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Using JDBC for Database Access

This chapter describes how to use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API for database access with Netscape Application Server.

This chapter provides high-level instructions for using the NAS implementation of JDBC in EJBs, and it indicates specific NAS resources affected by JDBC statements when those resources have clear programming ramifications. In NAS, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) support database access primarily through the JDBC API. NAS supports all of JDBC 1.0 API as well as many of the emerging JDBC 2.0 extensions to JDBC, including result set enhancements, batch updates, distributed transactions, row sets, and JNDI support for datasource name lookups.

While this chapter assumes familiarity with JDBC 1.0, it also describes specific implementation issues that may have programming ramifications. For example, the JDBC specifications do not make it clear what constitute JDBC resources. In the specifications, some JDBC statements—such as any of the Connection class methods that close database connections—release resources without specifying exactly what those resources are.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Introducing JDBC
From a programming perspective, JDBC is a set of Java classes and methods that let you embed database calls in your server applications. That's all you need to know in order to start using JDBC in your server applications.

More specifically, JDBC is a set of interfaces that every server vendor, such as Netscape, must implement according to the JDBC specifications. NAS provides a JDBC type 2 driver which supports a variety of database backends. This driver processes the JDBC statements in your applications and routes the SQL arguments they contain to your database engines.

JDBC lets you write high-level, easy-to-use code that can operate seamlessly with and across many different databases without your needing to know most of the low-level database implementation details.

Supported Functionality The JDBC specification is a broad, database-vendor independent set of guidelines that try to encompass the broadest range of database functionality possible in a simple framework.

At a minimum, JDBC assumes that all underlying database vendors support the SQL-2 database access language. Since its original inception, the JDBC specification has grown. It now has three parts:

Understanding Database Limitations When you start using JDBC in your server applications, you may encounter situations when you do not get the results you desire or expect. You may think the problem lies in JDBC or in the NAS implementation of the JDBC driver. In fact, the vast majority of the time, the problems actually lie in the limitations of your database engine.

Because JDBC covers the broadest possible spectrum of database support, it enables you to attempt operations not every database supports. For example, most database vendors support most of the SQL-2 language, but no vendor provides fully unqualified support for all of the SQL-2 standard. Most vendors built SQL-2 support on top of their already existing proprietary relational database management systems, and either those proprietary systems offer features not in SQL-2, or SQL-2 offers features not available in those systems. Most vendors, too, have added non-standard SQL-2 extensions to their implementations of SQL in order to support their proprietary features. JDBC provides ways for you to access vendor-specific features, but it's important to realize that these features may not be available for all the databases you use. This is especially true when you build an application that uses databases from two or more different vendors.

As a result, not all vendors fully support all aspects of every available JDBC class, method, and method arguments. More importantly, a set of SQL statements embedded as an argument in a JDBC method call may or may not be supported by the database or databases your server application uses. In order to make maximum use of JDBC, you must consult your database vendors' documentation about which aspects of SQL and JDBC they support. Before you call NAS technical support for a database problem, make sure you first eliminate the possibility that your database is the cause of the problem.

Understanding NAS Limitations Like JDBC, NAS attempts to support the broadest possible spectrum of database engines and features. In some cases, NAS itself or the NAS JDBC driver may not fully support a particular feature of a database you use, or they may report incorrect information. If you can't access a database feature from your NAS application and you have eliminated the database as the source of the problem, check this section of the documentation and the product release notes to see if the problem you encounter is a documented NAS limitation. If not, document the problem fully and contact NAS technical support.

Note. Some JDBC access problems can result if you attempt to access JDBC features that are either partially supported or not supported by the NAS JDBC driver. Almost all of these feature limitations apply to JDBC 2.0.

The following table lists JDBC features that are either partially or completely unsupported in NAS 4.0:
Works only with isolation levels supported by your database vendors.
Type maps are not supported.
Type maps are not supported.
Works only with databases that support it.
Works only with simple data types.
Works only with supported data manipulation statements that return a count of records changed.
References are not supported.
Blobs are not supported. Use setBinaryStream() instead.
Clobs are not supported. Use setBinaryStream() instead.
Arrays are not supported. Use setBinaryStream() instead.
Not all databases return complete information.
Works only with scalar types. JDBC 2.0 offers a second version of this method that includes a map argument. The map argument is ignored.
References are not supported.
SQL3-style blobs are not supported.
SQL3-style clobs are not supported.
Arrays are not supported.
Updatable ResultSet is not supported.
Behavior differs depending on database:
Works only with scalar types. JDBC 2.0 offers two other versions of this method that includes a map argument. The map argument is ignored.
Works only with scalar types.
References are not supported.
SQL3-style blobs are not supported.
SQL-style clobs are not supported.
Arrays are not supported.
Returns an empty string for non-ODBC database access.
Not supported.

