to add the user");

addRow( )

Inserts a new row in the table.

public int addRow(
   int dwFlags,
   ITrans pTrans)

dwFlags. Specifies one of the following flags used to execute this insert operation:

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify zero or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

pTrans. ITransobject that contains the transaction associated with this insert operation, or null.

Use addRow( ) to insert a new record into a table.


  • Before adding a row, the AppLogic must first call allocRow( ) to create a row buffer.

  • Next, the AppLogic must specify data values for the new row by calling any of the setValueXXX( ) methods, such as setValueString( ) or setValueBinary( ).

  • The AppLogic must specify a value for any column defined as NOT NULL and without a DEFAULT value, such as keys.

  • The AppLogic must be logged into the database with sufficient privileges to insert records in the target table.

  • If the insert operation is part of a transaction, the AppLogic must first create an instance of the ITrans Interface (deprecated) using createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated). The AppLogic must then call begin( ) before executing the statement and, after executing the statement, call commit( ) or rollback( ) as appropriate.


Return Value
An int value indicating success (zero) or failure (non-zero, such as an invalid transaction object).

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table OBTransactionType.");


// Look up column ordinals for table

int transTypeCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("transType");

int postDateCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("postDate");

int acctNumCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("acctNum");

int amountCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("amount");

// Create transaction object

ITrans transferTrans = createTrans();

if (transferTrans == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not start transaction");



int rc;

// Allocate row in table for new entry


table.setValueString(acctNumCol, fromAcct);

table.setValueInt(transTypeCol, OBDBDefs.TRANSTYPE_WITHDRAWAL);

table.setValueDateString(postDateCol, transDateString);

table.setValueDouble(amountCol, amount.doubleValue() * -1.0);

// Add the row to the table

rc = table.addRow(0, transferTrans);


Related Topics
ITrans Interface (deprecated)

allocRow( )

Allocates a new, empty row buffer, replacing the previous row buffer if one exists.

public int allocRow()

Use allocRow( ) to allocate a new row buffer before adding or updating records in a table. The row buffer is a virtual representation of a row in the target table, including all column definitions. The AppLogic writes data values to the row buffer first, then writes the contents of the row buffer to either a new record using addRow( ) or to one or more existing records using updateRow( ).


Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table OBTransactionType.");


// Look up column ordinals for table

int transTypeCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("transType");

int postDateCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("postDate");

int acctNumCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("acctNum");

int amountCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("amount");

// Create transaction object

ITrans transferTrans = createTrans();

if (transferTrans == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not start transaction");



int rc;

// Allocate row in table for new entry


table.setValueString(acctNumCol, fromAcct);

table.setValueInt(transTypeCol, OBDBDefs.TRANSTYPE_WITHDRAWAL);

table.setValueDateString(postDateCol, transDateString);

table.setValueDouble(amountCol, amount.doubleValue() * -1.0);

// Add the row to the table

rc = table.addRow(0, transferTrans);

deleteRow( )

Deletes one or more rows in the table.

public int deleteRow(
   int dwFlags,
   String szWhere,
   ITrans pTrans)

dwFlags. Specifies one of the following flags used to execute this delete operation:

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify zero or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

szWhere. Selection criteria expression for one or more rows to delete. The syntax is the same as the SQL WHERE clause, only without the WHERE keyword. Use ANSI 92-compliant syntax. If an empty string is specified, all rows in the table are deleted.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this delete operation, or null.


Alternatively, the AppLogic can delete records by passing a SQL DELETE statement using setSQL( ) in the IQuery Interface (deprecated), then executing the query. The statement must comply with ANSI 92 SQL syntax.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

ITable tbl=conn.getTable("CTLcatalog");


return result("Cannot find table: "+"CTLcatalog");

// Otherwise, delete the row with product specified in prodStr

tbl.deleteRow(0, "ProductID"+"="+prodStr, null);

Related Topics
ITrans Interface (deprecated)

enumColumnReset( )

Resets the column enumeration to the first column in the table.

public int enumColumnReset()

Use enumColumnReset( ) before iterating through and retrieving columns in a table. enumColumnReset( ) ensures that column retrieval starts from the first column.

Thereafter, use enumColumns( ) to retrieve each column sequentially. Each enumColumns( ) call returns an IColumn object for the next column.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

String htmlString;

IColumn col;

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table</h2>";


while ((col = tbl.enumColumns()) != null) {

htmlString += "Column Name = ";

htmlString += col.getName();

htmlString += ", Column Type = ";

htmlString += col.getType();

htmlString += "<br>";


return result(htmlString)

enumColumns( )

Returns the definition of the next column in the table.

public IColumn enumColumns()

Use enumColumns( ) when the column definition is unknown and required for subsequent operations. The AppLogic can use the returned IColumn object to determine characteristics of the column, such as its name, data type, size, whether nulls are allowed, and so on.

Before iterating through columns, the client code should call enumColumnReset( ) to ensure that enumColumns( ) starts with the first column in the table. Each subsequent enumColumns( ) call moves to the next sequential column in the table and retrieves its column definition in an IColumn object.


  • The columns might not be returned in the order in which they are defined in the database catalog.

  • Test for null to determine when the last column has been retrieved.

Return Value
IColumn object containing the next column of data, or null for failure (such as no more columns in the table).

String htmlString;

IColumn col;

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

htmlString += "<h2>Products Table</h2>";


while ((col = tbl.enumColumns()) != null) {

htmlString += "Column Name = ";

htmlString += col.getName();

htmlString += ", Column Type = ";

htmlString += col.getType();

htmlString += "<br>";


return result(htmlString)

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getColumn( )

Returns the definition of a column with the specified name.

public IColumn getColumn(
   String szColumn)

szColumn. Name of the column to retrieve.

Use getColumn( ) when the column definition is unknown but its name is known. The AppLogic can use the IColumn object to determine other characteristics about the column, such as its data type, size, whether nulls are allowed, and so on.

The specified column name must exist in the table.

Return Value
IColumn object for the specified column, or null for failure (such as an invalid column name).

