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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 Installation Guide for UNIX

Chapter 2   Installation Instructions

This chapter describes how to run the setup program, directory setup program, and silent installation. In addition, common installation scenarios and post-installation configuration steps are outlined. It is assumed that you have reviewed the previous sections in Chapter 1, "Preparing for Installation."

This chapter includes the following sections:

Installation Readiness

At this point, you are almost ready to run the setup program and begin Messaging Server installation. You should be able to answer "yes" to the following questions before you continue:

  1. Have you reviewed the System Requirements and verified that they have been met?

  2. Have you reviewed the Product Hierarchy and Interaction to determine which components you will be installing and where you will be installing them?

  3. Have you determined the Types of Installations that you would like to perform, and have you gathered all of the necessary information?

  4. Have you decided if you will use an existing Directory Server or install the one that comes with the Messaging Server? You should review Configuring an Existing Directory Server for more information on using an existing Directory Server.

  5. Are you ready to your record installation and configuration values in the installation checklist in Table 1-2?

Transferring Messaging Server Installation Files

To transfer and extract the product archive files, use the following steps.

From the Web

To transfer and extract the compressed installation program files from the iPlanet Web site, locate the Messaging Server archive file. The file will be in the format archive.tar.gz, where archive represents the name of the compressed archive file.

After you have located the archive file:

  1. Create a directory (for example, /opt/msg5install) on the machine that will host the Messaging Server and copy the archive file to that directory.

  2. Go to the directory where you copied the archive file and then uncompress and extract the contents. Use the following command:

    gunzip -c arhive.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

From the CD

  1. Locate the Messaging Server archive from the product CD:

    Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive on your installation machine and locate the /solaris (for Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 8) or /hpux (for HP-UX 11.0) directory. Next, locate the appropriate subdirectory you want to install:

    • ES - iPlanet Web Server

    • iDA - iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging

    • iMS - iPlanet Messaging Server

      Note If you do not have an existing Directory Server installation, skip the next step. It is recommended that you install a new configuration directory server with the HP or Solaris version of Messaging Server if you are migrating your users and groups from Netscape Messaging System or Sun Internet Messaging System. Refer to the iPlanet Messaging Server 5.0 Migration Guide for more information.

  2. Locate the ims_dssetup script (on CD: /solaris/iMS/msg/ or /hpux/iMS/msg/, and copy it to the machine where you installed your existing Directory Server. In addition, you should copy the supporting config/ (located in directory to your existing Directory Server machine.

    Note If you have two existing directory servers (one for users and groups and one for configuration data), you will need to run the ims_dssetup on both directory servers.

Running the ims_dssetup Utility

This section provides instructions on how to run the ims_dssetup utility to configure an existing Directory Server for Messaging Server installation. If you do not have an existing Directory Server, you do not need to read this section. The ims_dssetup utility is located in the msg directory where you downloaded the archive file from the web; on the CD-ROM, it is also located in the msg directory:

  1. Execute the ims_dssetup utility with the following command:


    Note The utility is a Perl script; you must have perl available on your system to run it; Messaging Server provides a Perl (version 5.005) executable program in the server-root/install directory of the existing Directory Server installation. It is recommended that you use this version of Perl script.

  2. Enter y to continue,

    Welcome to the iMS Directory Server preparation tool.

    This tool will help you setup a Netscape Directory Server and make it ready to use for installing iPlanet Messaging Server.

    Do you want to continue [y]:

  3. Specify the Directory Server root where the existing directory server resides.

    Please enter the full path to the directory where Netscape Directory Server was installed.

    Directory server root [/usr/iplanet/server5] :

  4. Select a Directory Server instance that you plan to use with the Messaging Server installation.

    Please select a directory server instance from the following list:

    [1] slapd-budgie

    Which instance do you want [1]:

  5. Specify the base suffix for the DC tree or press Return to accept the default value. In the DC Tree, the convention is to set the root to o=internet.