For more information about working with ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData, and PreparedStatement, see the appropriate sections later in this chapter.

Supported Databases NAS currently connects to many different relational databases. The following tables lists the most commonly used databases that are supported.

Support is offered through the Oracle OCI interface. Both Oracle 7 and Oracle 8 database instances are supported in a fully multi-threaded environment. NAS also coexists with all Oracle RDBMS tools and utilities, such as SQL*Plus, Server Manager, and Oracle Backup.
Support is offered through Informix CLI interface. Both Informix Online Dynamic Server and Informix Universal Server are supported.
Support is offered through Sybase CTLIB. Sybase versions 10 and 11 are supported.
Microsoft SQLServer
Support is offered through the Microsoft ODBC interface. Microsoft SQLServer on Windows NT only is supported.
Support is offered through the DB2 CLI client interface. DB2 versions 2.1 and 5.2 are supported.
NAS does not specifically support or certify any ODBC 2.0 or 3.0 compliant driver set, though they may work.

Both because the databases supported by NAS are constantly updated, and because database vendors consistently upgrade their products, you should always check with NAS technical support for the latest database support information.

Using JDBC in Server Applications
JDBC is part of the NAS run-time environment. In theory, this means that JDBC is always available to you any time you use Java to program an application. In a typical multi-tiered server application, it is theoretically possible to use JDBC to access a database backend from the client, from the presentation layer, in servlets, and in Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs).

In practice, however, it usually makes sense—for security and portability reasons—to restrict database access to the middle layers of a multi-tiered server application. In the NAS programming model, this means placing all JDBC calls in servlets and EJBs, with a strong preference toward EJBs.

There are two reasons for this programming preference. One is that placing all JDBC calls inside EJBs makes your application more modular and more portable. Another is that EJBs provide built-in mechanisms for transaction control. Placing JDBC calls in well-designed EJBs frees you from programming explicit transaction control using JDBC or java.transaction.UserTransaction that provide low-level transaction support under JDBC.

Note. Make sure to use a globally available datasource to create a global (bean-wide) connection so that the EJB transaction manager can control the transaction.

Using JDBC in EJBs Placing all your JDBC calls in EJBs ensures a high degree of server application portability. It also frees you from having to manage transaction control with explicit JDBC calls unless you so desire. Because EJBs are components, you can use them as building blocks for many applications with little or no recoding, and maintain a common interface to your database backends.

Managing Transactions with JDBC or java.transaction.UserTransaction
Using the EJB transaction attribute property to manage transactions is recommended, but not mandatory. There may be times when explicit coding of transaction management using JDBC or java.transaction.UserTransaction is appropriate for your application. In these cases, you code transaction management in the bean yourself. Using an explicit transaction in an EJB is called a bean-managed transactions.

Transactions can be local to a specific method (method-specific) or they can encompass the entire bean (bean-wide).

There are two steps for creating a bean managed transaction:

  1. Set the transaction attribute property of the EJB to TX_BEAN_MANAGED in the bean's deployment descriptor.
  2. Code the appropriate JDBC or transaction management statements in the bean, including statements to start the transaction, and to commit it or roll it back.
It is an error to code explicit transaction handling in EJBs for which the transaction attribute property is not TX_BEAN_MANAGED. For more information about handling transactions with JDBC, see the JDBC 1.0 API specification.

Specifying Transaction Isolation Level
You can specify or examine the transaction level for a connection using the methods setTransactionIsolation() and getTransactionIsolation(), respectively. Note that you can not call setTransactionIsolation() during a transaction.

Transaction isolation levels are defined as follows:

Transaction Isolation Level
Transactions are not supported. Only used with Connection.getTransactionIsolation()
Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.

Before you specify a transaction isolation level for a bean, make sure the level is supported by your relational database management system. Not all databases support all isolation levels. You can test your database programmatically by using the method supportsTransactionIsolationLevel() in java.sql.DatabaseMetaData, as in the following example:

java.sql.DatabaseMetaData db;
if (db.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) {
For more information about these isolation levels and what they mean, see the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 1.0 API Specification. All specifications are accessible from installdir/nas/docs/index.htm, where installdir is the location in which you installed NAS.

