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Sun Java System Applications Server Enterprise Edition 8.1 2004Q4 Beta Installation Guide 

Chapter 1
Installing Application Server 8 Software

This chapter provides instructions for installing the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 software. You can install interactively or use silent mode to replicate an installation scenario on multiple machines.

The following topics are addressed:

For any late-breaking updates to these instructions, check the Sun Java System Application Server Release Notes.

For more information about configuring your application server after installation, refer to the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.

The following location contains product downloads and other useful information:

About the Application Server Installation

The Sun Java System Application Server product is made up of a number of software components that work together to create the Sun Java System Application Server experience. Among the choices for installation are:

This section addresses the following topics:

Installation Components

In general, you are installing the basic components that provide the functionality of the Sun Java System Application Server product. You can choose not to install some of the components. Later, if you want to add a component that you initially chose not to install, you can do an incremental installation of that component, providing dependencies are met.


A partial installation can be followed by any number of incremental installations. For silent mode, you can do a partial initial installation, but any subsequent installations must be done using an interactive method.

The installation program enforces component dependencies as specified for each component. Once component dependencies are satisfied, component life cycles are independent. A particular component can be installed dynamically through incremental installation without corrupting other components. However, partial uninstallation is not supported.

The following installation components are included with the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition product:

The following additional components are included with the Sun Java System Application product:

Installation Methods

Three methods of installation are available:

The setup command allows you to specify the method of installation, and allows you to create a configuration file for silent installation. The syntax is:

bundle_filename [-console [-savestate config_file]] [-savestate config_file] [-silent config_file] [-javahome java_home_dir] [-h || -help]

Table 1-1 describes the command options.

Table 1-1  Options for installation




Runs the installation using the command-line method.

-silent config_file

Runs the installation in silent mode. Installation parameters are read from an existing installation configuration file. This option is mutually exclusive with the savestate option.

The installation configuration file path must be explicitly provided; there is no default file path. Refer to Installing in Silent Mode for further specifics on silent mode installation and the installation configuration file.

-savestate config_file

Runs the installation using either the graphical or command-line method and creates an installation configuration file based on this installation. This option is mutually exclusive with the silent option. If you do not specify this option, no installation configuration file is created.



-h || -help

Displays the available command-line arguments for the installation command.

Table 1-2 identifies the command for each installation method.

Table 1-2  Installation commands

Installation Method

Installation Command

Graphical interface (default)


Command-line interface

./bundle_filename -console

Graphical interface for creating configuration file for silent mode installation1

./bundle_filename -savestate config_file

Silent mode based on an existing installation configuration file

./bundle_filename -silent config_file

Display available Command-line arguments for the setup command

./bundle_filename -help

1The file, called statefile, is created in install_dir.

Installing Application Server Software

This section provides instructions for installing the Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition 8 software.

  1. After you have planned the topology, run the installation program.
    1. To run the installation program that uses the graphical interface, at the command prompt, type ./ bundle_filename.
    2. To run the installation program that uses the command-line interface, at the command prompt, type ./ bundle_filename -console

    3. Note

      If you are installing the load balancer plug-in, your web server must already be installed. Refer to Installing the Load Balancer Plug-in Component.

  2. Follow the installation wizard screens to accept the license agreement, and specify the path to the Application Server installation directory; or accept the default installation directory.
  3. Select the components you wish to install.
  4. If a component is disabled, the installation program has detected it as already installed on your system.

    If you do not already have your web server installed on the machine where you are installing the load balancer plug-in, you cannot continue to install the load-balancer plug-in.

  5. Choose to install the Java 2 SDK, or use a preinstalled Java 2 SDK.
    • If the correct version of the Java 2 SDK is installed, it is reused or you can enter the path to another correct version.
    • If no Java 2 SDK is installed, you can choose to let the installation program install the Java 2 SDK package automatically.
    • If you choose to install the Java 2 SDK, a private copy is installed in install_dir.
    • The default Java 2 SDK installation path for all platforms is install_dir/jdk.


      The Sun Java System Application Server Enterprise Edition software is certified to work with Java 2 SDK from Sun Microsystems. Third-party Java 2 SDK development kits, even with appropriate version number, are not supported.

      The default server domain directory is: install_dir/domains.