    Please enter the base suffix for DC Tree [o=internet]:

  6. Specify the base suffix under which the Users and Groups data should be set up. Press Return to accept the default value.

    Please enter the base suffix under which the Users/Groups data should be setup [] :

  7. Answer yes or press Return to update the schema files.

    Do you want to update the schema files [yes]:

  8. Answer yes or press Return to configure the new indexes.

    Do you want to configure new indexes [yes]:

  9. Specify the schema directory; this is the config subdirectory of the directory where the ims_dssetup utility is located:

    Please enter the schema directory [/usr/iplanet/server5/msg/config]:

At this point, you will see a summary of your options. It will look similar to the following:

Here is a summary of the settings that you chose:

Server Root            : /usr/iplanet/server5
Server Instance            : slapd-budgie
Update Schema             : yes
DC Root             : o=internet
User/Group Root             :
Add New Indexes             : yes
Schema Directory             : /usr/iplanet/server5/msg/config

Answer yes or press Return to continue, or answer no to start over. Do you want to continue [y]: At this point, the configuration of the specified Directory Server begins.

Running the setup Program

The installation binaries, where the iPlanet Messaging Server files reside, contain the setup program. Make sure you are logged on as root when you run the setup program. See Suggested Guidelines to review the guidelines prior to installing Messaging Server.

You can run the setup command as follows:

./setup [options]

The optional parameters for the setup command are listed in Table 2-1:

Table 2-1    Optional parameters for the setup command




Silent installation mode. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the -f file parameter.  

-f file  

Specify file as the silent installation script. This parameter must be used in conjunction with -s parameter.  


Keep the installation cache.  

Silent Installation

The installation program allows you to create a silent installation cache file that can be used to quickly install additional Messaging Server instances in your enterprise. When you use the -k option during your first installation, you create the silent installation cache file. All of your responses to the installation prompts are recorded in that file.

By running the silent installation, you instruct the setup program to read the silent installation cache file. The setup program uses the responses in this file rather than ask the same installation questions again for subsequent Messaging Server installations. When you use the cache file in a new installation, you are not asked any questions. Instead, all of the cache file responses are automatically applied as the new installation parameters.

The silent installation cache file is saved in the /server-root/setup directory. For example, if you installed the server into /usr/iplanet/server5, the cache file for that installation is:


To use the cache file for a fast installation of another iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 instance, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the silent installation cache file to the installation directory that you are using for the new installation.

  2. Review and edit the silent installation cache file as necessary.

    You will probably want to change some of the parameters and specifications in the cache file. For example, the host name for this installation may be different than the host name recorded in the cache file. Remember that the parameters listed in the cache file will be automatically applied to this installation.

  3. Run setup with the -s -f filename options where filename represents the full path and name of the silent installation cache file (Additional setup options are listed in Running the setup Program.). For example:

    ./setup -s -f /home/foo/install.inf

    Note When you use a cache file, no new cache file is created from a silent installation.

    If you have many similar server configurations to set up, you can place the configuration file and the server installation package on each machine. You execute the setup program on each machine; it then extracts all information it needs from the configuration file as it performs the installation.

Installation Scenarios

This section describes three common Messaging Server installation scenarios:

Note The instructions in these scenarios are geared for a Custom Installation. If you are performing an Express or Typical Installation, you will not see all of the questions listed here.

For some questions, you are instructed to provide a specific answer; for the others, you will need to provide your own answer. Detailed information about each question can be found in Chapter 3, "Installation Questions."

Tip It is important that you record your answer for each question (See Table 1-2.); you may need them for another product installation (for example, iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging requires answers to several of the questions specified during the Messaging Server installation. See Required Information for the iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging Installation.).

Prior to beginning your installation, you can run the script command to record your entire installation process. Review the UNIX man page for more information.

