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These sections contain some useful information regarding the deployment iMQ applications.

Creating a Physical Destination

If autocreate is off for queues and topics, the client application will not be able to run successfully if the destination that the application refers to does not exist on the broker.

You can create a physical destination using jmqadmin.  Follow steps 1-5 in the previous page to connect to the broker, if you have not already done it, and then follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Select Destinations under the broker that has been added in the navigational pane.  Note: You MUST select Destinations UNDER the broker, NOT under the object store.
  2. Choose Actions -> Add Broker Destination.  See Figure 15.
  3. Enter a value for Destination Name.  This name MUST be the name that you gave to the destination object that you have created earlier.  In this tutorial, we created a Queue object and gave my_test_queue as the value for Destination Name.

Figure 15: Add Broker Destination

Tips using jmqcmd:
If you want to use jmqcmd to create a physical queue destination, execute the following command.

jmqcmd create dst -t q -n my_test_queue -u admin -p admin

Once the physical destination is created, you are ready to run your client application.

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