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iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Administrator's Guide



! (exclamation point)
as a comment indicator, 1
in addresses, 1
$?, 1
$A, 1
$B, 1
$C, 1, 2
$E, 1
$F, 1
$M, 1, 2
$N, 1, 2
$P, 1
$Q, 1, 2
$R, 1
$S, 1
$T, 1
$U substitution sequence, 1
$X, 1
% (percent sign), 1
(A!B)C, 1
*.snaptime files, 1
+, 1
.catrecov file, 1
.HELD messages, 1
/ matching, 1
/etc/nsswitch.conf, 1
< (less than sign)
including files with, 1
| vertical bar, 1
^ (at sign), 1


220 banner, 1
733, 1
822, 1


A!(BC), 1
A!B%C, 1
A!B^C, 1
A@B@C, 1
access control
access to TCP services, overview, 1
client access, 1
creating access filters, 1
filter syntax, 1
HTTP service, 1, 2
IMAP service, 1, 2
mapping tables, 1
message store, 1
POP service, 1, 2
SMTP service, 1
testing mappings, 1
when applied, 1
access control, See Also mapping tables 1
access Messenger Express client
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
! and % usage, 1
blank envelope return, 1
destination, 1
handling, 1
incomplete, 1
interpretation, 1
multiple destination, 1
rewriting, 1
routing information, 1
address changing, 1
Address in Received:header, 1
address mapping, FORWARD, 1
address message headers
comments in, 1
personal names, 1
address reverse controls, 1
address reverse, channel-specific, 1
address rewriting, 1
backward-pointing, 1
envelope To:, 1
From:, 1
interpreting, 1
invalid, 1
addressing information
alternate addresses, 1, 2
for mail users, 1
for mailing lists, 1
forwarding addresses, 1
primary address, 1, 2
address-reversal database, 1
addreturnpath, 1
addrsperfile, 1
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
administrative topology, 1
administrator access control
configuring, 1
to message store, 1
to server as a whole, 1
to server tasks, 1
after channel keyword, 1
aging policies
message store, 1
number of days, 1
number of messages, 1
size of mailbox, 1
specifying, 1
alarm attributes
disk space, 1
alarm.diskavail, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticehost, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticeport, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticercpt, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticesender, 1
alarm.serverresponse, 1
alias database, 1
alias file, 1
alias database, 1
alias file, 1, 2
including other files in aliases file, 1
aliaslocal, 1
aliaspostmaster, 1
allowetrn channel keyword, 1
allowswitchchannel channel keyword, 1
altered addresses in notification messages, 1
alternate channel for incoming mail, 1
alternate email addresses, 1, 2
at sign, 1, 2, 3
attachments, 1
opening, 1
authenticated addresses, 1
certificate-based, 1, 2
mechanisms, 1
Messaging Multiplexor, 1
password, 1
POP, 1
authorized services, 1
authrewrite, 1
automatic fragmentation of large messages, 1
automatic reply
configuring languages for, 1
settings, 1
autoreply option file, 1


backoff, 1
backoff channel keyword, 1
backup groups, 1
backup procedure for message store
backup utilities, 1, 2
creating a policy, 1
creating backup groups, 1
description, 1
full backup, 1
incremental backup, 1
parallel backups, 1
peak business loads, 1
serial backups, 1
single copy procedure, 1
using Legato Networker, 1
using third party software, 1
backward-pointing addresses, 1
bad equivalence for alias
MTA error messages, 1
bangoverpercent, 1
bangoverpercent keyword, 1
bangstyle, 1
bang-style (UUCP) addresses, 1
bang-style address conventions, 1
POP, 1
bidirectional, 1
bit flags, 1, 2
blank envelope addresses, 1, 2
blank envelope return addresses, 1
blank lines
in a configuration file, 1
blocketrn channel keyword, 1
blocklimit, 1