Using JDBC in Servlets Servlets are at the heart of your NAS server applications. They stand between a client interface, such as an HTML page on a browser, the JSP that generated the HTML, and the EJBs that do the bulk of your application's work.

NAS applications use JDBC embedded in EJBs for most database access. This is the preferred arrangement for database access using NAS because it enables you to take advantage of the transaction control built into EJBs and their containers. Servlets, however, can also provide database access through embedded JDBC.

In some situations, accessing a database directly from a servlet can offer a speed advantage over accessing databases from EJBs. There is less call overhead, especially if your application is spread across servers so that your EJBs are accessible only through the Java Remote Method Interface (RMI). Use direct database service through servlets sparingly. If you do provide database access from servlets, restrict access to those situations where access is very short duration, the transaction is read-only, and you can take advantage of the new JDBC 2.0 rowset class.

If you choose to access a database from a servlet, use the new JDBC 2.0 rowset interface to interact with a database. A rowset is a Java object that encapsulates a set of rows that have been retrieved from a database or other tabular datasource, such as a spreadsheet. The rowset interface provides JavaBean properties that allow a rowset instance to be configured to connect to a datasource and retrieve a set of rows. For more information about working with rowsets, see "Working with Rowsets" on page 171.

Handling Connections
NAS implements the JDBC 2.0 compliant interface java.sql.Connection. The behavior of the connection depends on whether it is local or global.

Local Connections A Connection object is called a local connection if its transaction context is not managed by an EJB container. The transaction context in a local connection can not propagate across processes or across datasources; it is local to the current process and to the current datasource.

The transaction context on this type of connection is managed using the methods setAutoCommit(), commit(), and rollback().

Registering a Local Datasource
The first step in creating a local connection is to register the datasource with NAS. Once the datasource is registered, the datasource can be used to make connections to the listed database using getConnection().

You can register the datasource by first creating a properties file for the datasource. Next, register the properties file with NAS using the Administration Tool or the provided utility dsReg. dsReg takes as arguments the datasource name and the name of a properties file describing the datasource. dsReg does not overwrite existing entries unless you specify the -force option.

For example, to register a datasource called SampleDS which connects to Oracle database using the user name kdemo, password kdemo, database ksample and server ksample, create a properties file like the following, and name it SampleDS.props:

You can then use this properties file to register the datasource with the following command:

dsReg 'jdbc/SampleDS' SampleDS.props 
For more information about datasource properties files, see Creating Datasource Property Files For more information about the NAS Administration Tool, see the Administration Guide.

Global Connections A Connection object is called a global connection if its transaction context is managed by EJB container. The transaction context in a global connection can be propagated across datasources. The transaction context is managed implicitly by the EJB container for container-managed transactions, or explicitly in case of bean-managed transactions. For more information about transactions, see Handling Transactions with EJBs.

Transaction management methods, e.g. setAutoCommit(), commit(), and rollback(), are disabled for global connections.

Using Resouce Managers
The collection of datasources in which a global transaction participates is known as a resource manager. All resources managers needs to be registered with NAS and be enabled so that they participate in global transactions. Resource managers can be set up at install time or they can also be set up using the NAS Administration Tool (see the Administration Guide). A global connection must be associated with a resource manager.

Registering a Global Datasource
The first step in creating a local connection is to register the datasource with NAS. Once the datasource is registered, the datasource can be used to make connections to the listed database using getConnection().

You can register the datasource by creating a properties file for the datasource, including a resource manager's name. Next, register the properties file with NAS using the Administration Tool or the provided utility dsReg. dsReg takes as arguments the datasource name and the name of a properties file describing the datasource. dsReg does not overwrite existing entries unless you specify the -force option.

For example, to register a datasource called GlobalSampleDS which connects to Oracle database using the username kdemo, password kdemo, database ksample and server ksample, create a properties file like the following, and name it GlobalSampleDS.props:

You can then use this properties file to register the datasource with the following command:

dsReg 'jdbc/GlobalSampleDS' GlobalSampleDS.props 
For more information about datasource properties files, see Creating Datasource Property Files For more information about the NAS Administration Tool, see the Administration Guide.

Creating a Global Connection
The following code demonstrates how a global connection can be obtained from a datasource, and how that global connection can be used in a bean managed transaction.

