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iPlanet Portal Server 3.0 Service Pack 5 Installation Guide

Chapter 2

Downloading Service Pack 5

The iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5 (iPS3.0SP5-01) software can be downloaded from the iPlanet web page as a series of compressed files.


Do not apply iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5 to an iPlanet Portal Server that has had Service Pack 3 or 3a and hotpatch 3 applied. Contact iPlanet customer support for instructions to upgrade to Service Pack 5.


When upgrading to iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5, perform the upgrade only on machines that have iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 3 or greater installed. Upgrading from iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2 to iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5 is not supported.

Contents of

The following directories and files are included in For instructions on downloading and assembling the compressed files see the "Downloading Service Pack 5 Software From the Sun Web Page" section.

Preparing for Installation

Before you begin installing Service Pack 5, see the following sections for pre-installation tasks.

Downloading Service Pack 5 Software From the Sun Web Page

The iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5 software is available from the following web page:

The software can be downloaded as a single file or as five 50-Megabyte files. For the 50-Megabyte files, additionally download the checksums file and the assemblePS3SP5 script for assembling the individual files into a single Service Pack 5. The following instructions describe how to check the integrity of the files once they have been downloaded and how to assemble the files for installation.


If the iPlanet Portal Server installation contains individual gateway and platform servers, the Service Pack 5 software must be installed on all servers.

The following procedures assume that /opt is the installation directory.

  1. In a terminal window, become root.
  2. Create a directory in which to download the Service Pack 5 files and make sure your browser has write permission to that directory. For example, /opt/ips_sp5:
  3. # cd /opt

    # mkdir ips_sp5

  4. Download single large file ( or the following files into the directory created in Step 2.
    • checksums
    • assembleiPS3SP5
    • If you downloaded the single large file go to Step 5.

  5. In /opt/ips_sp5, run the assemblePS3SP5 script to verify the integrity of downloaded files.
  6. # cd /opt/ips_sp5/

    # ./assembleiPS3SP5

If the script determines that the correct number of files are present and that their data has not been corrupted, a single compressed file is created, which contains all the Service Pack 5 files.

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. # /usr/bin/unzip


    Do NOT apply Service Pack 5 on a system that is running Service Pack 3 or 3a with hotpatch 3. Contact iPlanet customer support for instructions to upgrade to Service Pack 5.

Removing Patches

For a clean install on a Service Pack 3 or 3a installation that has applied a hotpatch, remove the hotpatch.


For an upgrade, do NOT remove any 111829-xx patch. This is a hotpatch that has been applied to iPlanet Portal Server software.

To remove a hotpatch that has been applied do the following:

  1. List the Service Pack 3 or 3a hotpatch.
  2. # showrev -p |grep 111829


    If the patch is 111829-03 (hotpatch 3), do not apply iPlanet Portal Server Service Pack 5. Contact iPlanet customer support for instructions to upgrade to Service Pack 5.

  3. As root, use the following command to remove the patch.
  4. # patchrm 111829-xx

Installing the Required Solaris Patches

The iPlanet Portal Server product is shipped with Solaris patches that are required or recommended for the iPlanet Portal Server software. The directory /opt/ips_sp5/patches contains patch directories for each supported version of Solaris. Use the patches in the directory that corresponds to the version of Solaris on which you are installing the iPlanet Portal Server product. Solaris patches are periodically updated, and can be downloaded from

To install the required or recommended Solaris patches:

  1. As root, change directories to the patch directory that corresponds to the version of the Solaris operating environment on which the iPlanet Portal Server product is installed. For example, if the iPlanet Portal Server product is installed on the Solaris 8 operating environment:
  2. # cd /opt/ips_sp5/patches/solaris8/solaris_2.8_patch_cluster

  3. Run the install_cluster installation script. Depending on the computer on which the Solaris patches are being installed, installation time can take several hours.
  4. # ./install_cluster

  5. Reboot your computer.
  6. # reboot

Stopping the Server Component Processes

Before upgrading or installing the Service Pack 5 software, stop the following services if they are running:

Stopping the Proxies and the Gateway Component Processes

Before installing or upgrading to Service Pack 5, the following processes need to be stopped.

Stopping the Third-Party Software Processes and the Channels

Before performing a clean installation of or upgrading to Service Pack 5, stop all iPlanet Portal Server third-party software and channels that push data to the iPlanet Portal Server product.

It is especially important to stop channels that push data to the iPlanet Portal Server product because some channels write into iPlanet Portal Server directories.

Consult the manuals for each channel and for third-party software for instructions on shutting them down.

Installed Software Modules, Customizations, and Third-Party Products

If iPlanet Portal Server software has been previously installed and other modules have been configured to run on top of this software, it is important to read all release notes and updates that pertain to the added modules. Patches and additional configuration steps may be required. Also, any customizations must be backed up or documented before Service Pack 5 is installed, so the customizations can be restored after the upgrade.

When Service Pack 5 is applied, it upgrades Java 1.2.2_05 or 1.2.2_07 to Java 1.2.2_16-er-20030716.

If the Java link (/usr/java) has been modified, Service Pack 5 overwrites the link to point to the new JVM™. For example, if /usr/java was linked to Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_16-er-20030716 and the Rhino software was installed into /usr/java/jre/lib/ext, then the Rhino software would actually be in /usr/Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_16-er-20030716/jre/lib/ext/js.jar and would need to be moved or copied to /usr/java/jre/lib/ext. Otherwise, the contents of the link become inaccessible.

Saving the Certificates Used by the Server Component

If using certificates on the iPlanet Portal Server server component, save the certificates in a safe location before the upgrade process, and restore them after the upgrade is complete.

The following procedure assumes that /opt is the installation directory.

To save the certificates:

  1. As root, change directories to the certificate directory. In the following example, /opt is the base directory.
  2. # cd /opt/netscape/server4

  3. Create a tar file of the alias directory and copy it to a safe location. In the following example the compressed alias directory is copied to /usr/tmp.
  4. # tar cf /usr/tmp/alias.tar alias

For instructions on upgrading the iPlanet Portal Server product to Service Pack 5, see the "Upgrading to Service Pack 5" chapter.

For instructions on upgrading the iPlanet Portal Server product to Service Pack 5 if running a Non-Root installation, see the "User Non-Root" chapter.

For instructions on upgrading the iPlanet Portal Server product to Service Pack 5 if running as User Nobody, see the "User Nobody" chapter.

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