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iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 Installation Guide

Chapter 4   Clean Installation

The instructions for performing a clean installation of the iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 4 server and gateway components can be either of the following:

  • A new version of iPlanet Portal Server software can be installed on a server with no previous installation of iPlanet Portal Server software

  • A previous version of iPlanet Portal Server software is already installed, but will be completely removed and replaced with the new version

If the Samba software has been installed, performing a clean installation in which the previous installation is removed also removes the Samba software. The Samba software, along with other third-party software originally shipped with the iPlanet Portal Server product, is contained in a file called ThirdParty.tar.gz, which can be downloaded from the website. See "Appendix B" in the original iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Installation Guide for instructions on installing the Samba software.

If the Rhino software has been installed, become root and use the following command to remove it. 

# cd /usr/java/jre/lib/ext
# rm js.jar

Open-portal Installation Using a Single Machine

In open-portal mode, the gateway, which provides encryption services and URL rewriting, is not required. For more information, see the section "Open Portal Mode" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.

To install the server component on a single machine:

  1. Back up the entire machine on which the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 software resides, so that it can be restored if necessary.

  2. Stop all of the processes for the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 server and gateway.

    Note See "Stopping the Server Component Processes" for information on how to correctly perform these functions.

    Note The following instructions assume that the installation directory is /opt.

Accessing the Install Script

To access the install script, after download, do the following:

  1. As root, change to the /opt/ips_sp4 directory.

  2. Run the ipsinstall script.

    The ipsinstall script must be run from the directory in which it exists.


    # cd /opt/ips_sp4
    # ./ipsinstall

The iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 install script will now run. See "The Service Pack 4 Install Script" for an example of the prompts during the install

The Service Pack 4 Install Script

  1. The installation script displays the Service Pack 4 license agreement.

    Enter yes to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation. If you enter no, the installation script exits.


    iPlanet Portal Server (3.0-SP4 release)
    Installation log at /var/sadm/install/logs/ipsinstall.28532/install.log

    This product will run without a license. However, you must either purchase a Binary Code License from, or accept the terms of a Binary Software Evaluation license with, Sun Microsystems, to legally use this product.
    Do you accept? yes/[no] yes

    Note If the installation script detects missing Solaris patches, a warning message is displayed. See "Installing the Required Solaris Patches" for information on installing the necessary Solaris patches.

The installation script attempts to determine name and IP address of the server on which you are installing. If the server on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component that you intend to use for this installation.

  1. Accept the default values or enter the correct name and IP address information.


    Inspecting network.
    What is the iPS hostname of this machine? [server1]
    What is the subdomain name for server1 ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Inspecting iPS components.

    If necessary, the script installs or upgrades the JDK. It upgrades Java 1.2.2_05 or 1.2.2_07 to Java 1.2.2_09.

    The script displays the task menu.

  2. Choose 2 to perform a clean installation of the iPlanet Portal Server components.

    This menu is not displayed if the machine on which you are installing has no previous installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.


    1) Continue upgrade
    2) Continue as a clean install (current installation will be removed)
    3) Continue install (current installation will not be removed)
    4) Remove current installation
    5) Exit
    Choice? [5] 2

    Removing current installation.

  3. The script displays the component menu.

    Choose 1 to install the server component.


    1) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server
    2) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server: Secure Remote Access Pack (Gateway)
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3] 1

  4. Accept the default installation directory, or enter the installation target directory.


    What directory to install in? [/opt]

  5. Choose y for an open-portal installation.


    Will this be an open portal install? y/[n]

  6. Choose whether you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for server to server communication. SSL provides encrypted communication to the server. For information about using SSL with the iPlanet Portal Server product, see the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide.


    Are the servers using SSL protocol? y/[n]

  7. Choose n for a single server installation.


    Is this a multiple server install? y/[n]

  8. Accept the default primary server port number or enter an available port number.


    The primary server will run on
    On what port will the primary server run? [8080]

  9. Press Return to accept the default for the role tree root, or enter another name.


    What is the root of the profile role tree? []

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

  10. Accept the default or enter the correct name for the root user.


    What is the user for the profile role tree? [root]

  11. Accept the default port number for the directory server, or enter an available port number.


    On what port will the directory server run? [389]

  12. Accept the default administrator port number or enter an available port number.


    What is the administrator port for the web server? [8088]

    The installation script prompts you to enter and verify a passphrase. This passphrase is not the root user's password. It is used internally for SSL communication to the server and for access to the iPlanet Webserver administration console.

