C H A P T E R  2

Installing Forte Developer 7 Software

This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions for installing your Forte Developer 7 software from the product CD-ROM.

Note - Do not attempt to use the pkgadd command to install the software. Use the provided installer.

You can install Forte Developer 7 software as a stand-alone product or as part of Suntrademark ONE Studio 7 Enterprise Edition for Solaristrademark, a suite of products that includes Forte Developer 7 software and Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Javatrademark software.

When you install using the CD-ROM, you select the product configuration during the installation process. If you have acquired this software as part of an electronic download of Sun ONE Studio 7, Enterprise Edition for Solaris, this product selection is already set for you when you start the installer based on the products you downloaded.

Supporting Previous Forte Developer Releases

To support previous Forte Developer releases as well as this Forte Developer release on the same computer, select a different installation directory for the new release. For example, if you previously installed development tools in the /opt directory, install the new development tools in a new directory on a file system with sufficient disk space.

After installation, modify your PATH and MANPATH environment variables to include the new directory. See Setting Up Access to the Developer Tools and Man Pages for more information about setting the variables to use the new release.

Preparing for Installation

There are two ways to install the Forte Developer 7 software:

Note - If you are installing Sun ONE Studio 7, Enterprise Edition for Solaris, which includes the Forte Developer 7 software and Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java software, use the GUI installer as described in Using the Graphical User Interface Installer.

Finding the Product Serial Number

When you purchase the product, the serial number is listed on a card that is enclosed in the product package. The 26-character number on the card is the number that you enter in the Enter Serial Number pane of the installer during installation. You can also generate a 60-day trial license serial number during the installation process.

Ensuring That You Have Sufficient Free Disk Space

Running the installer requires 50 megabytes of free disk space in the /tmp directory on the computer that contains the product CD-ROM and runs the installer. Ensure that you have this space available before starting the installation process.

Choosing Local or Remote Display of the Installer

You can display the installer either locally or remotely while you are installing the Forte Developer 7 software.

Preparing to Install Using a Remote Display

To prepare for installation using a remote display, follow these steps:

1. On the display computer, enable client access to the X server by typing the following at a command line:

% xhost + source-computer-name

Replace source-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command entered on the source computer, the computer that contains the product CD-ROM.

2. Log in to the source computer and become a superuser (root) by typing:

% rlogin source-computer-name -l root
Password: root-password

3. On the source computer, set the display to the monitor attached to the display computer.

If you use the C shell, type:

# setenv DISPLAY display-computer-name:0.0

If you use the Bourne shell, type:

# DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0
# export DISPLAY

If you use the Korn shell, type:

# export DISPLAY=display-computer-name:0.0

Replace display-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command entered on the display computer.

4. Proceed to Using the Graphical User Interface Installer or Using the Command-Line Installer.

Using the Graphical User Interface Installer

These instructions describe how to install the Forte Developer 7 software using the product CD-ROM. If you get the product via electronic download, be sure to follow all instructions on the download web site for downloading the files to be used in the installation process and invoking the installer.

Note - Do not attempt to use the pkgadd command to install the software. Use the provided installer.

1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.

The product installer starts.

If the installer does not start, the autorun feature might be disabled or unsupported on your system. In this case, use one of the following methods to start the installer:

  • In the File Manager window, double-click the Installer icon to start the installer.
  • Invoke the installer by typing:
  • # /cdrom/s1s7cc_v10n1/installer

2. Enter the root password when prompted and press Enter to continue.

  • If you are installing Forte Developer software in the Solaris 7 operating environment, skip to step 4.
  • If you are installing Forte Developer software in the Solaris 8 operating environment or the Solaris 9 operating environment, the Sun ONE Studio Product Selection Wizard pane appears.

3. Select the Sun ONE Studio product you want to install.

When you select the radio button next to a product, a brief description of the product appears near the bottom of the pane.

  • If you want to install only the Forte Developer 7 software, select Sun ONE Studio 7, Compiler Collection and click Next.
  • If you want to install both the Forte Developer 7 software and the Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java software, select Sun ONE Studio 7, Enterprise Edition for Solaris. The installer asks you to ensure that you have the corresponding product CDs. After doing so, click Install.

