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iPlanet Portal Server: Instant Collaboration Pack Release 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 3   Managing iPlanet Instant Messenger

This chapter describes how to customize and administer iPlanet Instant Messenger.

This chapter contains these sections:

Configuring iPlanet Instant Messenger

There are two ways to configure and download (run) iPlanet Instant Messenger:

  • Using Java Web Start - In this configuration, users run iPlanet Instant Messenger as an application. The browser dependency is removed, and updates are automatically detected.

  • Using the Java Plug-in - In this configuration, users run iPlanet Instant Messenger as a Java applet. The browser window that launched the applet needs to stay open and unused while running iPlanet Instant Messenger.

    Note To launch iPlanet Instant Messenger in the iPlanet Portal Server environment, click the appropriate link—launching either by using Java Plug-in or Java Web Start—in the Applications channel in the iPlanet Portal Server Desktop.

See the iPlanet Portal Server: Instant Collaboration Pack Release 3.0 Installation Guide for procedures on how to configure the Java software that enables iPlanet Instant Messenger.

Invoking iPlanet Instant Messenger

To invoke iPlanet Instant Messenger, you can use:

  • The index.html file, provided by iPlanet Instant Messenger. The index.html file provides buttons to launch both the Java Web Start and Java Plug-in versions of iPlanet Instant Messenger. This file also has links to iPlanet Instant Messenger documentation.

  • A modified version of index.html, which you edit to your site's preferences.

  • An web page of your own design that provides a link to the version of iPlanet Instant Messenger you want your users to have access to.

  • An valid URL for either the iim.html or iim.jnlp files, entered in the browser.

To Invoke iPlanet Instant Messenger

Use the following URL to invoke iPlanet Instant Messenger.

Note Do not confuse the port on which the multiplexor listens for iPlanet Instant Messenger (in the iim.conf file, this is the iim_mux.listenport parameter) with the web server port below.

The installation refers to the iim_mux.listenport as the "web client port" (default is 9909). You do not include this port in the URL to invoke iPlanet Instant Messenger.


In this URL,


Specifies the name of the web server where you installed the client files.  


Optional. Specifies the web server port if not the default (80).  


Optional. Specifies the installation directory where the client files are installed. If the default web server document root directory was chosen at installation, then no subdirectory is necessary.  


Specifies the iPlanet Instant Messenger file to use:

index.html - Provided by the product. The default contains links to launch both the Java Web Start and Java Plug-in versions.

iim.jnlp - The jnlp file to launch just the Java Web Start version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.

iim.html - The page to launch just the Java Plug-in version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.  

For subsequent invocations, you can:

  • Add the URL to your favorites.

  • Launch the application using the Java Web Start launcher icon on your desktop (Java Web Start version only).

  • Use the shortcut on your desktop. (Java Web Start asks if you want to put the icon on your desktop after the first or second time you invoke iPlanet Instant Messenger. Whether it asks the first or second time is a preference that can be set from the Java Web Start Edit menu.)

Solving Web Server Issues (Standalone Only)

This section contains web server issues that apply only to standalone deployments. These issues do not apply to portal deployments.

iPlanet Instant Messenger Software Not Located in Web Server Document Root

By default, iPlanet Instant Messaging Server expects to find the iPlanet Instant Messenger software (client component) installed in the web server's document root. However, you might choose to install the iPlanet Instant Messenger software files in a directory other than the web server document root. If so, there are three items you'll need to be aware of:

  • Web server - You either have to configure the web server to enable access to the directory where you installed the iPlanet Instant Messenger files, or create a symbolic link in the web server's document root.

    For example, on iIM Server host iim.i-zed, if the iPlanet Instant Messenger software is installed in the /opt/SUNWiim/html directory, you could create a symbolic link iim, which points to /opt/SUNWiim/html, in the web server's document root.

    Note By using a symbolic link, you do not need to change the web server's configuration.

  • URL to launch iPlanet Instant Messenger - The URL that users type for the index.html (and iim.html and iim.jnlp files) needs to reference the iPlanet Instant Messenger installation directory.

