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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Administrator's Guide


List of Tables

List of Figures

About This Guide
Who Should Read This Book
What You Need to Know
How This Guide is Organized
Typographical Conventions
Command Line Prompts
Where to Find Related Information

Chapter 1 Introduction
Support for Standard Protocols
Support for Hosted Domains
Support for User Provisioning
Support for Unified Messaging
Support for Webmail
Powerful Security and Access Control
Convenient User Interfaces
Post-Installation Directory and File Organization

Chapter 2 Configuring General Messaging Capabilities
Managing Mail Users and Mailing Lists
To View Basic Server Information
Starting and Stopping Services
To Start and Stop Services in an HA Environment
To Start and Stop Services in a non-HA Environment
To Configure a Greeting Message
Configuring Languages for Auto-Reply Messages
To Set a User-Preferred Language
To Set a Domain Preferred Language
To Configure a Server Site Language
Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO)
Messenger Express SSO Configuration Parameters
To Enable Single Sign-on Between Messenger Express and the Delegated Administrator for Messaging
To Customize Directory Lookups
Encryption Settings

Chapter 3 Configuring POP, IMAP, and HTTP Services
General Configuration
Enabling and Disabling Services
Specifying Port Numbers
Ports for Encrypted Communications
Service Banner
Login Requirements
To Set the Login Separator for POP Clients
Password-Based Login
Certificate-Based Login
Performance Parameters
Number of Processes
Number of Connections per Process
Number of Threads per Process
Dropping Idle Connections
Logging Out HTTP Clients
Client Access Controls
To Configure POP Services
To Configure IMAP Services
To Configure HTTP Services

Chapter 4 Configuring and Administering Multiplexor Services
About Multiplexor Services
Multiplexor Benefits
About iPlanet Messaging Multiplexor
How the Messaging Multiplexor Works
Encryption (SSL) Option
Certificate-Based Client Authentication
User Pre-Authentication
MMP Virtual Domains
Multiple Messaging Multiplexor Instances
About SMTP Proxy
Configuring Messaging Multiplexor
To Start Messaging Multiplexor
A Sample Topology
About Messenger Express Multiplexor
How Messenger Express Multiplexor Works
To Set Up the Messenger Express Multiplexor
Testing Your Setup
Administering Your Messenger Express Multiplexor

Chapter 5 MTA Concepts
The MTA Functionality
MTA Architecture and Message Flow Overview
The Dispatcher
Creation and Expiration of Server Processes
To Start and Stop the Dispatcher
Rewrite Rules
Master and Slave Programs
Channel Message Queues
Channel Definitions
The MTA Directory Information
The Job Controller
To Start and Stop the Job Controller

Chapter 6 About MTA Services and Configuration
The MTA Configuration File
dirsync Configuration
Directory Synchronization Configuration Parameters
Mapping File
Locating and Loading the Mapping File
File Format in the Mapping File
Mapping Operations
Other MTA Configuration Files
Autoreply Option File
Alias File
TCP/IP (SMTP) Channel Option Files
Conversion File
Dirsync Option File
Dispatcher Configuration File
Mapping File
Option File
Tailor File
Job Controller File
The Alias Database
The Alias File
Including Other Files in the Alias File
Command Line Utilities
SMTP Security and Access Control
Log Files
To Convert Addresses from an Internal Form to a Public Form
To Set Address Reversal Controls
FORWARD Address Mapping
Controlling Delivery Status Notification Messages
To Construct and Modify Notification Messages
To Customize and Localize Notification Messages
Additional Notification Message Features

