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iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for R/3 Administrator's Guide

List of Procedures

To Install the R/3 Connector on Windows NT
To Uninstall the R/3 Connector from Windows NT
To Deselect the Enterprise Connector for R/3
To Deselect the iPlanet Application Server
To Install the R/3 Connector on Solaris
To Uninstall the R/3 Connector from Solaris
To Copy Files to Run the Program Samples
To Launch the Daemon
To Enter the Management Console from Windows NT
To Enter the Management Console from Solaris
To Enter the Data Mining Tool
To Choose the Data Source
To Input Search Criteria
To Choose the R/3 Functions
To Archive the Functions
To Browse Archived XMLs
To View an XML File for a Given Function
To Create a New Data Source
To Edit a Data Source
To Perform User Mapping
To Add a Web User
To Change a Web User
To Delete a Web User
To Add an Entity
To Change Entity Information
To Delete an Entity
To Access the Repository Browser from NT
To Access the Repository Browser from Solaris
To Import XML Files
To Export XML Files
To Delete Nodes
To Refresh the Display of Repository Contents
To Import the Root Node into the Repository Contents

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 02, 2000