The installer begins installing the product you have selected and the Welcome pane appears.

Note - During the installation process, a blue Sun ONE Studio installation window is present and another window with the installation panes appears in front of it. Do not close either window. If you bring the larger blue window to the foreground, it might hide the secondary installation window. Keep both windows visible, with the larger blue window behind or beside the smaller window.

4. Click Next in the Welcome pane.

The Initializing pane appears, and when initialization is complete, the Binary Code License Agreement pane appears.

5. In the Binary Code License Agreement pane, click I agree.

If you choose I do not agree, you cannot continue with the installation.

6. Click Next to proceed to the Product Selection pane.

7. In the Product Selection pane, select the type of installation you want for each product.

  • If you select No Install, the product is not installed.
  • If you select Default Install, the installer installs all components of the product and all online documentation that is associated with the components.
  • If you select Custom Install, the installer allows you to select (in step 11) which components of the product you want to install.

Note - If you select Default install for Solaris patches, the installer installs all of the required patches for the Forte Developer 7 software, which are listed in Appendix B. If you have previously installed these patches, installing the required patches does not downgrade your system.

8. Click Next to proceed to the Select Install Directory pane.

9. Decide whether you want to change the software installation directory from /opt.

See Supporting Previous Forte Developer Releases if you want to install this new Forte Developer release on a computer that contains previous Forte Developer releases or Sun WorkShop releases.

  • If you want to install in the /opt directory on the source computer, click Next. If you have installed a previous release of Forte Developer software in the /opt directory on the source computer, you must choose a different installation directory.
  • If you want to install the software in a directory other than the /opt directory on the source computer, type the new location in the text field or browse for another location. If you do not have permission to write to the directory you select, the installer asks you if you want to change permissions. You must have write permission for the selected directory before you can proceed with installation. See the chmod(1) man page for information on changing directory permissions.

10. Click Next when you have entered the installation directory.

If you selected Custom Install for any of the products in the Product Selection pane, a Component Selection pane is displayed for each of those products. If you did not select Custom Install for any of the products, skip to step 12.

11. In each Component Selection pane, deselect the components you do not want to install by clicking their checkboxes to remove the check marks. Click Next when the pane shows check marks for the components you want to install.

12. If you have not previously installed Forte Developer 7 products in the selected installation directory, skip to step 13. If you have previously installed any Forte Developer 7 products in the selected installation directory, the installer shows you the serial numbers it has detected in that directory.

  • If you want to install Forte Developer 7 products you do not currently have installed in the selected directory, using the displayed serial numbers, click Continue and skip to step 14.
  • If you want to install Forte Developer 7 products in the selected directory using a different serial number, click Re-enter and proceed to step 13.

Note - The installer will not reinstall products that are already installed in the same installation directory using the same serial number.

13. The Enter Serial Number pane appears. Type your permanent 26-character serial number in the text box, or click the 60-day Trial button to generate a trial serial number. Click Next.

Note - If you are upgrading from Try and Buy software, you can exit from the installer after you have successfully entered your permanent serial number.

14. If you did not choose to install the Forte Developer 7 to Forte Developer 6 update 2 (FD6u2) Connector in step 7, skip to step 15. If you did choose to install the connector, then the Forte Developer 7 to Forte Developer 6 update 2 pane appears.

Note - To install this connector, you must already have Forte Developer 6 update 2 software installed.

Verify that the directory path shown in the text field is correct for your installed Forte Developer 6 update 2 software. If the path is not correct, type the correct path in the text field. Click Next to continue.

After the installer checks for adequate disk space, the Ready to Install pane appears.

15. Verify that the disk space shown at the top of the Ready to Install pane is sufficient to install the products you have selected.