Chapter 7 Configuring Rewrite Rules
Rewrite Rule Structure
Rewrite Rule Patterns and Tags
A Rule to Match Percent Hacks
A Rule to Match Bang-Style (UUCP) Addresses
A Rule to Match Any Address
Tagged Rewrite Rule Sets
Rewrite Rule Templates
Ordinary Rewriting Templates: A%B@C or A@B
Repeated Rewrites Template, A%B
Specified Route Rewriting Templates, A@B@C@D or A@B@C
Case Sensitivity in Rewrite Rule Templates
How the MTA Applies Rewrite Rules to an Address
Step 1. Extract the First Host or Domain Specification
Step 2. Scan the Rewrite Rules
Step 3. Rewrite Address According to Template
Step 4. Finish the Rewrite Process
Rewrite Rule Failure
Syntax Checks After Rewrite
Handling Domain Literals
Template Substitutions and Rewrite Rule Control Sequences
Username and Subaddress Substitution, $U, $0U, $1U
Host/Domain and IP Literal Substitutions, $D, $H, $nD, $nH, $L
Literal Character Substitutions, $$, $%, $@
LDAP Query URL Substitutions, $]...[
General Database Substitutions, $(...)
Apply Specified Mapping, ${...}
Customer-supplied Routine Substitutions, $[...]
Single Field Substitutions, $&, $!, $*, $#
Unique String Substitutions
Source-Channel-Specific Rewrite Rules ($M, $N)
Destination-Channel-Specific Rewrite Rules ($C, $Q)
Direction-and-Location-Specific Rewrite Rules ($B, $E, $F, $R)
Host-Location-Specific Rewrites ($A, $P, $S, $X)
Changing the Current Tag Value, $T
Controlling Error Messages Associated with Rewriting ($?)
Handling Large Numbers of Rewrite Rules
Testing Rewrite Rules
Rewrite Rules Example

Chapter 8 Configuring Channel Definitions
Channel Keywords Listed Alphabetically
Channel Keywords Categorized by Function
Configuring Channel Defaults
Configuring SMTP Channels
Configuring SMTP Channel Options
SMTP Command and Protocol Support
TCP/IP Connection and DNS Lookup Support
SMTP Authentication, SASL, and TLS
Using Authenticated Addresses from SMTP AUTH in Header
Specifying Microsoft Exchange Gateway Channels
Transport Layer Security
Configuring Message Processing and Delivery
Setting Channel Directionality
Implementing Deferred Delivery Dates
Specifying the Retry Frequency for Messages that Failed Delivery
Processing Pools for Channel Execution Jobs
Service Job Limits
Message Priority Based on Size
SMTP Channel Threads
Expansion of Multiple Addresses
Enable Service Conversions
Configuring Address Handling
Address Types and Conventions
Interpreting Addresses that Use ! and %
Adding Routing Information in Addresses
Disabling Rewriting of Explicit Routing Addresses
Address Rewriting Upon Message Dequeue
Specifying a Host Name to Use When Correcting Incomplete Addresses
Legalizing Messages Without Recipient Header Lines
Stripping Illegal Blank Recipient Headers
Enabling Channel-Specific Use of the Reverse Database
Enabling Restricted Mailbox Encoding
Generating of Return-path: Header Lines
Constructing Received: Header Lines from Envelope To: and From: Addresses
Handling Comments in Address Header Lines
Handling Personal Names in Address Header Lines
Specifying Alias File and Alias Database Probes
Subaddress Handling
Enabling Channel-specific Rewrite Rules Checks
Removing Source Routes
Specifying Address Must be from an Alias
Configuring Header Handling
Rewriting Embedded Headers
Removing Selected Message Header Lines
Generating/Removing X-Envelope-to: Header Lines
Converting Date to Two- or Four-Digits
Specifying Day of Week in Date
Automatic Splitting of Long Header Lines
Header Alignment and Folding
Specifying Maximum Length Header
Sensitivity Checking
Setting Default Language in Headers
Attachments and MIME Processing
Ignoring the Encoding: Header Line
Automatic Defragmentation of Message/Partial Messages
Automatic Fragmentation of Large Messages
Imposing Message Line Length Restrictions
Size Limits on Messages, User Quotas and Privileges
Specifying Absolute Message Size Limits
Handling Mail Delivery to Over Quota Users
File Creation in the MTA Queue
Controlling How Multiple Addresses on a Message are Handled
Spreading a Channel Message Queue Across Multiple Subdirectories
Configuring Logging and Debugging
Logging Keywords
Debugging Keywords
Setting Loopcheck
Miscellaneous Keywords
Channel Operation Type
Pipe Channel
Specifying Mailbox Filter File Location

