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iPlanet Portal Server: Instant Collaboration Pack Release 3.0 Installation Guide

Appendix A       Uninstalling iPlanet Instant Messaging Server

This appendix details how to uninstall iPlanet Instant Messaging Server components. Instructions are given for both Solaris and Windows NT. All paths given assume you installed to the default directory. If you installed to a different directory, adjust the paths accordingly.

This appendix contains:

  • Uninstalling iPlanet Instant Messaging Server on Solaris

  • Uninstalling the iPlanet Instant Messaging Server on Windows NT

    Note To uninstall iPlanet Instant Messenger from an iPlanet Portal Server deployment, run the iimipsadmin script. See the iPlanet Portal Server: Instant Collaboration Pack Release 3.0 Administrator's Guide for instructions.

    The iimipsadmin script will remove all the links that were added to the iPlanet Portal Server by the iPlanet Instant Messaging Server installer. However, if you have customized any components in the iPlanet Portal Server for iPlanet Instant Messenger, you must remove the components manually.

Uninstalling iPlanet Instant Messaging Server on Solaris

To uninstall iPlanet Instant Messaging Server, use the following steps:

  1. (Optional) If you want to preserve your iIM Server data, back up the following files and directories:

    • The /etc/opt/SUNWiim/config/iim.conf file.

    • All ACLs in the /etc/opt/SUNWiim/config/acls directory.

    • All databases found in the /var/opt/SUNWiim/default/db directory.

    • Site specific HTML files and images, such as those found in the iim3.0_install_dir/SUNWiim/html directory, and any others you have customized.

  2. In a local terminal window, change directory to the installation directory (such as /opt) and then change directory to SUNWiim.

  3. At the command line, type:


    If you want to run the uninstall program as a command-line script, type:

    ./uninstall -nodisplay.

  4. The Welcome window opens. Click Next to continue.

  5. The Select Type of Uninstall window opens.

    Choose either a Full or a Partial uninstall. The Full uninstall removes both components (server and client). The Partial uninstall lets you choose to uninstall one or both of these components.

    Click Next to continue.

  6. The Ready to Uninstall window opens.

    Click Uninstall Now to proceed with the uninstall.

  7. The Uninstalling window opens showing the progress of the uninstall.

    No action is necessary.

  8. The Uninstallation Summary window opens automatically.

Click Details for more information about the uninstall. Click Dismiss to return to the Uninstallation Summary screen. Click Exit to end the uninstall.

Note The uninstall script does not remove the Java Runtime Environment installed with the product.

Uninstalling the iPlanet Instant Messaging Server on Windows NT

To uninstall iPlanet Instant Messaging Server, use the following steps:

  1. (Optional) If you want to preserve your iIM Server data, back up the following files and directories:

    • The c:\Program Files\iPlanet\InstantMessaging\config\

    • All ACLs in the c:\Program Files\iPlanet\InstantMessaging\

    • All databases found in the c:\Program Files\iPlanet\

    • Site specific HTML files and images, such as those found in the c:\Program Files\iPlanet\InstantMessaging\html directory, and any others you have customized.

  2. From the Start menu, choose Settings and then Control Panel.

  3. Choose Add Remove Programs.

  4. Click the Install/Uninstall tab.

  5. From the list of products, select iIM Server and click Add/Remove.

  6. Click Yes if you want to uninstall the product at this time.

  7. Choose either a Full or a Partial uninstall. The Full uninstall removes all components (server and client). The Partial uninstall lets you choose to uninstall some or all of these components.

  8. Click Uninstall Now to proceed with the uninstall.

    Click Details for more information about the uninstall. Click Dismiss to return to the Uninstallation Summary screen. Click Exit to end the uninstall.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated December 04, 2001