    Note This passphrase needs to be the same for each component.

  13. Enter and verify the passphrase.


    What is the passphrase (8 chars minimum) :
    Re-enter passphrase :

    The installation script displays the settings and asks if they are correct.

  14. Answer y to install the server. The installation script installs the server packages.


    Server settings

    Installation Directory
    : /opt
    Server List
    Profile Server
    Profile Role Tree Root
    Profile Role Tree User
    : root
    LDAP Port
    : 389
    LDAP Admin Port
    : 8900
    Web Server Admin Port
    : 8088
    Start Server
    : y
    Are these settings correct? [y]/n

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

    The installation script installs the following packages.


    Installing SUNWwtsdd...
    Installing SUNWwtws...
    Installing SUNWwtsvd...
    Installing SUNWwtdt...
    Installing SUNWwtnm...
    Installing SUNWwtnf...
    Installing SUNWwtrw...
    Installing SUNWwtdoc...
    Installing SUNWwtsam...
    Installing SUNWwtds...

After the installation process has been completed, the script automatically starts the server component.

For information on configuring multiple-instances of the iPlanet Portal Server product on a single server, see the section "Configuring Multiple Instances of iPlanet Portal Server" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.

Open-portal Installation Using Multiple Machines

In open-portal mode, the gateway, which provides encryption services and URL rewriting, is not required. For more information, see the section "Open Portal Mode" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.

Note If installing the server component on multiple machines, designate only one machine as the primary server, and configure the other servers to reference that machine as the primary server.

To install the server component:

  1. For each machine, back up the entire machine on which the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 software resides, so that it can be restored if necessary.

  2. Stop all services for the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 server and gateway.

    Note See "Stopping the Server Component Processes" for information on how to correctly perform these functions.

Accessing the Install Script

To access the install script, after download, do the following:

  1. As root, change directories to /opt/ips_sp4.

  2. Run the ipsinstall script.

    The ipsinstall script must be run from the directory in which it exists.


    # cd /opt/ips_sp4
    # ./ipsinstall

The iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 install script will now run. See "The Service Pack 4 Install Script" for an example of the prompts required to install this software.

The Service Pack 4 Install Script

  1. The installation script displays the Service Pack 4 license agreement.

    Enter yes to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation. If you enter no, the installation script exits.


    iPlanet(TM) Portal Server (iPS) (3.0sp4 release)
    Installation log at /var/sadm/install/logs/ipsinstall.28532/install.log

    This product will run without a license. However, you must either purchase a Binary Code License from, or accept the terms of a Binary Software Evaluation license with, Sun Microsystems, to legally use this product.
    Do you accept? yes/[no] yes

    Note If the installation script detects missing Solaris patches, a warning message is displayed. See "Installing the Required Solaris Patches" for information on installing the necessary Solaris patches.

    The installation script attempts to determine name and IP address of the server on which you are installing. If the server on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

  2. Accept the default values or enter the correct name and IP address information.


    Inspecting network.
    What is the iPS hostname of this machine? [server1]
    What is the subdomain name for server1 ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Inspecting iPS components.

    If necessary, the script installs or upgrades the JDK.

    The script displays the task menu.

  3. Choose 2 to perform a fresh installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.

    This menu is not displayed if the machine on which you are installing has no previous installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.


    1) Continue upgrade
    2) Continue as a clean install (current installation will be removed)
    3) Continue install (current installation will not be removed)
    4) Remove current installation
    5) Exit
    Choice? [5] 2

    The script displays the following component menu.

  4. Choose 1 to install the server component.


    1) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server
    2) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server: Secure Remote Access Pack (Gateway)
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3] 1

  5. Accept the default installation directory, or enter another directory in which to install.


    What directory to install in? [/opt]

  6. Choose y for an open-portal installation.


    Will this be an open portal install? y/[n] y

  7. Choose whether you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to communicate with the server component. SSL provides encrypted communication to the server. For information about using SSL with the iPlanet Portal Server product, see the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide.


