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Sun ONE Application Server 7 J2EE CA Service Provider Implementation Administrator's Guide

Assembling and Deploying the Connector

This module describes the contents of the Sun ONE Application Server connector module and how this module is assembled separately or together in an application.

The Sun ONE Application Server connector module includes J2EE standard elements and Sun ONE Application Server specific elements. Only Sun ONE Application Server specific elements are described in detail in this module.

This chapter describes the following topics:

Overview of Assembly and Deployment

Application assembly (also known as packaging) is the process of combining discrete components of an application into a single unit that can be deployed to a J2EE-compliant application server. A package can be classified either as a module or as a full-fledged application. This section covers the following topics:


A J2EE module is a collection of one or more J2EE components of the same container type with two deployment descriptors of that type. One descriptor is J2EE standard, the other is Sun ONE Application Server specific. The Connector Module can be described as follows:

  • Resource RAR File: The RAR files apply only to J2EE CA connectors. Each Sun ONE Application Server connector has a sun-ra.xml file and a J2EE application deployment descriptor ra.xml file.

Package definitions must be used in the source code of all modules so the classloader can properly locate the classes after the modules have been deployed.

Because the information in a deployment descriptor is declarative, it can be changed without requiring modifications to source code. At run time, the J2EE server reads this information and acts accordingly.

The connector module has a Sun ONE Application Server deployment descriptor and a J2EE deployment descriptor. The Sun ONE Application Server Administration interface uses the deployment descriptors to deploy the application components and to register the resources with the Sun ONE Application Server.

An application consists of one or more modules, a Sun ONE Application Server deployment descriptor, and a J2EE application deployment descriptor. All modules are assembled, using the Java ARchive (.jar) file format, into one file with an extension of .ear.

J2EE Standard Descriptors

The J2EE platform provides assembly and deployment facilities. These facilities use JAR files as the standard package for components and applications, and XML-based deployment descriptors for customizing parameters.

The J2EE standard deployment descriptors are described in the J2EE specification, v1.3. For more information on J2EE standard deployment descriptors, see the following specifications:

  • Java 2 Enterprise Edition, J2EE Connector Architecture Specification v1.0, 10 "Packaging and Deployment".

You can find specifications at the following URL:

Sun ONE Application Server Descriptors

Sun ONE Application Server uses additional deployment descriptors for configuring features specific to the Sun ONE Application Server.


The Sun ONE Application Server deployment descriptors must have 600 level access privileges on Unix systems.

The DTD schema files for all the Sun ONE Application Server deployment descriptors are located in the install_dir/lib/dtds directory.

Naming Standards

Names of deployed connector RAR modules must be unique in the Sun ONE Application Server. Using a Java package-like naming scheme is recommended for module filenames. The use of this package-like naming scheme ensures that name collisions do not occur. The benefits of this naming practice apply not only to the Sun ONE Application Server, but to other J2EE application servers as well.

Runtime Environments

Whether you deploy a component as a stand-alone module or as an application, deployment affects both the file system and the server configuration. See the "Sun ONE Application Server J2EE CA SPI Developer's Guide" for more information.


In a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), the classloaders dynamically load a specific java class file needed for resolving a dependency. For example, when an instance of java.util.Enumeration needs to be created, one of the classloaders loads the relevant class into the environment. See the "Sun ONE Application Server J2EE CA SPI Developer's Guide" for more information.

Sample Applications

Sample applications that you can examine and deploy are included in Sun ONE Application Server, in the install_dir/samples/j2ee directory. Each sample has its own documentation.

Selects component files that match specified parameters. When fileset is included as a subelement, the name and contextroot attributes of the containing element must use their default values for each file in the fileset. For more information, see:

Assembling a J2EE CA Resource Adapter

This section provides some brief pointers for assembling J2EE CA resource adapters.

The following two XML connector files are required for deploying a connector to the application server.

  • sun-ra.xml
  • ra.xml

The ra.xml file is based on the J2EE CA specification and is packaged with the connector. The sun-ra.xml file contains Sun ONE Application Server specific information.

To assemble a connector RAR module

  1. Create a working directory, and copy the contents of your module into it.
  2. Create two deployment descriptor files with these names: sun-ra.xml and ra.xml in the META_INF directory.
  3. Execute this command to create the RAR file:

jar -cvf module_name.rar *

Deploying Modules and Applications

This section describes the way to deploy J2EE connector module to the Sun ONE Application Server.

