Commandline Installation

This appendix provides information on commands that you can use to install and uninstall your SIMS server using the commandline. It also gives you an example for installing SIMS from commandline. At the end, comparison between graphical user interface (GUI) installation versus commandline installation is provided.

Command line utilities
SIMS Administration commandline interface
Delegated Administration commandline interface
The uninstall utility
Graphical or commandline installation

Commandline Utilities

This section describes the utilities that are associated with the installation process.

Installation Utility

The setup-tty script installs SIMS and its related files and packages onto the system. setup-tty should be run as root.

Note - Because setup-tty is not installed on the target system, you must retrieve the setup-tty program from the distribution image and not from the system.


/cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/products/sims/setup-tty [-c install | remove | removeall] [-d]

syntax for using this command is:

The options for this command are:

TABLE  C-1   Options for the setup-tty Command

-c install  

Specifies a standard install of SIMS and related files and packages.  

-c remove

-c removeall  

Specifies an uninstall of SIMS and related packages and files from the system.

Specifies an uninstall of SIMS and related packages and files plus all configuration files and data.  


Specifies a non interactive automated install using the /tmp/sims_setup.dat file, if it exists. If /tmp/sims_setup.dat does not exist, setup-tty will default to the standard interactive install and prompt the user for necessary information.

See the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Reference Manual for the format of the file sims_setup.dat.  

The following command performs a standard interactive installation:

# setup-tty -c install

If you do not specify any arguments while invoking this command, by default setup-tty will perform a -c install operation.

Execute the following to uninstall SIMS and related packages and files from the system:

# setup-tty -c remove

The following command

# setup-tty -d

performs a non interactive install that uses the file /tmp/sims_setup.dat if it exists. It will gather all necessary configuration data from the /tmp/sims_setup.dat file. If the file does not exist, setup-tty reverts to the interactive install, which prompts the user for necessary information. If /tmp/sims_setup.dat exists and setup-tty is executed without the -d option specified, the /tmp/sims_setup.dat file is removed and the interactive install continues.

The uninstall Utility

The uninstall utility removes SIMS and other related files and packages from your system. You can specify uninstall to perform a standard or a comprehensive procedure. uninstall should be done as root.

Note - The uninstall utility may not remove certain packages that are likely to have been installed by a separate application and may be used by that application. This is the case even if SIMS has installed that package upon setup.

The syntax for using this command is:

uninstall [-c sims] | [-d sims]

The options for this command are:

TABLE  C-2   Options for the uninstall Command

-c sims  

Specifies a standard uninstall of SIMS and related files and packages.  

-d sims  

Specifies a comprehensive uninstall of SIMS and related files and packages. This option removes all data and configuration files. The dramatic uninstall option is a clean uninstall, removing all files installed by the SIMS installation process and created by SIMS during operation, with the exception of packages that may have already been present before the uninstall procedure.  

The following command performs a standard uninstall:

# uninstall -c sims

The following command performs a dramatic uninstall:

# uninstall -d sims

Graphical or Commandline Installation

The graphical and the commandline installations both pose the same set of questions and collect the necessary initial configuration information in a similar manner. TABLE C-3 summarizes the significant differences in the two installation interfaces.

TABLE  C-3   Main Differences between the Graphical and Commandline Interfaces
Type of Difference
Graphical Installation Method
Command Line Installation Method

Use the setup command.
Initially, you must invoke this browser as user (non-root). Before the installation begins, you must provide your root password in the command tool window that appears after the initial configuration information is collected.

Use the setup-tty script.
You must invoke this script as root.

Order of installing packages


The installation script installs the software packages that comprise the Enterprise or Departmental edition only after you have walked through all of the initial configuration pages.  

The installation script installs the software packages that comprise that edition of the software. Once done, it asks for your input in the configuration fields.  

Validating syntax


Each time you click on the Go to Next Page button, all the fields on that page are validated for syntax conformance. If accurate, you are allowed to proceed to the next page.  

Each time you provide input in a field, your input is validated for syntax conformance. If your input is inaccurate, you will not be allowed to proceed to the next field.  

Modifying fields


When the confirmation page appears, you can use the hypertext links to access the field you want to change.  

When the confirmation page appears, type the number of the field you want to modify to access the field.  

Remotely administering


You can remotely administer the SIMS mail server from Solaris, Windows 95, and Windows NT 4.0 systems.  

The TTY session offers no remote administration capabilities.  



You have a choice of providing your license information manually in each license component field or by providing a path to your license file.  

You can only provide license information by indicating a path to your license file. You cannot provide license information in each licensed component field.  

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