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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.0 Provisioning Guide

Chapter 4   Provisioning Users

This section describes how to create user entries for the iPlanet Messaging Server. As installed, user entries are created in the Organization Tree and our examples will reflect this. Note that attribute descriptions in this guide are overviews. Full attribute descriptions are available in the iPlanet Schema Reference Manual. This chapter consists of the following sections:

Creating User Entries email users are in ou=people,,o=isp in the Organization Tree. Each entry contains attribute information about the user. An LDIF example is shown below.

Code Example 4-1    Example User Entry

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
pabURI: ldap://,ou=people,,o=isp,o=pab
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

User Entry Object Classes and Attributes

  • dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP

    The distinguished name of the user Otis Fanning.

  • objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: inetUser
    objectClass: ipUser
    objectClass: inetMailUser
    objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
    objectClass: nsManagedPerson
    objectClass: userPresenceProfile

    These are the user entry object classes. inetOrgPerson is the core object class, and it inherits from organizationalPerson and person (these two classes are shown for clarification even though it is not necessary to include them in an LDAP add statement if you are provisioning).

    inetUser, inetMailUser and ipUser provide attributes for creating a mail user account. They provide attributes such as UID, user password, public address book information, and mail delivery information.

    inetLocalMailRecipient provides local routing information.

    userPresenceProfile supports vacation attributes.

    nsManagedPerson provides iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging support attributes.


  • cn: Otis Fanning

    cn (commonname) is the user's full name and is inherited from the person object class.

  • sn: Fanning

    sn (surname) is the user's last or family name and is inherited from the person object class.

  • initials: OTF

    initials contains the initials of some or all of an individuals names. In this example OTF stands for Otis Tiberus Fanning.

  • givenName: Otis

    givenName is the first name of the user.

  • mail:

    The user's advertised e-mail address (RFC 822 format).


  • uid: fanning

    uid is the user's login identification. This attribute must be unique within the domain.

  • userPassword: secret

    userPassword is the string representing the user's password for accessing his account to read and send mail.

  • inetUserStatus: active

    Global status of the user for all directory-enabled server. Values: active, inactive, deleted. Missing value implies status is active. An illegal value is treated as inactive.


This core object class supports internet services like mail and calendar. It provides attributes for the personal address book store and class of service features.

  • pabURI: ldap://,ou=people,,o=isp,o=pab

    LDAP URI specifying the container of the personal address book entries for this user. Typically this is set by the server when the user creates personal address book entries; however if you want to force the server to use a different LDAP server for the address book, then you would use this attribute and provision the appropriate values.


  • dataSource: iPlanet Messaging Server 5.0 @(#)

    Text field to store a tag or identifier.

  • mailDeliveryOption: mailbox

    Mail delivery option(s) to be used for the recipient. mailDeliveryOption can be multi-valued. Possible values are mailbox, native|unix, autoreply, program, and forward.

  • mailUserStatus: active

    Single valued attribute. Stores one of the following mail user states: active, inactive, deleted, hold. hold specifies that all mail for the user's inbox is sent to the hold queue and all access to the mailbox over IMAP and POP is disallowed. Missing value implies status is active. An illegal value is treated as inactive.

  • mailQuota: -1

    Disk space allowed for the user's mailbox. Value of 0 (or not specified) means system default quota (defined through iPlanet Console) and -1 means no limit on space usage.

  • mailMsgQuota: 100

    Maximum number of messages permitted for a user. This is a cumulative count for all folders in the store. Value of 0 (or not specified) means system default quota and -1 (defined through iPlanet Console or iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging) means no limit on number of messages.


  • mailHost:

    Fully-qualified hostname of the MTA that is the final SMTP destination of messages to this group.

  • mailAlternateAddress:

    Alternate RFC 822 e-mail address of this user.


Supports vacation attributes. See iPlanet Schema Reference Manual for details.


Supports attributes for iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging.

Mail User Tasks

This section consists of the following subsections:

Activating/Deactivating Users

The iPlanet Messaging Server honors two different status attributes for user activation/deactivation, inetUserStatus and mailUserStatus. The inetUserStatus attribute holds the global user status for all services (mail, calendar, etc.) and overrides the status set in mailUserStatus. mailUserStatus sets the status for mail service only. It may have the values active, inactive, or deleted. Setting inetUserStatus to deleted marks the entry for deletion during next purge cycle.

mailUserStatus sets the status for individual users with one of the following mail user states: active, inactive, deleted, hold. mailUserStatus=hold implies ALL mail for the users inbox is sent to the hold queue and all access to the mailbox over IMAP and POP is disallowed. Setting mailUserStatus to delete marks the entry for removal.

