Maintaining Licenses for SIMS

The license system software has two packages that must be installed on the same machine. They are:

License server software (SUNWlicsw) - contains the license daemon, which maintains the product license database for applications supported by the license system. SUNWlit provides a user interface that helps you get your license and install it.
License Installation Tool (SUNWlit) - a license server is automatically set up when you install the license server software package (SUNWlicsw) and license installation tool package (SUNWlit) on a machine and run the license installation tool.

Once you have filled out and sent your license request to the License Center (as discussed in the SIMS Installation Manual), and you have received your license information, use the following procedure to install your licenses.


To Add Licenses to an Already Running
License Server

If the FLEXlm daemon is running, stop it, then restart it to recognize the new licenses:

  1. Become root, then change your working directory to the license directory.

% su
Password: <Enter your root password>
# cd /etc/opt/licenses

  2. Verify that FLEXlm is running by typing the following:

# ./lmstat -a -c licenses_combined

  You will see output similar to the following:

<hostname> is the hostname running a Departmental (Workgroup) product.
lmstat - Copyright (C) 1989-1994 Globetrotter Software, Inc.
Flexible License Manager status on Fri 5/9/97 16:35

License server status (License file: licenses_combined):
	<hostname>: license server UP (MASTER)

Vendor daemon status (on <hostname>):

	suntechd (v3.x): UP
	lic.SUNW (v3.x): UP

Feature usage info:

Users of solstice.mail.imta: 

Users of solstice.mail.mbox:  (Total of 100 licenses available)

Users of SLAPD.1:  (Total of 1 licenses available)

  "SLAPD.1" v1.000, vendor: lic.SUNW   
1 floating licenses

root <hostname> /dev/tty (v1.000000) (<hostname>/7588 109), start Thu 
5/8 18:56

  If FLEXlm is not running, skip the next step.
  3. Stop the FLEXlm Daemon:

# /etc/initd/lic_mgr stop

  4. Update the license files by running either lit or lit_tty:

# ./lit &

  Refer to "To Install License Information By Hand" on page 228 or "To Install License Information From a File" on page 230 for details.
  5. Restart the FLEXlm daemon.

# /etc/init.d/lic_mgr start

Note - If you experience problems, you can access the license manager log in the directory /var/tmp. The latest log file is license.log.


To Install License Information By Hand

  1. Run lit to install a license password:

# cd /etc/opt/licenses
# ./lit &

  The main License Installation Tool window is displayed as shown in FIGURE 7-1.

FIGURE  7-1 License Installation Tool (lit) Window

  2. Click the button "entered by hand from a FAX, telephone call, or email message."
  The Add license to be installed window is displayed.
  3. Indicate the component for which you are installing a license from the feature name pull-down list (FIGURE 7-1).

FIGURE  7-2 Add License to be installed Window

  4. If your licenses have an expiration date, type the date in the dd-mmm-yy format in the "Expiration date" field.
  For example, 15-aug-99. If you do not have a designated expiration date, leave this field blank.
  5. Type the number of Rights to Use you received from the Sun License Center in the RTU field.
  6. Type the number the Sun License Center provided in the Password field.
  7. Type in the Vendor String (VS).
  8. Click the Add button when you have filled out this form.
  9. The feature that you want licensed is added to your list of licenses.
  10. Repeat Step 3--Step 8 for each component from the feature list you would like licensed.
  11. Click Close after you have added all the licensed components to the list of licenses you want to install.
  The LIT is redisplayed.
  12. Click on Install to install all the licenses for all the components you indicated.


To Install License Information From a File

  1. Run lit to install a license password:

# cd /etc/opt/licenses
# ./lit &

  The main License Installation Tool window is displayed as shown in FIGURE 7-3. Press loaded from an email message saved to a file.

FIGURE  7-3 License Installation Tool Window

  2. Type a path to the source file containing the password information in the File: field.
  You can click the ellipsis button to find the file you saved using a file chooser.
  3. Click "Load License Information from the File" button.
  All the components that are licensed appear in the list of licenses section of the LIT window.
  4. Click the Install button.
  All the components listed in the LIT window are installed.

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