CA certificates
installing, 1
managing, 1
cacheeverything channel keyword, 1
cachefailures channel keyword, 1
cachesuccesses channel keyword, 1
cannot open alias include file
MTA error messages, 1
certificate-based login, 1, 2
installing, server, 1
installing, trusted CA, 1
managing, 1
obtaining, 1
requesting, server, 1
changing your configuration, 1
channel block, 1
channel host table, 1
channel l, 1
channel processing
simultaneous requests, 1
channel programs
troubleshooting, 1
channel protocol selection, 1
channel/host table, 1
channel-by-channel size limits, 1
alternates, 1
channel-specific rule checks, 1
character set labeling, 1
comment lines in definitions, 1
configuring, 1, 2
connection caching, 1
defaults, setting, 1
definitions, 1
description, 1, 2
directionality, 1
eight-bit data, 1
IDENT lookups, 1
interpreting names of, 1
job processing pools, 1
keywords for, 1
master programs, 1
message queues, 1
nameserver lookups, 1
predefined, 1
protocol selection and line terminators, 1
protocol streaming, 1
revese DNS lookups, 1
SASL support, 1
slave programs, 1
SMTP authentication, 1
SMTP option files, 1
structure of, 1
submit only, 1
target host choice, 1
TCP/IP MX record support, 1
TCP/IP port selection, 1
TLS kewords, 1
character set labeling, 1
charset7 channel keyword, 1
charset8 channel keyword, 1
charsetesc channel keyword, 1
checkehlo channel keyword, 1
about, 1
selecting, 1
command-line utilities
mboxutil, 1
MTA, 1
reconstruct, 1
stored, 1
COMMENT_STRINGS mapping table, 1
commentinc, 1
commentomit, 1
in address message headers, 1
commentstrip, 1
commenttotal, 1
compiled configuration version mismatch, 1
configuration directory, 1, 2
configuration files
aliases, 1
autoreply option, 1
blank lines in, 1
conversion, 1
dirsync option, 1
Dispatcher, 1
structure, 1
Job Controller, 1
local.conf, 1
mapping, 1
msg.conf, 1
MTA, 1, 2
nsswitch.conf, 1
options, 1
sslpassword.conf, 1, 2
tailor, 1
alarm.diskavail, 1, 2
alarm.msgalarmnoticehost, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticeport, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticercpt, 1
alarm.msgalarmnoticesender, 1
alarm.serverresponse, 1
encryption.nsssl3ciphers, 1
encryption.rsa, 1
gen.newuserforms, 1
gen.sitelanguage, 1
local.imta, 1
local.imta.schematag, 1
local.service.http.proxy, 1
local.service.pab, 1
local.sso, 1, 1, 1
local.ugldapbasedn, 1
local.ugldapbindcred, 1
local.ugldapbinddn, 1, 2
local.ugldaphost, 1, 2
local.ugldapport, 1
local.ugldapuselocal, 1
local.webmail.sso, 1
logfile.service, 1
nsserversecurity, 1
sasl.default, 1
sasl.default.ldap, 1
service.dcroot, 1
service.defaultdomai, 1
service.http, 1
service.http.plaintextmincipher, 1
service.imap, 1, 2
service.imap.banner, 1
service.imta, 1
service.loginseparator, 1, 2
service.pop, 1
service.pop.banner, 1
service.service, 1
store.admins, 1
store.defaultmailboxquota, 1
store.expirestart, 1
store.partition, 1
store.quotaenforcement, 1
store.quotaexceededmsg, 1
store.quotaexceedmsginterval, 1
store.quotagraceperiod, 1
store.quotanotification, 1
store.quotawarn, 1, 1
connectalias, 1
connectcanonical, 1
connection caching, 1
control files
database snapshots, 1
controlling error messages associated with rewriting, 1
conversion channel, 1
bouncing messages, 1
configuration of, 1, 2
control parameters, 1
conversion control, 1
deleting messages, 1
example, 1
header management, 1
holding messages, 1
information flow, 1
mapping table, 1
output options, 1
passing directives, 1
processing, 1
traffic for conversion processing, 1
conversion control, 1
conversion file, 1
conversions file, 1
converting addresses, 1
copysendpost, 1
copywarnpost, 1
core files
troubleshooting the message store, 1
correcting incomplete addresses, 1
corresponding channel characteristics, 1
counterutil, 1
alarm statistics, 1
db_lock, 1
diskusage, 1
output, 1
serverresponse, 1
counterutil -l, 1
creating database snapshot backups, 1


daemon channel keyword, 1
database log files
troubleshooting the message store, 1
database snapshot backups, 1
database snapshot control files, 1
database snapshots
recovering the message store, 1
date conversion, 1
date fields, 1
date specification
day of week, 1
datefour, 1
two-digit, 1
datetwo, 1
day of week
date specification, 1
dayofweek, 1
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
dispatcher, 1
debugging tools
channel_master.log-* files, 1
imsimta cache -view, 1
imsimta process, 1
imsimta qm, 1, 2
imsimta qm start and stop, 1
imsimta run, 1
imsimta test -rewrite, 1, 2
log_message_id, 1
mail.log_current, 1
mail.log_current records, 1
mapping tables, 1
master_debug, 1
message file, 1
slave_debug, 1
subdirs, 1
TCP/IP network
tcp_local_slave.log-* file, 1
default datasize, 1
default domain
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
default error messages
rewrite and channel matching failures, 1
defaultmx channel keyword, 1
defaultnameservers channel keyword, 1
defaults channel
in a configuration file, 1, 2
deferred, 1, 2
deferred delivery dates, 1
deferred message processing, 1
defragment, 1
defragmentation of message, 1
delegated administration, 1, 2
Delegated Administrator for Messaging, 1, 2
Delivery Failure, 1
delivery options
mail users, 1
POP/IMAP delivery, 1
program delivery, 1
UNIX delivery, 1
delivery retry frequency, 1
delivery status notifications, See notification messages 1
dequeue_removeroute, 1
destination address, 1
destinationfilter, 1
direct LDAP mode
address resolution, 1
alias caching, 1
attribute extraction, 1
changes, 1
changes from dirsync, 1
delivery address generation, 1
delivery address generation example, 1
differences, 1
domain lookup, 1
domain lookup cache, 1
domain lookup for vanity domains, 1
domain lookup in on standard directories, 1
enabling, 1
entry type, determining, 1
finding LDAP entry, 1
group entries, 1
implications, 1
LDAP error management, 1
LDAP failures, 1
message size limit, 1
operation, 1
performance tuning, 1
reverse address translation, 1
SIEVE rules, 1
status, user/group, 1
throughput, 1
uid extraction, 1
user location, 1
vanity domain lookup, 1
direction-specific rewrites, 1
for log files, 1
message store, 1
directory, 1
directory cache, 1
directory database, 1
Directory Server, 1
configuration directory, 1
configuration settings, 1
MTA cache, 1
requirement, 1
user directory, 1, 2
dirsync, 1, 2
dirsync option file, 1
Disk Space, 1
disk space
monitoring, 1
quotas for, 1
configuration file, 1
controlling, 1
debugging and log files, 1
description, 1
MAX_CONNS option, 1
MIN_CONNS option, 1
MIN_PROCS option, 1
restarting, 1
starting, 1
stopping, 1
dispatcher configuration file, 1
domain verification, 1
IDENTprotocol, 1
MX records, 1
reverse lookups, 1, 2
DNS Lookups, 1
DNS problems
MTA troubleshooting, 1
dns_verify, 1
database, 1
DNS verification, 1
literals, 1
specification in an address, 1
stopping inbound processing, 1
domainetrn channel keyword, 1
domainvrfy, 1
dropblank, 1
duplicate aliases found
MTA error messages, 1
duplicate host in channel table
MTA error messages, 1
duplicate mapping name found
MTA error messages, 1