    Are the servers using SSL protocol? y/[n]

  8. Choose y for a multiple server installation.


    Is this a multiple server install? y/[n] y

  9. Choose whether you want the local computer to be the primary server.

    • Enter y to make the local computer the primary server. If you have not already installed the primary server on another computer, you can choose y to make the local computer the primary server. Go to Step 11.

    • Enter n if you have already installed the primary server on another computer or if you will install the primary server on another computer. Continue with Step 10.


      Should the local machine be the primary server? [y]/n

      Note If your Service Pack 4 environment includes servers installed on multiple machines, install the primary server on only one of the machines; configure all other server components to reference that machine as the primary server.

    If the local machine is not the primary server, the installation script asks for information about the primary server.

  10. Enter the primary server information. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component. Go to Step 12.


    On what hostname will the primary server run? [MyServer] server1
    What is the sub-domain name for server1("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    On what port will server1 run? [8080]
    What is the ip address of []

    If the local machine is the primary server, the installation script asks for the primary server port number.

  11. Accept the default primary server port number or enter the correct number for the port.


    The primary server will run on
    On what port will the primary server run? [8080]

  12. Press Return to accept the default for the role tree root, or enter another name.


    What is the root of the profile role tree? []

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

  13. Accept the default root user name or enter the correct name for the root user.


    What is the user for the profile role tree? [root]

  14. Accept the default port number for the directory server or enter an available port number.


    On what port will the directory server run? [389]

    • If the local machine is not the primary server, go to Step 16.

    • If the local machine is the primary server, the installation script asks you the following set of questions about the other servers that will be installed as part of the multiple server environment. Continue with Step 15.

  15. Enter the server component information.

    If the local computer is the primary server and you specified a multiple server installation, the script repeats the set of questions until you have specified information for all the desired servers. If the server on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

    The script repeats the set of questions, allowing you to enter name and IP address information for each server in a multiple server environment. Enter a "." after you have finished adding the information for all the servers.


    On what hostname will the server run ("." when done)? [MyServer] server2
    What is the sub-domain name for server2 ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server2? []
    On what port will server2 run? [8080]
    What is the ip address of []
    On what hostname will the next server run ("." when done)? [MyServer] .

    Go to Step 17.

  16. Accept the default server port number for the machine on which you are installing or enter an available port number.


    On what port will the server run on this machine? [8080]

  17. Accept the default web server administrator port number or enter the correct port number.


    What is the administrator port for the web server? [8088]

    The installation script prompts you to enter and verify a passphrase. This passphrase is not the root user's password. It is used internally for SSL communication to the server and for access to the iPlanet Webserver administration console.

    Note This passphrase needs to be the same for each component.

  18. Enter and verify the passphrase.


    What is the passphrase (8 chars minimum) :
    Re-enter passphrase :

    The installation script displays the settings and asks if they are correct.

  19. Answer y to install the server. The installation script installs the server packages.


    Server settings

    Installation Directory
    : /opt
    Server List

    Profile Server
    Profile Role Tree Root
    Profile Role Tree User
    : root
    LDAP Port
    : 389
    LDAP Admin Port
    : 8900
    Web Server Admin Port
    : 8088
    Start Server
    : y
    Are these settings correct? [y]/n

    Note If you choose n, the script repeats the questions and gives you the opportunity to change the settings by repeating the installation questions.

    The installation script installs the following packages. The package SUNWwtds is installed on only the primary server.


    Installing SUNWwtsdd...
    Installing SUNWwtws...
    Installing SUNWwtsvd...
    Installing SUNWwtdt...
    Installing SUNWwtnm...
    Installing SUNWwtnf...
    Installing SUNWwtrw...
    Installing SUNWwtdoc...
    Installing SUNWwtsam...
    Installing SUNWwtds...

After the installation process has been completed, the script automatically starts the server component. Repeat this procedure for each server component in a multiple-server environment.

For information on configuring multiple-instances of the iPlanet Portal Server product on a individual server machine, see the section "Configuring Multiple Instances of iPlanet Portal Server" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.


If you are upgrading your iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 to Service Pack 4, and Compass 3.01C was already installed, it is also necessary to install Compass 3.01C Patch 1. This patch can be found at the web page:

Secure Portal Installation Using a Single Server

In secure mode, the gateway, which provides encryption services and URL rewriting, is required. For instructions on installing the gateway component, see the "Gateway Component Installation" section.