    For example, on iIM Server host iim.i-zed, if the iPlanet Instant Messenger software is installed in the /opt/SUNWiim/html directory, and you created a symbolic link iim, which points to /opt/SUNWiim/html, in the web server's document root, users would then type the following URL to access the iPlanet Instant Messenger main page (index.html):

    Users could also type the following URLs to launch iPlanet Instant Messenger directly:

    Java Plug-in:

    Java Web Start:

  • Launching with Java Web Start- The iim.jnlp and iimres.jnlp files have a codebase parameter that needs to be changed to reference the web server and path to the iPlanet Instant Messenger software. The line to change is:


    You only need to include the port number of the web server if it is not using the default (80).

    For example, on iPlanet Instant Messaging server host iim.i-zed, if the iPlanet Instant Messenger software is installed in the /opt/SUNWiim/html directory, you could create a symbolic link iim, which points to /opt/SUNWiim/html, in the web server's document root. Then you would change the codebase parameters in the iim.jnlp and iimres.jnlp files to the following:


    Note The iim.jnlp and iimres.jnlp files are used for Java Web Start configurations. If you are only using Java Plugin, you do not need to edit these files as they will not be used.

Web Server Installed on a Port Other than Default (80)

Your web server might be installed on a port other than the default (80). If so, there are two items to be aware of:

  • Launching with Java Web Start - Edit the iim.jnlp and iimres.jnlp files and change the codebase parameter to:


    For example, on iPlanet Instant Messaging server host iim.i-zed, if the web server is running on port 8080, codebase parameters in the iim.jnlp and iimres.jnlp files would become:


  • URL to launch iPlanet Instant Messenger - The URL that users type for the index.html (and iim.html and iim.jnlp files) needs to reference the web server port. For example, on iPlanet Instant Messaging server host iim.i-zed, if the web server is running on port 8080, the URL to access the iPlanet Instant Messenger main page (index.html) would become:

Customizing iPlanet Instant Messenger

This section describes the iIM Server files you edit to customize the iPlanet Instant Messenger. The files that you can customize are all located in the html directory, for example, on Solaris, in the im30_install_dir/SUNWiim/html directory.

iPlanet Instant Messenger Files

The files used to launch and configure iPlanet Instant Messenger are located in the following html directories:

  • Solaris: im30_install_dir/SUNWiim/html

  • Windows NT: im30_install_dir\html

Table 3-1 shows the iPlanet Instant Messenger files and their function, and which ones you can customize for your site.

Table 3-1    iPlanet Instant Messenger Files  




In a portal deployment, used by the servlet to dynamically create the HTML page that launches the Java Plug-in version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.  


In a portal deployment, used by the servlet to dynamically create the HTML page that launches the Java Web Start version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.  



Initial page to launch Java Plug-in version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.  



Template version of iim.html.  

No, used by the installation program to generate the iim.html file.  


Client jar file, downloaded by iim.html or iim.jnlp.  



The jnlp file to launch Java Web Start version of iPlanet Instant Messenger.  



Template version of iim.jnlp.  



Client jar file, downloaded by iim.html or iim.jnlp.  



Client jar file, downloaded by iim.html or iim.jnlp.  


In a portal deployment, used by the dynamically created.jnlp file to download the iimres.jar file.  



Contains image and audio files used by iPlanet Instant Messenger, download by iim.html or referenced by iim.jnlp.  



Called by iim.jnlp, downloads iimres.jar.  



Template version of iimres.jnlp.  



Splash page for standalone deployment, contains links to iim.html and iim.jnlp, as well as documentation links to windows.htm, solaris.htm, and quickref.htm. Most likely, you will customize this page for you site look and feel. However, it is not required to run the product.  



Template version of index.html.  



Image used by solaris.htm and windows.htm.  

Can be replaced.  


Image used by quickref.htm, solaris.htm, and windows.htm.  

Can be replaced.  


Page that appears when a user tries to launch iPlanet Instant Messenger by using Java Web Start and Java Web Start has not been installed on the user's system.  



Provides documentation on getting started with iPlanet Instant Messenger.  



Provides software requirements and setup instructions for Solaris clients.  



Provides software requirements and setup instructions for Windows clients.  


Customizing the index.html and iim.html Files

In customizing iPlanet Instant Messenger, at a minimum, you need to edit the index.html and/or iim.html files to meet your site's needs. You should edit these files to customize the text and title, and perhaps change the background.

