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iPlanet Application Server Developer's Guide

Appendix A       Using the Java Message Service

This appendix describes how to use the Java Message Service (JMS) API. The iPlanet Application Server allows third party JMS provider integration into its Java environment, and provides two value-added features: connection pooling and user identity mapping.

This appendix contains the following sections:

About the JMS API

JMS is a J2EE API which provides a standard set of Java language interfaces to an Enterprise Messaging System, often referred to as message oriented middleware. These interfaces are implemented by the JMS provider. The iPlanet Application Server supports the iPlanet Message Queue and the JMS provider for IBM MQ Series. For more information about the iPlanet Message Queue, refer to the following documentation:

The JMS web page at describes JMS's purpose as follows:

Enterprise messaging provides a reliable, flexible service for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events throughout an enterprise. The JMS API adds to this a common API and provider framework that enables the development of portable, message based applications in the Java programming language.

The iPlanet Application Server also includes JMS Connection Pooling and User Identity Mapping. These are provided through an administrative framework and the iPlanet Application Server specific code is not required. Applications can use these features transparently, maintaining component portability.

JMS Messaging Styles

JMS supports two messaging styles:

  • Point-to-point: allows two programs to communicate by sending and receiving messages through a Destination called a Queue.

  • Publish/subscribe: allows several messaging programs to communicate through a Destination called a Topic. Messages are sent by publishing to a Topic. Messages are received by subscribers.

Regardless of messaging style, the link between applications and the JMS provider is the connection object. Applications get their connection objects from the Connection Factories.

In order to maximize portability of an application between JMS providers, provider specific messaging aspects are encapsulated in administered objects. JMS administered objects implement one of the following four JMS interfaces, two for each messaging style:

  • Destination

    • Queue

    • Topic

  • ConnectionFactory

    • QueueConnectionFactory

    • TopicConnectionFactory

JMS providers supply classes that implement these interfaces. Administration tools are used to create and configure administered object class instances, and to configure them to the deployment requirements. Administrators use the tools to set provider specific parameters.

This programming model allows JMS programs to be written that are completely provider independent. Applications look up the administered objects by name using JNDI.

The following sample looks up its connection factory and destination, and sends a simple text message to a queue (exception handling has been omitted for clarity):

// Use JNDI to find the connection factory and the destination Context ctx = new InitialContext();

QueueConnectionFactory factory;

factory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup ("java:comp/env/jms/theFactory");Queue queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/theQueue");

// create a connection, session, sender and the message QueueConnection conn;
conn = factory.createQueueConnection("myUserName", "myPassword");
QueueSession session = connection.createQueueSession (false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
QueueSender sender = session.createSender(queue);
TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();
msg.setText("Hello from a simple Java Message Service Application");

// start up the connection, send the message

// now close all resources to insure that native resources are released

Note that the application did not hardcode the resource names, but instead used J2EE resource references, as described in the section on application deployment. Applications should reference objects in the JMS subcontext directly, since the iPlanet Application Server deployment manager does not support JMS resource references.

Enabling JMS and Integrating Providers

The iPlanet Application Server includes the software to integrate JMS providers, but it must be enabled. For information about how to integrate a JMS provider with the iPlanet Application Server, see the following documentation:


Using JMS in Applications

JMS support for the iPlanet Application Server is based entirely on standard J2EE APIs. Application components using the value-added features are portable with other J2EE environments. This section discusses some issues that you should consider when using JMS in applications deployed on the iPlanet Application Server.

JNDI and Application Component Deployment

JMS objects are stored by the administration tools in the JMS subcontext of the iPlanet Application Server root JNDI name space. The JMS subcontext does not support creation of subcontexts of itself. Links to the components application context are established at application deployment time.

When an InitialContext is created with the default parameters, JMS objects may be referenced by name beginning with jms/. Greater flexibility can be achieved by using J2EE resource references. This was demonstrated in the sample shown on page 357, where the name looked up for the factory was java:comp/env/jms/theFactory. In the iPlanet Application Server JMS, JMS resource references are not supported. JMS objects should be referenced directly.

Connection Factory Proxy

The iPlanet Application Server supports the JMS connection pooling and user identity maps. The ConnectionFactoryProxy class functions by interposing between the application and the JMS provider's connection factory. There are two proxy classes, one for each messaging style:

  • QueueConnectionFactoryProxy

  • TopicConnectionFactoryProxy

The APIs presented by the proxy classes are the standard JMS APIs: QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory. Only administrators need be concerned with proxies, which are used transparently to the application.