Note If installing a single server component, the machine on which you install must be the primary server.

To install the server component:

  1. Back up the entire machine on which the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 software resides, so that it can be restored if necessary.

  2. Stop all services for the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 server and gateway.

    Note See "Stopping the Server Component Processes" for information on how to correctly perform these functions.

Accessing the Install Script

  1. As root, change directories to /opt/ips_sp4.

  2. Run the ipsinstall script.

    The ipsinstall script must be run from the directory in which it exists.


    # cd /opt/ips_sp4
    # ./ipsinstall

The iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 install script will now run. See "The Service Pack 4 Install Script" for an example of the prompts required to install this software.

The Service Pack 4 Install Script

  1. The installation script displays the Service Pack 4 license agreement.

    Enter yes to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation. If you enter no, the installation script exits.


    iPlanet(TM) Portal Server (iPS) (3.0sp4 release)
    Installation log at /var/sadm/install/logs/ipsinstall.28532/install.log

    This product will run without a license. However, you must either purchase a Binary Code License from, or accept the terms of a Binary Software Evaluation license with, Sun Microsystems, to legally use this product.
    Do you accept? yes/[no] yes

    Note If the installation script detects missing Solaris patches, a warning message is displayed. See "Installing the Required Solaris Patches" for information on installing the necessary Solaris patches.

    The installation script attempts to determine name and IP address information about the machine on which you are installing. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

  2. Accept the default values or enter the correct name and IP address information.


    Inspecting network.
    What is the iPS hostname of this machine? [server1]
    What is the subdomain name for server1 ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Inspecting iPS components.

    If necessary, the script installs or upgrades the JDK.

    The script displays the task menu.

  3. Choose 2 to perform a fresh installation of the iPlanet Portal Server component.

    This menu is not displayed if the machine on which you are installing has no previous installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.


    1) Continue upgrade
    2) Continue as a clean install (current installation will be removed)
    3) Continue install (current installation will not be removed)
    4) Remove current installation
    5) Exit
    Choice? [5] 2

    The script displays the component menu.

  4. Choose 1 to install the server component.


    1) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server
    2) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server: Secure Remote Access Pack (Gateway)
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3] 1

  5. Accept the default installation directory, or enter another directory in which to install.


    What directory to install in? [/opt]

    Note If installing the server and gateway components on the same machine, install both components in the same directory.

  6. Enter n to perform a secure portal installation.


    Will this be an open portal install? y/[n]

  7. Choose whether you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to communicate with the server component. SSL provides encrypted communication to the server. For information about using SSL with the iPlanet Portal Server product, see the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide.


    Are the servers using SSL protocol? y/[n]

  8. Enter n for a single server installation.


    Is this a multiple server install? y/[n]

  9. Accept the default primary server port or enter the correct number for the primary server port.


    The primary server will run on
    On what port will the primary server run? [8080]

  10. Press Return to accept the default for the role tree root, or enter another name.


    What is the root of the profile role tree? []

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

  11. Accept the default root user or enter the correct name for the root user.


    What is the user for the profile role tree? [root]

  12. Accept the default port number for the directory server or enter an available number for the port.


    On what port will the directory server run? [389]

  13. Accept the default port number for the gateway component or enter the correct port number.


    On what port will the gateways run? [443]

  14. Choose whether the iPlanet Portal Server environment will use multiple gateways or a single gateway.


    Is this a multiple gateway install? y/[n]

    The installation script asks a set of questions about the gateway.

  15. Enter the information for the gateway or gateways. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.


    On what hostname will the gateway run ("." when done)? [MyGateway] gateway
    What is the sub-domain name for gateway ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for gateway? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Note If you chose a multiple gateway installation in Step 14, the script repeats the set of questions so you can enter host and domain information for each gateway. Enter a "." when you are finished entering the information for all the gateways.

  16. Choose whether the gateway should use a web proxy.


    Should the gateway(s) use a web proxy? y/[n]

    • If you choose n, go to Step 18.

    • If you choose y, the installation script asks the following set of questions about the web proxy. Continue with Step 17.

