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iPlanet Market Maker 4.5 Deployment Guide

About This Document

This guide contains information and guidelines for deploying the 4.5 version of the iPlanet Market Maker software.

This preface contains the following sections:


The audience for this guide includes iPlanet Professional Services, authorized system integrators, and any iPlanet or customer staff who are deploying or tuning the iPlanet Market Maker software.

What's in This Document

Table 1 summarizes what each chapter covers. The leftmost column describes subject matter that the chapter contains; the rightmost column identifies the chapter where you can find this information.

Table 1    Chapter Summary 

If you want to know about this

See this chapter

Description of contents of this guide; listing of documentation set; information on product support  

"About This Document"  

How to plan for deployment of the iPlanet Market Maker system.  

Chapter 1 "Planning the Deployment"  

How to determine hardware needs.  

Chapter 2 "Sizing Your System"  

How to configure your system; how to import and configure data  

Chapter 3 "Configuring Your System"  

How to tune your system for optimum performance.  

Chapter 4 "Performance Tuning and Monitoring"  

How to verify the success of the deployment.  

Chapter 5 "Verifying the Deployment"  

Information and solutions on problems that may arise during upgrade  

Chapter 6 "Troubleshooting"  

Information on sizing Oracle tables.  

Appendix A "Oracle Table Sizing Information"  

Documentation Conventions

This document uses the following conventions:

  • The monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, Application Program Interface (API) and language elements (such as method names and property names), file names, path names, directory names, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags, and any text that must be typed on the screen.

  • The italic font is used in code to represent placeholder parameters (variables) that should be replaced with an actual value.

  • Brackets ([]) are used to enclose optional parameters.

  • A slash (/) is used to separate directories in a path.

The Document Online

You can find this document online in Portable Document Format (PDF) and HTML formats at the following web site:

Related Documentation

Note Documentation for all iPlanet products can be found at the following web site:

The iPlanet Market Maker documentation set includes:

  • Release Notes—Contains important information on the current release of iPlanet Market Maker. Read this document before working with the new iPlanet Market Maker release.

  • Installation Guide—Provides instructions for installing the iPlanet Market Maker product and its enabling software.

  • User interface Help (Online Help)—Provides guidelines and instructions for performing the iPlanet Market Maker tasks.

  • Catalog Import Guide—Provides guidelines and instructions for setting up and running the Import utility.

  • Customization Guide—Provides guidelines for customizing the existing iPlanet Market Maker user interface and module functionality.

  • Exchange Module Customization Guide—Provides guidelines for customizing services to create exchanges.

  • Deployment Guide—Provides guidelines for planning the deployment, installing and configuring the software, importing and configuring data, and tuning and monitoring performance.

  • Upgrade Guide—Provides guidelines for planning, preparing and performing upgrades to the iPlanet Market Maker software.

Other Useful Documentation

  • iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide—Provides guidelines for installing the iPlanet Application Server.

  • iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide—Provides guidelines for tasks carried out by the administrator of one or more iPlanet Application Server machines.

  • iPlanet Web Server Administrator's Guide—Provides guidelines for configuring, administering, and maintaining the iPlanet Web Server.

  • iPlanet Directory Server Documentation—Provides guidelines for platform requirements and the iPlanet Directory Server installation.

  • ECXpert Administrator's Guide—Explains concepts, structure, functions, and operation of iPlanet ECXpert, and provides guidelines for administering the system.

  • ECXpert Operations Reference Guide—Explains ECXpert operational issues, and provides a reference on error messages that can be generated by ECXpert or passed through from third-party software components that ECXpert uses.

  • Oracle 8.1.7 / 9i Installation Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris—Provides guidelines for installing Oracle.

  • Oracle 8.1.7 / 9i Designing and Tuning for Performance—Provides guidelines for Oracle database design, and for tuning and monitoring performance.

  • Oracle 8.1.7 / 9i interMedia Text Reference—Provides guidelines for text searching, retrieval, and viewing capabilities.

  • Actuate documentation.

Product Support

If you have problems with your iPlanet Market Maker system, contact iPlanet customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

  • Visit the iPlanet online support web site at:

    From this location, the CaseTracker and CaseView tools are available for logging problems.

  • Use the telephone dispatch number associated with your maintenance contract.

    So that the technical support staff can best assist you in resolving problems, have the following information available when you contact support:

    • Description of the problem, including the situation where the problem occurs and its impact on your operation.

    • Machine type, operating system version, and product version, including any patches and other software that might be affecting the problem.

    • Detailed steps on the methods you have used to reproduce the problem.

    • Any error logs or core dumps.

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 25, 2002