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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Installation Guide

Chapter 7
Uninstalling the Sun ONE Application Server Software

This chapter contains instructions for uninstalling the Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Application Server 7 software from your system.

The following topics are addressed here:

What You’re Uninstalling

All components in the current Sun ONE Application Server installation directory, except for the Java™ 2 Software Development Kit (J2SE), are automatically selected for uninstallation. You cannot choose to uninstall individual components.


If you need to remove the Sun ONE Application Server from your system, it is important to use the uninstall routine described here. If you attempt another method, problems will arise when you try to reinstall the same version, or when you install a new version.

Uninstalling the Sun ONE Application Server Software

The uninstallation program detects any running Sun ONE Application Server processes and stops them before continuing to uninstall.


If your J2SE is installed in a directory other than /usr/j2se, you must use the following command:

./uninstall -javahome valid_j2se_directory

where valid_j2se_directory is the path to your J2SE 1.4.1_04 installation.

To uninstall the Sun ONE Application Server software, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your machine’s Sun ONE Application Server 7 installation directory.
  2. Invoke the uninstallation program as follows:
    • On UNIX, type one of the following commands at the command prompt:
      • To use the graphical interface:
      • ./uninstall

      • To use the command-line interface:
      • ./uninstall -console

    • On Microsoft Windows:
      1. Navigate to the Control Panel
      2. Choose Add/Remove Programs.
      3. Select Sun ONE Application Server from the list of installed programs.
      4. Click Remove.
      5. The Welcome page of the uninstallation program is displayed as follows.

        This screen capture shows the Welcome page of the uninstallation program.

  3. Read the Welcome page and click Next (or press Enter at the command line) to continue.
  4. The following Ready to Uninstall page is displayed showing a list of Sun ONE Application Server components to uninstall.

    This screen capture shows the Ready to Install page of the uninstallation program.

  5. Click Uninstall Now (or press Enter on the command line) to start the uninstallation process.
  6. The Uninstallation progress indicator bar is displayed.

    When uninstallation finishes, the following Uninstall Summary screen is displayed.

    This screen capture shows the Uninstall Summary page of the uninstallation program.

  7. Review the details by clicking Details.
  8. A details listing similar to the following displays the top portion of the log file. Complete information on the uninstallation can be found in the log file specified at the end of the details listing.

    This screen capture shows the detail results of the uninstallation program.

  9. Click Close (or press Enter at the command line) to quit the uninstallation program.
  10. Verify that uninstallation succeeded by checking to see that the Sun ONE Application Server components have been removed from your system.

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