Chapter 9 Using Pre-defined Channels
To Deliver Messages to Programs Using the Pipe Channel
To Configure the Native (/var/mail) Channel
To Temporarily Hold Messages Using the Hold Channel
The Conversion Channel
MIME Overview
Selecting Traffic for Conversion Processing
To Control Conversion Processing
To Bounce, Delete, or Hold Messages Using the Conversion Channel Output
Conversion Channel Example
Character Set Conversion and Message Reformatting
Character Set Conversion
Message Reformatting
Service Conversions

Chapter 10 Mail Filtering and Access Control
Controlling Access with Mapping Tables
FROM_ACCESS Mapping Table
PORT_ACCESS Mapping Table
To Limit Specified IP Address Connections to the MTA
When Access Controls Are Applied
To Test Access Control Mappings
To Add SMTP Relaying
Allowing SMTP Relaying for External Sites
Configuring SMTP Relay Blocking
How the MTA Differentiates Between Internal and External Mail
Differentiate Authenticated Users' Mail
Prevent Mail Relay
To Use DNS Lookups Including RBL Checking for SMTP Relay Blocking
Handling Large Numbers of Access Entries
Access Control Mapping Table Flags
To Create Per-User Filters
To Create Channel-Level Filters
To Create MTA-Wide Filters
Routing Discarded Messages out The FILTER_DISCARD Channel
To Debug User Filters

Chapter 11 Managing the Message Store
Message Store Directory Layout
How the Store Erases Messages
Specifying Administrator Access to the Store
To Add an Administrator
To Modify an Administrator Entry
To Delete an Administrator Entry
About Message Store Quotas
User Quotas
Domain Quotas and Family Group Quotas
Exceptions for Telephony Application Servers
Configuring Message Store Quotas
To Specify a Default User Quota
To Enabling Quota Enforcement and Notification
To Set a Grace Period
To Specify Aging Policies
To Specify Expiration Time and Day
Configuring Message Store Partitions
To Add a Partition
To Move Mailboxes to a Different Disk Partition
Performing Maintenance and Recovery Procedures
To Manage Mailboxes
To Monitor Quota Limits
To Monitor Disk Space
Using the stored Utility
Repairing Mailboxes and the Mailboxes Database
Backing Up and Restoring the Message Store
Creating a Backup Policy
To Create Backup Groups
Messaging Server Backup and Restore Utilities
Considerations for Partial Restore
To Use Legato Networker
To Use a Third Party Backup Software (Besides Legato)
Troubleshooting the Message Store
Standard Message Store Monitoring Procedures
Common Problems and Solutions
Message Store Recovery Procedures

Chapter 12 Configuring Security and Access Control
About Server Security
About HTTP Security
Configuring Authentication Mechanisms
To Configure Access to Plaintext Passwords
To Transition Users
User Password Login
IMAP, POP, and HTTP Password Login
SMTP Password Login
Configuring Encryption and Certificate-Based Authentication
Obtaining Certificates
To Enable SSL and Selecting Ciphers
To Set Up Certificate-Based Login
How to Optimize SSL Performance Using the SMTP Proxy
Configuring Administrator Access to Messaging Server
Hierarchy of Delegated Administration
To Provide Access to the Server as a Whole
To Restrict Access to Specific Tasks
Configuring Client Access to POP, IMAP, and HTTP Services
How Client Access Filters Work
Filter Syntax
Filter Examples
To Create Access Filters for Services
To Create Access Filters for HTTP Proxy Authentication
Enabling POP Before SMTP
To Install the SMTP Proxy
Configuring Client Access to SMTP Services

