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iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo Administrator's Guide

Chapter 2   Configuration

This chapter is intended for administrators who configure operational parameters that support the Unified Integration Framework (UIF) for the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector. Almost all configuration parameters are stored in the UIF repository. The Tuxedo Management Console lets you modify these parameters.

This chapter contains the following information:

In addition, this chapter describes the semantic meaning of these parameters and what are valid values.

The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector is distributed with two datasources.

  • Tuxedo-Online Bank

  • Tuxedo-SimpApp.

Multiple datasources can co-exist and each datasource can be configured to connect to separate Tuxedo domain/servers. Also, each datasource can be configured to invoke separate set of tuxedo services.

BEA Tuxedo ships with two sample tuxedo applications, as follows:

  • Online Bank

  • Simple Application (TOUPPER).

Hence, The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector preconfigures these two datasources in the UIF repository.

The following parameters apply to each datasource.

Configuration Parameters


Possible Values

Node in UIF Repository



WSNADDR of a dataSource

According to BEA Tuxedo documentation: WSNADDR





Same syntax as WSNADDR syntax of BEA tuxedo. You can implement failover, load balancing across different tuxedo servers through advanced sysntax of WSNADDR

SECURITY level of a dataSource  




One of {"TPNOAUTH",

Tuxedo /WS Installation directory  

e.g d:\tuxedo or



Tuxedo /WS client installation directory. It must be installed on the system where iPlanet Application Server is installed.  

Application password (for TPSYSAUTH and TPAPPAUTH)  

fstring (maxsize 30)  



For security level APP_PW, USER_AUTH, ACL, MANDATORY_ACL, application password is a must. This goes into passwd field of tpinit structure.  

Maximum concurrent channels per worker process  

<=50 and >=1  



explained later in the document**  

Pool definition for a user  

MaxPoolSize must be equal to SteadyPoolSize
and >0

(recommended -


insert a new
remove a pool
edit pool settings

a pool must exist for each user definition in entities***  

User Definitions  

usrname, cltname, data  



'default' must not be modified  

User Mapping Table  

Entityname, webusername  



a pool must exist for each user definition in entities***  

**This is an important parameter which can be used to control max load on each worker process

***For Tuxedo Connector, a pool MUST exist for each user defined insided ENTITIES.

Data Mining and Service Definitions

The Tuxedo Managment Console/command line tools (fmlminer, viewminer, joltmigrator), fml tables and view tables are used to import each datasource into the UIF repository. They are imported under the following nodes inside the UIF repository.


The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector has two ways to import Tuxedo services inside the UIF repository

  • DCE IDL based Importer tool

All services must be defined in the Tuxedo.idl file.

  • Jolt Migration Tool.

All services must be defined in a flat file format as per BEA JOLT bulk loader semantics. Both tools import services function as objects under:


The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector marshalling/unmarshalling algorithm uses these definitions to prepare a request call to the Tuxedo system.

Refer to Chapter 3 "The Tuxedo Management Console" for more details.

Connection Pooling/User Mapping

The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector supports multiple authentication contexts. Security Level, Connection Pooling, User Mapping are used to define the Tuxedo client connection behavior.

Pools: bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.pools.*

User Mapping

bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.ENTITY_MAPPINGS.default.MAP, bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.ENTITY_MAPPINGS.default.ENTITIES

For security level TPNOAUTH (aka NONE at server side) and TPSYSAUTH (aka APP_PW at server side), 'default' pool (bsp.dataSources.<datasourcename>.pools.default) is used.

Security level TPAPPAUTH (for USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL at server side), depending on the WebUserId settings of service provider config (dynamically specified in the program) the appropriate pool is used.

User mapping is dont care (not applicable).

(bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.ENTITY_MAPPINGS.default.MAP) helps map web user (WebUserId) to specific Tuxedo user. A pool must exist for each Tuxedo user configured in bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.ENTITY_MAPPINGS.default.ENTITIES.

bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.pools.<poolname>.config.MaxPoolSiz e:
bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.pools.<poolname>.config.SteadyPool Size:

These two parameters MUST always be the same. The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector does not work if these parameters are different. Also, the value of these parameters, in conjunction with, the value of MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PROCESS defined earlier would determine the number of Tuxedo client processes needed for each pool and load of each tuxedo client process.

MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PROCESS defined maximum concurrent load of each client process. MaxPoolSize defines maximum concurrent load of engine (kjs). The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector automatically spawns (lazily) the necessary number of tuxedo client processes to support higher numbers of concurrent requests in the engine and load balances the requests across tuxedo client process.

Example: MAX_CHANNELS_PER_PROCESS = 50, MaxPoolSize = 100.

This forces the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector to spawn 2 (100/2) Tuxedo client processes (aka worker processes) to support 100 concurrent requests. All incoming requests would be automatically load balanced across these two processes.

Other Pool Parameters(defaults):
DebugLevel: 0 (Debugging level of pooling extension)
MonitorInterval:10 (frequency of debug messages)
UnusedMaxLife:300000 (dont care in case of tuxedo)
MaxWait:600 (A request for connection blocks on pool if no physical connection is available until it expires MaxWait time)

Tuxedo Backend User

bsp.dataSources.<dataSourcename>.ENTITY_MAPPINGS.default.ENTITIES.<username>: usrname, cltname, data: these settings are used in tpinit structure when tpinit is done.

The flow

The application program provides a WebUserId to the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector user mapping, which determines the backend user that uses this request. A pool must exist for this backend user. An object is taken from the pool assigned to this backend user. A request is executed using this object, once the request is over, the object is returned to the pool. A user mapping entry must exist for each web user to map to a specific valid backend user.

Read Only Nodes

Never modify the following nodes.

bsp.dataSources.<dataSourceName>.functionObjectTemplates.Trasaction FO

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 09, 2000