A simple administration program configures ConnectionFactoryProxies. The proxies handle connection pooling and user ID mapping. JMS operations are forwarded to a connection obtained by the proxy from a provider factory specified by the administrator.

Connection Pooling

Setting up a JMS connection is network intensive and therefore expensive. Connection pooling facilitates the re-use of JMS connections. When pooling is enabled and an application closes a connection, the proxy returns the connection to the pool instead of closing the provider connection. When a subsequent application attempts to create a connection using the same username and password, the proxy re-uses the connection.

User Identity Mapping

The ConnectionFactoryProxy also provides user identity mapping. JMS providers do not use the same security infrastructure as the application server and thus have different user name spaces. User identity mapping provides administrators flexibility in designing their security infrastructure.

Two mapping forms are provided by the connection factory proxy classes:

  • Default username

  • Explicit user ID map

As with connection pooling, this functionality is implemented by the proxy classes within the standard JMS API. When using this user identity mapping, the deployment depends on the iPlanet Application Server user security mechanisms to control access to the messaging system.

About Default Username

Default username and password enable multiple application users to share a single messaging system provider user ID and password.

When a proxy is created, the administrator may define a default proxy user name and password. Applications invoking the no argument create connection method pass these values to the provider factory when creating a connection. For example, when the application calls:

connection = proxy.createQueueConnection();

If a default user name has been configured, the iPlanet Application Server proxy implementation obtains its JMS Connection with:

connection = providerFactory.createQueueConnection (defaultUserName, defaultPassword);

About Explicit User ID Map

An explicit user ID map may also be used. The map contains an entries list, each referenced by a unique user ID key and containing two values:

  • jmsUserName

  • jmsPassWord

The administrator creates the map using the jmsuadm tool. The entry values are used when creating a connection. For example, when an application creates a connection using the proxy with:

connection = proxy.createQueueConnection(userString, passWordString);

The iPlanet Application Server proxy looks up the given userString entry in the map. If it finds an entry, the proxy passes jmsUserName and jmsPassWord values from the entry to the JMS provider factory, ignoring the application provided password. That is, the proxy effectively executes:

connection = providerFactory.createConnection (entry.jmsUserName, entry.jmsPassWord);

If no entry matching userString is found in the user identity map, the application provided values are passed through to the JMS provider factory (providerFactory).

ConnectionFactoryProxies and Application Created Threads

A servlet can create Java threads, but it is not recommended. User created threads are not known to the JMS connection pooling infrastructure. Applications must not invoke the create connection or connection close methods from user created threads. Attempting to do so results in:


This is not implemented in JMS beta. In beta, applications that attempt to create or close connections from application created threads crash KJS.

JMS Features Not Supported

The iPlanet Application Server does not support the JMS XAConnection and server session pools features described in the JMS specification.

JMS Administration

The JMS API depends on administered objects for portability. Provider specific deployment aspects are encapsulated in administered objects which allow portable application code. In the iPlanet Application Server environment JMS administration consists of four tasks:

  • Creating JMS provider factories and destinations

  • Creating user ID maps

  • Creating ConnectionFactoryProxies

  • Modifying the iPlanet Application Server registry connection pooling parameters

JMS Object Administration Tools

Each JMS product should include an administration program. This tool creates objects and binds them to names in the iPlanet Application Server JNDI. This section describes the Java properties and system paths required to configure a tool to work with the JMS JNDI context. Consult your provider documentation for how specific tools are configured. (A script for launching the administration tool for IBM MQ JMS for the iPlanet Application Server is described in the next section.)

Table A-1 shows the property values used to access the JMS context when creating the InitialContext.

Table A-1    Java Property Names and Values  

Java Property Name

Property Value





JNDI Properties for JMS Administration Tools

For the Java classes required to access the JMSContext, include the following three .jar files in the Java runtime classpath:

  • GX_ROOTDIR/classes/java/jms.jar

  • GX_ROOTDIR/classes/java/javax.jar

  • GX_ROOTDIR/classes/java/kfcjdk11.jar

where GX_ROOTDIR is the iPlanet Application Server installation location, for example:


On Solaris, the following directory must be included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH:


JMS Object Administration for IBM MQ

The mqjmsadm script launches the IBM MQ JMS administration program is included in the iPlanet Application Server. It is located in GX_ROOTDIR/jms/bin. The administration program is a Java class. mqjmsadm is an interactive command line program that accepts administrator input or from an input file.