echo mode, 1
ehlo channel keyword, 1
EHLO command, 1
eightbit channel keyword, 1
Eight-Bit Data, 1
eight-bit data, 1
eightnegotiate channel keyword, 1
eightstrict channel keyword, 1
email-only members (of a group), 1
enable Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
encoded received message, 1
encoding, 1
encoding header, 1
accelerators for, 1
defined, 1
encryption settings, 1
encryption.nsssl3ciphers, 1
encryption.rsa, 1
ENS, 1
administering, 1
configuration parameters, 1
enable, 1
sample programs, 1
starting and stopping, 1
envelope to Address in Received: header, 1
envelope To: address, 1
error initializing ch_facility
compiled character set version mismatch, 1
no room in, 1
error messages
cannot open alias include file, 1
error initializing ch_facility, 1
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
MTA, 1
bad equivalence for alias, 1
duplicate aliases found, 1
duplicate host in channel table, 1
duplicate mapping name found, 1
local host too long, 1
mapping name is too long, 1
no equivalence addresses, 1
no official host name for channel, 1
official host name is too long, 1
errors in mm_init, 1
errsendpost, 1
errwarnpost, 1
establishing connection with Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
ETRN command, 1
ETRN Command Support, 1
Event Notification Service, 1
Event Notification Service, See ENS<$No Page, 1
exclamation point (!), 1
expandchannel, 1
expandchannel channel keyword, 1
expandlimit, 1
expandlimit channel keyword, 1
expansion of multiple addresses, 1
expire, setting time and day, 1
explicit routing, 1
explicit routing, disable, 1
exproute, 1
external modules (PKCS #11), 1


failed delivery, 1
failed delivery attempts, 1
failed messages, 1
failure of rewrite rules, 1
fast recovery, 1
including in configuration files, 1
file open or create errors, 1
fileinto, 1
header options, 1
filesperjob, 1
filesperjob channel keyword, 1
filter, 1
channel level, 1
description, 1
IP Address, 1
MTA-wide, 1
per-user, 1
FORWARD address mapping, 1
forwardcheckdelete channel keyword, 1
forwardchecknone channel keyword, 1
forwardchecktag channel keyword, 1
forwarding addresses, 1
four-digit dates, 1
of long messages, 1
From: address, 1
FROM_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 1


gen.newuserforms, 1
gen.sitelanguage, 1
general MTA error messages, 1
generating character set labels, 1
global store problems
troubleshooting the message store, 1
greeting message, 1
See also mailing lists 1
email-only members of, 1
Members tab, 1
groups, creation, 1


hardware space
troubleshoooting the message store, 1
hashdir, 1
handling keywords, 1
language, 1
maximum length, 1
removing, 1
Return-path, 1
splitting long lines, 1
stripping illegal blank recipient, 1
X-Envelope-to, 1
header alignment, 1
header options files, 1
header trimming, 1
header_733, 1
header_822, 1
header_uucp, 1
headerlabelalign, 1
headerlinelength, 1
headerread, 1
headerread keyword, 1
headers, definitions, 1
headertrim, 1
heap size, 1
hold channel, 1
holdexquota, 1
holdlimit, 1
holdlimit channel keyword, 1
host location-specific rewrites, 1
host name
extracting, 1
hiding, 1, 2
host, defined, 1
host/domain specifications, 1
hosted domains
description, 1
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
how to manually run a channel program, 1
HTTP service
access control filters, 1
certificate-based login, 1
client access control, 1
configuring, 1
connection settings, 1
connections per process, 1
disabling, 1
dropping idle connections, 1
enabling, 1
logging out clients, 1
login requirements, 1
message settings, 1
MTA settings, 1
number of processes, 1
password-based login, 1, 2
performance parameters, 1
port numbers, 1
process settings, 1
proxy authentication, 1
security, 1
session ID, 1
specialized web server, 1, 2
SSL port, 1
starting and stopping, 1
threads per process, 1


