Admin Console User Management

This section describes user management using the SIMS Admin Console.


To Create a User Entry

Add new users by creating a user entry. There are three kinds of users: an e-mail and e-calendar user, an e-mail-only user, or a calendar-only user. Use the Admin Console for adding a small number of user entries after initially populating the directory. To initially populate the directory or to add a large number of user entries at one time, refer to "Populating the Directory" on page 167.

To see a newly created user in the Mail Directory, you need to select the Display All or Find button. If you create a new Group or Organizational Unit, you need to reload the page to see the new Group/Organizational Unit.

Note - User names must be in lower-case letters. Upper-case letters are converted to lower-case. Also, Newly created users will not receive mail until after an incremental or full dirsync occurs. See "Alias Synchronization Schedule" on page 104.

AdminConsole>User Manager>Create pulldown>User  

  1. In the Admin Console home page, click the User Manager icon.
  2. Choose User from the Create menu.

FIGURE  3-2 Add User Task Mentor Dialog


FIGURE  3-3 Add User Task Mentor Dialog

  4. Enter the first name, last name, middle initial, and password--password is case-sensitive--for the user and click Next.

FIGURE  3-4 Add User Task Mentor Dialog for Calendar Options


FIGURE  3-5 Add User Task Mentor Dialog for Mail Options

  5. Enter the calendar host, calendar, mail host and mail domain for the user as necessary.

FIGURE  3-6 Add User Task Mentor Dialog for Addresses

  6. If necessary, enter the preferred originator and preferred recipient addresses for the user.
  A preferred originator address is a mail address that a recipient outside the email system will see when a message from this user is received. A preferred recipient address is a mail address that a recipient inside the email system will see when a message from this user is received. If possible, the mail server detects a default preferred originator address and preferred recipient address and provides information in the appropriate fields. Review the default information for correctness. Both fields must be fully qualified and in RFC 822 format.
  7. Click the Create User button.

FIGURE  3-7 Add User Task Mentor Dialog for Addresses

  8. If finished, click the Done button.
  If you need to create another user entry, reopen the Add User Task Mentor dialog.


To Create a Group Entry

A group entry is also known as a distribution list. When a message is sent to the group address, SIMS sends the message to all members in the group. You can also create a shared mailbox to which all the messages sent to the group are saved. To do this, first create a group entry by following the directions in this section. Then modify the group entry by following the instructions in To Modify a Group Entry," specifically page 90, for creating the shared mailbox.

Note - The Admin Console is practical for adding small numbers of group entries after initially populating the directory. To initially populate the directory or to add large numbers of group entries at one time, see "Populating the Directory" on page 167.

AdminConsole>User Manager>Create pulldown>Group  

  1. In the Admin Console home page, click User Manager.
  The User Manager page displays.
  2. Choose Group from the Create menu.
  The Add Group Task Mentor dialog displays.
  3. Enter the group name, mail domain, and password. Press the Enter or Return key after entering each field.
  The login name is case-insensitive. The mail domain must be fully qualified. For example, you could input the following for the distribution list widget_team:
  4. Click the Next button.
  The next Add Group Task Mentor dialog appears.
  5. Identify the owner of the distribution list.
  An owner is an individual who is responsible for a distribution list. An owner can add or delete distribution list members.
  a. Click the Yes radio button if the owner is a mail user within your organization. Click the No radio button if the owner is not a mail user within your organization.
  b. Specify the owner's email address.
  The email address must be fully qualified. For example, to specify Jane Campbell as the owner of the distribution list, enter the following email address:
  c. Click the Next button.
  The next Add Group Task Mentor dialog appears.
  6. Do you want the distribution list to be moderated?
  A moderator is an individual, usually the owner of the distribution list, who initially receives a message addressed to a distribution list. Upon receipt of a message, the moderator can forward the message to the distribution list, edit the message then forward it to the distribution list, or not forward the message to the distribution list.
  a. Click the Yes radio button if you want the distribution list to be moderated. Click the No radio button if you do not want the distribution list to be moderated.
  b. If you decided to have the distribution list moderated, specify the moderator's email address.
  The email address must be fully qualified. For example, to specify Bernie Miller as the moderator of the distribution list, enter the following email address:
  c. Click the Next button.
  The next Add Group Task Mentor dialog appears.
  7. Do you want the group members viewable by all users in the email system?
  a. Click the Yes radio button if you want the distribution list members to be viewable by all users in the email system. Click the No radio button if not.
  b. If you clicked the Yes button, you must set up a mail host through which the distribution list members can be viewed.
  Enter a fully qualified mail host name. For example, to designate mailhost1 in the domain as the mail host through which the members can be viewed, enter the following:
  Users in the email system can view the list of members by establishing a telnet session with the specified mail host, specifying port 25, and using the following syntax:
  expn <distribution-list-name>
  For example, to view the distribution list of widget_team, enter the following command:
  expn widget_team
  c. Click the Next button.
  The next Add Group Task Mentor dialog appears.

FIGURE  3-8 Add Group Task Mentor dialog

  a. To delete an existing member, click on the member entry in the Member screen to highlight it, then click the Delete button.
  b. To add members, click on the Add button.
  The Add Member dialog appears.
  c. If a desired member is a mail user in your organization, click the Yes radio button. If the desired member is not a user in your organization, click No.
  Two versions of the Add Member dialog exist. The version that appears depends of if you selected the Yes or No button.
  d. If you are specifying a member who is a configured user within the organization, perform the following steps:
  i. Search for the desired member's user entry by specifying a portion of the user's full name.
  A full name is any of the possible variations of a user's first name, last name, and middle initial. For example, if you want to specify Bernie Miller as a member, you can specify one of the following full names that appear in Bernie's user entry:
  Bernard Miller
Bernie Miller
Bernard A. Miller
Bernie A. Miller
  Click the Find button. Once the search is completed, the preferred recipient address(es) of the user entry(ies) that match the search parameters appears in the table. Click on the preferred recipient address of the desired member. If the search did not yield desired results, perform another search.
  ii. Click the Add button.
  iii. Repeat Step b for each internal member you want to add.
  iv. When you are finished adding internal members, click the Done button.
  e. If you are specifying a member who is not a configured user within your organization, perform the following steps:
  i. Specify the Internet address of the desired member.
  Enter an address in ASCII characters. You can enter the characters in either upper- or lowercase. For example, the following is a valid entry for desired member Bernie Miller:
  ii. Click the Add button.
  iii. Repeat Step b for each external member you want to add.
  iv. When you are finished adding external members, click the Done button.
  f. To delete a member, click on the member entry in the display to highlight it, then click the Delete button.
  9. Click the Create Group button.
  10. If finished, click the Done button. If you need to create another group entry, click the Previous button until you are at the first Add Group Task Mentor dialog.

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