InitialContext ctx = null; 
String dsName1 = "jdbc/GlobalSampleDS"; 
DataSource ds1 = null; 
    ctx = new InitialContext(); 
    ds1 = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName1); 
    UserTransaction tx = ejbContext.getUserTransaction(); 
    Connection conn1 = ds1.getConnection(); 
    // use conn1 to do some database work -- note that conn1.commit(),
    // conn1.rollback() and conn1.setAutoCommit() can not used here 
} catch(Exception e) { 

Working with JDBC Features
While this chapter is not a JDBC primer, it does introduce you to using JDBC in EJBs with NAS 4.0. The following sections describe various JDBC interfaces and classes that have either have special requirements in the NAS environment, or that are new JDBC 2.0 features that you are especially encouraged to use when developing NAS server applications.

For example, "Working With Connections" describes what resources NAS releases when a connection is closed because that information differs among different JDBC implementations. On the other hand, "Pooling Connections" and "Working with Rowsets" offer more extensive coverage because these are new JDBC 2.0 features that offer increased power, flexibility, and speed for your server applications.

Working With Connections When you open a connection in JDBC, NAS allocates resources for the connection. If you call Connection.close() when a connection is no longer needed, the connection resources are freed. Always reestablish connections before continuing database operations after you call Connection.close().

You can use Connection.isClosed() to test whether the connection is closed. This method returns false if the connection is open, and returns true only after Connection.close() is called.

You can determine if a database connection is invalid by catching the exception that is thrown when a JDBC operation is attempted on a closed connection.

Finally, opening and closing connections is an expensive operation. If your application uses several connections, and if connections are frequently opened and closed, NAS automatically provides connection pooling. Connection pooling provides a cache of connections that are automatically closed when necessary.

Note. Connection pooling is an automatic feature of NAS; the API is not exposed.


Not all database vendors support all levels of transaction isolation available in JDBC. NAS permits you to specify any isolation level your database supports, but throws an exception against values your database does not support. For more information, see Specifying Transaction Isolation Level.

getTypeMap, setTypeMap

The NAS implementation of the JDBC driver does not support type mapping, a new SQL-3 feature that most database vendors also do not support. The methods exist, but currently do nothing.


cancel() is supported for all databases.

Pooling Connections Two of the costlier database operations you can execute in JDBC are for creating and destroying database connections. Connection pooling permits a single connection cache to be used for connection requests. When you use connection pooling, a connection is returned to the pool for later reuse without actually destroying it. A later call to create a connection merely retrieves an available connection from the pool instead of actually creating a new one.

NAS automatically provides JDBC connection pooling wherever you make JDBC calls.

Working with ResultSet ResultSet is a class that encapsulates the data returned by a database query. Be aware of the following behaviors or limitations associated with this class.

Concurrency Support
NAS 4.0 supports concurrency for FORWARD-ONLY READ-ONLY result sets. On callable statements, NAS 4.0 also supports concurrency for FORWARD-ONLY UPDATABLE result sets.

NAS also supports concurrency for SCROLL-INSENSITIVE READ-ONLY result sets.

SCROLL-SENSITIVE concurrency is not supported.

Updatable Result Set Support
In NAS 4.0, creation of updatable result sets is restricted to queries on a single table. The SELECT query for an updatable result set must include the FOR UPDATE clause:

SELECT...FOR UPDATE [OF column_name_list]
Note. You can use join clauses to create read-only result sets against multiple tables; these result sets are not updateable.

For Sybase, the select list must include a unique index column. Sybase also permits you to call execute() or executeQuery() to create an updatable result set, but the statement must be then be closed before you can execute any other SQL statements.

To use an updatable result set with Oracle 8, you must wrap the result set query in a transaction:

ResultSet rs =
	stmt.executeQuery("SELECT...FOR UPDATE...");

For Microsoft SQL Server, if concurrency for a result set is CONCUR_UPDATABLE, the SELECT statement in the execute() or executeQuery() methods must not include the ORDER BY clause.


One method of ResultSet, getCursorName(), enables you to determine the name of the cursor used to fetch a result set. If a cursor name is not specified by the query itself, different database vendors return different information. NAS attempts to handle these differences as transparently as possible. The following table indicates the name of a cursor returned by different database vendors if no cursor name is specified in the initial query

Database Vendor
getCursorName Value Returned
If a cursor name is not specified with setCursorName(), an empty string is returned.
If a cursor name is not specified with setCursorName(), and the result set is not updatable, a unique cursor name is automatically generated by NAS. Otherwise an empty string is returned.
Informix, DB2, ODBC
If a cursor name is not specified with setCursorName(), the driver automatically generates a unique cursor name.


