Crash Recovery

SIMS Crash Recovery  


Message Store Crash Recovery  


Admin Console Crash Recovery  



SIMS Crash Recovery

If your mail server becomes nonfunctional, you must perform the following procedure:

  1. Enter the following command as root:

# imta queue-recover_crash

This command invokes a utility that rebuilds the queue caches for the Sun Message Store and /var/mail. These caches may become corrupted during the time that the mail server becomes nonfunctional. For example, a message may be partially written to the Sun Message Store cache during the time that the mail server becomes nonfunctional. Running the utility will enable the mail server to clean up these types of corruption.

  2. Stop any components that may still be running by entering the following:

# /etc/init.d/im.server stop

  3. Start all components by entering the following:

# /etc/init.d/im.server start


Message Store Crash Recovery

In the event of a catastrophic system failure, the message store may be left in an inconsistent state and in some instances require data recovery from backup media. If you see the following message, it means that SIMS did not start and the store was shut down abnormally:

/var/log/syslog.1:Oct 2 16:40:24 mcm-nitro 
SUNWmail.ims.imaccessd[1373]:Message store may be inconsistent. 
Please run imcheck -c

Follow the procedure below to recover the message store.

  1. Change to the proper directory:

% cd /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/imta

  2. Make sure IMTA is not running. To stop the IMTA, run:

% imta stop

  3. Make sure imaccessd is not running. To stop the imaccessd, run:

% mt.scheduler stop

Note - The imaccessd process should never be killed using the kill -9 command. If this should accidently occur, run imcheck -c before restarting imaccessd.
  4. Run the following as root:

% imcheck -c -f <filename>

  a. If imcheck completes successfully, check the
/var/opt/SUNWmail/ims/adm/restore_log file. If this file is present, restore the users whose names are in this file, and then remove the file. For example:

% imrestore -i
% rm /var/opt/SUNWmail/ims/adm/restore_log

  b. If imcheck fails, save the syslog file and the store report, then contact your Sun Service Provider. The store report is at
/var/opt/SUNWmail/ims/adm/<filename>. Do not restart the MTA and imaccessd.


Admin Console Crash Recovery

If the Admin Console hangs, kill the browser process, restart the browser, and reconnect to the Admin server. If the Admin Console crashes or vanishes, restart the browser and reconnect to the Admin Server. Note that switching back and forth between pages may cause Admin Console hang or crash while communicating with the Admin server. To kill a browser process on Solaris, perform the following steps:

  1. Find the process id.
  2. Bring up a UNIX shell window and type the following command as root:

# ps -ef | grep java <cr>

  You will see something like this:

root 26141     1  0 hh:mm:ss pts/x    0:04 /usr/java/bin/java
myuid 350 10767  0 hh:mm:ss pts/x    0:00 grep java
root 26145     1  0 hh:mm:ss pts/x    0:46 /usr/java/bin/java
myuid 336 10767 24 hh:mm:ss pts/x    0:15 /usr/dt/appconfihotjava/ 
                       runtime/bin/sparc/green_threads/jre -classpath ..

  3. Kill the browser process using the following command:

# kill <browser process number (in this case 336)> <cr>

  4. On rare occasions the Admin Server will crash and you may need to restart it using the following command:

# /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/adm.server stop
# /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/adm.server start

Note - For Win 95 and NT environments, please refer to the corresponding Administrator's Guides for instructions on killing a browser process.

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