  17. Enter the information for the web proxy.


    On what hostname will the web proxy run? [gateway] proxy
    What is the sub-domain name for proxy ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for proxy? []
    On what port will proxy run? [8080] web_proxy_port_number
    What is the ip address of []

  18. Accept the default administrator port for the web server or enter the correct port number.


    What is the administrator port for the web server? [8088]

    The installation script asks you to enter and verify a passphrase. This passphrase is not the root user's password. It is used internally for SSL communication to the server and for access to the iPlanet Webserver administration console.

    Note This passphrase needs to be the same for each component.

  19. Enter and verify the passphrase.


    What is the passphrase (8 chars minimum) :
    Re-enter passphrase :

  20. Choose whether you want the script to start the server component after the installation is complete.


    Start after installation completes? [y]/n

    The installation script displays the settings and asks if they are correct.

  21. Answer y to install the server. The installation script installs the server packages.


    Server settings

    Installation Directory
    : /opt
    Server List
    Gateway List
    Profile Server
    Profile Role Tree Root
    Profile Role Tree User
    : root
    LDAP Port
    : 389
    LDAP Admin Port
    : 8900
    Web Server Admin Port
    : 8088
    Start Server
    : n
    Are these settings correct? [y]/n

    If you choose n, the script repeats the questions and gives you the opportunity to change the settings by repeating the installation questions.

    The installation script installs the following packages.


    Installing SUNWwtsdd...
    Installing SUNWwtws...
    Installing SUNWwtsvd...
    Installing SUNWwtdt...
    Installing SUNWwtnm...
    Installing SUNWwtnf...
    Installing SUNWwtrw...
    Installing SUNWwtdoc...
    Installing SUNWwtsam...
    Installing SUNWwtds...

    When the installation is complete, the component menu is displayed.

  22. Choose 3 to exit or 2 to install the gateway on the current machine. See "Gateway Component Installation" for complete instructions on installing the gateway component.


    Select which component to install:
    1) Server
    2) Gateway
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3]

If you chose not to have the script start the server component, start the server by using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/ipsserver start

For information on configuring multiple-instances of the iPlanet Portal Server product on a single server machine, see the section "Configuring Multiple Instances of iPlanet Portal Server" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.

Secure Portal Installation Using Multiple Servers

In secure mode, the gateway, which provides encryption services and URL rewriting, is required. For instructions on installing the gateway component, see "Gateway Component Installation."

Note If installing the server component on multiple machines, designate only one machine as the primary server, and configure the other servers to reference that machine as the primary server.

To install the server component:

  1. For each machine, back up the entire machine on which the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 software resides, so that it can be restored if necessary.

  2. Stop all services for the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 server and gateway.

    See "Stopping the Server Component Processes" for information on how to correctly perform these functions.

Accessing the Install Script

  1. As root, change directories to /opt/ips_sp4.

  2. Run the ipsinstall script.

    The ipsinstall script must be run from the directory in which it exists.


    # cd /opt/ips_sp4
    # ./ipsinstall

The iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 install script will now run. See "The Service Pack 4 Install Script" for an example of the prompts required to install this software.

The Service Pack 4 Install Script

The following examples are the install script prompts for this installation.

  1. The installation script displays the Service Pack 4 license agreement.

    Enter yes to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation. If you enter no, the installation script exits.


    iPlanet(TM) Portal Server (iPS) (3.0sp4 release)
    Installation log at /var/sadm/install/logs/ipsinstall.28532/install.log

    This product will run without a license. However, you must either purchase a Binary Code License from, or accept the terms of a Binary Software Evaluation license with, Sun Microsystems, to legally use this product.
    Do you accept? yes/[no] yes

    Note If the installation script detects missing Solaris patches, a warning message is displayed. See "Installing the Required Solaris Patches" for information on installing the necessary Solaris patches.

    The installation script attempts to determine name and IP address information about the machine on which you are installing. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

  2. Accept the default values or enter the correct name and IP address information.


    Inspecting network.
    What is the iPS hostname of this machine? [server1]
    What is the subdomain name for server1("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Inspecting iPS components.

    If necessary, the script installs or upgrades the JDK.

    The script displays the task menu.

  3. Choose 2 to perform a fresh installation of the iPlanet Portal Server components.

    This menu is not displayed if the machine on which you are installing has no previous installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.


