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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Standard Edition Sun[tm] ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java[tm] with Application Server 7 Tutorial

Introducing Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java

Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java technology developers. Based on the modular, open source NetBeans[tm] Tools Platform, the Sun ONE Studio IDE is ideal for building and deploying Web services across multiple hardware and software platforms. This modular, extensible IDE enables fast adoption of new technologies from Sun, Sun's partners, and the community.

In addition to the J2EE[tm] web application, XML and other development features offered in Sun ONE Studio 4, Community Edition, the Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java product offers the following features and benefits:

Studio Feature

Benefit to Developers

Enterprise JavaBeans[tm] (EJB[tm]) 2.0 Workshop


Rapid development of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.3 Enterprise Applications.

Create, extend, and test EJB components such as message-driven, session, BMP entity, and CMP entity beans. Work can be done in a logical bean view that allows you to focus on business methods while Sun ONE Studio handles the plumbing.


Assemble applications from EJBs and package applications for deployment


Rapid deployment of enterprise applications while minimizing errors.

Create, develop, and deploy J2EE applications and export J2EE standard EAR files. The assembly module provides:

  • Automatic generation of EJB jar and EAR files
  • Property sheets for editing deployment descriptors
  • Automatic recognition of standard EJB jar files
  • Wizard-driven EJB module and J2EE application assembly
  • Resolve/Link EJB references
  • Resolve application level security roles
  • Override or propagate EJB deployment descriptor information
  • Explorer view of application
  • Create and develop EJB modules and export EJB .jar file.

Application server integration for deployment


Shorter iterative development cycles through integrated tools.


For more product information, see the Sun ONE Studio 4 page on the Sun Microsystems web site.

Sun ONE Studio 4 Integration with Sun ONE Application Server 7

When using Sun ONE Studio 4, Enterprise Edition for Java with Sun ONE Application Server 7, enterprise developers benefit from many features that combine to give seamless integration between the IDE and the application server.


Studio Feature

Sun ONE Application Server Extension

CMP Mapping


Developers can browse database tables, select related tables and automatically generate Container Managed Persistence (CMP) EJBs.


Server Runtime Control


Developers can easily register both local and remote application servers and start and stop application server instances.


Resource Configuration


Before deploying applications, developers can register J2EE resources in any of the registered application servers. JDBC[tm] resources and connection pools, JMS resources, and a variety of other resources can be configured from within the IDE.


Application Deployment


Developers can select from the list of registered application servers and leverage the dynamic ("hot") deployment and redeployment features supported in Sun ONE Application Server 7.


Debugging and Log Viewing


Debugging against deployed applications on both local and remote application server instances is simple. No manual configuration of the application servers is necessary.

While debugging applications, developers can also view the server event log files from within the IDE.


Proceed to Setting Up Your Development Environment to either install the Sun ONE Studio 4 IDE or to configure an existing installation of the IDE to work the application server.

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