Web Access to the Directory

To Access the Email Administrator's Configuration Interface  


To Browse the Directory  


To Search the Directory  


To Modify a Directory Entry  


Configuring the Email Administrator's Configuration Interface  


The email administrator's configuration interface provides an interface to an LDAP directory from any web browser. You can use this interface to browse the directory, to search for and read entries, and to modify some directory information. This is useful for checking information in the directory, but it is a general-purpose tool and should not be used in place of the User Manager. For more information, refer to Chapter 3, "User Management."

The gateway daemon, web500gw, requires the slapd daemon to be running on the same machine. Before you start the LDAP directory browser, make sure that the slapd and web500gw daemons are running. If not, start them as described in "To Start the Directory Services" on page 244.


To Access the Email Administrator's Configuration Interface

  1. From any machine, point a web browser at: http://<server>:<web500gwport>/
  where server is the name of a server running the slapd and web500gw daemons and web500gwport is the port used by web500gw. The default port is 1760.
  The "Top of the Directory" page is displayed. It shows the top entry in the data store to which you are connected. If the data store holds several naming contexts, several entries are listed, sorted by object class. Each entry is a hot link to a search facility that enables you to browse the naming context.

Note - If entries are listed under the heading Unknown, you have probably configured a naming context without creating the corresponding entry in the database. See "To Create the Root Entry for XYZ Corporation" on page 93, for information on adding a top entry to a data store.
  2. Click a hot link for a naming context.
  Your browser will display a search page. The search page shows the name of the entry that is the top of the naming context.
  3. Use the View All Attributes and View Main Attributes controls to display respectively all the attributes and their values, or a subset of attributes.
  See "Configuring the Email Administrator's Configuration Interface" on page 218 for information about configuring the attributes displayed and other aspects of the email administrator's configuration interface.


To Browse the Directory

  1. Specify the top of the subtree you want to browse.
  Use the Move upwards control to move up the directory tree hierarchy. At each position, the naming context list shows you the parent naming context and any child naming contexts. Choose the naming context you want to browse. The top entry in that naming context becomes the currently selected entry.
  2. Click the Browse button.
  A list of the entries in the naming context is displayed. The attribute used to identify the entries is configurable. To see the content of any entry, click on the attribute value listed.


To Search the Directory

  1. Specify the top of the subtree you want to browse.
  Use the Move upwards control to move up the directory tree hierarchy. At each position, the naming context list shows you the parent naming context and any child naming contexts. Choose the naming context you want to browse. The top entry in that naming context becomes the currently selected entry.
  2. Type the search string in the Subtree search field and click Do Search.
  The search string can be any attribute value, or any valid LDAP filter (see "Specifying an LDAP Filter" on page 212).
  After a short delay, a list of entries that match the search string is displayed, up to the limit configured for the gateway. Click on an entry to see the attributes it contains.


To Modify a Directory Entry

Note - If you use the email administrator's configuration interface to modify an entry of type emailPerson, and if you modify the password that you used to bind to the directory, when you Apply the changes, you must reread the entry before you can make any further changes to it.
  1. Search for the entry, as described in "To Search the Directory" on page 217."
  2. Click on the entry to display its attributes.
  At the end of the attribute list there is a Modify Attributes link.
  3. Click Modify Attributes.
  A bind request screen is displayed.
  4. Specify the distinguished name and password you want to use to bind to the directory.
  The access controls defined for the entry will determine whether you are permitted to modify any attributes in the entry.
  5. Supply new values for the attributes you want to modify.
  When you have finished modifying the entry, click Apply.

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