  6. If you selected the load balancer plug-in component, identify your web server and its installation directory.
  7. In the Admin Configuration page (or at the command line), enter the following:
    • Admin User Name—Name of the user who administers the server
    • Password—Admin user’s password to access the Admin Server (8-character minimum)
    • Master Password—Password to start the Domain Administration Server
    • Admin Port—Port number to access the Domain Administration Server
    • HTTP Port—Port number to access the default server instance
    • HTTPS Port—Secure port number to access the default server instance

    • Note

      The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports for the default settings.

      The default ports are 4849 for the Admin Server, 8080 for the HTTP Server, and 8181 for the HTTPS Server.

  8. In the Node Agent Configuration page, if you are installing the Application Server only, and not the Domain Application Server, enter the following:
    • Admin User Name—Name of the user who administers the server
    • Admin Password—Admin user’s password (8-character minimum)
    • Master Password—Password to start the Node Agent
    • Admin Host Name—Host name of the Domain Administration Server
    • Admin Port—Port number to access the default server instance
    • Node Agent Name—Defaults to the system host name

    • Note

      The admin user name, admin password, master password, admin host name and admin port parameters should correspond to the location and authentication information of the Domain Administration Server, which is used to administer node agent and server instance on this system.

      If the Domain Administration Server is already installed on using these values:

      Admin User Name: admin
      Admin Password: adminadmin
      Master Password: masterpassword
      Admin Host Name: hostname
      Admin Port: 4849

      enter these same values while installing Application Server on another system.

      Because node agent names must be unique within each server domain, it is recommended that you do not change the node agent name.

  9. In the Installation Options page, select the options that you want.
  10. The installation program verifies the available disk space on your machine. If you do not have enough disk space, an error message is displayed. Consult the Sun Java System Application Server Release Notes to identify the minimum disk space required.
  11. In the Ready to Install page, verify the information on what is to be installed, and click Install Now to start the installation (or enter yes at the command line).
  12. When the installation is complete, read the installation summary page to determine the status of the installation. If the installation is successful, click Finish.
  13. If the installation is unsuccessful, consult the log files located at:

    • Install Log files:
      • For Solaris SPARC and x86 root user: /var/sadm/install/logs/Install_Application_Server_8EE_timestamp.log
      • For Solaris SPARC and x86 non-root user: /var/tmp/Install_Application_Server_8EE_timestamp.log
      • For Linux root and non-root user: /var/tmp/Install_Application_Server_8EE_timestamp.log
      • For Windows root and non-root user: %TEMP%\Install_Application_Server_8EE_timestamp.log
    • Low-level log files:
      • Solaris (root installation): /var/sadm/install/logs/Sun_Java_System_Application_Server_Enterprise_Edition_install.Btimestamp
      • Solaris (non-root installation): /var/tmp/Sun_Java_System_Application_Server_Enterprise_Edition_install.Btimestamp
      • Linux: /var/tmp/Sun_Java_System_Application_Server_Enterprise_Edition_install.Btimestamp
      • Windows: %TEMP%\Sun_Java_System_Application_Server_Enterprise_Edition_install.Btimestamp
  14. See the Sun Java System Application Server 8 2004Q4 Quick Start Guide in the install_dir/docs-ee directory for information about starting the server.

If you selected the HADB components:

  1. Verify that you have successfully installed the HADB on each host by typing: hadbm --help
  2. A list of all commands available using the hadbm utility is displayed. The hadbm is located at install_dir/hadb/4/bin.

  3. Configure your system for high availability. See Chapter 2, "Preparing for HADB Setup."

Installing the Load Balancer Plug-in Component

To install the load balancer plug-in component:

  1. Check the system hosting the web server and load balancer plug-in to see if a previously-installed load balancer plug-in or reverse proxy plug-in is present. If it is, remove it using the uninstallation program.
  2. Verify that the supported web server is installed on the machines where you are going to install the load balancer plug-in.

  3. Note

    You must install the web server and the load balancer plug-in using the same access permissions.

    Consult the Sun Java System Application Server 8 2004Q4 Release Notes to identify currently supported Web Server versions.

  4. Identify your web server and the web server instance path.
  5. The Installation Summary page is displayed indicating the installation status.

Installing in Silent Mode

Silent mode installation runs without any user input checking a configuration file to obtain the installation information. The following topics are discussed:

Creating the Installation Configuration File

The installation configuration file is created when you use the savestate option with the setup command to start a interactive installation. During the interactive installation, your input is collected and stored in the configuration file you specified. This forms the template for silent installation, which you can use later to install the product on one or more machines. If needed, you can modify the installation configuration file.