    1) Continue upgrade
    2) Continue as a clean install (current installation will be removed)
    3) Continue install (current installation will not be removed)
    4) Remove current installation
    5) Exit
    Choice? [5] 2

    The script displays the component menu.

  4. Choose 1 to install the server component.


    1) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server
    2) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server: Secure Remote Access Pack (Gateway)
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3] 1

  5. Accept the default installation directory, or enter another directory in which to install.


    What directory to install in? [/opt]

    Note If installing the server and gateway components on the same machine, install both components in the same directory.

  6. Enter n to perform a secure portal installation.


    Will this be an open portal install? y/[n]

  7. Choose whether you want to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to communicate with the server component. SSL provides encrypted communication to the server. For information about using SSL with the iPlanet Portal Server product, see the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide.


    Are the servers using SSL protocol? y/[n]

  8. Choose y for a multiple server installation.


    Is this a multiple server install? y/[n] y

  9. Choose whether you want the local computer to be the primary server.


    Should the local machine be the primary server? [y]/n

    Note If your Service Pack 4 environment includes servers installed on multiple machines, install the primary server on only one of the machines; configure all other server components to reference that machine as the primary server.

    • Enter y to make the local computer the primary server. If you have not already installed the primary server on another computer, you can choose y to make the local computer the primary server. Go to Step 11.

    • Enter n if you have already installed the primary server on another computer. Continue with Step 10.

    If the local machine is not the primary server, the installation script asks for information about the primary server.

  10. Enter the primary server information. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.


    On what hostname will the primary server run? [MyServer] server1
    What is the sub-domain name for server1("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    On what port will server1 run? [8080]
    What is the ip address of []

    Go to Step 12.

  11. Accept the default primary server port or enter an available number for the primary server port.

    If the local machine is the primary server, the installation script asks the question:


    The primary server will run on
    On what port will the primary server run? [8080]

  12. Press Return to accept the default for the role tree root, or enter another name.


    What is the root of the profile role tree? []

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

  13. Accept the default root user name or enter the correct name for the root user.


    What is the user for the profile role tree? [root]

  14. Accept the default directory server port number or enter an available number for the directory server port.


    On what port will the directory server run? [389]

    • If the local machine is not the primary server, go to Step 21.

    • If the local machine is the primary server, the script asks the following questions about the server components in the Service Pack 4 installation environment. Continue with Step 15.

  15. Enter the server component information for the server components.


    On what hostname will the server run ("." when done)? [MyServer] server2
    What is the sub-domain name for server2 ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server2? []
    On what port server2 run? [8080]
    What is the ip address of []
    On what hostname will the next server run ("." when done)? [MyServer] .

    If the local computer is the primary server and you specified multiple server components, the script repeats the set of questions until you have specified information for all the desired server components. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

    The script repeats the set of questions, allowing you to enter name and IP address information for each server component in a multiple server environment. Enter a "." after you have finished adding the information for all the server components.

  16. Accept the default port number or enter the correct port number for the gateway or gateways.


    On what port will the gateways run? [443]

  17. Choose whether the iPlanet Portal Server environment will use multiple gateways or a single gateway.


    Is this a multiple gateway install? y/[n]

  18. Enter the information for the gateway or gateways.

    The installation script asks the following set of questions about the gateway.


    On what hostname will the gateway run ("." when done)? [MyGateway] gateway
    What is the sub-domain name for gateway ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for gateway? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Note If you chose a multiple gateway installation in Step 17, the script repeats the set of questions so that host and domain information can be entered for each gateway. Enter a "." when you are finished entering the information for all the gateways.

  19. Choose whether the gateway should use a web proxy.


    Should the gateway(s) use a web proxy? y/[n]

    • If you choose n, go to Step 22.

    • If you choose y, the installation script asks the following set of questions about the web proxy. Continue with Step 20.

  20. Enter the information for the web proxy. Go to Step 22.


    On what hostname will the web proxy run? [gateway] proxy
    What is the sub-domain name for proxy ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for proxy? []
    On what port will proxy run? [8080] web_proxy_port_number
    What is the ip address of []

    Note If you choose a web proxy name that is different from the name of the current machine, the script also asks for the IP address of the web proxy.

