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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Installation Guide

Chapter 4
Completing a Solaris 9 Bundled Installation

There are two kinds of Solaris 9 distributions for the Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Application Server 7: bundled and unbundled. If you received your copy of the Sun ONE Application Server as part of the Solaris 9 installation, you have the Solaris bundled version.

If you received a standalone copy of the Sun ONE Application Server, you have the unbundled version.


If you are using the unbundled Solaris version of the Sun ONE Application Server, or if you are using the Microsoft Windows version, you do not need to perform the tasks in this chapter because a domain, an Admin Server, and a server instance are automatically created.

This chapter provides instructions for completing your Solaris 9 bundled installation.

The following topics are addressed here:

About Solaris 9 Installation

The Sun ONE Application Server software that is installed as part of a Solaris 9 installation contains only the necessary libraries, executables and other files required to support the Sun ONE Application Server. No application server configuration exists upon installation.

To create an initial configuration, you must use the asadmin command line interface with the create-domain subcommand to create a Sun ONE Application Server administrative domain.

You will be creating both the Admin Server and application server instance configurations.

Creating an Administrative Domain

When you create an administrative domain, you create an Admin Server. The Admin Server is a special instance of the Sun ONE Application Server that serves the Administration interface and provides administrative facilities for the command-line interface.

When you create a new domain, you specify:

By default, the create-domain subcommand creates the new administrative domain configuration under /var/appserver/domains/. If you are logged in as a user that does not have write permissions to this area, you must specify a suitable location when creating the administrative domain. Specify the location in which to create the domain configuration using the --path option of the create-domain subcommand.

To create an administrative domain, perform these steps:

  1. Verify that the /usr/sbin directory is included in your path. If it has not been added, refer to "Setting the PATH Environment Variable" for instructions.
  2. From the command line, run the following command to create a new administrative domain called domain1:

  3. Note

    To create a domain, non-root users must be part of the asadmin group.

    asadmin create-domain --path <domain_config_dir> --adminport 4848 --adminuser admin --adminpassword password domain1

    where domain_config_dir specifies the location under which the administrative domain configuration will be created. The --adminport, --adminuser, and --adminpassword options specify the initial settings of the new administrative server defined for the domain.

    If the name domain1 has already been used, run the create-domain subcommand again with another domain name. You can use periods and other characters in your domain names. You could use your login user name as a qualifier to help ensure that your domain name is unique. For example: ckamps.domain1.

    The following message should be displayed:

    Created Domain domain1 successfully

  4. Run the list-domains subcommand to see a list of all of the domains configured for the Sun ONE Application Server installation:
  5. asadmin list-domains
    [<domain_config_dir> domain1]

    where the value of domain_config_dir represents either the default location for newly created administrative domains or the value specified on the --path option of the create-domain subcommand.

For more information on how to prepare your Sun ONE Application Server environment after Solaris 9 installation, consult the Getting Started chapter of the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Starting the Administration Server

To use the graphical Administration interface or to use many of the commands in the command-line interface, you must have a running Admin Server. Follow the instructions in "Starting and Stopping the Server" to start the Sun ONE Application Server.

Creating an Application Server Instance

After you have created a domain and started the Admin Server, you need to create an application server instance. Each application server instance has its own J2EE configuration, J2EE resources, application deployment areas, and server configuration settings. (On the unbundled version, the server instance that is automatically created at installation is called server1. You will often see server1 used in examples throughout the documentation.)

You can create an application server instance through the Administration interface or through the command-line interface. The server instance is created in a folder within the domain.


Creating an application server instance under your own administrative domain does not require that your user ID be part of the UNIX group that has write privileges to the domain configuration files.

To create an application server instance:

  1. Verify that the Admin Server is running.
  2. Run the create-instance subcommand:
  3. asadmin create-instance --domain domain1 --instanceport 80 server1

    where domain1 is the domain name specified during domain creation, 80 is the HTTP server port number of the application server instance, and server1 is the name of the instance. Specify appropriate values for these options depending on your specific environment.


    Because port numbers lower than 1024 are not accessible to non-root users, you will need to specify a port number greater than 1024 if you are logged in as a non-root user.

If you have only a single administrative domain defined on your system, you do not need to specify the target domain name when creating an instance.

For more information on how to set up your Sun ONE Application Server environment after a Solaris 9 installation, consult the Sun ONE Application Server Administrator's Guide.

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