SunVTS Quick Reference

Starting the SunVTS Software

Follow these steps to start SunVTS.

procedure icon  To Start SunVTS

1. Become superuser (root) and change directories to the SunVTS bin directory
(/opt/SUNWvts/bin by default).

2. If you are testing a local system type the following:

# ./sunvts 

3. If you are testing a remote machine that is running the SunVTS kernel, type the following:

# ./sunvts -h remote_hostname

Replace remote_hostname with the hostname of the remote machine.

Note - As of SunVTS 5.0, the SunVTS OPEN LOOK user interface is no longer supported.

procedure icon  To Start SunVTS Using the SunVTS TTY Interface

1. Type the following:

# ./sunvts -t

describes the common TTY interface command keys.

TABLE 1 Common TTY Interface Command Keys




Selects another panel; the selected panel is surrounded by asterisks (*)


Selects an option or displays a menu

Space bar

Toggles (enables/disables) a choice

Arrow Keys

Moves the cursor in a selected panel


Discards a pop-up menu or window


Scrolls forward in option windows


Scrolls backward in option windows


Quits the TTY Interface, but leaves the SunVTS kernel running on the test machine

SunVTS CDE Main Window

FIGURE 1 shows the SunVTS CDE main window.

FIGURE 1 SunVTS CDE Main Window

Screenshot of the SunVTS CDE main window.[ D ]

FIGURE 2 shows the SunVTS menu bar:

FIGURE 2 SunVTS Menus From the Menu Bar

Screenshots of the SunVTS CDE main menus from the main menu bar.

Commands Menu

The Commands menu has the following functions.

View Menu

The view menu has the following options:

Options Menu

The Options menu has the following options:

Reports Menu

The Reports menu contains the System Configuration menu, which displays or prints System Configuration. It displays, prints, or removes log file information.

DSched Menu

The DSched menu provides access to the SunVTS Deterministic Scheduler as follows:

Help Menu

The Help menu provides access to the SunVTS version that is running and to a table that lists which versions of SunVTS run on the Solaris operating environment releases. The Help Menu also provides a link to the SunVTS user's guide and test reference manual for online help.

Quick Access Buttons

Status Panel

The system status panel displays the following:

System Map

You can view devices in the System map as follows:

Note - Use the View right arrow Open System Map command to expand collapsed groups in the system map.

The system map also provides access to the test options for each group and device, and displays the results of device testing:

Select Devices

With the Select Devices menu you can select the following:

Select Test Mode

With the Select Mode option you can select the following:

Test Message Panel

Test messages are displayed in the SunVTS console window, which displays errors and status.

SunVTS CDE Option Menu Dialog Boxes

FIGURE 3 displays the SunVTS CDE option menu dialog boxes:

FIGURE 3 SunVTS CDE Option Menu Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of the SunVTS CDE option menu dialog boxes.

SunVTS CDE Option Menu Dialog Box Descriptions

These dialog boxes are displayed from the selections available in the Options Menu.

Note - Use arrows to increase or decrease dialog box values.

Threshold Options

Notify Options

Schedule Options

Test Execution Options

Advanced Options

Option Files

Store Option File