The index.html file provides the starting point for users of both the iPlanet Instant Messenger applet and Java Web Start application. If you will be running the iPlanet Instant Messenger applet, edit the iim.html file. This file is called by index.html, and starts the applet. Generated during installation, iim.html has an applet argument that points to the multiplexor.

Note In the iim.html file, "<PARAM NAME="-server" VALUE="servername">" represents the iPlanet Instant Messaging multiplexor and port. If you change the iim_mux.listenport parameter from the default value, you need to change the servername value to a host.domain:port entry.

Customizing the Application (Java Web Start)

If you will be running iPlanet Instant Messenger using Java Web Start, you can edit the iim.jnlp, iimres.jnlp, and iimres.jar files to customize iPlanet Instant Messenger for your site.

  • iim.jnlp - Provides the starting point for invoking the Java Web Start application. You can change the codebase, title, vendor, and descriptions. Figure 3-1 shows a sample iim.jnlp file, with the values that you can customize in italics.

Figure 3-1    iim.jnlp File

<!-- JNLP File for iIM Demo Application -->
  codebase="http://servername" <-- web server url/path for jar and jnlp files in html dir
  href="iim.jnlp"> <-- path of this file, relative to above
    <title>Title</title> <-- text
    <vendor>Name</vendor> <-- text
    <homepage href="help.html"/> <-- location of help files
    <description>Description</description> <-- text
    <description kind="short">Description kind</description> <-- text
    <icon href="images/splash.gif"/> <-- location of icon
    <j2se version="1.3"/>
    <jar href="iim.jar"/>
    <jar href="iimres.jar"/>
    <jar href="iimnet.jar"/>
    <extension name="IIM Resources" href="iimres.jnlp"/> <-- name/location of iimres.jnlp
  <application-desc main-class="">
      <argument>servername</argument> <-- default for the server

Note In the iim.jnlp file, "<argument>servername</argument>" represents the iPlanet Instant Messaging multiplexor and port. If you change the iim_mux.listenport parameter from the default value, you need to change the servername value to a host.domain:port entry.

  • iimres.jnlp - This file is called by iim.jnlp. A sample iimres.jnlp file, with the values that you can customize in italics, is included below.

Figure 3-2    iimres.jnlp File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- JNLP File for iPlanet Instant Messenger Resources
  codebase="http://servername" <-- web server url/path for jar and jnlp files in html dir
  href="iimres.jnlp"> <-- web server url/path for jar and jnlp files in html dir
   <title>Title</title> <-- text
   <vendor>Name</vendor> <-- text
   <jar href="iimres.jar"/> <-- path can be customized

  • iimres.jar - Contains image and audio files used by iPlanet Instant Messenger (see "Contents Listing of iimres.jar"). You need JDK 1.3 to extract these files using the jar command, for example:

    jar xvf iimres.jar

    This creates the directory tree where the resource files are stored. You should keep the directory structure when you modify the individual files.

    You can substitute your files for the .gif files or .au files, without changing the names, then put the changed files back by using the jar command, for example:

    jar -uf iimres.jar com/iPlanet/im/client/images/*.gif

    This command updates the iimres.jar file with the modified .gif files. You could do the same with the sound files (.au files).

Contents Listing of iimres.jar

Table 3-2 contains a complete listing of the iimres.jar file, which contains the image and audio files used by iPlanet Instant Messenger.

Table 3-2    Contents of iimres.jar (1 of 3)

File Name



Icon displayed on the Main window's Contact List tab. Used to create a new contact group.  


Icon displayed on Main window's Contact List tab. Used to add a new user.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows. Used to attach an object.  


Icon displayed against user in Main window's Contact List tab when user is away.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat and Post news message windows. Used to format text to bold.  


Icon displayed in the Conference tab for conference rooms.  


Icon displayed in Chat window for a user when he is chatting.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose and Post news message windows. Used to copy text to clipboard.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose and Post news message windows. Used to cut text.  


Icon displayed in Main window's Contact List tab. Used to delete users and groups.  


Icon displayed in Main window's Contact List tab. Used to show a collapsed group.  


Icon displayed in Main window's Contact List tab. Used to show an expanded group.  


Icon for a group. Displayed against LDAP group in the Main window and in the user search results.  