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

// Obtain column definitions

IColumn colProd = tbl.getColumn("ProductId")

IColumn colCat = tbl.getColumn("CategoryId")

IColumn colPrdName = tbl.getColumn("ProductName")

IColumn colPrice = tbl.getColumn("Price")

. . . manipulate columns using IColumn methods . . .

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getColumnByOrd( )

Returns the definition of the column in the specified ordinal position.

public IColumn getColumnByOrd(
   int Ordinal)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

Use getColumnByOrd( ) when the column definition is unknown but its position in the table is known, such as when iterating through columns in the table. The AppLogic can use the IColumn object to determine other characteristics about the column, such as its name, data type, size, whether nulls are allowed, and so on.

The specified column number must exist in the table.


  • Column positions in a table may change between different table objects.

  • Columns are not guaranteed to be in the same order in which the database lists them.

  • To iterate through columns in a table using getColumnByOrd( ), call getNumColumns( ) to determine the maximum number of columns in the table, then proceed sequentially through each column using getColumnByOrd( ), beginning with column 1, through the last column.

  • Alternatively, call enumColumnReset( ) to start with the first column in the table, then call enumColumns( ) repeatedly through the last column.

Return Value
IColumn object for the specified column, or null for failure (such as an invalid column number).

// Obtain information about all columns in the table

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

int i = 1;

int maxCols = tbl.getNumColumns();

for (i <= maxCols; i++) {

IColumn col = tbl.getColumnByOrd(i);

. . . manipulate column using IColumn methods . . .


Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getColumnOrdinal( )

Returns the ordinal position of the column specified by name.

public int getColumnOrdinal(
   String szColumn)

szColumn. Name of the column.

Use getColumnOrdinal( ) when the ordinal position of a column is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. For example, the ordinal position of a column is a required parameter value for the setValue**( ) methods, such as setValueString( ) and setValueInt( ).

The specified column name must exist in the table.

Return Value
An int value representing the ordinal position of the specified column, or zero for failure (such as an invalid column name). The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table OBTransactionType.");


// Look up column ordinals for table

int transTypeCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("transType");

int postDateCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("postDate");

int acctNumCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("acctNum");

int amountCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("amount");

Related Topics
IColumn Interface (deprecated)

getDataConn( )

Returns the data connection object associated with the data source in which the table is defined.

public IDataConn getDataConn()

Use getDataConn( ) when the data connection associated with the table is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.

The IDataConn object that getDataConn( ) returns may not be equal (==) to the IDataConn object that createDataConn( ), in the AppLogic class (deprecated), returned.

Return Value
IDataConn object for the table, or null for failure.

Related Topics
IDataConn Interface (deprecated)

getName( )

Returns the name of the table.

public String getName()

Use getName( ) when the name of the table is unknown and is required for subsequent operations.

Return Value
Name of the table represented by the ITable object, or null for failure (such as a memory allocation error).

getNumColumns( )

Returns the number of columns in the table object.

public int getNumColumns()

Use getNumColumns( ) when the number of columns defined in the table is unknown and is required for subsequent operations. When iterating through columns in a table, the AppLogic can use this information to specify the maximum number of iterations.

Return Value
An int value representing the number of columns in the table object, or zero for failure (such as a table with no columns defined).

// Obtain information about all columns in the table

ITable tbl = conn.getTable("Products");

int i = 1;

int maxCols = tbl.getNumColumns();

for (i <= maxCols; i++) {

IColumn col = tbl.getColumnByOrd(i);

. . . manipulate column using IColumn methods . . .


setValueBinary( )

Specifies a BINARY value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueBinary(
   int Ordinal,
   byte[] pValue,
   int nOffset,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A byte array expression to assign to the column.

nOffset. Number of bytes to skip from the beginning of the byte array. This value specifies the starting point within the array.

nLength. Number of bytes to set for the byte array.

Use setValueBinary( ) for BINARY data of which the total size is equal to or smaller than 64K.


  • The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

  • The data type of the column must be BINARY or VARBINARY, or database equivalent.

Use setValueBinaryPiece( ) for LONGBINARY, LONGVARBINARY, or equivalent type values.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

setValueBinaryPiece( )

Specifies a LONGBINARY value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueBinaryPiece(
   int Ordinal,
   byte[] pValue,
   int nOffset,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A byte array expression to assign to the column.

nOffset. Number of bytes to skip from the beginning of the byte array. This value specifies the starting point within the array.

nLength. Number of bytes to set for the byte array.

Use setValueBinaryPiece( ) to specify LONGBINARY data. LONGBINARY data must be added in 64K increments, therefore, you must use setValueBinaryPiece( ) several times to add the data.


Use setValueBinary( ) for BINARY, VARBINARY, or equivalent type values.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

setValueDateString( )

Specifies the Date value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueDateString(
   int Ordinal,
   String pValue)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the target column in the table. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A date expression to assign to the column. Use one of the following formats:

  • "Fri Oct 10 14:35:59.999 PDT 1997"

    The subseconds (,999 in the example) and time zone (PDT in the example) are optional.

  • "1997-10-01 14:35:59.999"

    The time is optional.

The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table OBTransactionType.");


// Look up a column ordinal

int postDateCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("postDate");

// Allocate a new row and set a datestring value


table.setValueDateString(postDateCol, transDateString);

setValueDouble( )

Specifies the double value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueDouble(
   int Ordinal,
   double nValue)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the target column in the table. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

nValue. A double expression to assign to the column.

The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table



// Look up a column ordinal

int amountCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("amount");

// Allocate a new row and set a double value


table.setValueDouble(amountCol, amount.doubleValue() * -1.0);

setValueInt( )

Specifies the int value of a column in the row buffer.

public abstract int setValueInt(
   int Ordinal,
   int nValue)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the target column in the table. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

nValue. An int expression to assign to the column.

The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table



// Look up a column ordinal

int transTypeCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("transType");

// Allocate a new row and set an Int value


table.setValueInt(transTypeCol, OBDBDefs.TRANSTYPE_WITHDRAWAL);

setValueString( )

Specifies the String value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueString(
   int Ordinal,
   String pValue)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the target column in the table. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A String expression to assign to the column.