The following topics are addressed:

Syntax for Creating the Installation Configuration File

The syntax for creating an installation configuration file is as follows:

For graphical method: ./bundle_filename -savestate filename

For command-line method: ./bundle_filename -console -savestate filename

Refer to Installation Methods for more detailed information.

Example Installation Configuration File

An installation configuration file looks similar to the following:


# Wizard Statefile created: Tue Aug 10 11:33:59 PDT 2004

# Wizard path: /var/tmp/sjsasAAA5ZaaaR/appserv.class



# Install Wizard Statefile section for J2EE 1.4 SDK



[STATE_BEGIN J2EE 1.4 SDK 6684bbcb8d348bf04952a1c7a625e26689a21146]

defaultInstallDirectory = /home/xyz/SUNWappserver

currentInstallDirectory = /opt/tmp

SELECTED_COMPONENTS = Domain Admin Server#Node Agent#PointBase Server 4.8#


JDK_LOCATION = /usr/j2se




INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD = nklquxpcopmkjkjarvqzvanqzva

INST_MASTER_PASSWORD = npohjtiehancyynoucqzva123
















[STATE_DONE J2EE 1.4 SDK 6684bbcb8d348bf04952a1c7a625e26689a21146]

Modifying the Installation Configuration File

You can modify the installation configuration file by editing the variables and values described in Table 1-4.

Table 1-3  Installation Configuration File Variables

Variable Name

Valid Values (if applicable)





Default installation directory path




Selected installation directory path




List of product components selected for installation

Modification is not recommended.



Whether to install JDK bundled with the product

If this value is set to FALSE, the J2SE path referenced by JDK_LOCATION is used.


Sun ONE Web Server,
Microsoft IIS Web Server (Windows only),
Apache HTTP Server





JDK path

Preinstalled JDK path, relevant only if USE_BUNDLED_J2SE is set to FALSE.



Selected web server instance directory path

Relevant only if the Load Balancer Plug-in component is selected for installation.



Administrator user name for initial domain




Administrator password for initial Domain Administration Server

This entry is obfuscated by default.

See also description of ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED variable.



Administrator password for initial Domain Administration Server

This entry is obfuscated by default.

See also description of ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED variable.


0 - 65535

Administration server port number for initial Domain Administration Server



0 - 65535

Server port number for initial initial Domain Administration Server instance



0 - 65535









Obfuscated admin password flag

In initial statefile created by product installer this flag is set to TRUE, since the admin password value is obfuscated for security reasons.

To override the value for admin password, enter values of INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD and INST_MASTER_PASSWORD in clear text and set this flag to TRUE to enable silent installation to process it correctly.


0 - 65535

JMS port number for initial Domain Administration Server



0 - 65535

ORB port number for initial server instance



0 - 65535

Secure ORB port number for initial Domain Administration Server



0 - 65535

Mutual authentication ORB port number for initial Domain Administration Server



0 - 65535

JMX port number for initial Domain Administration Server



0 - 65535

PointBase server port number




Whether to create additional samples server domain.




Name of the Domain Administration Server to be used to administer the server.




Whether to update PATH environment variable to include Application Server bin directory.

Valid only for Windows platforms and is disregarded otherwise.



Whether to install and use bundled J2SE

If this value is set to FALSE, the J2SE path referenced by JDK_LOCATION is used.


You cannot re-use the configuration file created for one distribution on other distributions, editions, or versions of the Application Server software.

To view the results of the silent installation, refer to the log file.

Installing in Silent Mode

To install the Sun Java System Application Server software in silent mode:

  1. Review configuration file and verify that it contains what you want to use for your silent installation.
  2. Copy your installation configuration file to each machine where you plan to install the Sun Java System Application Server software.
  3. Copy the Sun Java System Application Server installation files to each machine where you plan to install the Application Server software.
  4. Navigate to the directory where you copied the installation files and your installation configuration file.
  5. As superuser, start silent installation at the command line using the following command format: ./bundle_filename -silent config_file
  6. The installation program reads the specified config_file, checks for adequate disk space, then installs the product based on the data in config_file.

    When the prompt is returned, the silent installation is complete and the installation components are installed on your systems.

  7. You can start the Application Server software by using the instructions in the Sun Java System Application Server Administration Guide.
  8. When the Admin Console is started, the initial page of the Application Server graphical interface is displayed.

You are now ready to configure your system for high availability. To begin this process, see Chapter 2, "Preparing for HADB Setup."

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Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.