Sun Patch Manager 2.0 Administration Guide for the Solaris 9 Operating System

ProcedureHow to Initially Configure Your Local Patch Server (Command Line)

Before you can use a system as a local patch server, you must ensure that the Sun Patch Manager 2.0 software is installed, configure and start the local patch server, and configure clients to communicate with the local patch server.

A Solaris 9 system with at least the Developer Solaris Software Group (SUNWCdev) installed is suitable to be a patch server on your intranet. You must install Sun Patch Manager 2.0 for Solaris 9.

You can obtain this software from the Sun Download Center at

Note –

If your local patch server uses a web proxy to connect to the Internet, you must specify information about the web proxy. See How to Change Configuration Settings for Your Local Patch Server (Command Line).

  1. As superuser, log in to the system that you plan to use as your local patch server.

  2. Determine whether the SUNWpsvru and SUNWpsvrr packages are installed on the system.

    # pkginfo | grep SUNWpsvr
    system      SUNWpsvrr      Patch Server Deployment (Root)
    system      SUNWpsvru      Patch Server Deployment (Usr)

    If the packages are not installed, you must install them before continuing this task.

  3. If needed, specify the web proxy that your local patch server uses to connect to the Internet.

    # patchsvr setup -x web-proxy-name:port

    If you do not have the web proxy information, contact your network administrator.

  4. Specify the patch source.

    Your local patch server can point to a different source of patches. This patch source can be used to fulfill patch download requests that cannot be fulfilled by your local patch server. By default, the source of patches for your local patch server is the Sun patch server.

    • To specify the next patch server in the chain of local patch servers, type:

      # patchsvr setup -p http://server-name:3816/solaris/
    • To specify a collection of patches on the local patch server, type:

      # patchsvr setup -p file:/directory-name
    • To specify the Sun patch server, which is the default, type:

      # patchsvr setup -p

      The local collection of patches can be in a directory, on a CD, or on a remote file system.

  5. Start your local patch server.

    # patchsvr start
  6. (Optional) Enable your local patch server so that it is started each time the system boots.

    # patchsvr enable

Example 7–1 Initially Configuring Your Local Patch Server

Each of these examples verify that the Sun Patch Manager 2.0 software is installed on the system.