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iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for CICS Administrator's Guide

Appendix A       Operating the TELCO Sample

This appendix describes how to configure, install and operate the TELCO Customer Service sample that requires DB2 for OS390. The sample demonstrates connector capabilities for CICS and DB2.

The following topics are described:

Uploading Files for the TELCO Sample

You will need to upload files before installing the TELCO sample.

To Upload Files for the TELCO Sample

  1. Allocate one data set on MVS with 1recl=80, blksize=3120, recfm=fb.

    For example, IAS.CICS.DBRM.XMIT.

  2. Use the 3270 emulation program to transfer the file DBRM.XMT to the respective MVS data set.

    Use the MVS/TSO binary transfer type and fixed-file option.

  3. Issue the following TSO command:


  4. At the prompt, enter the following:


    where IAS.V6R0M0.DBRM.LIB is the name of the Sample-2 (TELCO) DBRM library.

Installing the TELCO Sample on the Mainframe

The TELCO sample should be installed to verify that CICS connector is installed properly. Be certain to adapt the JCL jobs to your installation requirements.

To Install the TELCO Sample

  1. Adapt and run the CRETAB member in the CICS installation library to define DB2 objects.

  2. Adapt and run the BIND member in the CICS installation library to bind packages for TELCO sample programs.

    This step requires the supplied DBRM library.

  3. Adapt and run the CICSDEF2 member in the CICS installation library to define sample TELCO programs in the CICS Resource Definition.

    This step also contains the definition for the CICS-DB2 attachment.

  4. Ensure that the supplied CICS LOAD library containing the TELCO sample modules is present in the DFHRPL list during the CICS startup.

  5. Restart CICS and the CICS-DDB2 attachment after completing all of the installation steps.

Activating the TELCO Sample

After you have uploaded the files and installed the TELCO sample software you can activate the sample and verify that the CICS connector is installed properly.

To Activate the Samples

  1. Enter the following URL:


Figure A-1    CICS Phonebook Sample

  1. Click on "To Start the Telco Sample".

To Log In

  1. Type your telephone number and PIN number in the Login Menu dialog box, as seen in Figure A-2.

Figure A-2   

Login Menu

  1. Click Next to display the Telco Customer Service Main Menu. See Figure A-3.

Figure A-3    Main Menu

To Update Customer Details

  • Click Update Customer Details.

    The Update Customer Details dialog box appears. See Figure A-4. This dialog box is used to update the name, address, and telephone number of the customer. The payment method, credit card number, and credit card expiration date are not displayed and cannot be changed.

Figure A-4    Update Customers Details

  1. Enter the changes and click Update.

  2. Press Enter to refresh the main menu.

  3. Press the Back button to return to the main menu.

To Display Customer Services

  • From the main menu click Services.

    The Customer Services dialog box appears. See Figure A-5.

Figure A-5    Customer Services

To Display the Customer's Monthly Billing

  1. Enter the telephone number and billing month, and click Get Billings. See Figure A-6.

Figure A-6    Customer Billings Window

The Customer Billings window is displayed, as seen in Figure A-7.

Figure A-7    Customer Billings in Browser

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Last Updated November 13, 2000