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iPlanet Messenger Express 5.0 Customization Guide

Chapter 4   Customizing Advanced Features

To enable you to perform advanced customizations, this chapter provides the HTML files and interface points, which are fully customizable, for the Messenger Express 5.0 user interface.

This chapter contains these sections:

Advanced Customization Overview

In addition to the Messenger Express features discussed in Chapter 2 "Customizing General Features," and Chapter 3 "Customizing User Interface Features," many others are fully customizable. However, to take advantage of these features, a much more substantial knowledge of JavaScript is necessary. In addition, migration problems might be encountered, for example, when attempting to reconfigure JavaScript files.

Note This chapter does not provide code samples for the advanced customizations. Also, an advanced knowledge of JavaScript and HTML is assumed.

Messenger Express User Interface Customizable Features

Table 4-1 shows the features of the Messenger Express user interface that are fully customizable.

Table 4-1    Messenger Express User Interface Customizable Features





Collection of mail from another server  


Message composition  


Folder management tab  


Addresss search  


Mailbox management tab  


Message management tab  


Personalize option management  


Return receipt  


Attachments Options

You can modify the following attachments options:

  • Browse button

  • Attach, cancel, help (buttons)

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the attachment features is attach_fs.html.

Collect Mail from Another Server Options

You can modify the following when collecting mail from another server:

  • POP server name (text field)

  • POP user ID (text field)

  • Password (text field)

  • Delete messages from server (select button)

  • Save to folder (list box)

  • Collect, cancel, and help (button)

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the collect-mail-from-another-server feature is collect_fs.html.

Message Composition

The message composition feature enables basic mail functions. You can modify the following message composition options:

  • Compose new message

  • Reply to the sender

  • Reply to all recipients of the message including the sender

  • Forward message to others

  • Move message to folder

  • Delete message

  • Navigate through messages (Prev/Next)

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the message composition feature is msg__fs.html.

Folder Management Tab

The folder management tab enables access to server-side folders. You can modify the following folder management tab options:

  • Update content of folder

  • Create new folder

  • Rename folder

  • Move mail to selected folder

  • Delete existing folder

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the folder management tab feature is fldr_fs.html.

Address Search

The address search feature enables the management of address search in LDAP directories. You can modify the following address search options:

  • Search for people in the selected search directory (list box)

  • Insert full name (text field)

  • Contain field (text field)

  • Search, close (buttons)

  • To, cc, bcc (buttons)

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the address search feature is ldap_fs.html.

Mailbox Management Tab

The mailbox management tab enables access to a mailbox. You can modify the following mailbox managment tab options:

  • Get new message

  • Compose new message

  • Search for message

  • Move message to selected folder

  • Delete message

  • Undelete message

  • Expunge message

  • Select message

  • Select all messages

  • Collect external messages

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the mailbox management tab feature is mbox_fs.html.

Personal Option Management (Options Tab)

You can modify the following options tab options:

  • Account summary

  • Personal information - change personal information

  • Password - change and reset password

  • Settings

  • Appearance

  • Vacation message - set vacation message

  • Delegated administrator

HTML File Mapping

The HTML file that controls the options tab features is opts_fs.html.

Return Receipt

The return receipt feature enables the management of return receipts.

HTML File Mapping

The file that controls the return receipt feature is receipt_fs.html.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated September 29, 2000