Deployment IDs and Errors

A unique ID is generated in the server.xml file when you deploy an application or module. Do not change this ID. During deployment, the server detects any ID collisions and does not load an application or module having a non-unique ID. Messages are logged in the server log when this happens.

If an error occurs during deployment, the application or module is not deployed. If a module within an application contains an error, the entire application is not deployed.

For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

The Deployment Life Cycle

After an application is initially deployed, it may be modified and reloaded, redeployed, disabled, re-enabled, and finally undeployed (removed from the server). This section covers the following topics related to the deployment life cycle:

Dynamic Deployment

You can deploy, redeploy, and undeploy an application or module without restarting the server. This is called dynamic deployment.

When an application or module is redeployed, some file system content and some Application Server settings are not overwritten or removed. This can lead to older settings remaining in effect after a redeployment. To perform a clean redeployment, undeploy the application or module before redeploying it. In addition, whenever a redeployment is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid. The client must restart the session.

Disabling a Resource Adapter

You can disable a deployed resource adapter without removing it from the server. Each application and module has an enabled attribute in the server.xml file and a corresponding option in the Administration interface, which you can change. For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

Dynamic Reloading

If dynamic reloading is enabled, you do not have to redeploy an application or module when you change its code. All you have to do is copy the changed class files into the deployment directory for the application or module. The server checks for changes periodically and redeploys the application, automatically and dynamically, with the changes.

This is useful in a development environment, because it allows code changes to be tested quickly. Dynamic reloading is not recommended for a production environment, however, because it may degrade performance. In addition, whenever a reload is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid. The client must restart the session.

The deployment descriptor files in the application are not reloaded automatically. If you change them, you must redeploy the application.

To enable dynamic reloading, you can do one of the following:

  • Use the Administration Tool interface:
    1. Open the Applications component under your server instance
    2. Go to the Applications page
    3. Check the Reload Enabled box to enable dynamic reloading.
    4. Enter a number of seconds in the Reload Poll Interval field to set the interval at which applications and modules are checked for code changes and dynamically reloaded.
    5. Click on the Save button.

  • Edit the following attributes of the server.xml file's applications element:
    • dynamic-reload-enabled="true" enables dynamic reloading.
    • dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds sets the interval at which applications and modules are checked for code changes and dynamically reloaded.

    For details about server.xml, see the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator's Configuration File Reference.

In addition, to load new servlet files, reload EJB related changes, or reload deployment descriptor changes, you must do the following:

  • Create an empty file named .reload at the root of the deployed application:
  • instance_dir/applications/j2ee-apps/app_name/.reload

    or individually deployed module:


  • Explicitly update the .reload file's timestamp (touch .reload in Unix) each time you make the above changes.

For JSPs, changes are reloaded automatically at a frequency set in the reload-interval property of the jsp-config element in the sun-web.xml file. To disable dynamic reloading of JSPs, set reload-interval="-1".

Deploying a J2EE CA Resource Adapter

You can deploy a connector module using the following tools:

asadmin deploy

The asadmin deploy command deploys a RAR file. To deploy a stand-alone connector module, specify --type connector.The following command deploys a RAR stand-alone module:

asadmin deploy -- connector--instance inst1 -name connector_name rar filename

To undeploy a connector module, use this command:

asadmin undeploy -- connector--instance inst1 -name connector_name

The Administration Interface

You can also use the Administration interface to deploy a connector module.

To Deploy a Connector Module

  1. Open the Applications component under your server domain.
  2. Go to the Connector Modules page.
  3. Click on the Deploy button.
  4. Enter the following information
  5. File path - The file path for the connector module .rar file.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Enter the connector name. Click OK

Access to Shared Frameworks

When J2EE applications and modules use shared framework classes (such as components and libraries) the classes can be put in the path for the System Classloader or the Common Classloader rather than in an application or module. If you assemble a large, shared library into every module that uses it, the result is a huge file that takes too long to register with the server. In addition, several versions of the same class could exist in different classloaders, which is a waste of resources.

For more information about the system classloader, see "Classloaders".

Security Management

Connectors are integrated in the overall J2EE security scheme. However, because the EIS usually has its own security system, a mechanism is required to map J2EE security principal to EIS principals. The J2EE SPI supports the following two mechanisms:

  • principal mapping
  • configured identity

Principal Mapping

Principal mapping sets up the mapping between J2EE principals EIS principals. The sun-ra.xml contains this mapping. For a description and sample see "Elements in the sun-ra.xml File"

Configured Identity

The configured identity mechanism allows you to set up and use a single user id to login to the backend for all J2EE principals.

