Sun Message Store Increase

The Sun Message Store stores messages using a time-based structure. By default, a data directory contains 30 subdirectories, or one subdirectory for each day of the month. The data directory stores messages and attachments as files. For example, on May 1, all messages that enter the Sun Message Store are stored in the day 1 subdirectory whereas on May 15, all messages are stored in the day 15 subdirectory.

The Advanced Option section in the Sun Message Store property book enables you to reconfigure the time-based structure in which messages are stored using the Increase Store Size option. For example, if you specify 3 weeks, 21 subdirectories are created, 1 for each day of the 21 day interval. Messages entering the Sun Message Store on the first day of the interval are stored in the day 1 subdirectory and so on.

The distinction between the month and week intervals is that if you specify weeks, the Sun Message Store needs to allocate space more frequently than if you specify months. Modifying this feature has no impact on performance or resources.


To Configure Advanced Options

Configuring these features is optional.

AdminConsole>Sun Message Store>Advanced Options  

  1. From the Admin Console home page, click the Sun Message Store icon.
  2. Click Advanced Options in the Section list.
  The Advanced Options section appears, as shown in FIGURE 5-6.

FIGURE  5-6 Advanced Options Section (Extended View)

  3. Enable or disable the User Quota Enforcement option.
Click ON to allow user message store space quotas to be set.
Click OFF to allow users unlimited message store space.
  See "Message Store Quota Enforcement" on page 148 for a complete discussion on user quotas. See "To Modify a User Entry" on page 73, Step 8b for instructions on how to set the message store quota for user entries.
  4. Reconfigure the default message quota by clicking the up or down arrow keys.
  This is the default quota for new users if the User Quota Enforcement option is set to ON. See "To Modify a User Entry" on page 73, Step 8b for details on how to set a customized user quota.
  5. To configure how the Sun Message Store handles the parsing of messages from IMAP4 and POP3 clients, click the menu and choose the desired client type.
  Mail Server Client Type has two choices: POP3 and IMAP4. However, if you set the configuration to IMAP4, the POP3 choice will be removed from the menu. Once IMAP4 client is set, you cannot change back to POP3 in the Admin Console. If the configuration is set to POP3, you can change it to IMAP4 to make the message store parse messages. (You can change from IMAP4 to POP3 if the message store has no data at all. Modify the ims-parse-level parameter in the ims.cnf file. See Message Access and Store Configuration chapter in the SIMS Reference Guide. If the message store has data, you cannot change it.)
  6. Configure the directory context at which the search to authenticate a user and password for Sun Message Store access begins. You must input the context in the following syntax:
  ou = <organizational unit>, o = <organization name>, c = <country>
  You can specify no organizational units, or one or more organizational units. The organizational units, organization name, and country that you specify must be consistent with what is specified in your directory information tree (DIT). You can type the characters in either upper- or lowercase. Character spaces between commas (,) and equal signs (=) are permitted.
  The following is an example of a directory context:
  ou = Marketing, o = Bravo, c = US
  7. Configure the maximum number of connections from IMAP4 clients that the Sun Message Store accepts by clicking the up or down arrows.
  The valid range includes 50 through 20 billion.
  8. Configure the "percentage of space left" warning threshold by clicking the up or down arrow keys.
  9. Configure /var/mail support by clicking the appropriate radio button.
  10. Configure the time-based structure in which messages are stored by choosing the desired number from the menu and clicking the radio button associated with the desired unit of measure.
  11. Configure the LDAP server host name.
  Typically this is localhost.
  12. Use the Proxy Server radio buttons and the IMAP Server Capabilities only to configure the server as a SIMS/Proxy server.
  See "Setting Up a Proxy/Mail Server" on page 297.
  13. Click the Apply button.

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