iBiffconfiguration parameters, 1
iddenttcpsymbolic channel keyword, 1
IDENT lookups, 1
identify channels in message path
how to, 1
identnone channel keyword, 1
identnonelimited channel keyword, 1
identnonenumeric channel keyword, 1
identnonesymbolic channel keyword, 1
identtcp channel keyword, 1
identtcplimited channel keyword, 1
identtcpnumeric channel keyword, 1
idle connections, dropping, 1
ignorencoding, 1
iii_res* functions
slow SMTP server, 1
illegal host/domain errors, 1
MX record lookups, 1
IMAP service
access control filters, 1
banner, 1, 2
certificate-based login, 1, 2
client access control, 1
configuring, 1
connection settings, 1
connections per process, 1
disabling, 1
dropping idle connections, 1
enabling, 1
login requirements, 1
number of processes, 1
password-based login, 1, 2
password-based long, 1
performance parameters, 1
port numbers, 1, 2
process settings, 1
readership utility, 1
shared folders, 1
SSL, 1, 2
SSL port, 1
starting and stopping, 1
threads per process, 1
immnonurgent, 1, 2
immnonurgent channel keyword, 1
implicit routing, 1
improute, 1
imsbackup utility, 1, 2
imsimta cache -view, 1
imsimta counters, 1
imsimta process, 1
imsimta qm, 1, 2
imsimta qm counters, 1
imsimta qm stop and start, 1
imsimta run, 1
imsimta test -rewrite, 1, 2
MTA troubleshooting, 1
imsrestore utility, 1, 2
imta.cnf configuration file
structure, 1
INBOX, default mailbox, 1
includefinal, 1, 2
incoming connection, 1
incoming mail, 1
incorrect handling of notification messages
looping messages, 1
inner, 1
inner header
rewriting, 1
inner header rewriting, 1
innertrim, 1
interfaceaddress channel keyword, 1
internal modules (PKCS #11), 1
interpretencoding, 1
interpreting addresses, 1
invalid address, 1
IP address
stopping inbound processing, 1
IP Address filtering, 1
IPv4 matching, 1


Job Controller
commands, 1
configuration file, 1
creating processes, 1
examples of use, 1
JOB_LIMIT option, 1
JOB_LIMIT pool option, 1
limits keywords, 1
MAX_MESSAGES option, 1
maxjobs channel option, 1
restarting, 1
starting, 1
stopping, 1
job controller
concepts, 1
start and stop, 1
JOB_LIMIT Job Controller option, 1, 2


table, 1, 2


language, 1
for autoreply messages, 1
server site, 1
user-preferred, 1
last resort host, 1
lastresort channel keyword, 1
LDAP Directory
direct lookup See direct LDAP mode 1
LDAP directory
configuration directory, 1
configuring lookups in user directory, 1
customizing lookups, 1
for user provisioning, 1
MTA, 1
MTA cache, 1
requirements, 1
user directory, 1, 2
viewing settings in configuration directory, 1
LDAP parameters
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
Legato, 1
less than sign (, 1
line length reduction, 1
line length restrictions, 1
linelength, 1
linelimit, 1
local, 1
local channel
options, 1
local host too long
MTA error messages, 1
local.conf file, 1
local.imta, 1
local.imta.schematag, 1
local.service.http.proxy, 1
local.service.pab, 1
local.sso, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
local.ugldapbasedn, 1
local.ugldapbindcred, 1
local.ugldapbinddn, 1, 2
local.ugldaphost, 1, 2
local.ugldapport, 1
local.ugldapuselocal, 1
local.webmail.sso, 1
localizing, notification messages 1
localvrfy channel keyword, 1
location-specific rewrites, 1
log files
troubleshooting the message store, 1
troubleshooting the MTA, 1
LOG_FILENAME option, 1
log_message_id, 1
LOG_MESSAGE_ID option, 1
LOG_PROCESS option, 1
LOG_USERNAME option, 1
logfile.service, 1
logging, 1
analyzing logs, 1
architecture of, 1
categories, 1
channels, 1
directories for log files, 1
levels of, 1
LOG_FILENAME option, 1
LOG_MESSAGE_ID option, 1
LOG_PROCESS option, 1
LOG_USERNAME option, 1
message store and administration server, 1
MTA, 1
MTA entry codes, 1
options, 1
severity levels, 1
to syslog, 1, 2
viewing logs, 1
certificate-based, 1, 2
password-based, 1, 2
login separator
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
login separator, for POP, 1
long-term service failures, 1
loopcheck, 1
looping messages, 1
incorrect handling of notification messages, 1
postmaster address is broken, 1


