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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 Installation Guide for UNIX



/etc/resolv.conf file, 1


Administration Domain, 1, 2
Administration Services
products, 1
Administration Server Console, 1
Netscape Administration Server, 1
AService.rc script, 1


browsers, 1


choosing a Configuration Directory Server, 1
choosing a Users/Groups Directory Server, 1
cluster agent, 1
Configuration Server
choosing, 1
configuring an existing Directory Server, 1
contention, 1
conventions used in this document, 1
custom installation, 1


Delegated Administration Server
host and port, 1
dependencies, 1
Directory Server
choosing a Configuration Directory Server, 1
choosing a Users/Groups Directory Server, 1
configuring an existing Directory Server, 1
where to find Messaging Server documentation, 1
domain and host names, 1
domainname, 1
hostname, 1


Enterprise Server. See Web Server. 1
existing Directory Server, 1, 2
express installation, 1


Smart Host, 1


guidelines, 1


hardened Solaris machines, 1
hardware requirements, 1
hareg command, 1
hierarchy of products, 1
high availability, 1
binding IP address, 1
cluster agent, 1
configuration for Veritas Cluster Server, 1
configuration parameters
MonitorInterval, 1
MonitorTimeout, 1
OnlineRetryLimit, 1
OnlineWaitLimit, 1
RestartLimit, 1
dependency tree, 1
iMS5 service group, 1
logical_IP resource, 1
mail resource, 1
mountshared resource, 1
multiple messaging server instances, 1
network resource, 1
post-installation procedures for SunCluster, 1
post-installation procedures for Veritas Cluster Server, 1, 2
pre-installation procedures, 1, 2
sharedg resource, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0 limitations and performance, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0 packages, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0 prerequisites, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0 unconfiguring the Messaging Server HA Support, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0, configuring the messaging server, 1
Sun Cluster 3.0, configuring the messaging Server, complex example, 1
uninstalling, 1
Windows NT, 1
high availability models, 1
a comparison of, 1
asymmetric, 1
N + 1, 1
symmetric, 1
system down time calculations, 1
high availability overview, 1
host and domain names, 1
domainname command, 1
hostname command, 1
HP-UX 11.0 platform, 1
HP-UX platform, 1


ims_dssetup, 1
instructions, 1
ims_ha.cnf file, 1, 2
installation checklist, 1
installation process overview, 1
installation readiness, 1
installation scenarios, 1
installation types, 1, 2
custom, 1
express, 1
silent, 1, 2
typical, 1
installing Messaging Server with existing Directory Server, 1, 2
installing new Messaging and Directory Servers, 1
instance, 1, 2
iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging
requirements, 1
iPlanet Messaging Applications, 1
High Availability, 1
iPlanet Delegated Administrator Command Line Utilities (CLIs), 1
iPlanet Message Store and Message Access, 1
iPlanet Message Transport Agent (MTA), 1
iPlanet Messaging Multiplexor (MMP), 1


JRE, 1


license agreement, 1
logical host timeout
how to change, 1


Messaging Server
default domain, 1
default organization, 1
documentation, 1
where it can be installed, 1
Messaging Suite
a graphical overview, 1
Messenger Express access
requirements for, 1
migrating existing data, 1
MMP, 1
AService.cfg file, 1
AService.rc file, 1
creating additional instances, 1
how to start, 1
ImapMMP.config, 1
ImapProxyAService.cfg file, 1
installation (Unix), 1
modifying an existing instance, 1
PopProxyAService.cfg file, 1
sample topology, 1
MsgSvrType configuration file, 1
MTA, 1
Multiplexor. See MMP. 1


Netscape Directory Suite
products, 1
Netscape Directory Server, 1
Netscape Directory Server Console, 1
Netscape Messenger Express
recommended browsers, 1
Netscape Server Core
components, 1
products, 1
Java Runtime Environment, 1
Netscape Core Java Classes, 1
Netscape Server Product Core Components, 1


HP-UX 11.0, 1
solaris, 1
port numbers, 1
IMAP4, 1
Messenger Express, 1
POP3, 1
adding Service Administrator group to second Messaging Server, 1
multiple messaging servers using common User/Group directory, 1
Postmaster account, 1
suggested guidelines, 1
product hierarchy, 1


recommended browsers, 1
hardware requirements, 1
software requirements, 1
resource contention, 1
running the setup program, 1


scconf command, 1
scenarios for installation, 1
server instance, 1, 2
serverID, 1, 2
server-roots, 1
what it is, 1
setup program, 1
silent installation, 1
cache, 1
how to execute, 1
Smart Host, 1
software requirements, 1
solaris platform, 1
sub-components, 1
subnet, 1
SunCluster 2.2, 1
SunCluster 3.0, 1
system requirements, 1


TCP/IP port numbers, 1
tcpclnt binary file, 1
transferring installation files, 1
typical installation, 1


uninstall program
procedure, 1
uninstalling high availability, 1
how to, 1
Users and Groups directory server, 1


Veritas Cluster Server, 1, 2


Web Server
installation checkist, 1
version, 1
where it can be installed, 1
Webmail. See Messenger Express access. 1

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 06, 2001