Note - The installer checks the disk space in the default installation directory /opt only. If you entered a different installation directory in step 9, the installer still shows the available disk space in the /opt directory only. Check the disk space in your selected directory using the df -k command to ensure that you have enough space for the products you want to install. You can find the disk space requirements in the release notes at /cdrom/s1s7cc_v10n1/release_notes.txt. If you have determined that you have sufficient space in your selected installation directory, and you see an error message indicating that you do not have enough space, you can click Next to proceed with the installation. If you are installing in the /opt directory and you see this error message, you need to ensure that you have enough free disk space before proceeding.

16. In the Ready to Install pane, verify that the items you want to install are listed.

If the products you want are listed, click Install Now.

If you want to install more products, click Back to return to the Product Selection pane, make your selections, and click Next to return to the Ready to Install pane.

The Installing pane appears with a progress indicator. When installation is complete, the Installation Summary pane appears.

17. If you want to view the installation log file for a product, click the Details button for that product in the Installation Summary pane.

18. Click Exit to finish the Forte Developer 7 software installation.

  • If you have installed the Forte Developer 7 software as part of Sun ONE Studio 7, Enterprise Edition for Solaris, then the installer asks you to insert the CD for Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java. Proceed to step 19 and then follow the instructions in the Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java Getting Started Guide to install the Sun ONE Studio 4 software.
  • If you installed the Forte Developer 7 software stand-alone, the Sun ONE Studio Installation pane appears. Click Finish to exit the installer.

19. Remove the Forte Developer 7 CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive.

20. If you performed the installation using a remote display, follow these steps. If you did not use a remote display, skip to step 21.

a. On the display computer, disable client access by typing the following:

# xhost - source-computer-name

b. Exit from superuser privileges on the source computer by typing:

# exit

21. Exit from superuser privileges on the display computer by typing:

# exit

22. To set up your access to the Forte Developer tools and man page, set your PATH and MANPATH variables by following the steps in Setting Up Access to the Developer Tools and Man Pages.

Note - You can review HTML versions of the readme files for the Forte Developer 7 software located in /install_directory/SUNWspro/docs/index.html for specific information on new features, problems and workarounds, documentation errors, and software corrections. Text versions of the readme files are located at /install_directory/SUNWspro/READMEs.

Using the Command-Line Installer

These instructions describe how to install the Forte Developer 7 software using the command-line interface.

Note - Do not attempt to use the pkgadd command to install the software. Use the provided installer.

Note - The command-line installer installs only the Forte Developer 7 software, not the Sun ONE Studio 7, Enterprise Edition software.

1. If you are not currently superuser, become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Go to the product software by placing the CD-ROM in the disk drive and typing:

# cd /cdrom/s1s7cc_v10n1/image

3. Start the command-line installation by typing:

# ./installer -nodisplay

Note - Do not run the installer in the background.

4. The installer welcomes you. Press Enter to continue.

The Binary Software License Agreement text appears.

Note - The Enter key is equivalent to the Return key on some keyboards. Press the Enter key to accept the default selections during installation.

5. After reading the Binary Software License Agreement, type I agree at the prompt and press Enter to continue.

If you type I do not agree, you cannot continue with the installation.

6. The installer displays a list of the Forte Developer 7 products with an installation option checked for each product.

To change the installation option for a product, type the number (0-6) that corresponds to the product and proceed to step 7. To accept the Default installation for all products, press Enter and skip to step 9.

Note - If you select Default install for Solaris patches, the installer installs all of the required patches for the Forte Developer 7 software, which are listed in Appendix B. If you have previously installed these patches, installing the required patches does not downgrade your system.

7. Select the type of installation you want for the product you selected.

  • For no installation, type 1. No installation deselects a product and the product is not installed.
  • For default installation, type 2. Default installation installs all components and online documentation associated with that product.
  • For custom installation, type 3. Custom installation allows you to select (in step 10) the components of that product that you want to install.

The installer displays the updated product list.

8. To select or deselect another product for installation, type its number and return to step 7. When you are finished selecting products and their types of installation, type 7 to continue and proceed to step 9.