The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Get a table

ITable table = conn.getTable("OBTransaction");

if (table == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not access table



// Look up a column ordinal

int acctNumCol = table.getColumnOrdinal("acctNum");

// Allocate a new row and set a string value


table.setValueString(acctNumCol, fromAcct);

setValueText( )

Specifies a TEXT value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueText(
   int Ordinal,
   String pValue,
   int nOffset,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A string expression to assign to the column.

nOffset. Number of characters to skip from the beginning of the string.

nLength. Number of characters to set.

Use setValueText( ) for TEXT data, or database equivalent, of which the total size is equal to or smaller than 64K.


  • The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

  • The data type of the column must be TEXT or database equivalent.

Use setValueTextPiece( ) for LONGTEXT or equivalent type values.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

setValueTextPiece( )

Specifies a LONG TEXT value of a column in the row buffer.

public int setValueText(
   int Ordinal,
   String pValue,
   int nOffset,
   int nLength)

Ordinal. Ordinal number (position) of the column in the table definition. The first column is 1, the second column is 2, and so on.

pValue. A string expression to assign to the column.

nOffset. Number of characters to skip from the beginning of the string.

nLength. Number of characters to set.

Use setValueTextPiece( ) for LONGTEXT data. LONGTEXT values must be added in 64K increments, therefore, you must call setValueTextPiece( ) repeatedly to add the data.


  • The AppLogic must call allocRow( ) before attempting to write to the row buffer.

  • The data type of the column must be LONGTEXT or database equivalent.

Use setValueText( ) for TEXT or equivalent type values.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

updateRow( )

Modifies one or more rows in the table with the contents of the row buffer.

public int updateRow(
   int dwFlags,
   String szWhere,
   ITrans pTrans)

dwFlags. Specifies one of the following flags used to execute this update operation:

  • For synchronous operations, the default, specify zero or GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_SYNC.

  • For asynchronous operations, specify GX_DA_EXECUTEQUERY_FLAGS.GX_DA_EXEC_ASYNC.

szWhere. Selection criteria expression for one or more rows to update. The syntax is the same as the SQL WHERE clause, only without the WHERE keyword. Use ANSI 92-compliant syntax. If an empty string is specified, all rows in the table are updated.

pTrans. ITrans object that contains the transaction associated with this update operation, or null.


  • Before modifying a row, the AppLogic must first call allocRow( ) to create the row buffer.

  • Next, the AppLogic must specify data values for the new row by calling any of the following methods: setValueDateString( ), setValueDouble( ), setValueInt( ) , or setValueString( ).

  • For tables defined with one or more UNIQUE keys, the AppLogic can perform a single-record update but not a multiple-record update.

  • The AppLogic must specify a value for any column defined as NOT NULL and without a DEFAULT value, such as keys.

  • The AppLogic must be logged into the database with sufficient privileges to update records in the target table.

  • If the update operation is part of a transaction, the AppLogic must first create an instance of the ITrans Interface (deprecated) using createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated). The AppLogic must then call begin( ) before executing the statement and, after executing the statement, call commit( ) or rollback( ) as appropriate.

  • The updateRow( ) method overwrites all columns in the target record(s) with the contents of the row buffer. Therefore, retrieve the row first using a query, assign the column values to the row buffer, then change only the column(s) you want to update.

  • To determine whether a column is defined as NOT NULL, use getNullsAllowed( ) in the IColumn Interface (deprecated).

  • Alternatively, the AppLogic can update records by passing a SQL INSERT statement using setSQL( ) in the IQuery Interface (deprecated). The statement must comply with ANSI 92 SQL syntax.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Obtain the definition for the Catalog table

ITable tbl=conn.getTable("CTLcatalog");


return result("Cannot find table: "+"CTLcatalog");


int cProductId=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("productId");

int cCategory=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("category");

int cName=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("name");

int cPrice=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("price");

int cDesc=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("desc");

int cImage1=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("image1");

int cTemplate=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("template");

int cInventory=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("inventory");

int cReorder=tbl.getColumnOrdinal("reorder");

if((cProductId*cCategory*cName*cPrice*cDesc*cImage1*cTemplate*cReor der)


return result("Cannot map columns on table:


// Set up the table columns

tbl.setValueInt(cCategory, category);

tbl.setValueString(cName, name);

tbl.setValueDouble(cPrice, price);

tbl.setValueString(cDesc, desc);

tbl.setValueString(cImage1, image1);

tbl.setValueString(cTemplate, template);

tbl.setValueInt(cInventory, inventory);

tbl.setValueInt(cReorder, reorder);



valIn.setValString("productId", prodStr);

tbl.setValueInt(cProductId, productId);

tbl.addRow(0, null);



tbl.updateRow(0, "productId"+"="+prodStr, null);

Related Topics
ITrans Interface (deprecated)

ITemplateData Interface (deprecated)

ITemplateData is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model, where similar functionality is provided through interfaces such as java.sql.ResultSet and javax.sql.RowSet.

For information about replacing ITemplateData functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

The ITemplateData interface represents a hierarchical source of data used for HTML template processing. ITemplateData provides methods for iterating through rows in a set of memory-based hierarchical data and retrieving column values.

To create an ITemplateData object, an AppLogic calls GX.CreateTemplateDataBasic( ). The AppLogic populates the ITemplateData object with rows of hierarchical data, then passes this ITemplateDataBasicobject as the data parameter in evalTemplate( ) or evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated). The Template Engine then draws upon the hierarchical data during template processing using methods in the ITemplateData interface.

The Template Engine normally processes the hierarchical template data internally. To provide application-specific special processing and hook into the template generation process, the AppLogic can subclass the TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated) and override the ITemplateData member methods.






getValue( )  

The Template Engine calls this method to dynamically retrieve the value of the specified field from the current row in the hierarchical template data.  

isEmpty( )  

The Template Engine calls this method to determine whether the specified group in the hierarchical result set is empty (contains no rows).  

moveNext( )  

The Template Engine calls this method to retrieve the next row of the specified group in the hierarchical template data object.  

setHint( )  

Placeholder method for future functionality.  