Chapter 13 Logging and Log Analysis
PART 1: Introduction
Logged Services
Analyzing Logs with Third-Party Tools
PART 2: Service Logs (Message Store, Administration Server, and MTA)
Log Characteristics
Log File Format
Defining and Setting Logging Options
Searching and Viewing Logs
PART 3: Service Logs (MTA)
To Enable MTA Logging
To Specify Additional MTA Logging Options
MTA Log Entry Format
Managing the MTA Log Files
Examples of MTA Message Logging
Dispatcher Debugging and Log Files

Chapter 14 Troubleshooting the MTA
Troubleshooting Overview
Standard MTA Troubleshooting Procedures
Check the MTA Configuration
Check the Message Queue Directories
Check the Ownership of Critical Files
Check That the Job Controller and Dispatcher are Running
Check the Log Files
Run a Channel Program Manually
Starting and Stopping Individual Channels
An MTA Troubleshooting Example
Common MTA Problems and Solutions
Changes to Configuration Files or MTA Databases Do Not Take Effect
The MTA Sends Outgoing Mail but Does Not Receive Incoming Mail
Timeouts on Incoming SMTP connections
Messages are Not Dequeued
MTA Messages are Not Delivered
Messages are Looping
Received Message is Encoded
Server-Side Rules (SSR) Are Not Working
General Error Messages
Errors in mm_init
Compiled Configuration Version Mismatch
Swap Space Errors
File open or create errors
Illegal Host/Domain Errors
Errors in SMTP channels: os_smtp_* errors

Chapter 15 Monitoring the iPlanet Messaging Server
Daily Monitoring Tasks
Checking postmaster Mail
Monitoring and Maintaining the Log Files
Setting Up the stored Utility
Monitoring System Performance
Monitoring End-to-end Message Delivery Times
Monitoring Disk Space
Monitoring CPU Usage
Monitoring the MTA
Monitoring the Size of the Message Queues
Monitoring Rate of Delivery Failure
Monitoring Inbound SMTP Connections
Monitoring the Dispatcher and Job Controller Processes
Monitoring Message Access
Monitoring imapd, popd and httpd
Monitoring stored
Monitoring LDAP Directory Server
Monitoring slapd
Monitoring the Message Store
Monitoring the State of Message Store Database Locks
Monitoring the Number of Database Log Files in the mboxutil Directory
Utilities and Tools for Monitoring
Log Files
imsimta counters
imsimta qm counters
MTA Monitoring Using SNMP
mboxutil for Mailbox Quota Checking

Appendix A SNMP Support
SNMP Implementation
SNMP Operation in the Messaging Server
Configuring SNMP Support for the iPlanet Messaging Server on Solaris 8
Configuring SNMP Support for Windows Platforms
Monitoring from an SNMP Client
Co-existence with Other iPlanet Products on Unix Platforms
SNMP Information from the Messaging Server

Appendix B MTA Direct LDAP Operation
To Enable Direct LDAP Mode
How Direct LDAP Mode Works
Resolving Addresses Using the Direct LDAP Rewrite Rule ($V)
Managing LDAP Errors During Address Rewrite
Direct LDAP Alias Resolution
Alias caching
Reverse Address Translation
Implications of Changing to Direct LDAP Mode
Changed LDAP Load
Reduced Dependency on Databases
Changed Overall Mail Throughput

Appendix C Administering Event Notification Service in iPlanet Messaging Server
Loading the ENS Publisher in iPlanet Messaging Server
To Load the ENS Publisher on iPlanet Messaging Server
Running Sample Event Notification Service Programs
To Run the Sample ENS Programs
Administering Event Notification Service
Starting and Stopping ENS
To Start and Stop ENS
iPlanet Event Notification Service Configuration Parameters

Appendix D Managing Mail Users and Mailing Lists
Managing Mail Users
To Access Mail Users
To Specify User Email Addresses
To Configure Delivery Options
To Specify Forwarding Addresses
To Configure Auto-Reply Settings
To Configure Authorized Services
Managing Mailing Lists
To Access Mailing Lists
To Specify Mailing List Settings
To Specify List Members
To Define Message-Posting Restrictions
To Define Moderators


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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 27, 2002