  21. Accept the default server port number for the machine on which you are installing or enter an available port number.


    On what port will the server run on this machine? [8080]

  22. Accept the default administrator port for the web server or enter the correct port number.


    What is the administrator port for the web server? [8088]

    The installation script asks you to enter and verify a passphrase. This passphrase is not the root user's password. It is used internally for SSL communication to the server and for access to the iPlanet Webserver administration console.

    Note This passphrase needs to be the same for each component.

  23. Enter and verify the passphrase.


    What is the passphrase (8 chars minimum) :
    Re-enter passphrase :

  24. Choose whether you want the script to start the server after the installation is complete.


    Start after installation completes? [y]/n

    The installation script displays the settings and asks if they are correct.

  25. Answer y to install the server component. The installation script installs the server packages.


    Server settings

    Installation Directory
    : /opt
    Server List

    Gateway List
    Profile Server
    Profile Role Tree Root
    Profile Role Tree User
    : root
    LDAP Port
    : 389
    LDAP Admin Port
    : 8900
    Web Server Admin Port
    : 8088
    Start Server
    : n
    Are these settings correct? [y]/n

    Note If you choose n, the script repeats the questions and gives you the opportunity to change the settings by repeating the installation questions.

    The installation script installs the following packages. The package, SUNWwtds, is installed on only the primary server.


    Installing SUNWwtsdd...
    Installing SUNWwtws...
    Installing SUNWwtsvd...
    Installing SUNWwtdt...
    Installing SUNWwtnm...
    Installing SUNWwtnf...
    Installing SUNWwtrw...
    Installing SUNWwtdoc...
    Installing SUNWwtsam...
    Installing SUNWwtds...

    When the installation is complete, the component menu is displayed.

  26. Choose 3 to exit or 2 to install the gateway on the current machine. See "Gateway Component Installation" for complete instructions on installing the gateway component.


    Select which component to install:
    1) Server
    2) Gateway
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3]

If you chose not to have the script start the server component, you can start the server component by using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/ipsserver start

Repeat this installation procedure on each server component in a multiple-server environment.

For information on configuring multiple-instances of the iPlanet Portal Server product on a single server machine, see the section "Configuring Multiple Instances of iPlanet Portal Server" in Release Notes for iPlanet Portal Server 3.0: Service Pack 4.

Gateway Component Installation

To install the gateway component:

  1. Back up the entire machine on which the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 software resides, so that it can be restored if necessary.

  2. Stop all services for the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 server and gateway.

    Note See "Stopping the Server Component Processes" for information on how to correctly perform these functions.

Accessing the Install Script

  1. As root, change directories to /opt/ips_sp4.

  2. Run the ipsinstall script.

    The ipsinstall script must be run from the directory in which it exists.


    # cd /opt/ips_sp4
    # ./ipsinstall

The iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 4 install script will now run. See "The Service Pack 4 Install Script" for an example of the prompts required to install this software.

The Service Pack 4 Install Script

The following examples are the install script prompts for this installation.

  1. The installation script displays the Service Pack 4 license agreement.

    Enter yes to accept the license agreement and continue with the installation. If you enter no, the installation script exits.


    iPlanet(TM) Portal Server (iPS) (3.0sp4 release)
    Installation log at /var/sadm/install/logs/ipsinstall.28532/install.log

    This product will run without a license. However, you must either purchase a Binary Code License from, or accept the terms of a Binary Software Evaluation license with, Sun Microsystems, to legally use this product.
    Do you accept? yes/[no] yes

    Note If the installation script detects missing Solaris patches, a warning message is displayed. See "Installing the Required Solaris Patches" for information on installing the necessary Solaris patches.

    The installation script attempts to determine name and IP address information about the machine on which you are installing. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component.

  2. Accept the default values or enter the correct name and IP address information.


    Inspecting network.
    What is the iPS hostname of this machine? [gateway]
    What is the subdomain ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain? []
    What is the ip address of []

    Inspecting iPS components.

    If necessary, the script installs or upgrades the JDK.

    The script displays the task menu.

  3. Choose 2 to perform a fresh installation of the iPlanet Portal Server components.

    This menu is not displayed if the machine on which you are installing has no previous installation of the iPlanet Portal Server product.