// Determine whether AppLogic module is listed in project

TemplateDataBasic tdb;

tdb = GetProjectData();

if (tdb == null) {

return false;


if (!tdb.isEmpty("MODULE")) {


do {

String name;

name = tdb.getValue("MODULENAME");

if ((name != null) &&

(name.compareTo(moduleName) == 0)) {

GenerateReport("The AppLogic already exists.<br>"

+"Please choose another name.", null, null);

return false;



while (tdb.moveNext("MODULE") == 0);


Related Topics

evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

getValue( )

The Template Engine calls this method to dynamically retrieve the value of the specified field from the current row in the hierarchical template data.

public IBuffer getValue(
   String szExpr)

szExpr. Name of a field in the template data object.

The Template Engine calls getValue( ) to retrieve values from the hierarchical template data object for subsequent processing.

The specified field name must exist in the template data object.


  • When processing result sets, first call isEmpty( ) to determine whether rows were returned. Next, for each row in the result set, call getValue( ) to retrieve field values, then call moveNext( ) to move to the next row in the result set, until the end of the result set is reached.

  • Use methods in the IBuffer interface to manipulate the returned memory block.

  • Use Util.toString( ) to convert the contents of the returned memory buffer into a String.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the value of the specified field name, or null for failure (such as invalid field name).

Related Topics
evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

isEmpty( )

The Template Engine calls this method to determine whether the specified group in the hierarchical result set is empty (contains no rows).

public boolean isEmpty(
   String group)

group. Name of a group in the hierarchical result set.

The Template Engine calls isEmpty( ) to test whether the specified group in the ITemplateData object contains any rows of data before processing individual fields using getValue( ).

The specified group name must exist in the hierarchical data set.

When processing result sets, first call isEmpty( ) to determine whether rows were returned. Next, for each row in the result set, call getValue( ) to retrieve field values, then call moveNext( ) to move to the next row in the result set, until the end of the result set is reached.

Return Value
True if the specified group is empty, and false if it contains rows of data or if the specified group name is invalid.

Related Topics
evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

moveNext( )

The Template Engine calls this method to retrieve the next row of the specified group in the hierarchical template data object.

public int moveNext(
   String group)

group. Name of a group to process in the hierarchical data of the template data object.

The Template Engine calls moveNext( ) when iterating through rows in the template data object to retrieve the contents of the next sequential hierarchical row of data.

The specified group name must exist in the hierarchical data set.

When processing result sets, first call isEmpty( ) to determine whether rows were returned. Next, for each row in the result set, call getValue( ) to retrieve field values, then call moveNext( ) to move to the next row in the result set, until the end of the result set is reached.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

setHint( )

The setHint( ) method is a placeholder for future functionality. Currently, it is implemented to return 0. If you create a custom template data class that implements the ITemplateData interface, implement setHint( ) to return 0.

public int setHint(
   String group,
   int flags,
   int max,
   IValList pVal)

ITemplateMap Interface (deprecated)

ITemplateMap is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model.

For information about replacing ITemplateMap functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

The ITemplateMap interface represents a mapping between a template field specification and dynamic data used for HTML template processing. ITemplateMap provides the get( ) method for resolving the id attribute in a GX markup tag. Each id attribute contains a field name that can be mapped.

To create a field map, an AppLogic calls GX.CreateTemplateMapBasic( ). The AppLogic then populates the field map using put( ), in the TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated), for each field mapping, then passes this ITemplateMap object as the map parameter in evalTemplate( ) or evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated). When the Template Engine encounters a GX markup tag with the id attribute while processing the template, it calls get( ) in the ITemplateMap Interface (deprecated) to resolve the name. The get( ) method, in turn, calls getString( ) in the TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated) to actually resolve the name.

To provide application-specific special processing, an AppLogic can subclass the TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated) and override the getString( ) method to hook into the Template Engine generation process. For example, the AppLogic can intercept and filter data from a database before the Template Engine processes it.




get( )  

Resolves the id attribute specified in a GX markup tag in the template being processed by the Template Engine. This method is called by the Template Engine.  

Related Topics

evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated)

ITemplateData Interface (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

get( )

Resolves the id attribute specified in a GX markup tag in the template being processed by the Template Engine. This method is called by the Template Engine.

public IBuffer get(
   String szExpr,
   IObject pData,
   IObject pMark)

szExpr. In the current GX markup tag in the HTML template being processed, the name of the field, or placeholder, assigned to the id attribute. Must be an identical match (case-sensitive).

pData. Specify null. Internal use only.

pMark. Specify null. Internal use only.

GX markup tags are used in an HTML template to identify where dynamic data appears in the output report. In the GX markup tags, the id attribute specifies any of the following items: the name of a flat query within a hierarchical query, a field in the hierarchical result set or TemplateDataBasic object, or an HTML template. The type of item specified in the id attribute depends on the type attribute that is specified in the same GX markup tag.

The Template Engine calls get( ) to resolve theid attribute specified in a GX markup tag in the template being processed by the Template Engine. The get( ) method, in turn, calls getString( ) in the TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated) to actually resolve the name. To provide application-specific special processing, an AppLogic can subclass the TemplateMapBasic class (deprecated) and override getString( ) to manipulate the Template Engine generation process. For example, an AppLogic can intercept and filter data from a database before the Template Engine processes it.

Return Value
An IBuffer object that contains the value of the id mapping, or null for failure.

Related Topics
evalTemplate( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getString( ) in theTemplateMapBasic class (deprecated)

ITemplateData Interface (deprecated)

TemplateDataBasic class (deprecated)

ITile Interface (deprecated)

ITile is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model.

For information about replacing ITile functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

The ITile interface represents a tile, which is a record set that contains multiple records. A tile can also contain nested tiles. Organized like a hierarchical result set, a tile is returned by the GX.ProcessOutput( ) method.

AppLogics use ITile together with GX.ProcessOutput( ) when working with non-HTML results returned by another AppLogic. The following are the general steps for getting the tile:

  1. A client AppLogic calls an AppLogic with newRequest( ).

  2. Through newRequest( ), the client passes input and output IValLists to the called AppLogic. If the client is an AppLogic, it specifies the value "ocl" for the gx_client_type key in the input IValList.