J2EE CA currently supports password authentication.

The Connector Deployment Descriptor Files

Sun ONE Application Server connectors include two deployment descriptor files:

  • A J2EE standard file (ra.xml), described in the Java 2 Enterprise Edition, J2EE Connector Architecture Specification v1.0, Chapter 10 "Packaging and Deployment".
  • A Sun ONE Application Server specific file (sun-ra.xml), described in this section.

This section covers the following topics:

The sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd

The sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd file defines the various elements that the sun-ra.xml file can contain and the subelements and attributes these elements can have. The sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd file is located in the install_dir/lib/dtds directory.


Do not edit the sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd file. Its contents change only with new versions of Sun ONE Application Server.


The sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd interface is unstable. An unstable interface may be experimental or transitional, and hence may change incompatibly, beremoved, or be replaced by a more stable interface in the next release.

For general information about DTD files and XML, see the XML specification at:

Each element in a DTD file (and the XML file for which it specifies the schema) can contain the following:


Elements can contain subelements. For example, the following code defines the sun-connector element.

<!ELEMENT sun-connector (resource-adapter, role-map?)>

The ELEMENT line specifies that a sun-connector element can contain (resource-adapter, role-map?) subelements.

The following table shows how the ending characters of the subelements determine the requirement rules for the subelements. The left column lists the subelement ending character, and the right column lists the corresponding requirement rule.

   Requirement Rules for Subelements

Subelement Ending Character

Requirement Rule



Can contain zero or more of this subelement.




Can contain zero or one of this subelement.




Must contain one or more of this subelement.




Must contain only one of this subelement.


If an element cannot contain other elements, you see EMPTY or (#PCDATA) instead of a list of element names in parentheses.


Some elements contain data instead of subelements. These elements have definitions of the following format:

<!ELEMENT element-name (#PCDATA)>

For example:

<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

In the sun-ra.xml file, white space is treated as part of the data in a data element. Therefore, there should be no extra white space before or after the data delimited by a data element. For example:

<principal user-name="keren"></principal>

The following conventions apply to all J2EE deployment descriptor elements unless indicated otherwise.

In elements that contain PCDATA, leading and trailing white space in the data may be ignored.

In elements whose value is an "enumerated type", the value is case sensitive.

In elements that specify a pathname to a file within the same JAR file, relative filenames (i.e., those not starting with "/") are considered relative to the root of the JAR file's namespace. Absolute filenames (i.e., those starting with "/") also specify names in the root of the JAR file's namespace. In general, relative names are preferred. The exception is .war files where absolute names are preferred for consistency with the servlet API.


Elements that have ATTLIST lines contain attributes.

Elements in the sun-ra.xml File

This section describes the following XML elements in the sun-connector_1_0-0.dtd sun-ra.xml files:


Defines Sun ONE Application Server specific sun-connector element and is the root element of the deployment descriptor for the resource adapter; there can only be one sun-connector element in a sun-ra.xml file.


The following table describes subelements for the sun-connector element. The left column lists the subelement name, the middle column indicates the requirement rule, and the right column describes what the element does.

   sun-connector subelements  







consists of the jndi-name and pooling configuration attributes





contains security mapping information



To avoid collisions with names of other enterprise resources in JNDI, and to avoid portability problems, all names in a Sun ONE Application Server application should begin with the string java:comp/env.


Defines the pool sizing and JNDI - lookup name.


The following table describes attributes for the resource-adapter element. The left column lists the attribute name, the middle column indicates the default value, and the right column describes the attribute.

   resource adapter attributes







The jndi-name is the name by which, this resource adapter will appear in JNDI namespace.

See following note.






maximum number of connections to the EIS






minimum number of connections to be maintained






If a connection is not available, the caller will have to wait this long, before a connection is created. A value of 0 implies, if there is no connection available an exception will be thrown. If the pool is completely utilized and the timer expires, an exception will be delivered to the application






A timer thread periodically removes unused connections. This parameter defines the interval at which this thread runs. This thread removes unused connection with expired timeout.



The jndi-name written here is used as the jndi lookup name for all applications that use this connector. The jndi name should be unique. For example the jndi-name comet should be referred to as java:comp/env/eis/comet in the jndi namespace lookup.


The following table describes subelements for the resource-adapter element. The left column lists the subelement name, the middle column indicates the requirement rule, and the right column describes what the element does.

   resource-adpater subelements  







Describes the resource adapter





Defines the syntax for supplying properties as name value pairs.