    1) Continue upgrade
    2) Continue as a clean install (current installation will be removed)
    3) Continue install (current installation will not be removed)
    4) Remove current installation
    5) Exit
    Choice? [5] 2

    • Choose 2 if the Service Pack 4 server component is not already installed on the current machine.

    • Choose 3 if the Service Pack 4 server component is already installed on the current machine.

    The script displays the component menu.

  4. Choose 2 to install the gateway component.


    1) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server
    2) iPlanet(TM) Portal Server: Secure Remote Access Pack (Gateway)
    3) Exit
    Choice? [3] 2

  5. Specify whether the server component is using SSL. For information about using SSL with the iPlanet Portal Server product, see the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide.


    Is the primary server using SSL protocol? y/[n]

  6. Specify whether the local machine is the primary server.


    Should the local machine be the primary server? [y]/n

    • If you chose y, go to Step 8.

    • If you chose n, the installation script asks the following questions about the primary server. Continue with Step 7.

  7. Enter primary server information. If the machine on which you are installing uses multiple IP addresses or multiple domains, verify that the IP address displayed by the script is the correct one for the iPlanet Portal Server component. Go to Step 9.


    What is the sub-domain name for server1("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for server1? []
    On what port will server1 run? [8080]
    What is the ip address of []

  8. Accept the default primary server port number, or enter the number for the primary server port.


    The primary server will run on
    What is the port for the primary server? [8080]

  9. Accept the default for the role tree root, or enter another name.


    What is the root of the profile role tree? []

    Note The name of the role tree root does not have to be a DNS domain name; it can be any name you choose. See Chapter 1 of the iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Administration Guide for more information about the role tree.

  10. Accept the default root user name or enter another name for the root user.


    What is the user for the profile role tree? [root]

  11. Accept the default information for the gateway component or enter the correct gateway information.


    What is the sub-domain name for gateway ("." for none)? []
    What is the domain name for gateway? []
    On what port will gateway run? [443]

  12. Choose whether the gateway component has multiple network interfaces. If the machine on which the gateway is being installed has multiple network interfaces, the iPlanet Portal Server gateway component can be restricted to use only one interface.


    Does this gateway have multiple network interfaces? y/[n]

  13. Choose whether to limit the use of the gateway component to one network interface.


    Limit use to one network interface? y/[n]

  14. Accept the default IP address or enter the correct IP address for the network interface that the gateway component will use.


    What is the ip address of that network interface? []

  15. Choose whether you want the firewall software to be installed on the gateway component. Install the firewall only if the gateway component has more than one network interface.

    If installing on Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 7, the installation script asks the question:


    Install firewall? y/[n]

    Note This question is omitted if installing on Solaris 8 because the firewall included with the iPlanet Portal Server product is not supported on Solaris 8.

    The installation script asks you to enter and verify a passphrase. This passphrase is not the root user's password. It is used internally for SSL communication to the server and for access to the iPlanet Webserver administration console.

    Note This passphrase needs to be the same for each component.

  16. Enter and verify the passphrase.


    What is the passphrase (8 chars minimum) :
    Re-enter passphrase :

  17. Choose whether you want the script to start the gateway after installation.

    The installation script asks the question:


    Start after installation completes? [y]/n

    The installation script displays the settings and asks if they are correct.

  18. If the settings are correct, answer y to install the gateway product. The installation script installs the gateway packages.


    Gateway settings

    Installation Directory
    : /opt
    Gateway IP Address
    Profile Server
    Profile Role Tree Root
    Profile Role Tree User
    : root
    Install Firewall
    : n
    Start Gateway
    : n
    Are these settings correct? [y]/n

    Note If you choose n, the script repeats the questions and gives you the opportunity to change the settings by repeating the installation questions.

    The installation script asks the following set of organization specific information for the self-signed certificate.

  19. Enter the information for your organization.


    What is the name of your organization? [MyCompany] sesta
    What is the name of your organizational unit? [MyDivision] florizel
    What is the name of your city or locality? [MyCity] santa clara
    What is the name of your state or province? [MyState] california
    What is the two-letter country code? [us]

If you chose not to have the script start the gateway component, you can start the gateway component by using the following command:

# /etc/init.d/ipsgateway start

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Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 07, 2002