  3. The called AppLogic processes the request and sends back results using its output IValList or by calling evalOutput( ).

  4. The client calls the GX.ProcessOutput( ) method to process the results into an ITile object.

  5. Using methods in the ITile interface, the client traverses the tile and retrieves values to populate user interface controls, such as text boxes or list boxes, on a form.

The tile corresponds to the structure specified by the tile and cell tags in the template file that the called AppLogic used when it called evalOutput( ). The tile tag determines the tile or record set, and the cell tag, the values in each record.






getTileChild( )  

Returns the specified child tile.  

getTileValue( )  

Returns the value of a specified field in a record.  

moveTileNextRecord( )  

Moves to the next record in the tile.  

moveTileToRecord( )  

Moves to a specific record in the tile.  


The following example shows a template file used by a called AppLogic when generating output, and a section of a program that uses GX.ProcessOutput( ) and ITile methods to process the output:

GXML template file:

<gx type=tile id="PRODUCTS" max=100>

<gx type=cell id="PRODUCTS.Category"></gx>

<gx type=cell id="PRODUCTS.ProdName"></gx>


<gx type=tile id="CATEGORIES" max=100>

<gx type=cell id="CATEGORIES.CategoryId"></gx>


Code snippet:

// Call this AppLogic

hr = Conn.newRequest(guid, vIn, vOut, 0);

if (hr==GXE.SUCCESS)


// Get the root tile from the output vallist

ITile roottile = GX.ProcessOutput(null, 0, vOut);

if (roottile != null)


String sval;

ITile ptile;

//Iterate over all products and print their names

ptile = roottile.getTileChild("PRODUCTS");



while (ptile != null && hr != GXE.FAIL)


sval = ptile.getTileValue("PRODUCTS.ProdName");

System.out.println(" " + sval);

hr = ptile.moveTileNextRecord();


//Iterate over all categories and print their ids

ptile = roottile.getTileChild("CATEGORIES");



while (ptile != null && hr != GXE.FAIL)


sval = ptile.getTileValue("CATEGORIES.CategoryId");

System.out.println(" " + sval);

hr = ptile.moveTileNextRecord();




Related Topics

newRequest( ) and evalOutput( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

GX.ProcessOutput( ),
IValList Interface (deprecated)

getTileChild( )

Returns the specified tile.

public ITile getTileChild(
   String name)

name. The name of the child tile in the tile. This name must match a name assigned to the id attribute of type tile in the template file.

Use getTileChild( ) to retrieve a tile from which to get records and record values. Use it in conjunction with moveTileNextRecord( ) and getTileValue( ) to traverse the tile and retrieve record values. The client can call these methods in a loop until all values in a tile have been retrieved.

Return Value
An ITile object, or null for failure.

Related Topics
getTileValue( ),
moveTileNextRecord( )

getTileValue( )

Returns the value of a specified field in a record.

public String getTileValue(
   String name)

name. The name of the field in the current record. This name must match a name assigned to the id attribute of type cell in the template file.

Use getTileValue( ) to retrieve values in a record. Use it in conjunction with getTileChild( ) and moveTileNextRecord( ) to traverse the tile and retrieve each value. The client can call these methods in a loop until all values in a tile have been retrieved.

Return Value
The record value as a string.

Related Topics
getTileChild( ),
moveTileNextRecord( )

moveTileNextRecord( )

Moves to the next record in the tile.

public int moveTileNextRecord()

Use moveTileNextRecord( )to go to the next record in a tile after retrieving values in the current record. Use the method in conjunction with getTileChild( ) and getTileValue( ) to traverse the tile and retrieve each value. The client can call these methods in a loop until all values in a tile have been retrieved.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
getTileChild( ),
getTileValue( )

moveTileToRecord( )

Moves to a specific record in the tile.

public int moveTileNextRecord(
   int ord)

ord. The position of the record in the tile. The first record in a tile is 1, the second is 2, and so on.

Use moveTileToRecord( ) when iterating through the tile multiple times. For example, after iterating through all the records, the AppLogic can return to the first record in preparation for the next iteration. If the tile contains many records, the AppLogic can also use moveTileToRecord( ) to display only several records at a time.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

ITrans Interface (deprecated)

ITrans is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. In new applications, either use XA transactions from the Java Transaction API (JTA), or set the appropriate autocommit mode on java.sql.Connection, an interface of the JDBC Core API.

The ITransinterface represents a transaction object used for subsequent transaction processing operations. ITrans provides operations for beginning, committing, and rolling back transactions.

After instantiating a transaction object, the AppLogic calls begin( ) to start the transaction. Next, the AppLogic performs any query, insert, update, or delete operations, passing the transaction object to the respective method in the ITable Interface (deprecated). Finally, the AppLogic closes the transaction by calling either commit( ) to save all changes or rollback( ) to cancel them. Closing a transaction terminates the transaction object and releases system resources.

The calls that make up a transaction can be in any part of the code; they need not be consecutive. The commands in a transaction are united by the fact that they all have the same transaction object as a parameter.

An application can process several transactions simultaneously. Each transaction works with a different database connection object. Within a single transaction, however, all the commands must access a single database through a single connection object.

To create an instance of the ITrans interface, use createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated), as shown in the following example:.

ITrans trx = createTrans();






begin( )  

Starts the transaction.  

commit( )  

Commits the transaction, saving any changes.  

rollback( )  

Rolls back the transaction, abandoning any changes.  


// Create and begin a transaction

ITrans trx=createTrans();


// 1) Process the credit card

if(!processCreditCard(cusId, card, number, expirationDate, trx)) {


return result("Could not process the credit card information"); }

// 2) Process the invoice record

InfoHolder info=new InfoHolder();

if(!makeInvoiceRecord(cusId, number, trx, info)) {


return result("Could not create the invoice record"); };

// 3) Process products on the invoice

if(!makeInvoiceEntries(info.invoiceId, trx)) {


return result("Could not create the invoice product records"); };

// 4) Process optional shipping information

if(shippingInfo && !makeShippingRecord(info.invoiceId, trx, addr1, addr2, city, state, zip)) {


return result("Could not create the shipping information record"); };

// 5) Process the inventory for each purchased product

if(!reduceProductInventory(trx)) {

// Problem occurred - abandon everything


return 0;


// No problem occurred - save everything


Related Topics

createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addRow( ), updateRow( ), and deleteRow( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

begin( )

Starts the transaction.

public int begin()

Use begin( ) to start a transaction before performing any operations in the transaction. Subsequent operations belong to the current transaction until either commit( ) or rollback( ) is called.