The operation is described in the MQSeries documentation for JMS Administration. mqjmsadm handles the JNDI configuration automatically, so it is not necessary to use the -cfg option. For example, a connection factory and queue could be created with the following mqjmsadm session:

# mqjmsadm

The response is:

5648-C60 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999. All Rights Reserved.

Starting MQSeries Classes for Java(tm) Message Service Administration

Connected to LDAP server on localhost port 389
InitCtx> define q(theQueue) queue(SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE)
InitCtx> define qcf(theFactory)
InitCtx> display ctx

Contents of InitCtx
a aQueue        
a theProviderFactory
2 Object(s)
0 Context(s)
2 Binding(s), 2 Administered
InitCtx> end

The JMS context does not support subcontexts, so using JMSAdmin commands to manipulate subcontexts generate error messages.

Connection Factory Proxy Administration

Connection factory proxies are created with the jmspadm command (JMS proxy administrator). This command (shell script for Unix or BAT file for NT) launches a Java program that creates connection factory proxies with given parameters and binds them in JNDI. The proxy parameters are set by command line arguments.

The command performs three operations on proxies:

  • Creating a proxy

  • Deleting a proxy

  • Listing proxy parameters

Creating a Proxy

To create a proxy enter:

jmspadm proxyName factoryName <-p or +p> <-u user password> <-m userMapNam>

The first two arguments are required:

  • JNDI name to be given to the new proxy

  • JNDI name for the connection factory to be proxied

Since JMS objects may only be found in the JMS subcontext, if the supplied names do not begin with jms, string is prepended. For example, the following two commands have the same result:

  • jmspadm theFactory theProviderFactory

  • jmspadm jms/theFactory jms/theProviderFactory

Using the provider specific tool, create the factory before running jmspadm, to make the factory class available. The remaining arguments are optional. They are used for proxy operation control at runtime. The default settings are:

  • Connection pooling is on. Disable connection pooling by using -p.

  • No default userid and password. Set them by using -u.

  • No identity map. Setting the JNDI name of a user ID map to be used by the proxy is discussed below.

Deleting a Proxy

The syntax to delete a proxy is:

jmspadm -d proxyName

Listing Proxy Parameters

To list all proxies stored in JNDI use the command: jmspadm -l.

User ID Map Administration

To create a user identity map the administrator must prepare an XML file. Once this file is ready, use the jmsuadm command. Again there are three variations to the command:

  • jmsuadm mapName mapFileName reads the given file and creates a user ID map.

  • jmsuadm -d mapName deletes the map.

  • jmsuadm -l lists the map names.

For security purposes, the map contents cannot be listed. Administrators should protect the input files carefully.

The input file format is XML. The public name for the DTD is:

-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS JMS User Identity Map 1.0//EN

The following example input file contains the two JMS users mappings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE jms-user-id-map PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD iAS JMS User Identity Map 1.0//EN" "TODO: fill this in" >



Each user element must contain all of the following three elements as noted in the above example:

  • name

  • jms-name

  • jms-password

although empty values are allowed:


Connection Pooling Configuration

Certain parameters for the JMS connection pool are stored in the iPlanet Application Server registry. If desired, these may be adjusted using the kregedit program in the iPlanet Application Server bin directory.

The parameters are stored in the key:


Table A-2 shows the parameter names and default values:

Table A-2    Parameter Names and Default Values for Connection Pooling  


Default Value




Maximum number of pooled JMS connections  



Number of steady state connections  


32 seconds  

Time client waits for a connection  


300 seconds  

Time unused connections are deleted  



0-turns off logging

1-logs callback messages

2-logs all messages

(see the KJS log file)  



Time between messages  

Connections are deleted when closed if the number of connections in the pool is between SteadyPoolSize and MaxPoolSize. Connections are kept in the pool up to UnusedMaxLife, when the number of open connections is less than SteadyPoolSize.

Sample Applications

JMS sample applications can be found in the directory:


JMS Future in the iPlanet Application Server

The following topics cover future JMS releases and how they apply to the iPlanet Application Server.

Default JMS Provider

A future J2EE standard will require that the environment include a JMS provider.

Message Driven Enterprise Java Beans

J2EE and the iPlanet Application Server do not currently support application components that receive scalable messages. A future release of J2EE will include support for "Message Driven Enterprise JavaBeans," which are activated in response to the receipt of JMS messages. The application framework allows for scalable message receipt.

Using JMS in distributed transactions

The iPlanet Application Server does not currently support JMS resources in global transactions.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 08, 2001