NAS implements this JDBC method in a manner that only works with scalar data types. JDBC 2.0 adds additional versions of this method that include a map argument. NAS does not implement maps, and ignores the map argument if it is supplied.

getRef, getBlob, getClob, and getArray

References, blobs, clobs, and arrays are new SQL-3 data types. NAS does not implement these data objects or the methods that work with them. You can, however, work with references, blobs, clobs, and arrays using getBinaryStream() and setBinaryStream().

Working with ResultSetMetaData The getTableName() method only returns meaningful information for OBDC-compliant databases. For all other databases, this method returns an empty string.

Working with PreparedStatement PreparedStatement is a class that encapsulates a query, update, or insert statement that is used repeatedly to fetch data. Be aware of the following behaviors or limitations associated with this class.

Note. You can use the NAS feature SqlUtil.loadQuery() to load a NASRowSet with a prepared statement. For more information, see the entry for the SqlUtil class in the NAS Foundation Class Reference.


This method may only be used with scalar data types.


This method enables you to gang a set of data manipulation statements together to pass to the database as if it were a single statement. addBatch() only works with SQL data manipulation statements that return a count of the number of rows updated or inserted. Contrary to the claims of the JDBC 2.0 specification, addBatch() does not work with any SQL data definition statements such as CREATE TABLE.

setRef, setBlob, setClob, setArray

References, blobs, clobs, and arrays are new SQL-3 data types. NAS does not implement these data objects or the methods that work with them. You can, however, work with references, blobs, clobs, and arrays using getBinaryStream() and setBinaryStream().


Not all database systems return complete metadata information. See your database vendor's documentation to determine what kind of metadata your database provides to clients.

Working with CallableStatement CallableStatement is a class that encapsulates a database procedure or function call for databases that support returning result sets from stored procedures. Be aware of the following limitation associated with this class. The JDBC 2.0 specfication states that callable statements can return an updatable result set. This feature is not supported in NAS.

getRef, getBlob, getClob, getArray

References, blobs, clobs, and arrays are new SQL-3 data types. NAS does not implement these data objects or the methods that work with them. You can, however, work with references, blobs, clobs, and arrays using getBinaryStream() and setBinaryStream().

Handling Batch Updates The JDBC 2.0 Specification provides for a batch update feature that allows for an application to pass multiple SQL update statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) in a single request to a database. This ganging of statements can result in a significant increase in performance when a large number of update statements are pending.

The Statement class includes two new methods for executing batch updates:

In order to use batch updates, your application must disable auto commit options:

// turn off autocommit to prevent each statement from commiting 

Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO employees VALUES(4671, 'James Williams')"); stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO departments VALUES(560, 'Produce')"); stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO emp_dept VALUES( 4671, 560)");
//submit the batch of updates for execution int[] updateCounts = stmt.executeBatch(); con.commit();
To remove all ganged statements from a batch operation before executeBatch() is called, (for example, because an error is detected), call clearBatch().

Note. The JDBC 2.0 specification erroneously implies that batch updates can include data definition language (DDL) statements such as CREATE TABLE. DDL statements do not return a simple update count, and so cannot be grouped for a batch operation. Also, some databases do not allow data definintion statements in transactions.

Creating Distributed Transactions The JDBC 2.0 Specification provides the capability for handling distributed transactions. A distributed transaction is a single transaction that applies to multiple, heterogeneous databases that may reside on separate server machines.

Distributed transaction support is already built into the NAS 4.0 EJB container, so if you use EJBs that do not specify the TX_BEAN_MANAGED transaction attribute, you get automatic support for distributed transactions in your application.

In servlets and in EJBs that specify the TX_BEAN_MANAGED transaction attribute, you can still use distributed transactions, but you must manage transactions using the JTS UserTransaction class. For example:

InitialContext ctx = null;
String dsName1 = "jdbc/SampleDS1";
String dsName2 = "jdbc/SampleDS2";
DataSource ds1 = null;
DataSource ds2 = null;
    try {
        ctx = new InitialContext();
        ds1 = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName1);
        ds2 = (DataSource)ctx.lookup(dsName2);
    } catch(Exception e) {
UserTransaction tx = ejbContext.getUserTransaction(); 
Connection conn1 = ds1.getConnection();
Connection conn2 = ds2.getConnection();
// do some work here
In this example, ds1 and ds2 must be registered with NAS as global datasources. In other words, their datasource properties files must include a ResourceMgr entry whose value must be configured at install time.