Describes the resource adapter.




Defines the syntax for supplying properties as name value pairs.




The following table describes attributes for the property element. The left column lists the attribute name, the middle column indicates the default value, and the right column describes the attribute.

   property attributes







Name of the property





Contains the value of the property.



Defines the mapping from the principal received during Servlet/EJB authentication, to credentials accepted by the EIS. This mapping is optional. The map consists of several 2-tuples.


The following table describes subelements for the role-map element. The left column lists the subelement name, the middle column indicates the requirement rule, and the right column describes what the element does.

   role map subelements







Describes the backend that you are mapping to.





Describes the mapping from the principal to the backend principal.



The following table describes attributes for the role-map element. The left column lists the attribute name, the middle column indicates the default value, and the right column describes the attribute.

   role-map attributes







Describes the ID for the mapping.



Defines the map-element. It is possible to map multiple (server) principal to the same backend principal.


The following table describes subelements for the map-elementelement. The left column lists the subelement name, the middle column indicates the requirement rule, and the right column describes what the element does.

   map-element subelements







Principal of the Servlet and EJB client





Backend principal of the EIS.



Defines the principal of the Servlet and EJB client.


The following table describes subelements for the prinicpal element. The left column lists the subelement name, the middle column indicates the requirement rule, and the right column describes what the element does.

   principal subelements







Describes the principal



The following table describes attributes for the principal element. The left column lists the attribute name, the middle column indicates the default value, and the right column describes the attribute.

   prinicpal attributes







Contains the user name.



Defines the backend EIS principal.




The following table describes attributes for the backend-principal element. The left column lists the attribute name, the middle column indicates the default value, and the right column describes the attribute.

   backend-prinicpal attributes







Contains the backend user name.





Contains the backend password.





Contains the type of credential.



Defines the resource adapter.



Sample Application XML FIles

The sun-ra.xml file needs to be customized to deploy it. Code Example provides an example of the code and a description of each parameter and item that needs to be customized.

This section includes the following:

Sample sun-ra.xml File

The following is a code example of the sun-ra.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE sun-connector PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Sun ONE Application Server 7.0 Connector 1.0//EN" " 0-0.dtd">


   <resource-adapter jndi-name="Comet" max-pool-size="20" steady-pool-size="10" max-wait-time-in-millis="300000" idle-timeout-in-seconds="5000">


   <role-map map-id="mainframe">


         <principal user-name="keren"></principal>

            <backend-principal user-name="pazit" password="tulip" credential="credential">





Sample ra.xml File

The following is an example of a sample ra.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


   Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.


<!DOCTYPE connector PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Connector 1.0//EN' ''>








<managedconnectionfactory-class>samples.connectors.simple.CometMana gedConnectionFactory</managedconnectionfactory-class>

<connectionfactory-interface>javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory</ connectionfactory-interface>

<connectionfactory-impl-class>samples.connectors.simple.CometConnec tionFactory</connectionfactory-impl-class>

    <connection-interface>javax.resource.cci.Connection</connection-int erface>

<connection-impl-class>samples.connectors.simple.CometConnection</c onnection-impl-class>













<authentication-mechanism-type>BasicPassword</authentication-mechan ism-type>

<credential-interface></c redential-interface>





Preparing the .rar File for Deployment

The .rar file must contain the following:

  • A deployment descriptor file that contains standard deployment information that is defined in the connector_1-0.dtd file.
  • The deployment descriptor must be stored with the name META-INF/ra.xml in the .rar file.

  • The Sun ONE Application Server connector sun-ra.xml file that specifies additional Application Server specific deployment information.
  • The sun-ra.xml must be stored with the name META-INF/sun-ra.xml in the .rar file.

  • The Java interfaces, implementation and utility classes, required by the resource adapter should be packaged as one or more .jar files as part of the resource adapter module.
  • The platform-dependent libraries required by the resource adapter should also be packaged with the resource adapter module.

Directory Structure for the .rar File

The following illustrates a listing of files in a sample resource adapter module:

  • /META-INF/ra.xml
  • /META-INF/sun-ra.xml
  • /readme.html
  • /ra.jar
  • /client.jar
  • /win.dll
  • /

In the above example, ra.xml is the deployment descriptor, sun-ra.xml is the Sun specific deployment descriptor. The ra.jar and client.jar contain Java interfaces and implementation classes for the resource adapter. The win.dll and solaris. so are examples of native libraries.

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