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iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager 2.2.1 Utility Guide

Chapter 1   Introduction

Generally, the objectives of this chapter are to cover:

Related Documents

The complete documentation set comprises of:

  • iTTM2.2-Utility-Guide.pdf (this Document) that provides some tools for helping with PKI Certificate Management.

  • iTTM2.2-Install-Configuration-Guide.pdf is designed for operators looking to produce applications that utilise the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager framework. It is designed to provide information for operators looking to install the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager platform. This guide identifies hardware and software required prior to installation, how to install iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager from CD-ROM.

  • iTTM2.2-Developer-Guide.pdf that indicates how to build and deploy your own services.

Overall Layout

Certmanager is a utility that allows you to manage your certificates more easily. It covers the following topics:

Target audience

This Configuration Manual is designed to take an operator through the concepts and details of configuring an application based on the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager architecture. It looks at the different aspects to Certificate User interfacing. It is intended for a User or Developer who is unfamiliar with the issues surrounding certificate and key management.

It does however fulfil the requirements for a number of other types of user, in particular:

  • System Administrators looking to manage the certificates that have been configured by the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager platform.

  • Java Application Developers wishing to install and use.

  • Users looking to understand the concepts behind the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager platform.

  • Users looking to understand the basic security concepts that are inherent with the iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager platform.

  • Technical Managers looking to identify the benefits of iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager

Invoking CertManager from Unix

CertManager can be invoked from the Unix prompt as follows:

Figure 1-1    Invoking CertManager

lightning:/home/cb102910 13% xhost +
lightning:/home/cb102910 13% telnet gadget
login: charles
Password: charles
gadget% cd /opt/Trustbase/TTM/Scripts
gadget% who
gadget% setenv DISPLAY lightning:5.0
gadget% ./runcertmanager

The final file that requires modification is for the Java GUI based certificate viewer and manipulation tool. This requires modification to the startup-script, (/opt/Trustbase/TTM/Scripts directory). A sample startup-script looks as follows:

Figure 1-2    Starting the store from runcertmanager

. ./setcp
ulimit -n 128
exec java charles1 charles1 charles1 1521 orcl

The java command parameters need to be adjusted to represent the details of the oracle store. The first 6 parameters (shown in bold above) represent, Oracle login name, Oracle login password, PbePassword set the same as Oracle login password, Oracle hostname, Oracle port number and Oracle SID.

Note Only one Certstore is supported per Trustbase Installation. The name of the default certstore can be found within your Oracle database. Please consult your Oracle database administrator to obtain these six parameters for your certstore. Other remote certstores may be obtained from the appropriate remote database administrator and loaded from within CertManager.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 18, 2001