
To Create or Modify Replicas  


To Set Up a Replication Synchronization Schedule  


Initializing Replication  


Configuring Replication for XYZ Corporation  


Replication Configuring--Examples  


Any naming context held in the data store, including replica naming contexts, can be replicated to another server. By replicating a replica naming context, you create a cascading replication.

In defining the information you want to replicate, you can choose:

A subtree: all the entries in the subtree are replicated
An individual entry (object)

You can also define a replication synchronization schedule. This schedule determines when all updates are sent to replicas. There are three types of synchronization:

Immediate, which means that the replication daemon, slurpd, runs permanently and sends updates to the replica immediately when modifications are made in the master.
Delayed, which means that modifications are logged until the next time slurpd runs. If you select Delayed synchronization, specify a schedule for slurpd.
None, which means that modifications are not automatically sent to the replica.

You can use the Synchronize control to send any outstanding modification immediately to a replica. Setting the synchronization type to None and using the Synchronize control to initiate replication updates manually can be useful where the update traffic is unpredictable, or where the remote server is connected by a dial-up line.


To Create or Modify Replicas

When you create a naming context on server A and specify that it must be replicated on server B, you must create the corresponding slave naming context on server B and declare server A as the referral host in the Referral field.

AdminConsole>SUN Directory Services>LDAP Server property book  

  1. In the Admin Console home page, click the Sun Directory Services icon to bring up the LDAP Server property book.
  2. Whether you are creating a new data store or modifying an existing one, click Create Replica in the Ldbm Data Store Property Book.
  New: Create/Ldbm Data Store->Create/Replica
  Existing: Data Store Section->double-click data store to modify->Create/Replica
  3. To replicate any of the stored naming contexts, choose Replica from the Create menu.
  The Add Replica dialog box is displayed, as shown in FIGURE 6-4.

FIGURE  6-4 Add Replica Dialog Box

  a. Specify the type of replica (subtree or object).
  b. In the Suffix field, specify the distinguished name of the subtree or object to be replicated.
  To create a replica of the whole data store, specify the DN of the naming context used to identify the data store.
  c. Select the attributes to be replicated.
  You can specify that all attributes are replicated, or you can exclude or include certain attributes. If you choose Exclude or Include from the Attributes pop-up menu, specify the particular attributes you want to exclude from or include in the replica.
  d. Specify the name of the destination host where the replica will be stored.
  On the destination host, you must create this naming context and specify that it is a replica (slave). Follow the instructions in this section to configure the data store on the destination host.
  e. Specify the distinguished name and password that the master will supply when requesting authentication.
  f. Specify the port of the slapd server on the replica server to be used by the replication server, slurpd.
  g. Click OK to save the replica definition and exit from the Add replica window.
  4. Optionally, you can set up a replication synchronization schedule.
  See "To Set Up a Replication Synchronization Schedule" on page 199."


To Set Up a Replication Synchronization Schedule

AdminConsole>SUN Directory Services>LDAP Server property book>Data Store  

  1. In the Admin Console home page, click the Sun Directory Services icon to bring up the LDAP Server property book.
  2. Click the Data Store section.
  3. Select the type of replication synchronization.
  See "Replication" on page 197 for details.
  4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Initializing Replication

After you have configured a replica naming context, the master and replica data stores must be in the same state, so that the replica can receive replication updates from the master. If the master data store already contains entries, the Admin Console displays a dialog box giving you the option of populating the replica. Use this facility to populate the replica automatically with the entries that the master contains.

Note - Although you can start the replication process from the Admin Console, the Admin Console does not control the process and does not display error messages. You need to check the replication log file, slurpd.log, to ensure that the replication process has completed successfully.

Alternatively, you can use slapdrepl(1M) to create an initial replication file and populate the replica using slurpd. For information on these commands, see the Sun Internet Mail Server Reference Guide.

Configuring Replication for XYZ Corporation

"Example: Replication in the XYZ Corporation" on page 46 explained the replication strategy designed for the XYZ Corporation. This section explains how to configure the eursales server, which holds the following information:

The master copy of the ou=Euro-Sales, o=XYZ, c=US naming context
This naming context is replicated to the eursale2 server.
A replica of the l=Boston, o=XYZ, c=US naming context
This naming context is in turn replicated to the eursale2, london, and paris servers.

FIGURE 6-5 shows the naming contexts and replicas configured for the eursales server.

FIGURE  6-5 Naming Contexts and Replicas Configuration Example

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