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iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo Administrator's Guide

Appendix B       Sample Programs

The Tuxedo Enterprise Connector includes the following sample web-based applications. These applications access the Tuxedo services enabling you to quickly learn techniques for developing and deploying in iPlanet Application Server environment.

The sample applications are fully functional and J2EE compliant.

Simple Tuxedo Application Sample

The sample illustrates the Tuxedo connectivity of the iPlanet Application Server to the simpapp application (TOUPPER Tuxedo service) that ships with BEA Tuxedo system. Typically, the Tuxedo server application is found in the <tuxedo root dir>/apps/simpapp directory. This sample Java application requires that the Tuxedo server sample application simpapp is fully configured for Tuxedo /WS client, and be up and running.

The sample application demonstrates how to use Java Servlet to call a Tuxedo service. The source code is available under <iAS root dir>/ias/APPS/TuxSimpApp directory.

Online Bank Tuxedo Application Sample

The sample application illustrates the Tuxedo connectivity of iPlanet Application Server to the bankapp application that comes with the BEA Tuxedo system. Typically, the Tuxedo server application is found in the <tuxedo root dir>/apps/bankapp directory. In order to run the sample Java application, the Tuxedo server bankapp sample application must be configured, and be up and running. Please refer to Tuxedo Application Development Guide for instructions on how to configure this application.

The Tuxedo bankapp server application contains the services WITHDRAWAL, DEPOSIT, TRANSFER, INQUIRY, CLOSE_ACCT, OPEN_ACCT. The INQUIRY service accepts the integer input FML field ACCOUNT_ID and returns a string result FML field SBALANCE.

The sample application demonstrates techniques to use Servlet, EJB, and JSP J2EE components to develop a web-based application to access the Tuxedo services. The source code for this sample Java application is available under <iAS root dir>/ias/APPS/TuxBank directory.

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Last Updated October 19, 2000