The following LDIF update statement disables a user's ability to use any services:

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: inetUserStatus
inetUserStatus: inactive

The following LDIF update statement disables only the mail service for that user. If other services, like calendar, are provisioned for that user, they continue to be active.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailUserStatus
mailUserStatus: inactive

The following update statement redirects messages for the user into the hold queue. This may be used when moving users from one mail server to another. Inbound messages for users are redirected to the hold queue. To start mail delivery for the user again, mailUserStatus must be set back to active.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailUserStatus
mailUserStatus: hold

Changing a User Password

You can change the user's password by changing the userPassword attribute. This can be changed with the following LDIF:

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: PAssWoRd

Code Example 4-2    LDIF Record after Changing a User's Password

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: PAssWoRd
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

Setting a User Vacation Message

Vacation messages are set using attributes from object class userPresenceProfile (attributes: vacationStartDate and vacationEndDate) and inetMailUser (attributes: mailAutoreplyMode, mailAutoreplyTimeout, mailAutoreplySubject, mailAutoreplyText, mailAutoreplyTextInternal and mailDeliveryOption).

Please refer to the iPlanet Schema Reference Manual for the detailed semantics for each attribute.

The example LDIF file below sets a vacation message for a user starting 15th February 2001 and ending 20th February 2000, with auto reply time-out of 2 days and a vacation message subject of I am on vacation and a body text (both internal to the same domain and external to all other users) of Please contact me later.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
add: mailDeliveryOption
mailDeliveryOption: autoreply
replace: mailAutoreplyMode
mailAutoreplyMode: reply
replace: vacationStartDate
vacationStartDate: 20010215000000Z
replace: vacationEndDate
vacationEndDate: 20010220000000Z
replace: mailAutoreplyTimeout
mailAutoreplyTimeout: 48
replace: mailAutoreplySubject
mailAutoreplySubject: I am on vacation

replace: mailAutoreplyTextInternal
mailAutoreplyTextInternal: Please contact me later.
replace: mailAutoreplyText
mailAutoreplyText: Please contact me later.

Note that the date settings are Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), the international time standard formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT. If you are in a different time zone, you need to set the UTC equivalent time. For example, subtract 8 hours if you want to set the vacation to midnight 2/15/2001 Pacific Standard Time.

Code Example 4-3    LDIF Record after Setting and Activating a User's Auto-reply Vacation Message

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100
mailDeliveryOption: autoreply
mailAutoreplyMode: reply
vacationStartDate: 20010215000000Z
vacationEndDate: 20010220000000Z
mailAutoreplyTimeout: 48
mailAutoreplySubject: I am on vacation
mailAutoreplyTextInternal: Please contact me later.
mailAutoreplyText: Please contact me later.

Adding/Removing Allowed Mail Services

Allowed mail services are set with the mailAllowedServiceAccess attribute. The allowed values are imap, imaps, pop3, http. The format is as follows:

mailAllowedServiceAccess: +<Allowed,Services>:*

The following LIDF modify code adds IMAP, secure IMAP, POP3 and HTTP (Messenger Express) support for Otis Fanning.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailAllowedServiceAccess
mailAllowedServiceAccess: +imap, imaps, pop3, http:*

Code Example 4-4    LDIF Record after Changing a User's Mail Services

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
mailAllowedServiceAccess: +imap, imaps, pop3, http:*
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

Adding or Changing Incoming Mail Delivery Options

The mailDeliveryOption attribute controls whether incoming messages are sent to the message store (mailbox), /var/mail (native), to an autoreply facility (autoreply), forwarded to another mail address (forward), or to an approved mail processing program (program). Note that this attribute can take multiple values. If mailDeliveryOption is set to program, then mailProgramDeliveryInfo has to be set (see the iPlanet Message Server Administration Guide for details on program delivery).

The LDIF data below sends messages to /var/mail as well as the message store.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
add: mailDeliveryOption
mailDeliveryOption: native

Code Example 4-5    LDIF Record for Changing a User's Mail Delivery Options

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: native
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

Setting User Message Filters

The iPlanet Messaging Server supports the SIEVE mail filtering language for creating message filters that can block, store, or redirect mail messages containing a specified string or exceeding specified lengths. Users can specify filtering rules and actions through the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging and also through LDAP using the attribute mailSieveRuleSource. Note, however, that message filters created by adding the mailSieveRuleSource with LDAP cannot be modified using iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging. The iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging can view and delete these LDAP created message filters, but it cannot edit them. The iPlanet Messaging Server supports the SIEVE rules as specified in the Internet draft "Sieve: A Mail Filtering Language", T. Showalter, draft 9 ( Below is an example of a mail filter using SIEVE.

