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Installation Guide for iPlanet Process Manager 6.0

Chapter 4   Troubleshooting, Post-installation Tasks and Uninstalling Process Manager

This chapter discusses what happens during installation, gives troubleshooting hints for installation, discusses how to create a cluster after completing the installation procedure, and describes how to uninstall Process Manager.

What Happens During Installation

When you install Process Manager, the installer makes several modifications to files on your machine.

Modification on Windows NT

On a Windows NT machine, the installer performs the following actions in order:

  1. Beans and servlets are registered: The installer registers four servlets and one bean with the configuration directory.


    • DeploymentManager.npm

    • Administrator.apm

    • Business.apm

    • Express.npm


    • PMCluster

  2. iPlanet Web Server files are updated:

    • obj.conf: The installer modifies this file to allow name translations for Process Manager URLs.

  3. bpm.ldif file is modified. Generic parameters are replaced by installation-specific data.

    This file, stored in the serverRoot/bpm/admin directory, contains the LDIF entries that are added to the configuration directory for Netscape Console integration.

    Installation log files for Windows NT are stored in the following directory:


Modifications on Unix

On a Unix machine, the installation process is similar to that of Windows NT. The following actions are unique to the Unix installation:

  • Several files are modified to include the Process Manager classpath. The installer modifies the following files:

    • kjs: The Process Manager classpath is added to the CLASSPATH variable of this shell script, which runs the Java Server for iPlanet Application Server. This addition allows the Java Server to execute Process Manager-related logic.

    • ejbreg, webappreg, j2eeappreg: The Process Manager classpath is added to the CLASSPATH variable of these shell script as well. Process Manager-related beans can then be registered with the configuration directory.

    All the script files are located in the serverRoot/nas/bin directory.

    The Process Manager classpath is serverRoot/bpm/classes.

On a Unix system, the pre-installation log files are located in the following directory:


where userID is the user ID that is running the installation script and $PM_HOME is where Process

Manager has been installed.

The post-installation log files are located in the following directory:


The log files for registration of servlets and beans are kept in


Installation Troubleshooting

The following troubleshooting hints are applicable to installations on both Windows NT and Unix machines.

Invalid Process Administrator User

Be sure the user name you enter for the Process Administrator user exists in the corporate directory used by the application server.

This user entry is stored in the following file:

Bean and Servlets Not Registered

This error occurs if the relevant servlets are not registered when you try to access Process Express, Process Administrator or Business Manager interfaces.

Make sure your four servlets (DeploymentManager.npm, Administrator.apm, Business.apm, Express.npm)and two beans (PMCluster and PMClusterManager) are registered correctly by following these steps:

  1. Open Netscape Console.

  2. Open the Directory Server administrator.

    The AppLogics (DeploymentManager.npm, Administrator.apm, Business.apm, Express.npm)and bean (PMCluster) should be listed under the following key in Directory Server:

    root/NASCluster/nasconfig/Global/SOFTWARE/Netscape/Application Server/Name Trans

    If these AppLogics and bean are not listed, you can register them.

Creating a Cluster and Getting Started

After you've installed Process Manager you need to create a cluster. Until a cluster is available, process designers cannot deploy applications. (You can design applications in Process Builder without a cluster, but you cannot deploy them.)

This section gives a brief overview of the steps required. See the Administrator's Guide for detailed steps on how to create a cluster. See the Builder's Guide for details on launching and using Process Builder.

To create a cluster, you must begin by launching Process Administrator and accessing the Cluster Management forms.

  1. To launch Process Administrator, enter this URL in your web browser:


  2. Click the Cluster Management tab.

    This displays the Create or Join a Cluster page.

  3. Click the Create a Cluster link.

  4. In the form that appears, fill in the fields as needed and click Create Cluster.

    A series of diagnostic messages are displayed onscreen as the cluster is created. The last few lines contain instructions for how to configure the Process Builder's preferences.ini file. For more information, see the Process Administrator's and Business Manager's Guide.

  5. Copy the lines and paste them into the Process Builder's preferences.ini file, located in the Process Builder root folder. On a Windows NT system, this is typically in the serverRoot/builder folder.

Accessing Process Manager Components

This section describes how to launch or access each of the Process Manager components after installation.

Launching Process Builder

Process Builder is a Java application that enables you to build Process Manager applications. When a Process Manager cluster has been created and you have modified the file preferences.ini to point to a cluster, you can deploy applications from the Builder to the Process Manager Engine.

To launch Process Builder on Windows NT system, execute this file:


For further information on using Process Builder, see the Process Builder's Guide.

Accessing Process Express

The Process Express is a web-based interface where users can view their worklists and can start new processes. To log on to the Process Express, go to the following URL in your browser:


For example:

Process Express asks the user to log in, and then displays the worklist appropriate to that user.

For more information about Process Express, see the Process Express User's Guide.

Accessing Process Administrator

After you have installed Process Manager Engine and created a cluster, you can access the Process Administrator interface to administer Process Manager applications by going to the following URL in the browser:


For example:

For more information about Process Administrator, see the Process Administrator's and Business Manager's Guide.

Accessing Process Business Manager

After a Process Manager application has been deployed to a cluster, you can perform administrative operations on process instances in an application by using the Business Manager interface. To access this interface, go to the following URL in the browser:


For example:

For more information about Process Business Manager, see the Process Administrator's and Business Manager's Guide.

Uninstalling Process Manager

On Windows NT, if you currently have Process Manager 1.x or PAE 4.0 and you want to upgrade to Process Manager 6.0, you must first uninstall your existing Process Manager/PAE installation.

Note: Make sure you back up your applications before uninstalling older versions of Process Manager/PAE..

Note: If for any reason you need to re-install Process Manager 6.0 after installing it, you do not need to uninstall it first.

Uninstalling Process Builder Only

If you have installed Process Builder as a stand-alone application on your Windows NT machine, you can uninstall the application by performing the following steps:

  1. Delete the Process Builder menu item from your Start Menu.

  2. In your file system, delete the /builder folder.

Deleting Database Tables

If you want to uninstall Process Manager Engine 1.x or PAE 4.0 in order to install Process Manager 6.0, you must also delete your existing Process Manager database tables because the database table schemas have changed. See the Process Administrator's and Business Manager's Guide for more details about the Process Manager tables.

Uninstalling Netscape Application Server 4.0

To uninstall PAE 4.0, you need to uninstall Netscape Application Server (NAS) 4.0. For information about uninstalling Netscape Application Server 4.0, refer to the documentation for the application server.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 01, 2000