mail accounts. See mail users 1
mail filtering
channel-level filters, 1
description, 1
mapping tables, 1
MTA-wide filters, 1
per-user filters, 1
server-side rules, 1
mail forwarding, 1
Mail tab, 1, 2, 3
mail users
accessing an existing user, 1
address (primary), 1
addresses, specifying, 1
alternate addresses, 1
auto-reply settings, 1
creating a new user, 1
delivery-options configuration, 1
echo mode, 1
forwarding addresses for, 1
host name hiding, 1
Mail tab, 1, 2
Netscape Console access to, 1
POP/IMAP delivery option, 1
program delivery option, 1
UNIX delivery option, 1
vacation mode, 1
mail.log_current, 1
MAIL_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
mailbox encoding
restricted, 1
mailbox specifications, 1
aging policies for, 1
default mailbox for delivery, 1
managing, 1
mboxutil utility, 1
naming conventions for, 1
reconstruct utility, 1
reconstructing, 1
repairing, 1
mailfromdnsverify channel keyword, 1
mailing lists
accessing an existing group, 1
adding list (email-only) members, 1
address (primary), 1
creating a new group, 1
dynamic membership criteria, 1
email-only members, 1
host name hiding, 1
LDAP search URLs, 1
list members, 1
list owners, 1
Mail tab, 1
Members tab (of group), 1
message-rejection actions, 1
moderators for, 1
Netscape Console access to, 1
restrictions on message posting, 1
mailinglist, creation, 1
manually running a channel program, 1
/ matching, 1
mapping entry patterns, 1
mapping entry templates, 1
mapping file, 1, 2
file format, 1
locating and loading, 1
mapping name is too long
MTA error messages, 1
mapping operations, 1
mapping pattern wildcards, 1
mapping table
mapping tables, 1, 2
description, 1
handling large numbers of entries, 1
list of, 1
mapping tables,See Also access control 1
mapping template substitutions and metacharacters, 1
master, 1
master program, 1, 2
master_command, 1
master_debug, 1
matching any address, 1
matching procedure, rewrite rules, 1
MAX_CONNS Dispatcher option, 1
MAX_MESSAGES Job Controller option, 1
MAX_PROCS Dispatcher option
MAX_PROCS option, 1
maxblocks, 1
maxheaderaddrs, 1
maxheaderchars, 1
maximum length header, 1
maxjobs, 1
maxjobs channel keyword, 1, 2
maxlines, 1
maxprocchars, 1
maysaslserver, 1
maytls channel keword, 1
maytlsclient channel keyword, 1
maytlsserver channel keyword, 1
mboxutil, 1, 2
Members tab, 1
dequeue, 1
fragmentation, 1
size limits, 1
without recipient header, 1
message breakdown, 1
message defragmentation, 1
message header
date fields, 1
message header lines
trimming, 1
message queue directories
troubleshooting, 1
message queues, 1, 2
message rejection, 1
message store
access control, 1
administrator access, 1
aging policies, 1
backup groups, 1
backup policies, 1
cleaning up messages, 1
configuring disk quotas, 1
configuring partitions, 1
default partition, 1
deleting messages, 1
directory layout, 1
expire, setting time & day, 1
expunging messages, 1
grace period, 1
imsbackup utility, 1
imsrestore utility, 1
logging, 1
maintenance and recovery procedures, 1
overview, 1
partitions, 1
primary partition, 1
quotas, 1
RAID technology, 1
reconstruct utility, 1
restoring data, 1
stored utility, 1
troubleshooting, 1
using Legato Networker for backup, 1
using third party software, 1
message store recovery procedures
fast recovery, 1
Message Transfer Agent. See also MTA 1
messages not delivered, 1
messages not dequeued, 1
Messaging Multiplexor
certificate-based authentication, 1
certmap plugins, 1
description, 1
DNComps, 1
encryption, 1
features, 1
FilterComps, 1
how it works, 1
instances (multiple), 1
pre-authentication, 1
starting/stopping, 1
store administrator, 1
vdmap, 1
Messenger Express, 1, 2
Messenger Express Multiplexor
access Messenger Express client, 1
administration, 1
dcroot, 1
default domain, 1
enabling, 1
error messages, 1
hosted domains, 1
how it works, 1
LDAP parameters, 1
login separator, 1
managing product versions, 1
multiple proxy server setup, 1
overview, 1
similarities to MMP, 1
SSL, 1, 2
steps to establish connection, 1
testing, 1
metacharacters in mapping templates, 1
Microsoft Exchange, 1
migrating users, 1
Headers, 1
message construction, 1
overview, 1
processing, 1
MIN_CONNS Dispatcher option, 1
MIN_PROCS Dispatcher option, 1
missingrecipientpolicy, 1
mm_debug, 1
debugging tools
mm_debug, 1
mm_init, 1
MMP, 1
AService.cfg file, 1
AService.rc file, 1
AService-def.cfg, 1
ImapMMP.config, 1
ImapProxyAService.cfg file, 1
ImapProxyAService-def.cfg, 1
PopProxyAService.cfg file, 1
PopProxyAService-def.cfg, 1
SMTP Proxy, 1
SmtpProxyAService.cfg, 1
SmtpProxyAService-def.cfg, 1
MMP and Messenger Express Multiplexor similarities, 1
defining, 1
for mailing lists, 1
monitoring, 1
CPU usage, 1
database log files, 1
delivery failure rate, 1
delivery times, 1
disk space, 1
dispatcher, 1
httpd, 1
imapd, 1
job controller, 1
LDAP Directory Server, 1
log files, 1
mboxutil directory, 1
message access, 1
message queues, 1
message store, 1
message store database locks, 1
MTA, 1
popd, 1
postmaster Mail, 1
SMTP connections, 1
stored, 1, 2, 3
system performance, 1
tools & utilities, 1
Webmail services, 1
move user mailbox, 1
moving mailboxes, 1
msexchange, 1
msg.conf file, 1
MTA, 1
adding relaying, 1
architecture, 1
channels, 1, 2
command-line utilities, 1
concepts, 1
configuration files, 1, 2
directory cache, 1
directory information, 1
directory synchronization, 1
Dispatcher, 1
logging, 1
message flow, 1
message queues, 1
relay blocking, 1
rewrite rules, 1
server processes, 1
setting global options, 1
troubleshooting, 1
MTA channels
starting and stopping, 1
MTA configuration
troubleshooting, 1
MTA configuration file, 1
MTA error messages, 1
bad equivalence for alias, 1
cannot open alias include file, 1
duplicate aliases found, 1
duplicate host in channel table, 1
duplicate mapping name found, 1
error initializing ch_facility
compiled character set version mismatch, 1
no room in, 1
local host too long, 1
mapping name is too long, 1
no equivalence addresses, 1
no official host name for channel, 1
official host name is too long, 1
MTA example
message breakdown, 1
start and stop channels, 1
MTA functionality 1
MTA mapping file, 1
MTA queues, 1
MTA troubleshooting
network and DNS problems, 1
MTA troubleshooting example, 1
multiple, 1
multiple $M clauses, 1
multiple addresses, 1
multiple destination addresses, 1
multiple outgoing channels, 1
multiple proxy servers
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
mustsaslserver, 1
musttls channel keyword, 1
musttlsclient channel keyword, 1
musttlsserver channel keyword, 1
mx channel keyword, 1
MX record lookups, 1
MX record support, 1
myprocmail, with the Pipe channel, 1