Scenario One: Install Messaging and Directory Servers on the Same Machine

Follow the installation instructions provided below if you are installing Messaging and Directory Servers on the same machine:

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the install files. For example:

    cd /opt/msg5install

  2. Run the setup program to begin installation. See Running the setup Program for more information on setup. For example:

    ./setup -k

  3. Provide answers for the following questions as described in Chapter 3, "Installation Questions."

Scenario Two: Install Messaging Server with Existing Configuration and Users and Groups Directory Servers

Follow the installation instructions provided below if you are installing Messaging Server with existing Configuration and Users and Groups Directory Servers:

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the install files. For example:

    cd /opt/msg5install

  2. Run the setup program to begin the installation. See Running the setup Program for more information on setup. For example:

    ./setup -k

  3. Provide answers for the following questions as described in Chapter 3, "Installation Questions."

Scenario Three: Install Messaging Server with Existing Users and Groups Directory Server and New Configuration Directory Server

Follow the installation instructions provided below if you are installing the Messaging Server with an existing Users and Groups Directory Server only:

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation files. For example:

    cd /opt/msg5install

  2. Run the setup program to begin the installation. See Running the setup Program for more information on setup. For example:

    ./setup -k

  3. Provide answers for the following questions as described in Chapter 3, "Installation Questions."

Post-Installation Configuration

At this point, you will have finished installing Messaging Server onto your system. You may need to perform additional post-installation configuration, particularly if you install multiple instances of Messaging Server.

Messaging Servers Sharing Common Users and Groups Directory

If you install multiple instances of the messaging server that use a common Users and Groups Directory Server, Installer fails to add the msg-admin-xxx account to Messaging End User Administrator group.

All instances of Messaging Server create an LDAP account in the Users and Groups Directory. These instances use the account credentials to access Users and Groups data from the LDAP directory.

This account, created during installation, is permitted read access to necessary directory data, that is granted via access control items (ACI) in the directory. The ACI grants access to members of the Messaging End User Administrator group. This group is located in the `ou=Groups' branch of the default domain's organization subtree. The DN of the Messaging End User Administrator Group is 'cn=Messaging End User Administrators Group, ou=Groups,, o=ISP', where:

  • The default domain is

  • The base suffix of the users and groups LDAP directory is 'o=ISP'

  • The default organization's subtree (one that 'dc=siroe, dc=com, o=internet' has a DN reference to) is ', o=ISP'

ACIs in the directory permit access to the directory data to members of the group referenced above, but only the first Messaging Server servers account is added as a member of this group. Installer creates the account for other servers and stores their credentials in the following pair of attributes: local.ugldapbasedn and local.ugldabindcred. However, Installer fails to add this account as a member of the Messaging End User Administrator Group thereby preventing Messaging Server from accessing the necessary data from the users and groups directory server.

To properly configure the LDAP directory, you must add the DN of Messaging Server account as a member of the Messaging End User Administrator Group by following these steps:

  1. Determine the DN of the Messaging End User Administrator Group (For example: 'dn: cn=Messaging End User Administrators Group,, o=ISP').

  2. Determine the DN of the Messaging Server account. Use the command '$INSTANCEROOT/getconf local.ugldapbinddn' to retrieve the DN (For example: uid=msg-admin-2, ou=People,, o=ISP).

  3. Add the DN as a value of the 'uniquemember' attribute of the Messaging End User Administrator Group. The LDIF example shown below will add the account DN to the group:

    dn: cn=Messaging End User Administrators Group, ou=Groups,,o=ISP
    changetype: modify
    add: uniquemember
    uniquemember: uid=msg-admin-2, ou=People,, o=ISP

  4. Use the LDIF file as an argument to ldapmodify the Messaging End User Administrator Group to grant the required access privileges to the Messaging Server.

Adding Service Administrators Group to Second Messaging Server

If a Service Administrators group already exists, adding a second Messaging Server fails to add its own service administrator into the group. As a workaround, manually add the second service administrator user to the service administrator group.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 06, 2001