  • AppLogic must start the transaction explicitly using begin( ) before performing any query, insert, update, or delete operations associated with the transaction.

  • AppLogic must complete the transaction explicitly by calling commit( ) to save any changes to tables or rollback( ) to abandon them. If a database error occurs before either are called, the database server will roll back the transaction automatically.

Use transactions judiciously to avoid locking conflicts. For example, avoid deadlocks by not using different open transactions on the same table.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Create a transaction

ITrans updCustTrans = createTrans();

if (updCustTrans == null)


return handleOBSystemError("Could not create transaction");


// Begin the transaction


Related Topics
createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addRow( ), updateRow( ), and deleteRow( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

commit( )

Commits the transaction, saving any changes.

public IObject commit(
   int dwFlags)

dwFlags. Specify 0.

Use commit( ) to commit a transaction and write unsaved changes to disk. commit( ) saves the changes, terminates the transaction object, and releases system resources.


  • The AppLogic must start the transaction explicitly by calling begin( ) before any changes associated with the transaction can be committed.

  • The AppLogic must complete the transaction explicitly by calling commit( ) to save any changes to tables or rollback( ) to abandon them.

  • The AppLogic cannot reuse an ITrans object that has been committed. It must create a new one using createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

  • If an error occurs before the commit operation succeeds, the database server usually rolls back the transaction automatically.

  • The target database server may take time to process a commit request.

Return Value
IObject object (for internal use only), or null for failure.

// Update Customer record

rs = updCustPQuery.execute(0, custValList, updCustTrans, null);

if (rs == null)


// Rollback transaction if the update operation failed


return handleOBSystemError("Could not update Customer.");


// Commit the transaction if the update operation succeeded


valIn.setValString("OUTPUTMESSAGE", "Successfully updated customer record.");

Related Topics
createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addRow( ), updateRow( ), and deleteRow( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

rollback( )

Rolls back the transaction, abandoning any changes.

public int rollback()

Many database servers buffer changes made during a transaction, then update the affected tables only after the commit request is received.

Rolling back a transaction terminates the transaction object and releases system resources.


  • The AppLogic must start the transaction explicitly by calling begin( ) before any changes associated with the transaction can be rolled back.

  • The AppLogic must complete the transaction explicitly by calling commit( ) to save any changes to tables or rollback( ) to abandon them.

  • The AppLogic cannot reuse an ITrans object that has been rolled back. It must create a new one using createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated).

If an error occurs before the commit operation succeeds, the database server usually rolls back the transaction automatically.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

IResultSet rs;

// Update User

rs = updUserPQuery.execute(0, userValList, updCustTrans, null);

if (rs == null)



return handleOBSystemError("Could not update User.");


Related Topics
createTrans( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

addRow( ), updateRow( ), and deleteRow( ) in the ITable Interface (deprecated)

IValList Interface (deprecated)

IValList is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. New Java applications should use the standard servlet-JSP programming model.

For information about replacing IValList functionality in existing applications, see the Migration Guide.

An IValList represents a collection of GXVAL objects. This collection is not a sequential list, but an unordered set of GXVAL objects with no implied sequence or progression.

For iPlanet Application Server-enabled AppLogics, input arguments and output value(s) are stored in IValList objects. Every request to an AppLogic passes a list of input arguments, and every result from an AppLogic returns a list of output values. The AppLogic class (deprecated) defines two member variables, valIn and valOut, to contain the input arguments and output values, respectively, of AppLogic execution.

In an IValList, values and objects are mapped to keys. The key name is the name of a GXVAL object. AppLogic code refers to GXVAL object in the IValList by its key name. Key names are unique within each IValList object.

The IValList interface provides methods for adding, retrieving, removing, and counting GXVAL objects in the IValList instance. Using methods in the IValList interface, the AppLogic can test for input arguments and modify their contents for output values.

Keys may be passed to the AppLogic as a request from an HTML document or from another AppLogic module. In an HTML form, keys are often the field names defined in the form. In this way, the AppLogic can easily identify expected, common, or "well-known" keys, and the AppLogic can ignore irrelevant parameters.

For example, an AppLogic named getLogin might prompt users for their username and login, then pass this information, identified as "username" and "password", to other AppLogics for processing. An AppLogic named validateLogin could retrieve the input parameters, find the values associated with the well-known keys "username" and "password", then take action based on the data that the user entered (testing for its existence, performing a range or length check, looking up the combination in a password table, and so on).

To create an instance of the IValList interface, use the GX.CreateValList( ) method.






count( )  

Returns the number of GXVAL objects in the IValList.  

getNextKey( )  

Retrieves the key name of the next GXVAL object in the IValList.  

getVal( )  

Copies the specified GXVAL object from the IValList.  

getValBLOB( )  

Returns the specified BLOB object.  

getValBLOBSize( )  

Returns the size of a BLOB IValList object.  

getValByRef( )  

Gets the specified GXVAL object in the IValList.  

getValInt( )  

Retrieves an integer value from the specified GXVAL object in the IValList.  

getValString( )  

Retrieves a string value from the specified GXVAL object in the IValList.  

removeVal( )  

Removes the specified GXVAL object from the IValList.  

resetPosition( )  

Resets the iterator position to the "first" GXVAL object in the IValList.  

setVal( )  

Adds a GXVAL object to the IValList, or overwrites an existing one.  

setValBLOB( )  

Adds a BLOB object to the IValList object.  

setValByRef( )  

Adds a GXVAL object to the IValList, or overwrites an existing one.  

setValInt( )  

Adds a GXVAL object of type integer to the IValList, or overwrites an existing one.  

setValString( )  

Adds a GXVAL object of type string to the IValList, or overwrites an existing one.  