9. The installer prompts you to specify a location for installation.

  • If you want to install in the /opt directory on the source computer, press Enter. If you have installed a previous release of Forte Developer software in the /opt directory on the source computer, you must choose a different installation directory.
  • If you want to select another directory, type the name of the new directory. If you do not have permission to write to the directory you select, the installer asks you if you want to change permissions. You must have write permission for the selected directory before you can proceed with installation. See the chmod(1) man page for information on changing directory permissions.

10. If you selected a custom installation for a product in step 7, select or deselect a component for installation by entering the number that corresponds to the component and press Enter. When finished, type 0 and press Enter.

11. If you have not previously installed Forte Developer 7 products in the selected installation directory, skip to step 13. If you have previously installed any Forte Developer 7 products in the selected installation directory, the installer shows you the serial numbers it has detected in that directory.

  • If you want to install Forte Developer 7 products you do not currently have installed in the selected directory, using the displayed serial numbers, type 1 for Continue and skip to step 13.
  • If you want to install Forte Developer 7 products in the selected directory using a different serial number, type 2 for Re-enter and proceed to step 12.

12. Type your permanent 26-character serial number, or select 60-day Trial to generate a Trial serial number. Press Enter.

Note - If you are upgrading from Try and Buy software, you can exit from the installer after you successfully enter your permanent serial number.

After verifying the serial number, the installer checks for disk space and warns you if you have insufficient disk space.

Note - The installer checks the disk space in the default installation directory /opt only. If you entered a different installation directory in step 9, the installer still shows the available disk space in the /opt directory only. Check the disk space in your selected directory using the df -k command to ensure that you have enough space for the products you want to install. You can find the disk space requirements in the release notes at /cdrom/s1s7cc_v10n1/release_notes.txt.If you have determined that you have sufficient space in your selected installation directory, and you see an error message indicating that you do not have enough space, you can click Next to proceed with the installation. If you are installing in the /opt directory and you see this error message, you need to ensure that you have enough free disk space before proceeding.

13. If you did not choose to install the Forte Developer 7 to Forte Developer 6 update 2 (FD6u2) Connector in step 7, skip to step 14. If you did choose to install the connector, then the installer prompts you for the directory in which your Forte Developer 6 update 2 software is installed.

Note - To install this connector, you must already have Forte Developer 6 update 2 software installed.

Verify that the directory path shown is correct for your installed Forte Developer 6 update 2 software. If the path is not correct, type the correct path. Press Enter to continue.

A list of products and components is shown for verification.

14. Verify the list of products and components and do one of the following:

  • Type 1 if you want to proceed with installation.
  • Type 2 if you want to start over from step 4.
  • Type 3 if you want to exit installation.

If you typed 1 to proceed with installation, a progress indicator appears.

15. When installation is complete, you can view a product's log file by typing the number that corresponds to that product. When you finish viewing the log files, type the number that corresponds to Done.

16. Remove the CD-ROM from the disk drive.

17. If you performed the installation using a remote display, follow these steps. If you did not use a remote display, skip to step 18.

a. On the display computer, disable client access by typing the following:

# xhost - source-computer-name

b. Exit from superuser privileges on the source computer by typing:

# exit

18. Exit from superuser privileges on the display computer by typing:

# exit

19. To set up your access to the Forte Developer tools and man page, set your PATH and MANPATH variables by following the steps in Setting Up Access to the Developer Tools and Man Pages.

Note - You can review HTML versions of the readme files for the Forte Developer 7 software located in /install_directory/SUNWspro/docs/index.html for specific information on new features, problems and workarounds, documentation errors, and software corrections. Text versions of the readme files are located at /install_directory/SUNWspro/READMEs.

Setting Up Access to the Developer Tools and Man Pages

Because the Forte Developer 7 software product components and man pages are not installed into the system directories/usr/bin/ and /usr/share/man, you must change your PATH and MANPATH environment variables to enable use of the Forte Developer 7 software.

Note - The paths shown in this section assume that Forte Developer packages are installed in the default /opt directory. If you installed the software in a different directory, replace /opt in the examples with that directory.

Set the PATH and MANPATH variables in your home .cshrc file if you are using the C shell, or your home .profile file if you are using the Bourne shell or Korn shell.

