Installing Netscape Directory Services for SIMS

SIMS 4.0 supports both the Netscape Directory Services (NSDS) 4.1 and the Sun Directory Services 3.1. The NSDS is the preferred directory server to use with SIMS 4.0 in the SPARC/Solaris operating environment.

This chapter provides you with step-by-step instructions that you can use to install NSDS 4.1 and configure it for SIMS 4.0. It also gives you the guidelines to install SIMS 4.0 with NSDS 4.1 and shows the post installation configuration that you may need to perform if you have installed SIMS before installing NSDS.

Topics in this chapter include:

Overview of the Netscape Directory installation
Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1
Configuring Netscape Directory Services 4.1
Disabling the Netscape Directory Services uid uniqueness
Guidelines for installing SIMS with the Netscape Directory
Post SIMS installation configuration

Overview of the Netscape Directory Services Installation

To install Netscape Directory Services 4.1 with SIMS 4.0:

  1. Install Netscape Directory Services 4.1.
  2. Configure Netscape Directory Services 4.1.
  3. Disable the NSDS uid Uniqueness.

Note - You are required to install NSDS before installing SIMS 4.0.

After you install NSDS, read "Guidelines for Installing SIMS with the Netscape Directory" on page 115 for the specific information for which you will be asked by the SIMS installation GUI while installing SIMS with the Netscape Directory.

If, however, you install NSDS after you installed SIMS 4.0, read "Post SIMS Installation Configuration" on page 118 for instructions that you can use to manually configure the Netscape configuration.

Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1

To install NSDS 4.1, you must first display the Netscape Directory Server Installation page. While installing NSDS, you may need to accept the default values for all fields, except the following, which you will be using during the SIMS installation:

Installation Location
Computer Name
Directory Server Network Port
Directory Server Identifier
Administrator ID
Directory Manager

To install NSDS:

  1. Ensure that you have set the DISPLAY variable.
  2. To install NSDS 4.1, insert the NSDS 4.1 CD-ROM (included in the SIMS 4.0 packaging) into the disk drive.
  3. Untar the directry.tar file on the NSDS CD into a temporary directory.

% tar -xvf /cdrom/directry_41ue/solaris/directry/directry.tar

  4. Change to this temporary directory.
  5. At the command line, execute the setup command as root.

# ./setup

This displays the NSDS installation page.

  6. Accept the default values to all the questions asked:

Note - You need to record the information to the following six questions so that you can use the answers while installing SIMS with NSDS. You may either accept the default values or enter different information. In either case, you must record this data.
  a. Installation Location [/usr/netscape/server4] - The directory path to which the NSDS files will be copied. You may change this path, otherwise
sr/netscape/server4 will be the default directory where the NSDS files will be installed.
  b. Computer Name [<hostname>.<domainname>] - The fully qualified domain name of the directory server on which you are installing the Netscape Directory Services software. Make a note of this name.
  c. Directory Server Network Port [portnumber] - The port number on which the Netscape Directory server will be running. By default, the LDAP directory should run on port 389. If this port is being used by another directory server, you will see a different port number assigned. Make a note of this number.
  Directory Server Network Port is the same as the LDAP Port field on the Directory Services Information page of the SIMS installation GUI.
  d. Directory Server Identifier [hostname] - By default, the host name of the machine on which you are installing NSDS is appended to the word slapd (slapd-<hostname>) to create a sub-directory under the Installation Location directory path (specified in 5.a above), where the NSDS files will be installed. For example, /usr/netscape/server/slapd-<hostname> will be an instance name of this directory path. You may change hostname to any name.
  e. Administrator ID (admin) - Either accept the default (admin) or enter another name. Enter a password for this administrator as well. You will be using the Administrator ID later to log into the Netscape Console that will be explained later in this chapter.
  f. Suffix - The Directory Component (DC) tree root. Enter o=internet instead of accepting the default value if you are using the SIMS DC tree with the default value internet. Suffix is the same as the Domain Component Tree Root field that appears on the first configuration page of the SIMS installation GUI. Make a note of this entry.
  g. Directory Manager - The directory administrator name. Either accept the default value or change to another name. Enter a password for this administrator. This password must be at least eight characters. For example, you may enter nssecret. Make a note of this entry.
  Directory Manger is the same as Directory Administrator Name that appears on the first configuration page of the SIMS installation GUI.

You have now installed NSDS 4.1. The next step is to configure your Netscape configuration files.

Configuring Netscape Directory Services 4.1

To configure your Netscape Directory, you need to:

Copy the SIMS configurations files to the NSDS configuration directory.
Append the SIMS indexes to the NSDS configuration file.

To configure NSDS:

  1. Copy the SIMS 4.0 schema files to the NSDS configuration directory.

# cp /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/nsschema/sims*.conf

  /usr/netscape/server4 is the directory in which you have installed your NSDS files as entered in step 5.a in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.
  <hostname> is the name of the machine on which you have installed your NSDS files, as you entered in step 5.d in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.
  slapd-<hostname> is an instance name assigned to this directory name.
  2. Stop the Netscape Directory Server

# /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/stop-slapd


  3. Open the NSDS' slapd.conf configuration file using an editor of your choice.

# vi /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/slapd.conf

  4. Include the SIMS 4.1 schema files into the slapd.conf file.
  Find the last

include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/"
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/"
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/

include statement and then insert the following four lines after that line.

Note - The sequence of the include statements are important. The at.conf files must precede the oc.conf files.
  5. Save the slapd.conf file and exit.
  6. Append the SIMS indexes to the NSDS configuration files.