Related Topics

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

count( )

Returns the number of GXVAL objects in the IValList .

public int count()

When the contents of an IValList are unknown, an AppLogic can iterate through each GXVAL object to test, retrieve, and update information. Use count( ) to determine the maximum number of iterations needed to go completely through the IValList.

Do not add or remove GXVAL objects to or from the IValList when iterating through the IValList.


  • Use count( ) in conjunction with getNextKey( ) and resetPosition( ) to iterate through the IValList.

  • Adding or deleting GXVAL objects changes the number of objects in a IValList. Be sure to update the GXVAL object count after each add or delete operation.

Return Value
An int value representing the number of GXVal objects in the IValList, or zero for failure (such as the IValList is empty).

// Obtain the contents of the shopping basket

IValList basket=session.getBasketContents();

// Determine whether basket is empty



// If basket contains items, process template to show

if(evalTemplate(EMPTY_HTML, (ITemplateData) null, (ITemplateMap)

   null) ==0)

return result("");


// If basket is empty, just return message

return result("Failed to Generate HTML");


Related Topics
getNextKey( )

resetPosition( )

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getNextKey( )

Retrieves the key name of the next GXVAL object in the IValList.

public String getNextKey()

When the contents of a IValList are unknown, the AppLogic can iterate through each GXVAL object and retrieve its key name. The AppLogic can then take action based on this information, or use the key name in operations that retrieve, update, or remove GXVAL objects in the IValList list.

Do not add or remove GXVAL objects to or from the IValList when iterating through the IValList.

Use getNextKey( ) in conjunction with count( ) and resetPosition( ) to iterate through the IValList.

Return Value
String representing the next retrieved key in the IValList, or null for failure (such as if no other keys exist).

// Returns the contents of the shopping basket

public synchronized IValList getBasketContents()


IValList list = getValList();

IValList ret = GX.CreateValList();

// Iterate through the contents of the shopping basket


String key;



// Is this a desired key?



// Obtain the product number from the item

String prod = key.substring(PROD.length(),


// Set the return IValList appropriately

ret.setVal(prod, list.getVal(key));




return ret;

Related Topics
count( )

resetPosition( )

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getVal( )

Copies the specified GXVAL object from the IValList.

public GXVAL getVal(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to copy from the IValList.

Use getVal( ) if the data type of the GXVAL object is not known. Use getValString( ) instead for string objects, getValInt( ) for integer objects, and getValBLOB( ) for BLOB objects.

The specified key name must currently exist in the IValList.

Return Value
New GXVAL object representing a copy of the GXVAL object specified by pKey, or null for failure (such as invalid keyname).

// Returns the contents of the shopping basket

public synchronized IValList getBasketContents()


IValList list = getValList();

IValList ret = GX.CreateValList();

// Iterate through the contents of the shopping basket


String key;



// Is this a desired key?



// Obtain the product number from the item

String prod=key.substring(PROD.length(),key.length());

// Set the return IValList appropriately

ret.setVal(prod, list.getVal(key));




return ret;


Related Topics
getValBLOB( ), getValInt( ), and getValString( ) in the IValList Interface (deprecated)

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getValBLOB( )

Returns a specified BLOB object from the IValList.

public byte[] getValBLOB(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object that contains the BLOB value to retrieve.

Use getValBLOB( ) when the type of a GXVAL object is a BLOB, but its value is not known and needed for subsequent operations. Use getValString( ) instead for string objects and getValInt( ) for integer objects. If the type of the GXVAL object is not known, use getVal( ).

The data type must be TEXT, BINARY, VARBINARY, or database equivalent.

Return Value
A byte array for success, or null for failure.

Related Topics
getValBLOBSize( ) and setValBLOB( ) in the IValList Interface (deprecated)

getValBLOBSize( )

Returns the size of a specified BLOB object in the IValList.

public int getValBLOBSize(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object that contains the BLOB.

BLOB objects can be large. If you want to determine the size of a BLOB object before retrieving it, use getValBLOBSize( ).

The data type must be TEXT, BINARY, VARBINARY, or database equivalent.

Return Value
An integer value for success, or zero for failure (such as datatype mismatch).

Related Topics
getValBLOB( )

getValByRef( )

Gets the specified GXVAL object from the IValList.

public GXVAL getValByRef(
   string pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to get from the IValList.

Use getValByRef( ) if the data type of the GXVAL object is not known, or if iterating through an IValList to get each GXVAL object. Use getValString( ) instead for string objects, getValInt( ) for integer objects, and getValBLOB( ) for BLOB objects.

Return Value
New GXVAL object representing a copy of the GXVAL object specified by pKey, or null for failure (such as invalid keyname).

Related Topics
getValBLOB( ), getValInt( ), and getValString( ) in the IValList Interface (deprecated)

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getValInt( )

Retrieves an integer value from the specified GXVAL object in the IValList.

public int getValInt(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object from which to retrieve the integer value.

Use getValInt( ) if the data type of the GXVAL object is known to be an integer. Otherwise, use getValString( ) instead for string objects, getValBLOB( ) for BLOB objects, or getVal( ) for objects of other types.


  • The specified key name must currently exist in the IValList.

  • The data type of the specified GXVAL object must map to the enum value GXVT_I4.

Return Value
An int value representing the value of the specified GXVAL object, or null for failure (such as invalid key name or data type mismatch).

// Obtains the User ID from the Session's IValList

public int getUserId()


return getValList().getValInt("UserId");


Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

getValString( )

Retrieves a string value from the specified GXVAL object in the IValList.

public String getValString(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object from which to retrieve the string value.

Use getValString( ) when the data type of the GXVAL object is known to be a string. Otherwise, use getValInt( ) instead for integer objects, getValBLOB( ) for BLOB objects, or getVal( ) for objects of other types.


  • The specified key name must currently exist in the IValList.

  • The data type of the specified GXVAL object must map to the enum value GXVT_LPSTR.

  • An AppLogic can manipulate this retrieved value using member methods in the String class in the java.lang package.

Return Value
A String representing the value of the GXVAL object, or null for failure (such as invalid key name or data type mismatch).