For more information about the PATH and MANPATH environment variables, the SunOStrademark man page csh(1) describes the PATH variable for the C shell, the sh(1) man page describes the PATH variable for the Bourne shell, and the ksh(1) man page describes the PATH variable for the Korn shell. The man(1) man page describes the MANPATH variable.

Setting Your PATH Environment Variable So You Can Access Forte Developer Tools

To use the Forte Developer 7 software commands, your PATH environment variable must contain the path /opt/SUNWspro/bin. To determine whether you need to set your PATH environment variable, follow these steps:

1. Display the current value of the PATH variable by typing:

% echo $PATH

2. Review the output for a string of paths that contain /opt/SUNWspro/bin.

  • If you find the path, your PATH variable is already set to access Forte Developer tools. (The /opt path can be replaced by an alternative install path.)
  • If you do not find the path, set your PATH variable as described in the next step.

3. Add the path /opt/SUNWspro/bin/ to your PATH environment variable.

  • If you are using the C shell, edit your home .cshrc file to add the path.
  • If you are using the Bourne shell or Korn shell, edit your home .profile file to add the path.

Setting Your MANPATH Environment Variable So You Can Access Forte Developer Man Pages

To access Forte Developer 7 software man pages with the man command, your MANPATH environment variable must contain the path /opt/SUNWspro/man. To determine whether you need to set your MANPATH environment variable, follow these steps:

1. Request the dbx(1) man page by typing:

% man dbx

2. Review the output, if any.

If the man dbx command cannot find the dbx(1) man page, or if the page that is displayed is not for the version of the software you just installed, you do not have the MANPATH variable set correctly. Set your PATH variable as described in the next step.

3. Add the path /opt/SUNWspro/man/ to your MANPATH environment variable.

  • If you are using the C shell, edit your home .cshrc file to add the path.
  • If you are using the Bourne shell or Korn shell, edit your home .profile file to add the path.

Adding the Changes to the Appropriate Environment Variable

The following procedure lets you permanently add the paths for the Forte Developer 7 tools and man pages to the appropriate environment variables so that all Forte Developer 7 components are always available. These commands can also be entered at a shell prompt to temporarily enable that shell only.

1. Add the Forte Developer 7 software to your PATH and MANPATH variables.

Note - The PATH and MANPATH variables must be set to include Forte Developer 7 software in each user's environment, which allows each user to use the installed software.

  • If you are using the C shell (csh), first determine if your MANPATH variable is already set. At a shell prompt, type the command:
  • % echo $MANPATH

If the response is "Undefined variable" (C shell) or an empty line (Bourne shell or Korn shell), the MANPATH variable is not set. If paths to one or more man directories are displayed, the variable is set.
Now edit the .cshrc file in your home directory and add the following line at the end of the file:
set path=(/opt/SUNWspro/bin  $path)

If the MANPATH variable is not already set, add the following line:
setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWspro/man:/usr/share/man

If the MANPATH variable is already set, add the following line instead:
setenv MANPATH /opt/SUNWspro/man:$MANPATH

  • If you are using the Bourne or Korn shells (sh or ksh), edit the .profile file in your home directory and add the following lines:
  • PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin${PATH:+:}${PATH}

Do not type any spaces in these two lines.

2. Save the .cshrc file or .profile file that you modified in step 1.

3. Reinitialize your shell by executing the following command:

For the C shell, type:

source ~/.cshrc

For the Bourne shell or Korn shell, type:

. ~/.profile

You are now ready to use your Forte Developer 7 software.

Upgrading From Try and Buy Software

There are two ways to install your permanent serial number.

  • Use the product installer to install the serial number.
When you upgrade from Try and Buy software to purchased software, you do not have to reinstall the software product. You only need to install your permanent serial number by using the provided installer. Follow the steps in Using the Graphical User Interface Installer, and when you have successfully entered your serial number, you can exit from the installer.
  • Use the Serial Number Installation Tool.
This software provides a utility called the Serial Number Installation Tool (snit). This utility can be used to display the contents of a license file and to install serial numbers into the license file. Refer to the snit(1) man page for details.