Getting Started

Once you are provided with the name of your domain, your login ID, and your password, you can bring up the Delegated Management Console.

To start the Delegated Management Console:

  1. Bring up your web browser.
  For an explanation of browser requirements, see "What Do I Need to Get Started?" on page 4.
  2. Enter the URL specific to your domain.
  The URL is http://machine/sims/locale/login.html. The URL is language specific. For example, the login URL for English might be: machine should be the fully qualified name of the machine or server that is running your mail server and is recognizable from outside of your domain.

The Delegated Management Console login page displays.

FIGURE  2-1 Delegated Management Console login

Logging In

In the following task, Sarah Jones is logging in as the delegated administrator. To log into the Delegated Management Console:

  1. Enter the Login ID.
  This is the user's or delegated administrator's login identifier.
  example: srjones
  2. Enter the Domain.
  This is the name of the domain. It should be in the form of a full domain.
  3. Enter the Password.
  This is the user's or delegated administrator's password. The actual password will not be displayed as it is entered into the field. Instead, asterisks (*) appear in the field.
  example: secret
  4. Click Login.

FIGURE  2-2 Login with data

After you log in to the Delegated Management Console, the Delegated Management Console Home Page displays (see FIGURE 2-3). This page displays the navigation bar and domain information for your domain if you are a delegated administrator.

FIGURE  2-3 Home page (for the delegated administrator)

If you are an e-mail user, the home page displays your e-mail account information (see FIGURE 2-4).

FIGURE  2-4 Home page (for e-mail user)

To view the Home Page from any other page on the Delegated Management Console, click Home from the navigation bar.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is on the left-hand side of each Delegated Management Console window. It is used to navigate between tasks and pages.

The navigation bar is different for the delegated administrator than for the end user. The delegated administrator has full permission and full access, so administrative tasks and personal preference tasks appear in the navigation bar. The administrative tasks are: create user, edit user, create distribution list, and edit distribution list. The personal preference tasks are: change password, edit forwarding rules, edit vacation rules, view distribution list subscriptions, and subscribe/unsubscribe to distribution lists.

The navigation bar for an end user displays Home and Edit Distribution List tasks, as well as personal preference tasks.

See FIGURE 2-3 and FIGURE 2-4 for an image of the two different navigation bars.

Domain Information

The domain information table (on the home page for delegated administrators) provides the domain administrator with information that can be used in generating billing for Internet service sent by the ISP. It contains three pieces of data:

Available disk space purchased from the ISP (disk quota). This is measured in megabytes.
Maximum number of e-mail entries for the domain. This is comprised of the number of e-mail accounts plus number of distribution lists.
Number of e-mail accounts purchased from the ISP.

Online Help

Online help is provided for each page and field of the Delegated Management Console.

Online help is indicated by the (online help) icon. Clicking on the icon brings up the online help for that particular page or field.

Page Help

Online help for a particular page describes the tasks and fields for that page.

FIGURE  2-5 Page Help

Field Help

Online help for a particular field describes the information needed for that field.

FIGURE  2-6 Field Help

Logging Out

To log out of the Delegated Management Console, click Logout in the navigation bar from any of the Delegated Management Console screens.

When you log out, the Delegated Management Console login page displays.

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