nameserver lookups, 1
nameservers channel keyword, 1
netstat, 1
network problem, 1
network services, 1
no equivalence addresses
MTA error messages, 1
no official host name for channel
MTA error messages, 1
noaddreturnpath, 1
nobangoverpercent, 1
nobangoverpercent keyword, 1
noblocklimit, 1
nocache channel keyword, 1
nodayofweek, 1
nodeferred, 1, 2
nodefragment, 1
nodestinationfilter, 1
nodropblank, 1
noehlo channel keyword, 1
noexproute, 1
noexquota, 1
nofileinto, 1
nofilter, 1
noheaderread, 1
noheadertrim, 1
noimproute, 1
noinner, 1
noinnertrim, 1
nolinelimit, 1
nologging, 1
noloopcheck, 1
nomailfromdnsverify channel keyword, 1
nomsexchange, 1
nomx channel keyword, 1
nonrandommx channel keyword, 1
nonstandard message formats
converting, 1
nonurgentbackoff channel keyword, 1, 2
nonurgentblocklimit, 1
nonurgentblocklimit channel keyword, 1
nonurgentnotices, 1
nonurgentnotices channel keyword, 1
noreceivedfor, 1
noreceivedfrom, 1
noremotehost, 1
noreturnpersonal, 1
noreverse, 1
normalbackoff, 1
normalbackoff channel keyword, 1
normalblocklimit, 1
normalblocklimit channel keyword, 1
normalnotices, 1
normalnotices channel keyword, 1
norules, 1
norules channel keyword, 1
nosasl, 1
nosaslserver, 1
nosaslswitchchannel, 1
nosendetrn, 1
nosendpost, 1
noservice, 1
nosmtp channel keyword, 1
nosourcefilter, 1
noswitchchannel keyword, 1
notaries 1
See notification messages 1
notices, 1, 2
notices channel keyword, 1
notifcation messages, ?? to 1
notification message, 1
notification messages, 1
additional features, 1
blocking content return, 1
channel keywords, 1
constructing & modifying, 1
customizing and localizing, 1
removing non-US-ASCII characters from headers, 1
sending/blocking to postmaster, 1
setting delivery intervals for undeliverable mail, 1
NOTIFICATION_LANGUAGE mapping table, 1, 2
notls channel keyword, 1
notlsclient channel keyword, 1
notlsserver channel keyword, 1
nowarnpost, 1
nox_env_to, 1
nsserversecurity, 1
nsswitch.conf file, 1


official host nameis too long
MTA error messages, 1
options file, 1
ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
ORIG_SEND_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
os_smtp_* errors, 1
os_smtp_open errors, 1
os_smtp_read errors, 1
os_smtp_write errors, 1
overview of Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
ownership of files
troubleshooting, 1


partial messages, 1
adding, 1
configuring for message store, 1
default, 1
full, 1
message store, 1
moving mailboxes between, 1
nicknames, 1
pathnames, 1
primary, 1
RAID technology, 1
password authentication
See also login 1
HTTP service, 1
IMAP service, 1
POP service, 1
SMTP service, 1
to LDAP user directory, 1
password file (for SSL), 1
password login, 1, 2
percent hack, 1
percent hack rules, 1
percent sign (%), 1, 2
percentonly, 1
percents, 1
performance parameters
connections per process, 1
number of processes, 1
threads per process, 1
periodic message return job, 1
personal names in address message headers, 1
personalinc, 1
personalomit, 1
personalstrip, 1, 1
pipe channel, 1, 2
PKCS #11
internal and external modules, 1
pool, 1
pool channel keyword, 1
POP Before SMTP, 1
POP service
access control filters, 1
banner, 1
certificate-based login, 1
client access control, 1
configuring, 1
connections per process, 1
dropping idle connections, 1
login requirements, 1
number of processes, 1
password-based login, 1, 2
performance parameters, 1
port numbers, 1
SSL, 1
starting and stopping, 1
threads per process, 1
port channel keyword, 1
PORT_ACCESS Mapping Table, 1
PORT_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
postheadbody, 1
postheadbody channel keyword, 1
postheadonly, 1
postheadonly channel keyword, 1
addresses, 1
pre-authentication (Messaging Multiplexor), 1
prerequisites, 1
primary email address, 1, 2
number of, 1
processing messages, 1
product versions
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
program delivery
pipe channel, 1
setting up, 1
specifying, 1
program, sending a message to, 1
master, 1
slave, 1
protocol streaming, 1
provisioning users, 1
publish-and-subscribe, 1


Q records, 1
queues, 1
queues, message, 1
configuring, 1
disk, 1
disk space, 1
domain, 1
enforcement, 1
family groups, 1
grace period, 1
message, 1
notification, 1
usage, 1
warning message, 1
quoted local-parts, 1


