Signed Patches Administration Guide for PatchPro 2.2

How to Install the Patch Management Tool in Non-Interactive Mode

Use the setup command with the -f option if you want to perform a hands-off installation. This command can be used to perform a custom JumpStart installation.

If you want to install and configure the patch management tool in interactive mode, see How to Install and Configure the Patch Management Tool in Interactive Mode.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Change to the directory in which you downloaded the tar file.

    # cd /export/download/patchpro
  3. Run the setup command to install the tool.

    For example, install the Solaris 9 (x86 Platform Edition) version of the patch management tool:

    # cd pproSunOSx865.9jre2.2
    # ./setup -f

Caution – Caution –

After the patch management tool is installed, you must configure it by running the pprosetup command. See How to Set Up Your Patch Management Environment After a Non-Interactive Installation or Upgrade.

If not configured, the patch management tool will not be functional.