Message Logging

To Configure Message Logging  


By default, a channel logs in each message in
/var/opt/SUNWmail/imta/log/mail.log_current. You can reconfigure the channel so that it logs in each message as it enters and is removed from the queue.

A log entry consists of the following fields:

Date and time that entry was made
Name of the source channel (channel that message originated from)
Name of the destination channel (channel that message needs to be delivered to)
Type of entry:
  E = message was entered into the channel queue
  D = message was removed from the channel queue
  Q = an unsuccessful attempt was made to remove the message from the channel queue
Size of the message in kilobytes
Address in the From: header
Address in the To: header

For more information refer to "Tracking Messages" on page 258 and the SIMS Reference Manual.


To Configure Message Logging

AdminConsole>IMTA>Channels>double-click channel>Properties>Logging  

  1. From the Sections list of the channel property book, click Logging.
  To find out how to access the Channel property book, see "To Access Channels Property Book" on page 121.
The Logging section appears as shown in FIGURE 4-20.

FIGURE  4-20 Logging Section

  2. To enable the logging of each message as it enters and is removed from the channel queue, click the check box.
  3. Click the Apply button.
  You are prompted to restart the IMTA. Click Yes.

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