RAID technology
for message store, 1
randommx channel keyword, 1
RBL Checking, 1
readership, 1
received message
encoded, 1
receivedfor, 1
receivedfrom, 1
reconstruct, 1
reconstruct command-line utility, 1
recovery tasks
mailboxes, 1
reconstruct utility, 1
relay blocking, 1
relay blocking, removal of, 1
adding, 1
relaying mail, 1
remote system, 1
remotehost, 1
repeated percent signs, 1
restoring the message store, 1
restricted, 1
restricted channel keyword, 1
restricted mailbox encoding, 1
line length, 1
returnaddress, 1
returned message
content, 1
returnenvelope, 1, 2
returnpersonal, 1
reverse, 1
reverse database
channel-specific, 1
reverse mapping, 1
REVERSE mapping table flags, 1
inner header, 1
rewrite process failure, 1
rewrite rules, 1
$V parameter, 1
bang-style, 1
blank lines, 1, 2
case sensitivity in templates, 1
checks, 1
control sequences, 1
description, 1
direct LDAP mode, 1
direction-specific, 1
domain literals, 1
example, 1
failure, 1
Finishing the Rewriting Process, 1
handling large numbers, 1
host location-specific, 1
location-specific, 1
match any address, 1
operation, 1
ordinary templates A%B@C, 1
pattern matching, 1
patterns and tags, 1
percent hacks, 1
repeated templates A%B, 1
scanning, 1
specified route templates A@B@C, 1
structure, 1
substitution, username and subaddress, 1
substitutions, customer-supplied routine, 1
substitutions, general database, 1
substitutions, host/domain and IP Literal, 1
substitutions, LDAP Query URL, 1
substitutions, literal character, 1
substitutions, single field, 1
substitutions, specified mapping, 1
syntax checks after rewriting, 1
tagged rule sets, 1
template substitutions, 1
templates, 1, 2
testing, 1
UUCP addresses, 1
inner header, 1
rewriting an address
extracting the first host/domain specification, 1
rewriting error messages, 1
RFC 2476, 1
routelocal, 1
explicit, 1
implicit, 1
routing information in addresses, 1
rules, 1
rules channel keyword, 1


channel keywords, 1
description, 1
sasl.default.ldap, 1
sasl.default.transition_criteria, 1
saslswitchchannel, 1, 2
about, 1
authentication mechanisms, 1
certificate-based login, 1, 2
client access controls, 1
client access to TCP services, 1
HTTP service, 1, 2
IMAP service, 1
password-based login, 1
POP service, 1
SMTP service, 1
SSL, 1
TLS, 1
SEND_ACCESS mapping table, 1, 2
sendetrn, 1
sendpost, 1
sensitivitycompanyconfidential, 1
sensitivitynormal, 1
sensitivitypersonal, 1
sensitivityprivate, 1
separator, setting, 1
server certificates
installing, 1
managing, 1
requesting, 1
server information, viewing, 1
server-side rules, 1
troubleshooting, 1
service, 1
service banners, 1
Service Conversions, 1
service denial attack, 1
service.dcroot, 1
service.defaultdomain, 1
service.http, 1
service.http.plaintextmincipher, 1
service.imap, 1, 2
service.imap.banner, 1
service.imta, 1
service.loginseparator, 1, 2
service.pop, 1
service.pop.banner, 1
enabling and disabling, 1
MTA, 1, 2
POP, 1
SMTP, 1, 2
starting and stopping, 1
sevenbit channel keyword, 1
severity levels (of logging), 1
shared folders, IMAP, 1
SIEVE filtering language, 1
silentetrn channel keyword, 1
single, 1, 2
single channel keyword, 1
single destination system per message copy, 1
single sign-on
enabling, 1
Messenger Express and Delegated Administrator, 1
Messenger Express configuration parameters, 1
single_sys, 1, 2, 3
single_sys channel keyword, 1
slapd, 1
slapd Problems, 1
slave, 1
slave program, 1, 2
SLAVE_COMMAND Job Controller option, 1
slave_debug, 1
SMTP Authentication, 1
SMTP Channel, 1
smtp channel keyword, 1
SMTP channel option file, 1
SMTP Channel Threads, 1
SMTP Command and Protocol Suppor, 1
SMTP connections, 1, 2
SMTP errors
os_smtp_* errors, 1
SMTP MAIL TO command, 1
SMTP Proxy, 1, 2
MMP, 1
SMTP Relaying
adding, 1
SMTP Relaying for External Sites,allowing in NMS, 1
SMTP server slowdown, 1
SMTP service
access control, 1
adding relaying, 1
authenticated SMTP, 1
login requirements, 1
password-based login, 1
port number, 1
relay blocking, 1
starting and stopping, 1
smtp_cr channel keyword, 1
smtp_crlf channel keyword, 1
smtp_crorlf channel keyword, 1
smtp_lf channel keyword, 1
snapshot backups, 1
recovering the message store, 1
applTable, 1
applTable Usage, 1
assocTable, 1
assocTable Usage, 1
channel errors, 1
channel information, 1
channel network connection, 1
co-existence with other iPlanet products, 1
configuring for Messaging Server, 1
configuring for Windows Platforms, 1
implementation, 1
information provided, 1
limitations, 1
MIBs supported, 1
MTA information, 1
mtaGroupAssociationTable, 1
mtaGroupErrorTable, 1
mtaGroupErrorTable Usage, 1
mtaGroupTable, 1
mtaGroupTable Usage, 1
mtaTable, 1
mtaTable Usage, 1
network connection information, 1
operation, 1
server information, 1
source channel-specific
rewriting, 1
source files
including, 1
source routes, 1
sourceblocklimit, 1
sourcecommentinc, 1
sourcecommentmap, 1
sourcecommentomit, 1
sourcecommentstrip, 1
sourcecommenttota, 1
sourcefilter, 1
sourcepersonalinc, 1
sourcepersonalmap, 1
sourcepersonalomit, 1
sourcepersonalstrip, 1
sourceroute, 1
source-routed address, 1
special directives, 1
specify, 1
certificates, 1
ciphers, 1
enabling, 1
hardware encryption accelerators, 1
installing CA certificates, 1
installing server certificates, 1
internal and external modules, 1
managing certificates, 1
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1, 2
optimizing performance, 1
overview, 1
password file for, 1
requesting server certificates, 1
sslpassword.conf file, 1
turning on, 1
sslpassword.conf file, 1, 2
SSR, 1
syntax problems, 1
troubleshooting procedures, 1
standard procedures
MTA troubleshooting, 1
starting individual channels, 1
status notifications, See notification messages 1
sticky error message, 1
stopping inbound processing from a domain or IP address, 1
stopping individual channels, 1
store.admins, 1
store.defaultmailboxquota, 1
store.expirerule, 1
store.expirestart, 1
store.quotaexceededmsg, 1
store.quotaexceedmsginterval, 1
store.quotanotification, 1
store.quotawarn, 1
stored, 1
stored operations, 1
stored processes
troubleshooting the message store, 1
stored, monitoring, 1
streaming channel keyword, 1
stripped Received
header lines, 1
subaddresses, 1
subaddressexact, 1
subaddressrelaxed, 1
subaddresswild, 1
subdirs, 1
how to use, 1
subdirs channel keyword, 1
submit channel keyword, 1
substitutions in mapping templates, 1
substitutions, rewrite rules
unique string, 1
suppressfinal, 1, 2
swap space
commands, 1
errors, 1
switchchannel, 1
switchchannel channel keyword, 1
syntax checks after rewriting, 1
syntax problems
SSR, 1
message store logging, 1
MTA logging, 1


