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SellerXpert 4.1 SP1 Installation Guide


access control. Set of software mechanisms that limit and control access to host systems and applications.

access control list. A list of users and their permitted access rights.

acimport. Obsolete term. See Import utility.

actor. An object (user or process) or group of objects that wants to perform an action; used for access control. See also member.

additional information field (AIF). An additional field on an order line item.

administrator. A SellerXpert user who is authorized to administer the SellerXpert system. See also orgadmin, selfadmin, superadmin.

Application Program Interface (API). A set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications.

attributes. Characteristics that define classes and subclasses for items in a catalog. For example, attributes for an envelope could include size, paper weight, and color. See also catalog schema.

authentication. The process of verifying the identify of a particular actor (user or process). That is, determining who that particular actor is.

authorization. The process of verifying the actions allowed for a particular actor (user or process). That is, determining what that particular actor is allowed to do.

business rule. A configurable, generalized statement that allows administrators to control the flow and behavior of SellerXpert.

buyer catalog. A view of a master catalog that selectively shows categories and items in the master catalog.

capture. The process of collecting transactions that are ready for settlement. These captured transactions are submitted to a credit card processor for payment.

catalog. A collection of products that can be ordered electronically from a database repository. The SellerXpert administrator sets up catalogs on an organization level, after which SellerXpert users are assigned access. See also product, SKU.

catalog manager import utility. A SellerXpert utility for importing bulk catalog data offline using batch processing.

catalog ontology. A catalog structure made up of product categories that contain product attributes associated with the categories.

catalog roles. A set of privileges that allow a user to perform certain actions in SellerXpert. Catalog roles are SellerXpert superadmin, SellerXpert orgadmin, SellerXpert user, and supplier.

catalog schema. A hierarchical data structure that defines classes and subclasses for products in a catalog. In the graphical interface, these classes appear as product categories. Parameters and attributes further define catalog items.

category. A node in the catalog master ontology. A category contains attributes that are associated with the category. See also attributes.

charge. A modification to the default pricing on a price list; usually accompanied by a cost-reducing condition such as prompt payment. See also DCAP.

conversion table. A table that is used to convert measurable units within a class. See also unit of currency, unit of measure.

currency conversion value. See unit of currency.

customer ID. A unique identification number for a customer organization.

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS). A unique nine-character organization identification number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet.


See discounts, charges, allowances, promotions..

discounts, charges, allowances, promotions (DCAP). The various modifications that the SellerXpert administrator can make to the pricing.

discount. A modification to the default pricing of an item that reduces the default selling price of an item by a specified sum or percentage, usually accompanied by a cost-reducing condition such as prompt payment. See also discounts, charges, allowances, promotions (DCAP).

DUNS. See Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS).

ECXpert. An iPlanet product; electronic commerce software that transmits business documents and messages between SellerXpert servers and other servers.

EDI. See Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) . A paperless trade exchange system that replaces common business forms such as purchase orders, shipping forms, invoices, and so on, with a computer-based communications and record keeping system.

extensible markup language (XML). An extensible markup language, consisting of text interspersed with a few formatting tags, used to create documents on the World Wide Web. See alsoHyperText Markup Language (HTML).

freight charges. The actual charges for a shipment.

Freight on Board (FOB). Specifies the location where title to the goods passes from the supplier to the buyer. For example, upon leaving the warehouse, or upon arrival at the destination. For FOB terms, the supplier pays the freight charges to the specified location and the buyer pays any charges beyond the FOB location.

freight terms. An agreement between buyer and supplier companies on how an order should be taxed and how the carrier is to be paid. Freight terms can be applied to an entire order or to a group of lines that have the same freight terms. See also shipping terms.

FOB. See Freight on Board (FOB).

graphical interface. A point-and-click method for using a software product. SellerXpert graphical interfaces include the graphical admin interface and the graphical user interface.

graphical Admin interface. A graphical interface that allows the SellerXpert administrator to perform administrative tasks. Also called the Admin interface.

graphical User interface. A graphical interface that allows the SellerXpert user to perform authorized user tasks. Also called the User interface.

group. See user group.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML). A markup language, consisting of text interspersed with a few basic formatting tags, used to create documents on the World Wide Web. See also extensible markup language (XML).

