Ximian Evolution 1.4 Sun Microsystems Edition User Guide

Configuring Your Sun Java System Calendar Server Account

The Sun Java System Calendar Server connector for Evolution allows you to use Evolution as a client for the Sun Java System Calendar Server.

To configure a Sun Java System Calendar Server account, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Tools -> Settings.

  2. Click on Sun One accounts in the left pane of the Evolution Settings dialog. A table for Sun Java System Calendar Server accounts is displayed in the right pane.

  3. Click Add. An Add new account dialog is displayed.

  4. Enter the Sun Java System Calendar Server account information in the Add new account dialog. The following table describes the elements on the Add new account dialog:



    Account Name

    Type a short account name. 


    Select one of the following protocols from the drop-down list:

    • http: Select this protocol for normal operation.

    • https: Select this protocol for additional security.

    If you are not sure which protocol to specify, contact your Sun Java System Calendar Server system administrator.


    Type the name of the server that you use for Sun Java System Calendar Server. For example, sunone.internal.company.com.


    Type the port number to use for Sun Java System Calendar Server.


    Type the username that you use to log in to Sun Java System Calendar Server. Usernames are case sensitive.

    Do not enter your password in this dialog. Sun Java System Calendar Server asks for the password when you access the account.

    Poll Interval (min)

    Use this spin box to specify how frequently to check the server for updates. 

  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the Add new account dialog. Evolution checks your Sun Java System Calendar Server account information, then displays an Information dialog that tells you that you must restart Evolution for these settings to take effect.

  6. Restart Evolution.