tagged rewrite rule sets, 1
tailor file, 1
TCP client access control
address-spoofing detection, 1
examples, 1
EXCEPT operator, 1
filter syntax, 1
host specification, 1
how access filters work, 1
identd service, 1
Netscape Console interface for, 1
overview, 1
username lookup, 1
virtual domains, 1
wildcard names, 1
wildcard patterns, 1
channels, 1, 2
connections, 1
IDENT lookups, 1
interface address, 1
MX record support, 1
port number, 1
reverse DNS lookups, 1
TCP/IP channels, 1
TCP/IP nameserver lookups, 1
testing installation
Messenger Express Multiplexor, 1
threaddepth, 1
threaddepth channel keyword, 1
threads per process, 1
throttle, 1
channel keywords, 1
description, 1
tlsswitchchannel keyword, 1
traffic for conversion processing, 1
Transport Layer Security (TLS), 1
trimming message header lines, 1
login failure, POP, 1
troubleshooting the message store, 1, 2
common problems and solutions
global store problems, 1
user mailbox directory problems, 1
core files, 1
database log files, 1
hardware space, 1
monitoring, 1
recovery procedures, 1
creating database snapshot backups, 1
database snapshot control files, 1
database snapshots, 1
fast recovery, 1
stored operations, 1
stored processes, 1
user folders, 1
troubleshooting the MTA
.HELD messages, 1
checking configuration, 1
checking the message queue directories, 1
common problems
changes to configuration files, 1
looping messages, 1
messages are not dequeued, 1
messages not delivered, 1
MTA does not receive incoming mail, 1
received message is encoded, 1
server-side rules, 1
timeouts on SMTP connections, 1
example, 1
general error messages, 1
file open or create errors, 1
illegal host/domain errors, 1
mm_init, 1
os_smtp_* errors, 1
swap space, 1
version mismatch, 1
how to manually run a channel program, 1
how to stop and start individual channels, 1, 2
how to stop inbound processing from a domain or IP address, 1
identify channels in message path, 1
identifying the point of message breakdown, 1
imsimta qm start, 1
imsimta qm stop, 1
imsimta test -rewrite, 1
Job Controller and Dispatcher, 1
log files, 1
overview, 1
ownership of files, 1
standard procedures, 1
two-digit dates, 1
two-digit years, 1
typographical conventions, 1


Unauthorized Bulk Email, 1
undelivered messages, 1
unified messaging, 1
UNIX delivery, 1
domain specification, 1
host specification, 1
unrestricted, 1
unrestricted channel keyword, 1
urgentbackoff, 1
urgentbackoff channel keyword, 1
urgentblocklimit, 1
urgentblocklimit channel keyword, 1
urgentnotices, 1
urgentnotices channel keyword, 1
useintermediate, 1
user directory, 1
user folders
troubleshooting the message store, 1
user login. See login 1
user mailbox directory problems
troubleshooting the message store, 1
users, creation, 1
uucp, 1
UUCP address rewrite rules, 1


vacation mode, 1
vdmap (Messaging Multiplexor), 1
verbosity (of logging), 1
version mismatch, 1
vertical bar (|), 1
viaaliasoptional, 1
viaaliasrequired, 1
virtual domains
controlling access to, 1
virus scanning, 1
VRFY command, 1
VRFY Command Support, 1
vrfyallow channel keyword, 1
vrfydefault channel keyword, 1
vrfyhide channel keywrod, 1


warnpost, 1
HTTP service, 1
Messenger Express, 1, 2
support for, 1
wildcard characters, in mapping, 1
wildcardfield substitutions, 1


x_env_to, 1
header lines
generating, 1

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Copyright © 2002
Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 27, 2002