For example a global database properties file looks like:

In this example, orarm must be a valid ResourceMgr entry and must be enabled to get a global connection successfully. In order to be a valid ResourceMgr entry, an resource manager must be listed the registry in CCS0\RESOURCEMGR, and the entry itself must have the following properties.

DatabaseType (string key)
IsEnabled (integer type)
Openstring ( string type key)
ThreadMode ( string type key)
Working with Rowsets A rowset is an object that encapsulates a set of rows retrieved from a database or other tabular data store, such as a spreadsheet. To implement a rowset, your code must import javax.sql, and implement the RowSet interface. RowSet extends the java.sql.ResultSet interface, permitting it to act as a JavaBeans component.

Because a RowSet is a JavaBean, you can implement events for the rowset, and you can set properties on the rowset. Furthermore, because RowSet is an extension of ResultSet, you can iterate through a rowset just as you would iterate through a result set.

You fill a rowset by calling the RowSet.execute() method. The execute() method uses property values to determine the datasource and retrieve data. The actual properties you must set and examine depends upon the implementation of RowSet you invoke.

For more information about the RowSet interface, see the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API Specification.

Using NASRowSet
NAS 4.0 provides a rowset class called NASRowSet. NASRowSet extends ResultSet, so call methods are inherited from the ResultSet object. NASRowSet overrides the getMetaData() and close() methods of ResultSet.

The RowSet interface is fully supported except as noted in the following table.

Exception Thrown
NASRowSet is already read-only.
SCROLL_INSENSITIVE is not supported.
NASRowSet is read-only.
Not supported.
Not supported.
any type name
Arguments ignored
Not supported.
Map is a JDBC 2.0 feature that is not currently supported.


NASRowSet provides a full implementation of the RowSetReader class.


NASRowSet is read-only, but an interface for this class is provided for future expansion. At present, its only method, writeData() throws SQLException.


This internal class is used by RowSetReader to retrieve information about the RowSet. It has a single method, getOriginalRow(), which returns the original result set instead of a single row.

Using CachedRowSet
The JDBC specification provides a rowset class called CachedRowSet. CachedRowSet permits you to retrieve data from a datasource, then detach from the datasource while you examine, and modify the data. A cached rowset keeps track both of the original data retrieved, and any changes made to the data by your application. If the application attempts to update the original datasource, the rowset is reconnected to the datasource, and only those rows that have changed are merged back into the database.

Creating a RowSet
There are two ways to create a rowset in a NAS server application:

To create a NAS-dependent rowset:

NASRowSet rs = new NASRowSet();
To create a NAS-independent rowset:

Look up the class that implements the RowSet interface using InitialContext():

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
RowSet rs = (javax.sql.RowSet) ctx.lookup("javax.sql.RowSet");
Using JNDI JDBC 2.0 specifies that you can use the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to provide a uniform, platform and JDBC vendor-independent way for your applications to find and access remote services over the network. For example, all JDBC driver managers, such as the JDBC driver manager implemented in NAS 4.0, must find and access a JDBC driver by looking up the driver and a JDBC URL for connecting to the database. For example:


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:NAS_subprotocol:machineY:portZ");
This code illustrates how a JDBC URL may not only be specific to a particular vendor's JDBC implementation, but also to a specific machine and port number. Such hard-coded dependencies make it hard to write portable applications that can easily be shifted to different JDBC implementations and machines at a later time.

In place of this hard-coded information, JNDI permits you to assign a logical name to a particular datasource. Once you establish the logical name, you need only modify it a single time to change the deployment and location of your application.

JDBC 2.0 specifies that all JDBC datasources should be registered in the jdbc naming subcontext of a JNDI namespace, or in one of its child subcontexts. The JNDI namespace is hierarchical, like a file system's directory structure, so it is easy to find and nest references. A datasource is bound to a logical JNDI name. The name identifies a subcontext, "jdbc", of the root context, and a logical name. In order to change the datasource, all you need to do is change its entry in the JNDI namespace without having to modify a line of code in your application.

For more information about JNDI, see the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API.


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