Help icon in Logon window.  


The icon logo for all iPlanet Instant Messenger windows.  


Icon displayed on Main window to initiate an alert.  


Icon used in a contact group.  


Icon displayed on Main window to initiate chat.  


Icon displayed on the Conference tab for creating conference room.  


Icon displayed on Main window to enter a conference room.  


Icon for creating contact groups.  


Icon for idle status.  


Icon displayed on the Conference tab for managing conference rooms.  


Icon displayed on Main window to bring up the News Channels window.  


Icon used in a contact group.  


Icon displayed against users when they are offline and have set alerts to be forwarded to email.  


Icon used in a contact group.  


Icon displayed on Main window to initiate a poll.  


Icon displayed in Main window for user settings.  


iPlanet splash screen.  


Icon for away status.  


Icon displayed at top of iPlanet Instant Messenger for user when he is online.  


Icon displayed at top for user when he is away or not connected.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows.  


Icon used in a contact group.  


Icon used in a contact group.  


Icon displayed in News Channels window to navigate back through messages.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose and Post news message windows. Used to attach a URL link.  


The iPlanet logo displayed in the Login and About boxes.  


Icon displayed when trying to perform an action that is not allowed, such as dragging a user to the News icon.  


Icon displayed in a chat room to show that a user has not yet entered.  


Icon displayed against users when they are online.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows.  


Play icon. Displayed in News Channels window when user has paused rotation of news channel messages.  


Pause icon. Displayed in News Channels window when user has started rotation of news channel messages.  


Icon displayed in News Channels window to navigate forward through messages.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose and Post news message windows to save a file.  


Icon displayed against user in Chat window when typing.  


Icon displayed in Alert Compose, Chat, and Post news message windows.  


Icon for a user. Displayed against user in the User search results and in admin windows.  

Sound when user receives an alert.  

Sound when user status changes.  

Sound when user changes status to away.  

Sound when user receives an instant message.  

Sound when user sends an instant message.  

Sound when user logs on to iPlanet Instant Messenger.  

Sound when user exits iPlanet Instant Messenger.  

Administering iPlanet Instant Messenger Conference Rooms and News Channels

Listed below are tasks you perform to administer iPlanet Instant Messenger's conference rooms and news channels. Unlike assigning system-wide privileges, in which you edit ACL files, these tasks are performed from within iPlanet Instant Messenger itself. See the iPlanet Instant Messenger online help for details about performing each of these tasks.

  • Administering conference rooms

  • Administering and managing news channels

  • Assigning conference room access levels to users

  • Assigning news channel access levels to users

  • Assigning users to conference rooms

  • Assigning users to news channels (subscribing)

  • Creating new conference rooms

  • Creating new news channels

  • Configuring user settings

  • Deleting conference rooms

  • Deleting messages from news channels

  • Deleting news channels

  • Posting messages in news channels

  • Removing users from conference rooms

  • Removing users from news channels

Granting Users Privilege to Create Conference Rooms and News Channels

As administrator, you create conference rooms and news channels for your users. However, individual users can also create conference rooms and news channels, if you grant them the proper privileges. Users who create a conference room or news channel by default have Manage access, enabling them to administer that room or news channel.

  • To permit users to create conference rooms, add the user(s) or group(s) to the sysRoomsAdd.acl file.

  • To permit users to create news channels, add the user(s) or group(s) to the sysTopicsAdd.acl file.

See "Managing User Privileges" for more information.

Modifying iPlanet Instant Messenger Proxy Settings

News channels can contain embedded URLs, such as To resolve such URLs, it might be necessary, depending on your underlying DNS infrastructure (if you are using proxy servers) to have clients modify their Java Web Start configuration. If, for example, users installed Java Web Start but cannot load resources over the network, the proxy setting must be modified.

This is likely to happen in a network environment, which has a firewall between client computers and the internet and if the Java Web Start has not been configured with the right proxy settings.

To Modify iPlanet Instant Messenger Proxy Settings

Java Web Start can typically pick up these settings automatically by querying the system or the default browser. However, if the settings are configured using a JavaScript file this is not possible.

  • You can set the proxies manually by having users access the Preference panel in Java Web Start's Application manager.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 26, 2001