// Obtain security information from the valIn IValList

String nameParm = valIn.getValString("username");

String passwordParm = valIn.getValString("password");

String aclStr = valIn.getValString("accessControlLevel");

// Obtain the credit card info from the form

String cardStr=valIn.getValString("CreditCard");

String number=valIn.getValString("CreditCardNumber");

String month=valIn.getValString("ExpireMonth");

String year=valIn.getValString("ExpireYear");

Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

removeVal( )

Removes the specified GXVAL object from the IValList.

public int removeVal(
   String pKey)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to remove from the IValList.

Use removeVal( ) to delete a GXVAL object that is no longer needed in the IValList . For example, if the AppLogic contains overloaded methods, you might want to remove a GXVAL object to ensure that the proper method is executed.


  • The specified key name must currently exist in the IValList.

  • Do not remove GXVAL objects from the IValList when iterating through the IValList.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Empties the contents of the shopping basket

public synchronized void emptyBasket(Agent agent)


IValList list = getValList();



// Iterate over the contents


String key;

boolean repeat=false;



// Is this a desired key?



// Remove the Val object from the shopping cart

list.removeVal(key); repeat=true; break;



if(!repeat) break;


Related Topics
setVal( ) and resetPosition( ) in the IValList Interface (deprecated)

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

resetPosition( )

Resets the iterator position to the "first" GXVAL object in the IValList.

public int resetPosition()

When the contents of an IValList are unknown, the AppLogic can iterate through each GXVAL object and retrieve its key name. Before iterating through the IValList , the AppLogic needs to call resetPosition( ) once to ensure that iteration begins at the "first" GXVAL object in the IValList .

Do not add or remove GXVAL objects to or from the IValList when iterating through the IValList.


  • The first GXVAL object is not necessarily the first one added to the IValList.

  • Use resetPosition( ) in conjunction with count( ) and getNextKey( ) to iterate through the IValList.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Returns the contents of the shopping basket

public synchronized IValList getBasketContents()


IValList list=getValList();

IValList ret = GX.CreateValList();

// Iterate through the contents of the shopping basket


String key;



// Is this a desired key?



// Obtain the product number from the item

String prod = key.substring(PROD.length(),


// Set the return IValList appropriately

ret.setVal(prod, list.getVal(key));




return ret;


Related Topics
count( ) and getNextKey( ) in the IValList Interface (deprecated)

valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setVal( )

Copies a GXVAL object to the IValList .

public int setVal(
   String pKey,
   GXVAL pVal)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to add to the IValList.

pVal. The GXVAL object, identified by pKey, to add to the IValList.

Use setVal( ) to add an existing GXVAL object to the IValList. If a GXVAL object with the same key name already exists, setVal( ) overwrites it with the new one.

Do not add new GXVAL objects to the IValList when iterating through the IValList.

To add a new GXVAL object of type integer, string, or BLOB to the IValList, use setValInt( ), setValString( ), or setValBLOB( ), respectively.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Returns the contents of the shopping basket

public synchronized IValList getBasketContents()


IValList list=getValList();

IValList ret = GX.CreateValList();

// Iterate through the contents of the shopping basket


String key;



// Is this a desired key?



// Obtain the product number from the item

String prod = key.substring(PROD.length(),


// Set the return IValList appropriately

ret.setVal(prod, list.getVal(key));




return ret;


Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setValBLOB( )

Adds a BLOB object to the IValList

public int setValBLOB(
   String pKey,
   byte[] pBuff,
   int nBuffLen)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to add to the IValList.

pBuff. The value of the BLOB object to add to the IValList.

nBuffLen. Number of bytes to set for the byte array. The first nBuffLen bytes in the array pBuff hold the value.

Use setValBLOB( ) to add a GXVAL object that contains a BLOB value to the IValList. If a GXVAL object with the same key name already exists, setValBLOB( ) overwrites it with the new one.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
getValBLOB( )

getValBLOBSize( )

setValByRef( )

Copies a GXVAL object to the IValList .

public int setValByRef(
   String pKey,
   GXVAL pVal)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to add to the IValList.

pVal. The GXVAL object, identified by pKey, to add to the IValList.

Use setValByRef( ) to add an existing GXVAL object to the IGXValList. If a GXVAL object with the same key name already exists, setValByRef( ) overwrites it with the new one.

Do not add new GXVAL objects to the IValList when iterating through the IValList.

To add a new GXVAL object of type integer, string, or BLOB to the IValList, use setValInt( ), setValString( ), or setValBLOB( ), respectively.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setValInt( )

Adds a GXVAL object of type integer to the IValList.

public int setValInt(
   String pKey,
   int nVal)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to create or overwrite.

nVal. The integer value to assign to the GXVAL object identified by pKey.

Use setValInt( ) to add a GXVAL object of type integer to the IValList. If a GXVAL object with the same key name already exists, setValInt( ) overwrites it with the new one.

When iterating through existing GXVAL objects in the IValList, do not add new GXVAL objects to the IValList.

To add a new GXVAL object of type string or BLOB to the IValList, use setValString( ) or setValBLOB( ), respectively.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Specifies the User ID for the Session's IValList

public void setUserId(int uid, Agent agent)


getValList().setValInt("UserId", uid);



Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

setValString( )

Adds a GXVAL object of type string to the IValList.

public int SetValString(
   String pKey,
   String val)

pKey. Key name of the GXVAL object to create or overwrite.

val. The string value to assign to the GXVAL object identified by pKey.

Use setValString( ) to add a GXVAL object of type string to the IValList. If a GXVAL object with the same key name already exists, setValString( ) overwrites it with the new one.

When iterating through existing GXVAL objects in the IValList, do not add new GXVAL objects to the IValList.

To add a new GXVAL object of type integer or BLOB to the IValList, use setValInt( ) or setValBLOB( ), respectively.

Return Value
GXE.SUCCESS if the method succeeds.

// Create and IValList and set string values

IValList custValList = GX.CreateValList();

custValList.setValString(":ssn", ssn);

custValList.setValString(":userName", userName);

Related Topics
valIn and valOut in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

execute( ) in the AppLogic class (deprecated)

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 01, 2001