You may skip the next two sections if you wish.
These sections contain some useful information regarding the deployment of iMQ applications.

Disabling the autocreate Feature

One of the features of the broker is the auto-creation of queues and topics.  When a JMS client application tries to publish messages to a destination that does not exist on the broker, the behavior of the client application is determined by the value of the autocreate property.

If autocreate is set to true, the client application will run successfully.  The broker will temporarily auto-create the destination accessed by the client application and it will be available to the client application.  Once the client application exits and if the destination is empty, the auto-created destination will be destroyed on the broker.

If autocreate is set to false, the client application will receive a JMS security exception and it will not run successfully.  The error message that the client application will receive will look something like the following:

javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: [C4035]: Forbidden.
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.createDestination(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.ProtocolHandler.createMessageProducer(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.MessageProducerImpl.<init>(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueSenderImpl.<init>(
        at com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.QueueSessionImpl.createSender(

It is important that you turn off the autocreate in a deployment environment so that all the destinations on the broker are centrally managed by an administrator.  The default value for autocreate for queues and topics is true.

You can use jmqadmin to disable the autocreate feature.  In order to do this, you need to first create and add a broker in jmqadmin.  It is very similar to the way you created and added an object store.

  1. Select iMQ Brokers in the navigational pane.
  2. Choose Actions -> Add Broker.  See Figure 13.
  3. Enter a value for Broker Label.  This is the name that you will see in the navigational pane.  Make sure that it is meaningful and not too long.
  4. Enter appropriate host, primary port, username, and password values in the corresponding text fields.  If this is your first time accessing jmqadmin, you can use admin / admin for username and password.
  5. Choose Actions -> Connect to Broker.
  6. Select the broker you have just added in the navigational pane.
  7. Choose Actions -> Query/Update Broker.  See Figure 14.
  8. Check Auto Create Topics and Auto Create Queues boxes off.

Figure 13: Add Broker

Figure 14: Query/Update Broker

Tips using jmqcmd:
If you want to use jmqcmd to turn off the autocreate for queues and topics, execute the following commands.

jmqcmd update bkr -o "jmq.autocreate.queue=false" -u admin -p admin
jmqcmd update bkr -o "jmq.autocreate.topic=false" -u admin -p admin

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