Import utility. SellerXpert utility used for applying bulk data changes to system information. The Import utility provides both a graphical interface and a command-line interface.

import data file. The format used by the Import utility to load data changes into the SellerXpert database. Each import data file consists of comment lines, command lines, attribute lines, and body lines that specify the data to be changed.

inventory. Quantity on hand for an item in a catalog. See also product, SKU.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). A network protocol that extracts information from a hierarchical directory, such as a user name, email address, security certificate, and other contact information. An LDAP repository has its own authentication and access control functions.

locale. A particular country or region that uses different settings for language, number and date formats, graphics, and page layout (such as left to right or right to left).

localization. The process of modifying SellerXpert for a specific international market, which includes translating the graphical interface, resizing dialog boxes, customizing features (if necessary), and testing results to ensure that SellerXpert works properly in the new locale. See locale.

master catalog. The total of all supplier catalogs.

master ontology. See catalog ontology.

measurement conversion value. See unit of measure.

member. A user or process that has permission to access particular functions, resources, and data.

multi-currency. A feature that allows for multiple currencies within one system or within one order.

multi-divisional organization. An organization that uses admin and end-user privileges and business rules based on organizational units and groups.

multi-locale. A feature that allows for multiple locales to be in use within one SellerXpert system. Multi-locale can apply to date value (for example, product description) as well as to text messages. See also locale.

multi-org. A feature that allows for multiple organizations within one SellerXpert system.

net price. Price of a purchase order after discounts and charges have been applied. See also DCAP.

ontology. See catalog ontology.

order process. The SellerXpert process of passing an order through a series of steps, ending in a fulfillment.

organization. A business entity that contains one or more organizational units. See also organizational unit.

orgadmin. A SellerXpert administrator who can update information for his/her organization. An orgadmin cannot update information in sub-organizations. See also role.

organizational unit. A partition of an organization that enables the SellerXpert administrator to set member privileges and approval parameters based on organization structure and rules. See also member.

parametric search. Electronic search for items matching specific search parameters.

payment method. The method that a customer uses to pay for an order. Payment methods can apply to an organization, an individual, or a group.

payment terms. An agreement between buyer and supplier organizations on how the buyer will pay the supplier for purchases.

permissions. An electronic mechanism for controlling access to resources by screening attempted access against preset parameters.

pricing adjustment. A change to the price of a particular product after the customer selects the item. See also DCAP, net price.

primary account number (PAN). A unique number identifying a customer for a payment system. This number is encrypted for security and is only visible to the customer and the acquiring bank.

product. A category for an item contained in a catalog. A product is part of the inventory, or stock, of a supplier organization. See also SKU.

order template. A special type of order that can be used to create another order. A order template can contain actual items that are repeatedly ordered, or other types of information such as default billing and shipping.

role. A set of privileges that allow a user to perform certain actions in SellerXpert. The roles are superadmin, orgadmin, and selfadmin. See also superadmin, orgadmin, selfadmin, catalog roles.

rule. See business rule.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) . A protocol developed by Netscape that uses encryption to transmit secure documents on the internet. Web pages using an SSL connection start with https instead of http.

security policy. An organization-defined methodology for protecting data from access by unauthorized people or processes, which include logging and tracking system events.

selfadmin. A SellerXpert user who can update his/her own information. See role.

seller. An organization that owns and sells products through a catalog. Also known as merchant and supplier organization.

shipping method. A specification on how merchandise is shipped from a supplier organization to a buyer organization. For example, Federal Express Overnight or UPS Next Day.

shipping terms. An agreement between buyer and supplier companies on how an order should in to be shipped. See also freight terms.

SKU. See stock keeping unit (SKU) code.

SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

stock keeping unit (SKU) code. A unique alphanumeric code that subdivides a product into more specific categories. For example, a pen product can be subdivided by color, each color having its own SKU code. A catalog item cannot be sold without an SKU code. See also catalog, product.

superadmin. A SellerXpert administrator who can update information across all organizations. See also role.

TAXWARE. A third-party software product that SellerXpert can use for calculating taxes.

unit of currency. Indicates the currency conversion (such as USD to Euro, franc to lira, and so forth) to use for calculating the price of a product. Only one currency conversion unit can be specified for an order.

unit of measure. Indicates the measurement conversion (such as centimeter to inch, liter to quart, kilogram to pound, and so on) to use for a items in an order.

users. People who have access to SellerXpert. In general, SellerXpert users have privileges to create and submit orders; some users also have administrative privileges. Also known as people. See also members.

user group. A collection of users within a given organizational unit. In some ways, user groups resemble organization units, but organizational units have stricter polices regarding user membership.

vendor. See seller.

XML. See extensible markup language (XML).

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated September 07, 2001