# cat /cdrom/sun_internet_mail_4_0/nsschema/nsds.index.conf >>

  7. Start the Netscape Directory Server if you would like to start the server now, otherwise, proceed to the next section and then start the server

# /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/start-slapd


Disabling the Netscape Directory Services uid Uniqueness

After installing and configuring NSDS, the next step is to disable the uid uniqueness feature in the NSDS configuration.

By default, NSDS enforces unique user IDs throughout its entire directory tree (that is, from the root tree at the o=internet node down).

Since SIMS 4.0 provides domain hosting, it must be able to use the same user ID within different domains. For this reason, you need to disable the uid uniqueness settings here.

Note - If you are going to use SIMS within one domain and will not be using it for domain hosting or with multiple domains, you may bypass the instructions in this section.

To disable NSDS uid uniqueness:

  1. Start the Netscape Console.

# /usr/netscape/server4/start-admin
# /usr/netscape/server4/startconsole &

  2. Log into the Netscape Console.
The login uid and password are the same as the Administrator ID that you entered in step 5.e in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.

  3. Expand <hostname>.<domainame> on the Netscape Console screen.
  Where <hostname>.<domainame> is the domain name in which the host name is located.
  4. Expand Server Group.
  5. Double click Directory Server.
  6. Select the Configuration tab.
  7. Expand Plugins.
  8. Click uid uniqueness.
  9. Uncheck Enable Plugin.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Select Console->Exit.
  12. Restart the Netscape Directory Server

# /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/stop-slapd
# /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/start-slapd


Guidelines for Installing SIMS with
the Netscape Directory

Since Netscape Directory Services software is installed separately, the specific information about the setup of NSDS is not available to SIMS. This section lists the criteria specific to Netscape Directory Services that you will need to enter during the installation of SIMS.

Use the notes in this section in accordance with Chapter 7, "Installing SIMS 4.0," which covers the instructions for installing SIMS with the Netscape Directory.

The following is a summary of the questions that you will be asked by the SIMS installation GUI while installing SIMS with NSDS. The instructions cover the specific fields on the Directory Services Information and Configuration Page 1 of the SIMS installation GUI, which is shown in FIGURE A-1.

To install SIMS with the Netscape Directory:

  1. Make sure that the LDAP Server Name assigned to the Directory Services Server Name on the Directory Services Information page is where your NSDS software is located.

FIGURE  A-1 SIMS Installation Directory Services Information Page

By default, SIMS assumes that you have installed your NSDS software on the same machine that you are installing SIMS. If you have installed NSDS on a remote machine, you need to enter the fully qualified name of the server where NSDS resides.

  2. Type the Directory Services Server Port, which is the port number that you used during the NSDS installation.
  NSDS should have been installed on port 389, unless the port was busy. In this case, you would have needed to use a different port number that you specified as Directory Server Network Port in step 5.c in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.
  3. Select netscape as the Directory Services Server Type that appears on the Directory Services Information page of the SIMS 4.0 Installation GUI.
  4. Make sure that the name assigned to the Directory Administrator Name on the Configuration Page 1 is specified as Directory Manager, as shown in FIGURE A-2.

FIGURE  A-2 SIMS Installation Configuration Page 1

  This is the name you entered while installing NSDS in step 5.g in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.
  5. Type the password for the Directory Administrator Password.
  This password is the one you entered for Directory Manger in step 5.g. in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.
  6. Make sure that the Domain Component tree root is specified as internet, if you are using the SIMS DC tree with the default value internet.
  This is the same Suffix that you entered in step 5.f in "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" on page 110.

Note - If you need to enter this name, do not use the o=internet syntax. Instead, type internet, because o= is automatically prepended to the entry.

Post SIMS Installation Configuration

The SIMS installation procedure automatically creates the Directory Information Tree (DIT) that SIMS supports and adds the access control instructions (ACIs) to your NSDS configuration files.

If you installed SIMS before installing NSDS, the SIMS installation will be unable to create this DIT and add the ACIs to the NSDS configuration.

This section describes the commands that you can type manually to:

Add the SIMS Directory Information Tree (DIT)
Add the Access Control Instructions (ACIs)

Note - The steps covered in this section are only applicable if for any reason SIMS installation has not added the DIT and ACIs.

Adding the SIMS Directory Information Tree (DIT)

Type the following command to create the DIT for your directory:

# /opt/SUNWconn/bin/ldapadd -c -h <hostname>
-p <portnumber> -D "cn=<Directory Manager>" -w <passwd>
-f /etc/opt/SUNWmail/slapd.ldif

See Chapter 6, "Domain Hosting with SIMS," in the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Concepts Guide for a definition of the DIT and how the information is mapped out.

Adding the Access Control Instructions

Access control is the mechanism by which you can set permissions for the entire directory, a subset of the directory, specific entries in the directory, a specific set of entry attributes, or configuration tasks for any 4.x Netscape Server. When the server evaluates an incoming request, it determines the access type based on the access control instructions (ACIs) that you define. The collection of ACIs within a single suffix (The DC tree root) is called an access control list (ACL). See the Netscape documentation for more information about ACIs.

To add the ACIs to your Netscape Directory configuration:

# /usr/netscape/server4/shared/bin/ldapmodify -h <hostname>
-p <portnumber> -D "cn=<Directory Manager>" -w <passwd>
-f /etc/opt/SUNWmail/nsds.acl.ldif

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