Note The iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging supplies templates of the most common useful mail filters. For information on creating or modifying the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging mail filters and templates, refer to the iPlanet Message Server Administration Guide.

In this example, the value of mailSieveRuleSource is stored in a file and the value is encoded by entering the -b flag in the ldapmodify command.

  • The modify entry file modfanning.ldif contains the following:

    dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
    changetype: modify
    add: mailSieveRuleSource
    mailSieveRuleSource: /export/example/mailsievesource.txt

  • mailsievesource.txt contains the following:

    require ["fileinto", "reject"];
    if header :contains "Subject" "New Rules Suggestion"
       {redirect "" # Forward message }
    elsif header :contains "Sender" ""
       {discard text:
    Your message has been rejected. Please remove this address from
    your mailing list. # Reject message, send reply message
    elsif size :over 1M
       { reject text:
    Please do not send me large attachments.
    Put your file on a server and send me the URL.
    Thank you. # Discard message, send reply message
    elsif header :contains "Sender" ""
       { fileinto "complaints.refs"; # file message}

  • The modify command is as follows:

    ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -b -f modfanning.ldif

Code Example 4-6    LDIF Record after Setting a User's Message Filters (displayed using ldapsearch with -o flag)

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100
require ["fileinto", "reject"];
if header :contains "Subject" "New Rules Suggestion"
   {redirect "" # Forward message }
elsif header :contains "Sender" ""
   {discard text:
Your message has been rejected. Please remove this address from your mailing list. # Reject message, send reply message
elsif size :over 1M
   { reject text:
Please do not send me large attachments.
Put your file on a server and send me the URL.
Thank you. # Discard message, send reply message
elsif header :contains "Sender" ""
   { fileinto "complaints.refs"; #file message}

Mail and Message Quotas

A user's mailbox disk space quota is set by specifying the mailQuota attribute. A setting of 0 or no value means system default quota (set via the iPlanet Console or the variable store.defaultmailboxquota) and -1 means no limit on space usage.

The maximum number of messages a user is permitted is set with mailMsgQuota. Value of 0 (or not specified) means system default quota (set via the iPlanet Console or the variable store.defaultmessagequota) and -1 means no limit on number of messages.

The following LDIF modify code sets this user's mail quota to unlimited space and message quota to 2000.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailQuota
mailQuota: -1
replace: mailMsgQuota
mailMsgQuota: 2000

Code Example 4-7    LDIF Record for Setting a User's Mailbox and Message Quota

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 2000

Mail Forwarding

To forward mail set mailDeliveryOption to forward and set mailForwardingAddress to the desired email address. mailForwardingAddress can have multiple values. The following example sends mail to the user's mailbox as well as forwards mail to and Note that the message will also be delivered to the users inbox because mailDeliveryOption is also set to mailbox.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
add: mailDeliveryOption
mailDeliveryOption: forward
replace: mailForwardingAddress

Code Example 4-8    LDIF Record for Adding User Mail Forwarding Addresses

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
mailDeliveryOption: forward
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

New Mail Aliases

A user can have multiple alternate email addresses for a mail account by setting these alternate names to mailAlternateAddress. A catch-all mail address (an address that will receive any message to an address in a domain if the MTA does not find an exact match for the address) can be created by setting the attribute to @domain_name>.com.

The modify statement below adds an alternative address for Otis Fanning.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailAlternateAddress

Code Example 4-9    LDIF Record for Adding User Mail Aliases

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

Changing A User's Mail Server

Change the user's mail server (fully-qualified hostname of the MTA that is the final SMTP destination of messages to this recipient) by specifying the new server to mailhost.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
replace: mailhost

Code Example 4-10    LDIF Record for Changing a User's Mail Server

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

Adding Mailing List Creation Privileges

Add the attribute value-pair nsDACapability: mailListCreate to a user's entry to allow mailing list creation.

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
changetype: modify
add: nsDACapability
nsDACapability: yes

Code Example 4-11    LDIF Record for Changing a User's Mail Server

dn: uid=fanning,ou=people,,o=ISP
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: inetUser
objectClass: ipUser
objectClass: inetMailUser
objectClass: inetLocalMailRecipient
objectClass: nsManagedPerson
objectClass: userPresenceProfile
cn: Otis Fanning
sn: fanning
initials: OTF
givenName: Otis
mailDeliveryOption: mailbox
nsDACapability: mailListCreate
uid: fanning
dataSource: iMS 5.0 @(#) 1.5a 02/3/00
userPassword: password
inetUserStatus: active
mailUserStatus: active
mailQuota: -1
mailMsgQuota: 100

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 22, 2001